930 resultados para CRACK-GROWTH
The termination of stiffeners in composite aircraft structures give rise to regions of high interlaminar shear and peel stresses as the load in the stiffener is diffused into the skin. This is of particular concern in co-cured composite stiffened structures where there is a relatively low resistance to through-thickness stress components at the skin-stiffener interface. In Part I, experimental results of tested specimens highlighted the influence of local design parameters on their structural response. Indeed some of the observed behavior was unexpected. There is a need to be able to analyse a range of changes in geometry rapidly to allow the analysis to form an integral part of the structural design process.
This work presents the development of a finite element methodology for modelling the failure process of these critical regions. An efficient thick shell element formulation is presented and this element is used in conjuction with the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) to predict the crack growth characteristics of the modelled specimens. Three specimens were modelled and the qualitative aspects of crack growth were captured successfully. The shortcomings in the quantitative correlation between the predicted and observed failure loads are discussed. There was evidence to suggest that high through-thickness compressive stresses enhanced the fracture toughness in these critical regions.
Recent efforts towards the development of the next generation of large civil and military transport aircraft within the European community have provided new impetus for investigating the potential use of composite material in the primary structure. One concern in this development is the vulnerability of co-cured stiffened structures to through-thickness stresses at the skin-stiffener interfaces particularly in stiffener runout regions. These regions are an inevitable consequence of the requirement to terminate stiffeners at cutouts, rib intersections or other structural features which interrupt the stiffener load path. In this respect, thickerskinned components are more vulnerable than thin-skinned ones. This work presents an experimental and numerical study of the failure of thick-sectioned stiffener runout specimens loaded in uniaxial compression. The experiments revealed that failure was initiated at the edge of the runout and propagated across the skin-stiffener interface. High frictional forces at the edge of the runout were also deduced from a fractographic analysis and it is postulated that these forces may enhance the fracture toughness of the specimens. Finite element analysis using an efficient thick-shell element and the Virtual Crack Closure Technique was able to qualitatively predict the crack growth characteristics for each specimen
NiTi wires and their weldments are commonly used in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), and in such applications, cyclic loading are commonly encountered. In this paper, the bending-rotation fatigue (BRF) test was used to study the bending fatigue behavior of NiTi wire laser weldment in the small-strain regime. The fracture mechanism, which includes crack initiation, crack growth and propagation of the weldment in the BRF test, was investigated with the aid of SEM fractography and discussed in terms of the microstructure. It was found that crack initiation was primarily surface-condition dependent. The cracks were found to initiate at the surface defects at the weld zone (WZ) surface, and the crack propagation was assisted by the gas inclusions in the WZ. The weldment was finally fractured in a ductile manner. The fatigue life was found to decrease with increasing surface strain and also with increasing bending frequency (controlled by the rotational speed in the BRF test). In comparison, the fatigue life of the unwelded NiTi wires was higher than their welded counterparts at all strain levels and bending frequencies. The decrease in fatigue resistance of the weldment could be attributed to the surface and microstructural defects introduced during laser welding.
Micro-mechanical analysis of polymeric composites provides a powerful means for the quantitative assessment of their bulk behavior. In this paper we describe a robust finite element model (FEM) for the micro-structural modeling of the behavior of particulate filled polymer composites under external loads. The developed model is applied to simulate stress distribution in polymer composites containing particulate fillers. Quantitative information about the magnitude and location of maximum stress concentrations obtained from these simulations is used to predict the dominant failure and crack growth mechanisms in these composites. The model predictions are compared with the available experimental data and also with the values found using other methods reported in the literature. These comparisons show the range of the validity of the developed model and its predictive potential.
A robust finite element scheme for the micro-mechanical modeling of the behavior of fiber reinforced polymeric composites under external loads is developed. The developed model is used to simulate stress distribution throughout the composite domain and to identify the locations where maximum stress concentrations occur. This information is used as a guide to predict dominant failure and crack growth mechanisms in fiber reinforced composites. The differences between continuous fibers, which are susceptible to unidirectional transverse fracture, and short fibers have been demonstrated. To assess the validity and range of applicability of the developed scheme, numerical results obtained by the model are compared with the available experimental data and also with the values found using other methods reported in the literature. These comparisons show that the present finite element scheme can generate meaningful results in the analysis of fiber reinforced composites.
