958 resultados para Cell Debris Particle Size


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Laser-assisted killing of gold nanoparticle targeted macrophages was investigated. Using pressure transient detection, flash photography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging, we studied the mechanism of single cell damage by vapor bubble formation around gold nanospheres induced by nanosecond laser pulses. The influence of the number of irradiating laser pulses and of particle size and concentration on the threshold for acute cell damage was determined. While the single pulse damage threshold is independent of the particle size, the threshold decreases with increasing particle size when using trains of pulses. The dependence of the cell damage threshold on the nanoparticle concentration during incubation reveals that particle accumulation and distribution inside the cell plays a key role in tissue imaging or cell damaging.


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Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEMFC) is promising source of clean power in many applications ranging from portable electronics to automotive and land-based power generation. However, widespread commercialization of PEMFC is primarily challenged by degradation. The mechanisms of fuel cell degradation are not well understood. Even though the numbers of installed units around the world continue to increase and dominate the pre-markets, the present lifetime requirements for fuel cells cannot be guarantee, creating the need for a more comprehensive knowledge of material’s ageing mechanism. The objective of this project is to conduct experiments on membrane electrode assembly (MEA) components of PEMFC to study structural, mechanical, electrical and chemical changes during ageing and understanding failure/degradation mechanism. The first part of this project was devoted to surface roughness analysis on catalyst layer (CL) and gas diffusion layer (GDL) using surface mapping microscopy. This study was motivated by the need to have a quantitative understanding of the GDL and CL surface morphology at the submicron level to predict interfacial contact resistance. Nanoindentation studies using atomic force microscope (AFM) were introduced to investigate the effect of degradation on mechanical properties of CL. The elastic modulus was decreased by 45 % in end of life (EOL) CL as compare to beginning of life (BOL) CL. In another set of experiment, conductive AFM (cAFM) was used to probe the local electric current in CL. The conductivity drops by 62 % in EOL CL. The future task will include characterization of MEA degradation using Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy will help to detect degree of structural disorder in CL during degradation. FTIR will help to study the effect of CO in CL. XRD will be used to determine Pt particle size and its crystallinity. In-situ conductive AFM studies using electrochemical cell on CL to correlate its structure with oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) reactivity


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The tremendous application potential of nanosized materials stays in sharp contrast to a growing number of critical reports of their potential toxicity. Applications of in vitro methods to assess nanoparticles are severely limited through difficulties in exposing cells of the respiratory tract directly to airborne engineered nanoparticles. We present a completely new approach to expose lung cells to particles generated in situ by flame spray synthesis. Cerium oxide nanoparticles from a single run were produced and simultaneously exposed to the surface of cultured lung cells inside a glovebox. Separately collected samples were used to measure hydrodynamic particle size distribution, shape, and agglomerate morphology. Cell viability was not impaired by the conditions of the glovebox exposure. The tightness of the lung cell monolayer, the mean total lamellar body volume, and the generation of oxidative DNA damage revealed a dose-dependent cellular response to the airborne engineered nanoparticles. The direct combination of production and exposure allows studying particle toxicity in a simple and reproducible way under environmental conditions.


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The flux of organic particles below the mixed layer is one major pathway of carbon from the surface into the deep ocean. The magnitude of this export flux depends on two major processes-remineralization rates and sinking velocities. Here, we present an efficient method to measure sinking velocities of particles in the size range from approximately 3-400 µm by means of video microscopy (FlowCAM®). The method allows rapid measurement and automated analysis of mixed samples and was tested with polystyrene beads, different phytoplankton species, and sediment trap material. Sinking velocities of polystyrene beads were close to theoretical values calculated from Stokes' Law. Sinking velocities of the investigated phytoplankton species were in reasonable agreement with published literature values and sinking velocities of material collected in sediment trap increased with particle size. Temperature had a strong effect on sinking velocities due to its influence on seawater viscosity and density. An increase in 9 °C led to a measured increase in sinking velocities of 40 %. According to this temperature effect, an average temperature increase in 2 °C as projected for the sea surface by the end of this century could increase sinking velocities by about 6 % which might have feedbacks on carbon export into the deep ocean.


