980 resultados para Centrifugal Distortion


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High quality wind measurements in cities are needed for numerous applications including wind engineering. Such data-sets are rare and measurement platforms may not be optimal for meteorological observations. Two years' wind data were collected on the BT Tower, London, UK, showing an upward deflection on average for all wind directions. Wind tunnel simulations were performed to investigate flow distortion around two scale models of the Tower. Using a 1:160 scale model it was shown that the Tower causes a small deflection (ca. 0.5°) compared to the lattice on top on which the instruments were placed (ca. 0–4°). These deflections may have been underestimated due to wind tunnel blockage. Using a 1:40 model, the observed flow pattern was consistent with streamwise vortex pairs shed from the upstream lattice edge. Correction factors were derived for different wind directions and reduced deflection in the full-scale data-set by <3°. Instrumental tilt caused a sinusoidal variation in deflection of ca. 2°. The residual deflection (ca. 3°) was attributed to the Tower itself. Correction of the wind-speeds was small (average 1%) therefore it was deduced that flow distortion does not significantly affect the measured wind-speeds and the wind climate statistics are reliable.


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This paper proposes a solution to the problems associated with network latency within distributed virtual environments. It begins by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous distributed models, in the areas of user and object representation and user-to-user interaction. By introducing a hybrid solution, which utilises the concept of a causal surface, the advantages of both synchronous and asynchronous models are combined. Object distortion is a characteristic feature of the hybrid system, and this is proposed as a solution which facilitates dynamic real-time user collaboration. The final section covers implementation details, with reference to a prototype system available from the Internet.


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A rapid-distortion model is developed to investigate the interaction of weak turbulence with a monochromatic irrotational surface water wave. The model is applicable when the orbital velocity of the wave is larger than the turbulence intensity, and when the slope of the wave is sufficiently high that the straining of the turbulence by the wave dominates over the straining of the turbulence by itself. The turbulence suffers two distortions. Firstly, vorticity in the turbulence is modulated by the wave orbital motions, which leads to the streamwise Reynolds stress attaining maxima at the wave crests and minima at the wave troughs; the Reynolds stress normal to the free surface develops minima at the wave crests and maxima at the troughs. Secondly, over several wave cycles the Stokes drift associated with the wave tilts vertical vorticity into the horizontal direction, subsequently stretching it into elongated streamwise vortices, which come to dominate the flow. These results are shown to be strikingly different from turbulence distorted by a mean shear flow, when `streaky structures' of high and low streamwise velocity fluctuations develop. It is shown that, in the case of distortion by a mean shear flow, the tendency for the mean shear to produce streamwise vortices by distortion of the turbulent vorticity is largely cancelled by a distortion of the mean vorticity by the turbulent fluctuations. This latter process is absent in distortion by Stokes drift, since there is then no mean vorticity. The components of the Reynolds stress and the integral length scales computed from turbulence distorted by Stokes drift show the same behaviour as in the simulations of Langmuir turbulence reported by McWilliams, Sullivan & Moeng (1997). Hence we suggest that turbulent vorticity in the upper ocean, such as produced by breaking waves, may help to provide the initial seeds for Langmuir circulations, thereby complementing the shear-flow instability mechanism developed by Craik & Leibovich (1976). The tilting of the vertical vorticity into the horizontal by the Stokes drift tends also to produce a shear stress that does work against the mean straining associated with the wave orbital motions. The turbulent kinetic energy then increases at the expense of energy in the wave. Hence the wave decays. An expression for the wave attenuation rate is obtained by scaling the equation for the wave energy, and is found to be broadly consistent with available laboratory data.


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In this paper we report on a major empirical study of centripetal and centrifugal forces in the City of London financial services agglomeration. The study sheds light on (1) the manner and magnitude of firm interaction in the agglomeration; (2) the characteristics of the agglomeration that aid the competitiveness of incumbent firms; and (3) the problems associated with agglomeration. In addressing these issues, we use the data to (1) test emerging theory that explains the high productivity and innovation of agglomerations in terms of their ability to generate and diffuse knowledge; and (2) evaluate the ‘end of geography’ thesis.


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This paper reports a direct observation of an interesting split of the (022)(022) four-beam secondary peak into two (022) and (022) three-beam peaks, in a synchrotron radiation Renninger scan (phi-scan), as an evidence of the layer tetragonal distortion in two InGaP/GaAs (001) epitaxial structures with different thicknesses. The thickness, composition, (a perpendicular to) perpendicular lattice parameter, and (01) in-plane lattice parameter of the two epitaxial ternary layers were obtained from rocking curves (omega-scan) as well as from the simulation of the (022)(022) split, and then, it allowed for the determination of the perpendicular and parallel (in-plane) strains. Furthermore, (022)(022) omega:phi mappings were measured in order to exhibit the multiple diffraction condition of this four-beam case with their split measurement.


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The thesis study was a cross-cultural comparison of the biopsychosocial predictors of body image perception and ideals among 294 Australian and 101 Fijian adolescents. The results demonstrated similarities across cultural groups, but parents, peers and the media were stronger influences for Fijians. These findings have implications for body image intervention programs.The portfolio presented a thorough review of the evidence for the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) treatment option for adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD). Four case studies are presented.


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This thesis investigated the cracking and distortion of water jackets in engine blocks. The Taguchi method was utilized to improve production process and in doing so, reducing the scrap of water jacket cores by over 60%. Further, by altering core material and pouring temperature, casting distortion was improved.


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The project improves understanding of wear in slurry pumps. By measuring actual pump wear and microscopically examining worn surfaces, a clearer picture emerged of wear modes and mechanisms for different materials. This enables improved guidelines for material selection and modifications to hydraulic shape that increased pump wear life.


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The distortion operator transforms 2D images in a manner similar to image warping or morphing, allowing source pixels to be mapped to any destination pixel. This operator can be implemented on current hardware, allowing at least one distortion per frame at interactive frame rates. Potential applications are numerous, but those described include re-mapping images for correct projection onto curved screens, correcting camera distortion from multiple sources simultaneously, and allowing constant time dynamic texturing and lighting of a static scene which is independent of geometric complexity.


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A sound designed on a synth that evokes science fiction styles alarm or panic. A good sound for TV, Cinema styled projects.


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In this paper we explore how reanimating a video data sequence with editing and creative software provided an opportunity for the data to speak and to demand new and surprising responses from us. Our data-ing brought new lines and spaces to the fore, through a process of refraction and re-animation which forced a focus on embodied inter-relationships and impeded precipitous analytical thought on the part of the researcher. We note how the aesthetic of the new images evoked awareness of our own part in the production of the object of our research. In particular, our own collegial interchange, punctuated by time and distance due to our respective locations on opposite sides of the globe, opened up a space for data-lingering in the intervening silences and pauses. Our choice of images engenders and reflects our sense of movement between the `I’ and the `we’ in their depiction of students’ learning about space.


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The current educational context, with its emphasis upon outcomes and accountability, explicitly centralizes the work and role of the classroom teacher in the learning process. This paper argues that the teacher effectiveness debate increasingly represents an intensified incursion into the classroom in the belief that social and educational disadvantage may be overcome if improvements to the effectiveness of teachers and classroom instruction and practice occur.