987 resultados para CT ANGIOGRAPHY


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One of the current frontiers in the clinical management of Pectus Excavatum (PE) patients is the prediction of the surgical outcome prior to the intervention. This can be done through computerized simulation of the Nuss procedure, which requires an anatomically correct representation of the costal cartilage. To this end, we take advantage of the costal cartilage tubular structure to detect it through multi-scale vesselness filtering. This information is then used in an interactive 2D initialization procedure which uses anatomical maximum intensity projections of 3D vesselness feature images to efficiently initialize the 3D segmentation process. We identify the cartilage tissue centerlines in these projected 2D images using a livewire approach. We finally refine the 3D cartilage surface through region-based sparse field level-sets. We have tested the proposed algorithm in 6 noncontrast CT datasets from PE patients. A good segmentation performance was found against reference manual contouring, with an average Dice coefficient of 0.75±0.04 and an average mean surface distance of 1.69±0.30mm. The proposed method requires roughly 1 minute for the interactive initialization step, which can positively contribute to an extended use of this tool in clinical practice, since current manual delineation of the costal cartilage can take up to an hour.


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Os linfomas são tumores estabelecidos a nível do sistema linfático. Devido à sua heterogeneidade classificam-se como Linfoma Hodgkin (LH) e Linfoma não Hodgkin (LNH), apresentando diferente prognóstico e seguimento quimioterapêutico. Actualmente, a Photon Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT, do acrónimo inglês) é considerada “imagem” de excelência no estudo desta patologia. Neste contexto, é objectivo deste artigo verificar a utilidade da técnica PET/CT e correlacionar o valor de Standard Uptake Value (SUV), obtido pela PET, com o estadio histológico do linfoma e com a resposta ao tratamento quimioterapêutico. Metodologia - Analisaram-se retrospectivamente 356 estudos respeitantes a 231 pacientes, aos quais se realizou uma PET/CT para estadiamento, estudo de massa ou avaliação da resposta ao tratamento. Após a administração de uma actividade média de 18F-FDG de 288,6 MBq, foram adquiridas imagens numa PET/CT GE Discovery ST. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os dados clínicos dos pacientes. Resultados - Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a idade Vs tipo de linfoma. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre: valor de SUVmáx ganglionar, lesões extra-ganglionares e seu valor de SUV relativamente ao tipo de linfoma. Comprovou-se a influência da PET/CT na alteração do estadio do linfoma e atitude terapêutica. Em última análise, obtiveram-se respectivamente os seguintes valores de sensibilidade, especificidade e exactidão: 98%, 79% e 88%. Conclusões - Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar a importância da imagem PET/CT no estadiamento, monitorização e alteração da atitude terapêutica dos LH e LNH.


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Introdução – O cancro de pulmão/traqueia e brônquios é a principal causa de morte por neoplasia na União Europeia. A técnica de duas aquisições de imagem em tempos diferentes no Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) tem sido referenciada em alguns artigos como uma mais-valia no diagnóstico do cancro do pulmão. O objectivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar a eficiência diagnóstica do PET/CT com a aquisição das duas imagens em tempos diferentes na caracterização do nódulo solitário pulmonar (NSP), tendo em conta a histologia e o tamanho do nódulo. Metodologia – Foram analisados 115 NSP, num total de 110 pacientes, dos quais 65 nódulos eram malignos. Adquiriram-se duas imagens, a primeira a um tempo médio de 52 minutos e a segunda a um tempo médio de 125 minutos após administração do 18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxi-D-glucose (18F-FDG). Para a análise das imagens obteve-se o standard uptake value máximo (SUVmax) e a percentagem de variação dos SUVmax (%variação). Resultados – A %variação apresenta valores de eficiência diagnóstica superiores à análise dos SUVmax em separado. Existem também diferenças significativas na histologia e no SUVmax, registando-se um aumento do SUVmax2 comparativamente ao SUVmax1 nas patologias malignas. Conclusão – A técnica da aquisição de duas imagens em tempos diferentes mostrou ser mais eficaz na caracterização do NSP do que a análise de apenas uma imagem.