An experimental and Finite Element study was performed on the bending behaviour of wood beams of the Pinus Pinaster species repaired with adhesively-bonded carbon–epoxy patches, after sustaining damage by cross-grain failure. This damage is characterized by crack growth at a small angle to the beams longitudinal axis, due to misalignment between the wood fibres and the beam axis. Cross-grain failure can occur in large-scale in a wood member when trees that have grown spirally or with a pronounced taper are cut for lumber. Three patch lengths were tested. The simulations include the possibility of cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer, failure within the wood beam in two propagation planes and patch interlaminar failure, by the use of cohesive zone modelling. The respective cohesive properties were estimated either by an inverse method or from the literature. The comparison with the tests allowed the validation of the proposed methodology, opening a good perspective for the reduction of costs in the design stages of these repairs due to extensive experimentation.
As juntas adesivas têm vindo a ser usadas em diversas áreas e contam com inúmeras aplicações práticas. Devido ao fácil e rápido fabrico, as juntas de sobreposição simples (JSS) são um tipo de configuração bastante comum. O aumento da resistência, a redução de peso e a resistência à corrosão são algumas das vantagens que este tipo de junta oferece relativamente aos processos de ligação tradicionais. Contudo, a concentração de tensões nas extremidades do comprimento da ligação é uma das principais desvantagens. Existem poucas técnicas de dimensionamento precisas para a diversidade de ligações que podem ser encontradas em situações reais, o que constitui um obstáculo à utilização de juntas adesivas em aplicações estruturais. O presente trabalho visa comparar diferentes métodos analíticos e numéricos na previsão da resistência de JSS com diferentes comprimentos de sobreposição (LO). O objectivo fundamental é avaliar qual o melhor método para prever a resistência das JSS. Foram produzidas juntas adesivas entre substratos de alumínio utilizando um adesivo époxido frágil (Araldite® AV138), um adesivo epóxido moderadamente dúctil (Araldite® 2015), e um adesivo poliuretano dúctil (SikaForce® 7888). Consideraram-se diferentes métodos analíticos e dois métodos numéricos: os Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC) e o Método de Elementos Finitos Extendido (MEFE), permitindo a análise comparativa. O estudo possibilitou uma percepção crítica das capacidades de cada método consoante as características do adesivo utilizado. Os métodos analíticos funcionam apenas relativamente bem em condições muito específicas. A análise por MDC com lei triangular revelou ser um método bastante preciso, com excepção de adesivos que sejam bastante dúcteis. Por outro lado, a análise por MEFE demonstrou ser uma técnica pouco adequada, especialmente para o crescimento de dano em modo misto.
Die laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (LIPS) ist eine spektrochemische Elementanalyse zur Bestimmung der atomaren Zusammensetzung einer beliebigen Probe. Für die Analyse ist keine spezielle Probenpräparation nötig und kann unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen an Proben in jedem Aggregatzustand durchgeführt werden. Femtosekunden Laserpulse bieten die Vorteile einer präzisen Ablation mit geringem thermischen Schaden sowie einer hohen Reproduzierbarkeit. Damit ist fs-LIPS ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug für die Mikroanalyse technischer Proben, insbesondere zur Untersuchung ihres Ermüdungsverhaltens. Dabei ist interessant, wie sich die initiierten Mikrorisse innerhalb der materialspezifschen Struktur ausbreiten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher ein schnelles und einfach zu handhabendes 3D-Rasterabbildungsverfahren zur Untersuchung der Rissausbreitung in TiAl, einer neuen Legierungsklasse, entwickelt werden. Dazu wurde fs-LIPS (30 fs, 785 nm) mit einem modifizierten Mikroskopaufbau (Objektiv: 50x/NA 0.5) kombiniert, welcher eine präzise, automatisierte Probenpositionierung ermöglicht. Spektrochemische Sensitivität und räumliches Auflösungsvermögen wurden in energieabhängigen Einzel- und Multipulsexperimenten untersucht. 