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Microzooplankton (the 20 to 200 µm size class of zooplankton) is recognised as an important part of marine pelagic ecosystems. In terms of biomass and abundance pelagic ciliates are one of the important groups of organism in microzooplankton. However, their rates - grazing and growth - , feeding behaviour and prey preferences are poorly known and understood. A set of data was assembled in order to derive a better understanding of pelagic ciliates rates, in response to parameters such as prey concentration, prey type (size and species), temperature and their own size. With these objectives, literature was searched for laboratory experiments with information on one or more of these parameters effect studied. The criteria for selection and inclusion in the database included: (i) controlled laboratory experiment with a known ciliates feeding on a known prey; (ii) presence of ancillary information about experimental conditions, used organisms - cell volume, cell dimensions, and carbon content. Rates and ancillary information were measured in units that meet the experimenter need, creating a need to harmonize the data units after collection. In addition different units can link to different mechanisms (carbon to nutritive quality of the prey, volume to size limits). As a result, grazing rates are thus available as pg C/(ciliate*h), µm**3/(ciliate*h) and prey cell/(ciliate*h); clearance rate was calculated if not given and growth rate is expressed as the growth rate per day.


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Subaerial debris flows, with water contents ranging from as little as 10 wt% up to no more than about 25 wt% (Pierson, 1986; Pierson and Costa, 1987), are non-Newtonian fluids that move as fairly coherent masses with yield strength (owing to bulk densities and viscosity that are much greater than those of clear water), which enables them to suspend and transport large clasts. Their flow behavior is thought to be predominantly laminar, although the relative importance of laminar and turbulent flow has not been established and is debatable. They leave deposits (debrites) that are characteristically poorly sorted with large clasts in their middle portions and commonly protruding from their tops. Although generally ungraded or normally graded in their upper portions, many have centimeter- to decimeter-thick inversely graded basal zones (Arguden and Rodolfo, 1990, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1990)102<0865:SADDBH>2.3.CO;2).


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It has been observed in several Jameson cell installation where the source for flotation feed is deslime screens, that the recovery of coal particles greater than 0.5 mm is not as great as that of finer material. Consequently, a research project was undertaken at a CHPP in the Bowen Basin Queensland to assess the possibility of increasing the recovery of coarser particles (+0.5 mm) within the downcomer of the Jameson cell. The effect of decreasing turbulence and agitation in a commercial-scale downcomer was investigated to assess the effect oil the recovery of both coarse and fine coal particles. This paper details the findings of the test work, summarising the results relating to differences in the operating parameters within the downcomer. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A platinum (Pt) on pure ceria (CeO2) supported by carbon black (CB) anode was synthesized using a combined process of precipitation and coimpregnation methods. The electrochemical activity of methanol oxidation reaction on synthesized Pt-CeO2/CB anodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry experimentation. To improve the anode property on Pt-CeO2/CB, the influence of particle morphology and particle size on anode properties was examined. The morphology and particle size of the pure CeO2 particles could be controlled by changing the preparation conditions. The anode properties (i.e., peak current density and onset potential for methanol oxidation) were improved by using nanosize CeO2 particles. This indicates that a larger surface area and higher activity on the surface of CeO2 improve the anode properties. The influence of particle morphology of CeO2 on anode properties was not very large. The onset potential for methanol oxidation reaction on Pt-CeO2/CB, which consisted of CeO2 with a high surface area, was shifted to a lower potential compared with that on the anodes, which consisted of CeO2 with a low surface area. The onset potential on Pt-CeO2/CB at 60 degrees C became similar to that on the commercially available Pt-Ru/carbon anode. We suggest that the rate-determining steps of the methanol oxidation reaction on Pt-CeO2/CB and commercially available Pt-Ru/carbon anodes are different, which accounts for the difference in performance. In the reaction mechanism on Pt-CeO2/CB, we conclude that the released oxygen species from the surface of CeO2 particles contribute to oxidation of adsorbed CO species on the Pt surface. This suggests that the anode performance of the Pt-CeO2/CB anode would lead to improvements in the operation of direct methanol fuel cells at 80 degrees C by the enhancement of diffusion of oxygen species created from the surface of nanosized CeO2 particles. Therefore, we conclude that fabrication of nanosized CeO2 with a high surface area is a key factor for development of a high-quality Pt-CeO2/CB anode in direct methanol fuel cells.


