227 resultados para Campanian


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Only Site 802 has recorded appreciable Cenozoic carbonate sediments during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 in the central Mariana Basin of the western Pacific Ocean. Calcareous nannofossils provide the best biostratigraphic information for the 360-m Tertiary section, which consists primarily of volcaniclastic turbidites interbedded with calcareous claystone and chalk. Many samples contain significant amounts of nannofossils reworked from older sediments. An unconformity appears to be present between Cores 129-802A-32R and -33R, with upper Oligocene-lower Miocene sediments above and lower Eocene-upper Paleocene sediments below the unconformity. The sediments below the unconformity contain abundant reworked Cretaceous nannofossils. Only one sample from Site 801 yielded nannofossils, and those consist of a mixture of Campanian-Maastrichtian and Paleogene forms.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 79 recovered Cretaceous nannofossils at two localities, Sites 545 and 547. Species diversity of the Cretaceous coccoliths is high, and the assemblages range in age from early Valanginian-early Hauterivian to latest Maestrichtian. Site 545 and portions of Site 547 can be combined to form a composite section ranging from the upper Aptian-lower Albian to the middle to upper Cenomanian. As defined by nannofossil events, this section represents a complete record of sedimentary deposition. The interval appears to be the most extensive and complete Cretaceous section yet drilled off the Northwest African margin. The Campanian and Maestrichtian sediments found at Site 547 (Hole 547A) are the youngest Cretaceous strata found on the Northwest African margin. Like the middle Cretaceous sections, the uppermost Maestrichtian of this interval also represents a complete record of sedimentation.


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Planktonic foraminiferal diversity, equitability and biostratigraphic analysis of samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 122, Hole 762C show that in general, cool water conditions prevailed during the latest Campanian-Maastrichtian in the eastern Indian Ocean. This is indicated by planktonic foraminiferal assemblages characterized by low species diversity and equitability with abundant rugoglobigerinids and heterohelicids. Archaeoglobigerinids, globigerinelloids, hedbergellids, and long-ranging double-keeled globotruncanids are also present in varying abundance but single-keeled forms occur rarely and sporadically. Identification of the stage and zonal boundaries for the studied geologic interval have been achieved through biostratigraphic analyses of closely spaced samples. Three planktonic foraminiferal biozones were identified, namely; in stratigraphic order, the Heterohelix rajagopalani, Contusotruncana contusa and Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zones. In Hole 762C, a Transitional Realm with Austral influences is defined for the latest Campanian to Maastrichtian, as shown by the high relative abundance of fauna characteristic of Transitional and Austral Realms. Austral endemic species such as Archaeoglobigerina australis Huber and Hedbergella sliteri Huber were found in the samples studied but Globigerinelloides impensus Sliter andA rchaeoglobigerina mateola Huber are conspicuously absent. From the latest Campanian to middle Maastrichtian, cooler parts of the Transitional Realm prevailed. A slight warming trend is assumed towards the end of the middle Maastrichtian because the faunas contain more species indicative of warm water conditions. The late Maastrichtian also appears to have been warmer than the latest Campanian-middle Maastrichtian. This conclusion is based on the high diversity and equitability values and recognition of some thermophilic taxa. A Tethyan influence is inferred for the latest Maastrichtian on the basis of an increase of planktonic foraminiferal species diversity and occurrences of several keeled taxa.