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Área de especialização: Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões.


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Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation algorithms have been widely used to verify the accuracy of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) dose distributions computed by conventional algorithms due to the ability to precisely account for the effects of tissue inhomogeneities and multileaf collimator characteristics. Both algorithms present, however, a particular difference in terms of dose calculation and report. Whereas dose from conventional methods is traditionally computed and reported as the water-equivalent dose (Dw), MC dose algorithms calculate and report dose to medium (Dm). In order to compare consistently both methods, the conversion of MC Dm into Dw is therefore necessary. This study aims to assess the effect of applying the conversion of MC-based Dm distributions to Dw for prostate IMRT plans generated for 6 MV photon beams. MC phantoms were created from the patient CT images using three different ramps to convert CT numbers into material and mass density: a conventional four material ramp (CTCREATE) and two simplified CT conversion ramps: (1) air and water with variable densities and (2) air and water with unit density. MC simulations were performed using the BEAMnrc code for the treatment head simulation and the DOSXYZnrc code for the patient dose calculation. The conversion of Dm to Dw by scaling with the stopping power ratios of water to medium was also performed in a post-MC calculation process. The comparison of MC dose distributions calculated in conventional and simplified (water with variable densities) phantoms showed that the effect of material composition on dose-volume histograms (DVH) was less than 1% for soft tissue and about 2.5% near and inside bone structures. The effect of material density on DVH was less than 1% for all tissues through the comparison of MC distributions performed in the two simplified phantoms considering water. Additionally, MC dose distributions were compared with the predictions from an Eclipse treatment planning system (TPS), which employed a pencil beam convolution (PBC) algorithm with Modified Batho Power Law heterogeneity correction. Eclipse PBC and MC calculations (conventional and simplified phantoms) agreed well (<1%) for soft tissues. For femoral heads, differences up to 3% were observed between the DVH for Eclipse PBC and MC calculated in conventional phantoms. The use of the CT conversion ramp of water with variable densities for MC simulations showed no dose discrepancies (0.5%) with the PBC algorithm. Moreover, converting Dm to Dw using mass stopping power ratios resulted in a significant shift (up to 6%) in the DVH for the femoral heads compared to the Eclipse PBC one. Our results show that, for prostate IMRT plans delivered with 6 MV photon beams, no conversion of MC dose from medium to water using stopping power ratio is needed. In contrast, MC dose calculations using water with variable density may be a simple way to solve the problem found using the dose conversion method based on the stopping power ratio.


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Ramo de especialização: Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões


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Introduction: The purpose of this review is to gather and analyse current research publications to evaluate Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE). The aim of this review is to investigate whether this algorithm is capable of reducing the dose delivered during CT imaging while maintaining image quality. Recent research shows that children have a greater risk per unit dose due to increased radiosensitivity and longer life expectancies, which means it is particularly important to reduce the radiation dose received by children. Discussion: Recent publications suggest that SAFIRE is capable of reducing image noise in CT images, thereby enabling the potential to reduce dose. Some publications suggest a decrease in dose, by up to 64% compared to filtered back projection, can be accomplished without a change in image quality. However, literature suggests that using a higher SAFIRE strength may alter the image texture, creating an overly ‘smoothed’ image that lacks contrast. Some literature reports SAFIRE gives decreased low contrast detectability as well as spatial resolution. Publications tend to agree that SAFIRE strength three is optimal for an acceptable level of visual image quality, but more research is required. The importance of creating a balance between dose reduction and image quality is stressed. In this literature review most of the publications were completed using adults or phantoms, and a distinct lack of literature for paediatric patients is noted. Conclusion: It is necessary to find an optimal way to balance dose reduction and image quality. More research relating to SAFIRE and paediatric patients is required to fully investigate dose reduction potential in this population, for a range of different SAFIRE strengths.