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A combination of the two-fluid and drift flux models have been used to model the transport of fibrous debris. This debris is generated during loss of coolant accidents in the primary circuit of pressurized or boiling water nuclear reactors, as high pressure steam or water jets can damage adjacent insulation materials including mineral wool blankets. Fibre agglomerates released from the mineral wools may reach the containment sump strainers, where they can accumulate and compromise the long-term operation of the emergency core cooling system. Single-effect experiments of sedimentation in a quiescent rectangular column and sedimentation in a horizontal flow are used to verify and validate this particular application of the multiphase numerical models. The utilization of both modeling approaches allows a number of pseudocontinuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates to be modeled simultaneously. Key effects on the transport of the fibre agglomerates are particle size, density and turbulent dispersion, as well as the relative viscosity of the fluid-fibre mixture.


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Eolian dust is a significant source of iron and other nutrients that are essential for the health of marine ecosystems and potentially a controlling factor of the high nutrient-low chlorophyll status of the Subarctic North Pacific. We map the spatial distribution of dust input using three different geochemical tracers of eolian dust, 4He, 232Th and rare earth elements, in combination with grain size distribution data, from a set of core-top sediments covering the entire Subarctic North Pacific. Using the suite of geochemical proxies to fingerprint different lithogenic components, we deconvolve eolian dust input from other lithogenic inputs such as volcanic ash, ice-rafted debris, riverine and hemipelagic input. While the open ocean sites far away from the volcanic arcs are dominantly composed of pure eolian dust, lithogenic components other than eolian dust play a more crucial role along the arcs. In sites dominated by dust, eolian dust input appears to be characterized by a nearly uniform grain size mode at ~4 µm. Applying the 230Th-normalization technique, our proxies yield a consistent pattern of uniform dust fluxes of 1-2 g/m**2/yr across the Subarctic North Pacific. Elevated eolian dust fluxes of 2-4 g/m**2/yr characterize the westernmost region off Japan and the southern Kurile Islands south of 45° N and west of 165° E along the main pathway of the westerly winds. The core-top based dust flux reconstruction is consistent with recent estimates based on dissolved thorium isotope concentrations in seawater from the Subarctic North Pacific. The dust flux pattern compares well with state-of-the-art dust model predictions in the western and central Subarctic North Pacific, but we find that dust fluxes are higher than modeled fluxes by 0.5-1 g/m**2/yr in the northwest, northeast and eastern Subarctic North Pacific. Our results provide an important benchmark for biogeochemical models and a robust approach for downcore studies testing dust-induced iron fertilization of past changes in biological productivity in the Subarctic North Pacific.


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Soil particle loss can result in strength and volume reductions which are difficult to predict. This paper investigates the influence of the removal of fractions of selected particle sizes under different confining pressures. The mass loss process was reproduced by the dissolution of selected salt particle sizes and fractions from uniform Leighton Buzzard sand. The dissolution tests were performed in a triaxial cell customised to allow circulation of pore-fluid thereby allowing the dissolution/removal of the salt fraction. Test results from previously conducted oedometric dissolution tests and subsequent triaxial dissolution tests all show increases in void ratio. From the triaxial tests, a reduction in shear strength with increasing ductility was observed. Volumetric and strength behaviour were found to be related to the particle size and fraction material removed while shear-wave measurements obtained pre- and post-particle removal indicate significant changes in small-strain stiffness.


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The specific wear rate and friction coefficient of a pearlitic microstructure subjected to different abrasive environments (i.e. SiC and alumina) were examined. A CSM high temperature pin-on-disc tribometer was used to simulate the two-body abrasive condition (i.e. the metallic surface abrading against the abrasive particles). The characteristics of the abrasive particles (i.e. particle size and density) revealed a significant impact on the amount of material loss. The specific wear rate of the pearlitic microstructure decreased with a reduction in the abrasive particle size, irrespective of the particle type. In addition, distinct particle deterioration mechanisms were observed during the abrasion process, which was largely determined by the abrasive particle size. Attrition, shelling and fracture were some of the dominant particle deterioration mechanisms occurring in both of the abrasive environments. SEM and EDX analysis on the wear debris displayed a unique metallic chip formation with respect to the particle type. Furthermore, the abrading efficiency (i.e. threshold level) of the abrasive particles was identified by means of interrupted abrasive wear tests. The dense packing nature of the alumina abrasive particles resulted in a significantly higher material removal rate than the SiC abrasive environment.