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Published stable isotope records in marine carbonate are characterized by a positive d18O excursion associated with a negative d13C shift during the early Maastrichtian. However, the cause and even the precise timing of these excursions remain uncertain. We have generated high-resolution foraminiferal stable isotope and gray-scale records for the latest Campanian to early Maastrichtian (73-68 Ma) at two Ocean Drilling Program sites, 525 (Walvis Ridge) and 690 (Weddell Sea). We demonstrate that the negative d13C excursion is decoupled from the d18O increase with a lag of about 600 ka. Our d13C records (both planktic and benthic) show an amplitude for the negative excursion of 0.7 per mill that falls between about 72.1 and 70.7 Ma. Our planktic d18O records indicate an overall increase of 1.2 per mill from 73 to 68 Ma at Site 690, whereas at Site 525 they record a slightly smaller increase (1 per mill) that peaks around 70.1 Ma with decreasing values thereafter. Our benthic d18O data indicate an increase of 1.5 per mill at Site 525 and 0.7 per mill at Site 690 between about 71.4 and 69.9 Ma. Benthic d18O values show different baseline values at the two sites before and after the excursion, but the larger increase at Site 525 means that the values attained at the peak of the excursion are similar at the two sites. We interpret this observation in terms of water mass changes. The excursion is interpreted to reflect a cooling of bottom waters in response to the strengthening contribution of intermediate- to deep-water production in the high southern latitudes rather than increased ice volume. The associated carbon cycle perturbations that we observe are interpreted to reflect a weakening of surface water stratification and increased productivity, as supported by our gray value data.


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Reworked shallow-water larger and deep-water calcareous benthic foraminifers were recovered from foraminiferal packstones and nannofossil chalks in Hole 802A. The autochthonous zeolitic pelagic claystone is characterized by late Campanian abyssal agglutinated foraminifers that allow correlation with the North Atlantic and the adjacent Pigafetta Basin. Assemblages of DendrophryalRhizammina in graded beds within the zeolitic claystone indicate reworking through entrainment in the flocculent E layer of turbidites, rather than recolonization following a biosiliceous event. Background sedimentation of the claystone took place below the carbonate compensation depth. The nannofossil chalk contains reworked lower bathyal to abyssal calcareous foraminifers of late Paleocene to early Miocene age. The topmost bed of the nannofossil chalk unit commences with an algal foraminiferal packstone containing Lepidocyclina sumatrensis, Heterostegina borneensis, Amphistegina hauerina, Asterigerina marshallana, and A. tentoria, which indicate that the source area was a shallow-water reef and allow the bed to be dated as early Miocene. The absence of obviously younger planktonic microfossils in the graded bed indicates that the resedimentation event was generally contemporaneous with original deposition and took place during an early Miocene global sea-level highstand. An early Miocene shallow-water assemblage is also seen in the graded beds at the base of a volcaniclastic turbidite sequence overlying the nannofossil chalks. Resedimentation of this unit was associated with volcanic activity some distance away.


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The study of particulate organic matter (OM) in Arctic Ocean sediments from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene (IODP Expedition 302) has revealed detailed information about the aquatic/marine OM fluxes, biological sources, preservation and export of terrestrial material. Here, we present detailed data from maceral analysis, vitrinite reflectance measurements and organic geochemistry. During the Campanian/Paleocene, fluxes of land-derived OM are indicated by reworked and oxidized macerals (vitrinite, inertinite) and terrigenous liptinite (cutinite, sporinite). In the Early Eocene, drastic environmental changes are indicated by peaks in aquatic OM (up to 40-45%, lamalginite, telalginite, liptodetrinite, dinoflagellate cysts) and amorphous OM (up to 50% bituminite). These events of increased aquatic OM flux, similar to conditions favoring black shale deposition, correlate with the global d13C events "Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum" (PETM) and "Elmo-event". Freshwater discharge and proximity of the source area are documented by freshwater algae material (Pediastrum, Botryococcus) and immature land-plant material (corphuminite, textinite). We consider that erosion of coal-bearing sediments during transgression time lead to humic acids release as a source for bituminite deposited in the Early Eocene black shales.