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Introdução – O melanoma maligno cutâneo (MMC) é considerado uma das mais letais neoplasias e no seu seguimento recorre-se, para além dos exames clínicos e da análise de marcadores tumorais, a diversos métodos imagiológicos, como é o exame Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões/Tomografia Computorizada (PET/CT, do acrónimo inglês Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography) com 18fluor-fluorodeoxiglucose (18F-FDG). O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a utilidade da PET/CT relativamente à análise da extensão e à suspeita de recidiva do MMC, comparando os achados imagiológicos com os descritos em estudos CT. Metodologia – Estudo retrospetivo de 62 estudos PET/CT realizados em 50 pacientes diagnosticados com MMC. Excluiu-se um estudo cujo resultado era duvidoso (nódulo pulmonar). As informações relativas aos resultados dos estudos anatomopatológicos e dos exames imagiológicos foram obtidas através da história clínica e dos relatórios médicos dos estudos CT e PET/CT. Foi criada uma base de dados com os dados recolhidos através do software Excel e foi efetuada uma análise estatística descritiva. Resultados – Dos estudos PET/CT analisados, 31 foram considerados verdadeiros positivos (VP), 28 verdadeiros negativos (VN), um falso positivo (FP) e um falso negativo (FN). A sensibilidade, especificidade, o valor preditivo positivo (VPP), o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) e a exatidão da PET/CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 96,9%, 96,6%, 96,9%, 96,6% e 96,7%. Dos resultados da CT considerados na análise estatística, 14 corresponderam a VP, 12 a VN, três a FP e cinco a FN. A sensibilidade, especificidade, o VPP e o VPN e a exatidão da CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 73,7%, 80,0%, 82,4%, 70,6% e 76,5%. Comparativamente aos resultados CT, a PET/CT permitiu uma mudança na atitude terapêutica em 23% dos estudos. Conclusão – A PET/CT é um exame útil na avaliação do MMC, caracterizando-se por uma maior acuidade diagnóstica no estadiamento e na avaliação de suspeita de recidiva do MMC comparativamente à CT isoladamente.


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The foot and the ankle are small structures commonly affected by disorders, and their complex anatomy represent significant diagnostic challenges. SPECT/CT Image fusion can provide missing anatomical and bone structure information to functional imaging, which is particularly useful to increase diagnosis certainty of bone pathology. However, due to SPECT acquisition duration, patient’s involuntary movements may lead to misalignment between SPECT and CT images. Patient motion can be reduced using a dedicated patient support. We aimed at designing an ankle and foot immobilizing device and measuring its efficacy at improving image fusion. Methods: We enrolled 20 patients undergoing distal lower-limb SPECT/CT of the ankle and the foot with and without a foot holder. The misalignment between SPECT and CT images was computed by manually measuring 14 fiducial markers chosen among anatomical landmarks also visible on bone scintigraphy. Analysis of variance was performed for statistical analysis. Results: The obtained absolute average difference without and with support was 5.1±5.2 mm (mean±SD) and 3.1±2.7 mm, respectively, which is significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: The introduction of the foot holder significantly decreases misalignment between SPECT and CT images, which may have clinical influence in the precise localization of foot and ankle pathology.


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Introduction: multimodality environment; requirement for greater understanding of the imaging technologies used, the limitations of these technologies, and how to best interpret the results; dose optimization; introduction of new techniques; current practice and best practice; incidental findings, in low-dose CT images obtained as part of the hybrid imaging process, are an increasing phenomenon with advancing CT technology; resultant ethical and medico-legal dilemmas; understanding limitations of these procedures important when reporting images and recommending follow-up; free-response observer performance study was used to evaluate lesion detection in low-dose CT images obtained during attenuation correction acquisitions for myocardial perfusion imaging, on two hybrid imaging systems.