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Knowledge of particle emission characteristics associated with forest fires and in general, biomass burning, is becoming increasingly important due to the impact of these emissions on human health. Of particular importance is developing a better understanding of the size distribution of particles generated from forest combustion under different environmental conditions, as well as provision of emission factors for different particle size ranges. This study was aimed at quantifying particle emission factors from four types of wood found in South East Queensland forests: Spotted Gum (Corymbia citriodora), Red Gum (Eucalypt tereticornis), Blood Gum (Eucalypt intermedia), and Iron bark (Eucalypt decorticans); under controlled laboratory conditions. The experimental set up included a modified commercial stove connected to a dilution system designed for the conditions of the study. Measurements of particle number size distribution and concentration resulting from the burning of woods with a relatively homogenous moisture content (in the range of 15 to 26 %) and for different rates of burning were performed using a TSI Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) in the size range from 10 to 600 nm and a TSI Dust Trak for PM2.5. The results of the study in terms of the relationship between particle number size distribution and different condition of burning for different species show that particle number emission factors and PM2.5 mass emission factors depend on the type of wood and the burning rate; fast burning or slow burning. The average particle number emission factors for fast burning conditions are in the range of 3.3 x 1015 to 5.7 x 1015 particles/kg, and for PM2.5 are in the range of 139 to 217 mg/kg.


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Many factors affect the airflow patterns, thermal comfort, contaminant removal efficiency and indoor air quality at individual workstations in office buildings. In this study, four ventilation systems were used in a test chamber designed to represent an area of a typical office building floor and reproduce the real characteristics of a modern office space. Measurements of particle concentration and thermal parameters (temperature and velocity) were carried out for each of the following types of ventilation systems: a) conventional air distribution system with ceiling supply and return; b) conventional air distribution system with ceiling supply and return near the floor; c) underfloor air distribution system; and d) split system. The measurements aimed to analyse the particle removal efficiency in the breathing zone and the impact of particle concentration on an individual at the workstation. The efficiency of the ventilation system was analysed by measuring particle size and concentration, ventilation effectiveness and the Indoor/Outdoor ratio. Each ventilation system showed different airflow patterns and the efficiency of each ventilation system in the removal of the particles in the breathing zone showed no correlation with particle size and the various methods of analyses used.


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A month-long intensive measurement campaign was conducted in March/April 2007 at Agnes Water, a remote coastal site just south of the Great Barrier Reef on the east coast of Australia. Particle and ion size distributions were continuously measured during the campaign. Coastal nucleation events were observed in clean, marine air masses coming from the south-east on 65% of the days. The events usually began at ~10:00 local time and lasted for 1-4 hrs. They were characterised by the appearance of a nucleation mode with a peak diameter of ~10 nm. The freshly nucleated particles grew within 1-4 hrs up to sizes of 20-50 nm. The events occurred when solar intensity was high (~1000 W m-2) and RH was low (~60%). Interestingly, the events were not related to tide height. The volatile and hygroscopic properties of freshly nucleated particles (17-22.5 nm), simultaneously measured with a volatility-hygroscopicity-tandem differential mobility analyser (VH-TDMA), were used to infer chemical composition. The majority of the volume of these particles was attributed to internally mixed sulphate and organic components. After ruling out coagulation as a source of significant particle growth, we conclude that the condensation of sulphate and/or organic vapours was most likely responsible for driving particle growth during the nucleation events. We cannot make any direct conclusions regarding the chemical species that participated in the initial particle nucleation. However, we suggest that nucleation may have resulted from the photo-oxidation products of unknown sulphur or organic vapours emitted from the waters of Hervey Bay, or from the formation of DMS-derived sulphate clusters over the open ocean that were activated to observable particles by condensable vapours emitted from the nutrient rich waters around Fraser Island or Hervey Bay. Furthermore, a unique and particularly strong nucleation event was observed during northerly wind. The event began early one morning (08:00) and lasted almost the entire day resulting in the production of a large number of ~80 nm particles (average modal concentration during the event was 3200 cm-3). The Great Barrier Reef was the most likely source of precursor vapours responsible for this event.