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The Cretaceous Equatorial Atlantic Gateway between the Central and South Atlantic basins is of interest not only for paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies, but also because it provided particularly favourable conditions for the accumulation and preservation of organic-rich sediments. Deposition of carbonaceous sediments along the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 159) was intimately linked to the plate tectonic and paleoceanographic evolution of this gateway. Notably, the formation of a marginal basement ridge on the southeastern border of the transform margin provided an efficient shelter of the landward Deep Ivorian Basin against erosive and potentially oxidizing currents. Different subsidence histories across the transform margin were responsible for the development of distinct depositional settings on the crest and on both sides of the basement ridge. Whereas the southern, oceanward flank of the basement ridge was characterized by rapid, continuous deepening since last Albian-early Cenomanian, marine sedimentation on the northern, landward flank was interrupted by a period of uplift and erosion in the late Albian, and rapid subsidence started after the early Coniacian. Organic-rich sediments occur throughout almost the entire Cretaceous section, but hydrogen-rich marine black shales were exclusively recovered from core sections above an uplift-related unconformity. These black shales formed when separation of Africa and South America was sufficient to allow permanent oceanic midwater exchange after the late Albian. Four periods of black shale accumulation are recovered, some of them are correlated with the global oceanic anoxic events: in the last Albian-earliest Cenomanian, at the Cenomanian-Turronian boundary, during the middle Coniacian-early Campanian, and in the mid-Maastrichtian. These periods were characterized by increasing carbon flux to the seafloor, induced by enhanced palaeoproductivity and intensified supply of terrestrial organic matter. Black shale depostion appears to be intimately linked to periods of rising or maximum eustatic sea level and to the expansion of the oxygen minimum zone, as indicated by foraminiferal biofacies. Intervals between black shales units, in contrast, indicate a shrinking oxygen minimum zone and enhanced detrital flux rates, probably related to lowering sea level. Upper Cretaceous detritral limestones with high porosities may provide excellent hydrocarbon reservoirs, alsthough their areal extent appears to be limited. Palaeogene porcellanites, capped by Neogene pelagic marls and clays, extend over a wider area and max provide another target for hydrocarbon exploration.


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Planktonic foraminifers from the late Aptian and the Cenomanian-Turonian of Site 585, East Mariana Basin, provide new age data for western Pacific geologic events. The Aptian assemblage dates the volcaniclastic sequence from the bottom of Site 585 and includes several species newly reported from the Pacific Ocean. The Cenomanian-Turonian assemblage constrains the organic-carbon-rich anoxic strata recorded at Site 585 to the Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event. Sporadic occurrences of mostly rare, poorly preserved planktonic foraminifers record pulses of sedimentation during the Aptian-Albian, Cenomanian-Turonian, Coniacian-Santonian, and Campanian-Maestrichtian that transported and reworked the pelagic sediments downslope to abyssal depositional environments.


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Do not confuse with a monograph issued in 1850 with same title proper, also edited by G. Fiorelli: Giornale degli scavi di Pompei : documenti originali. Cf. Furchheim, p. 39 and Palumbo, p. 23.


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The stratigraphic and biogeographic distribution of more than 170 species of deep-water agglutinated benthic foraminifers (DWAF) from the North Atlantic and adjacent marginal seas has been compared with paleoenvironmental data (e.g. paleobathymetry, oxygenation of the bottom waters, amount of terrigenous input and substrate disturbance). Six general types of assemblages, in which deep water agglutinated taxa occur, are defined from the Turonian to Maastrichtian times: 1. High latitude slope assemblages 2. Low to mid latitude slope assemblages 3. Flysch-type assemblages 4. Deep water limestone assemblages (,,Scaglia,,-type) 5. Abyssal mixed calcareous-agglutinated assemblages 6. Abyssal purely agglutinated assemblages Latitudinal differences in faunal composition are observed, the most important of which is the lack or extreme paucity of calcareous forms in high latitude assemblages. East-to-west differences appear to be of comparatively minor importance. Most DWAF species occur in all studied regions and are thus considered as cosmopolitan. Biostratigraphic turnovers in the taxonomic content of assemblages are observed in the lowermost Turonian, mid-Campanian and in the upper Maastrichtian to lowermost Paleocene. These datum levels correspond to inter-regional and time-constant paleooceanographic events, which probably also affected the deep-water benthic biota. This allows us to use deep-water agglutinated foraminifers for biostratigraphy in the North Atlantic sequences deposited below CCD and to geographically extend the currently used zonal schemes which have been established in the Carpathian and Alpine areas.