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Background: Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most used modalities for diagnostics in paediatric populations, which is a concern as it also delivers a high patient dose. Research has focused on developing computer algorithms that provide better image quality at lower dose. The iterative reconstruction algorithm Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) was introduced as a new technique that reduces noise to increase image quality. Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare SAFIRE with the current gold standard, Filtered Back Projection (FBP), and assess whether SAFIRE alone permits a reduction in dose while maintaining image quality in paediatric head CT. Methods: Images were collected using a paediatric head phantom using a SIEMENS SOMATOM PERSPECTIVE 128 modulated acquisition. 54 images were reconstructed using FBP and 5 different strengths of SAFIRE. Objective measures of image quality were determined by measuring SNR and CNR. Visual measures of image quality were determined by 17 observers with different radiographic experiences. Images were randomized and displayed using 2AFC; observers scored the images answering 5 questions using a Likert scale. Results: At different dose levels, SAFIRE significantly increased SNR (up to 54%) in the acquired images compared to FBP at 80kVp (5.2-8.4), 110kVp (8.2-12.3), 130kVp (8.8-13.1). Visual image quality was higher with increasing SAFIRE strength. The highest image quality was scored with SAFIRE level 3 and higher. Conclusion: The SAFIRE algorithm is suitable for image noise reduction in paediatric head CT. Our data demonstrates that SAFIRE enhances SNR while reducing noise with a possible reduction of dose of 68%.


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Since the first in vivo studies of cerebral function with radionuclides by Ingvar and Lassen, nuclear medicine (NM) brain applications have evolved dramatically, with marked improvements in both methods and tracers. Consequently it is now possible to assess not only cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism but also neurotransmission. Planar functional imaging was soon substituted by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET); it now has limited application in brain imaging, being reserved for the assessment of brain death.


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A distinção entre miocárdio atordoado e danificado tem sido uma preocupação relevante, no cenário de um enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM). A avaliação da viabilidade do miocárdio, pós-enfarte, é de importância vital, no contexto clínico, principalmente numa fase inicial. Actualmente a Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca é o exame de referência para a avaliação de viabilidade do miocárdio. No entanto, é um exame com elevado custo e de difícil acesso. Estudos preliminares demonstraram potencial na utilização de imagens por Tomografia Computorizada para avaliação da área de enfarte, quer em estudos animais quer em humanos. É objectivo desta tese verificar a utilidade de um protocolo de avaliação de viabilidade do miocárdio, com base em imagens de realce tardio (RT) por Tomografia Computorizada, após um procedimento de intervenção coronária percutânea, no contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio com elevação do segmento ST (STEMI). Pretende-se igualmente contribuir para a análise da imagem médica do miocárdio, proporcionando métodos de quantificação do RT e software de suporte à decisão médica nesta modalidade de imagem substancialmente recente. São avaliados vários processos para a quantificação do volume de RT, incluindo um método inovador baseado na detecção automática do miocárdio normal. _E ainda proposto um algoritmo para detecção automática do grau de transmuralidade, por segmento do miocárdio, e comparado o seu grau de eficiência face ao diagnóstico médico dos mesmos exames. Apesar do reduzido número de exames utilizado para validação das técnicas descritas nesta tese, os resultados são bastante promissores e podem constituir uma mais-valia no auxilio à gestão do paciente com EAM.


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Objective - Evaluate preventable exposure dose in routine chest CT examinations beyond prescribed anatomical landmarks and estimate extra dose delivered to the patient. Background/rationale - Recent technical advances have greatly increased the clinical applications of CT; developments in multidetector-row CT (MDCT) technology have occurred; the major disadvantage with the increased use of MDCT is associated radiation exposure.


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Individualmente nenhuma modalidade imagiológica oferece em simultâneo uma elevada resolução espacial e temporal, aliado a uma boa resolução de contraste e sensibilidade. No entanto, combinações de diferentes modalidades podem aproximar-se deste ideal, permitindo a integração de diferentes sistemas num sistema de imagem única. Um dos marcos históricos da medicina nuclear ocorreu com o aparecimento dos sistemas de Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões/Tomografia Computorizada (PET/CT) que permitem obter, em simultâneo, informações funcionais e anatómicas sobre as alterações metabólicas e estruturais que ocorrem em situações de doença.