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Benthic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil assemblages, as well as stable isotope data from the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary interval (~71.4 to ~70.7 Ma) of the Kronsmoor section (North German Basin), were investigated in order to characterize changes in surface-water productivity and oxygen content at the seafloor and their link to climatic and paleoceanographic changes. A nutrient index based on calcareous nannofossils is derived for the high-latitude, epicontinental North German Basin, reflecting changes in surface-water productivity. Oxygen isotopes of well-preserved planktic foraminiferal specimens of Heterohelix globulosa reflect warmer surface-water temperatures in the lower part of the studied succession and a cooling of up to 2°C (0.5 per mil) in the upper part (after 71.1 Ma). For the lower and warmer part of the investigated succession, benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the calcareous nannofossils indicate well-oxygenated bottom waters and low-surface water productivity. In contrast, the upper part of the succession is characterized by cooler conditions, lower oxygen content at the seafloor and increasing surface-water productivity. It is proposed that the cooling phase starting at 71.1 Ma was accompanied by increasing surface-water mixing caused by westerly winds. As a consequence of mixing, nutrients were advected from sub-surface waters into the mixed layer, resulting in increased surface-water productivity and enhanced organic matter flux to the seafloor. We hypothesize that global sea-level fall during the earliest Maastrichtian (~71.3 Ma), indicated by decreasing carbon isotope values, may have led to a weaker water mass exchange through narrower gateways between the Boreal Realm and the open North Atlantic and Tethys oceans. Both the weaker water mass exchange and enhanced surface-water productivity may have led to slightly less ventilated bottom waters of the upper part of the studied section. Our micro-paleontological and stable isotopic approach indicates short-term (<100 kyr) changes in oxygen consumption at the seafloor and surface-water productivity across the homogeneous Boreal White Chalk succession of the North German Basin.


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Here we present a tephrostratigraphic record (core Co1202) recovered from the northeastern part of Lake Ohrid (Republics of Macedonia and Albania) reaching back to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. Overall ten horizons (OT0702-1 to OT0702-10) containing volcanic tephra have been recognised throughout the 14.94 m long sediment succession. Four tephra layers were visible at macroscopic inspection (OT0702-4, OT0702-6, OT0702-8 and OT0702-9), while the remaining six are cryptotephras (OT0702-1, OT0702-2, OT0702-3, OT0702-5, OT0702-7 and OT0702-10) identified from peaks in K, Zr and Sr intensities, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and washing and sieving of the sediments. Glass shards of tephra layers and cryptotephras were analysed with respect to their major element composition, and correlated to explosive eruptions of Italian volcanoes. The stratigraphy and the major element composition of tephra layers and cryptotephras allowed the correlation of OT0702-1 to AD 472 or AD 512 eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius, OT0702-2 to the FL eruption of Mount Etna, OT0702-3 to the Mercato from Somma-Vesuvius, OT0702-4 to SMP1-e/Y-3 eruption from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702-5 to the Codola eruption (Somma-Vesuvius or Campi Flegrei), OT0702-6 to the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y-5 from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702-7 to the Green Tuff/Y-6 eruption from Pantelleria Island, OT0702-8 to the X-5 eruption probably originating from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702-9 to the X-6 eruption of generic Campanian origin, and OT0702-10 to the P-11 eruption from Pantelleria Island. The fairly well-known ages of these tephra layers and parent eruptions provide new data on the dispersal and deposition of these tephras and, furthermore, allow the establishment of a chronological framework for core Co1202 for a first interpretation of major sedimentological changes.


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Inoceramus occurs in every DSDP hole that penetrated Cretaceous sediments in the South Atlantic Ocean, and specimen occurrence has been mapped in detail for each core. Oxygen and carbon isotope measurements were completed on 18 Inoceramus specimens from Hole 530A. Textural evidence of diagenesis is accompanied by depletion in 18O. Paleotemperature results were obtained from 11 well-preserved specimens. Bottom water temperatures in the Angola Basin decreased from 23°C during the Coniacian to 13°C near the end of the Campanian.