10 Laserpulse pro Position mit einer Pulsenergie von je 100 nJ führten in TiAl zum bestmöglichen Kompromiss aus hohem S/N-Verhältnis von 10:1 und kleinen Lochstrukturen mit inneren Durchmessern von 1.4 µm. Die für das Verfahren entscheidende laterale Auflösung, dem minimalen Lochabstand bei konstantem LIPS-Signal, beträgt mit den obigen Parametern 2 µm und ist die bislang höchste bekannte Auflösung einer auf fs-LIPS basierenden Mikro-/Mapping-Analyse im Fernfeld. Fs-LIPS Scans von Teststrukturen sowie Mikrorissen in TiAl demonstrieren eine spektrochemische Sensitivität von 3 %. Scans in Tiefenrichtung erzielen mit denselben Parametern eine axiale Auflösung von 1 µm. Um die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und ein besseres Verständnis für die physikalischen Prozesse während der Laserablation zu erhalten, wurde in Pump-Probe-Experimenten untersucht, in wieweit fs-Doppelpulse den laserinduzierten Abtrag sowie die Plasmaemission beeinflussen. Dazu wurden in einem Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer Pulsabstände von 100 fs bis 2 ns realisiert, Gesamtenergie und Intensitätsverhältnis beider Pulse variiert sowie der Einfluss der Materialparameter untersucht. Sowohl das LIPS-Signal als auch die Lochstrukturen zeigen eine Abhängigkeit von der Verzögerungszeit. Diese wurden in vier verschiedene Regimes eingeteilt und den physikalischen Prozessen während der Laserablation zugeordnet: Die Thermalisierung des Elektronensystems für Pulsabstände unter 1 ps, Schmelzprozesse zwischen 1 und 10 ps, der Beginn des Abtrags nach mehreren 10 ps und die Expansion der Plasmawolke nach über 100 ps. Dabei wird das LIPS-Signal effizient verstärkt und bei 800 ps maximal. Die Lochdurchmesser ändern sich als Funktion des Pulsabstands wenig im Vergleich zur Tiefe. Die gesamte Abtragsrate variiert um maximal 50 %, während sich das LIPS-Signal vervielfacht: Für Ti und TiAl typischerweise um das Dreifache, für Al um das 10-fache. Die gemessenen Transienten zeigen eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit, jedoch kaum eine Energie- bzw. materialspezifische Abhängigkeit. Mit diesen Ergebnissen wurde eine gezielte Optimierung der DP-LIPS-Parameter an Al durchgeführt: Bei einem Pulsabstand von 800 ps und einer Gesamtenergie von 65 nJ (vierfach über der Ablationsschwelle) wurde eine 40-fache Signalerhöhung bei geringerem Rauschen erzielt. Die Lochdurchmesser vergrößerten sich dabei um 44 % auf (650±150) nm, die Lochtiefe um das Doppelte auf (100±15) nm. Damit war es möglich, die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig die hohe räumliche Auflösung aufrecht zu erhalten.
This paper presents the results of an experimental study of resistance-curve behavior and fatigue crack growth in cementitious matrices reinforced with eco-friendly natural fibers obtained from agricultural by-products. The composites include: blast furnace slag cement reinforced with pulped fibers of sisal, banana and bleached eucalyptus pulp, and ordinary Portland cement composites reinforced with bleached eucalyptus pulp. Fracture resistance (R-curve) and fatigue crack growth behavior were studied using single-edge notched bend specimens. The observed stable crack growth behavior was then related to crack/microstructure interactions that were elucidated via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Fracture mechanics models were used to quantify the observed crack-tip shielding due to crack-bridging. The implications of the results are also discussed for the design of natural fiber-reinforced composite materials for affordable housing. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Os materiais cerâmicos são atualmente cada vez utilizados como opção na engenharia mundial. Por se tratar de materiais com alta resistência mecânica, possuem muitas aplicações em diversas áreas, como por exemplo a de mancais, a automotiva (sensores, isoladores, catalisadores, pistões, válvulas, revestimentos), a de implantes biocompatíveis (dentário, substituição óssea, válvulas cardíacas), a de produtos sujeitos ao desgaste (guias), a de refratários (revestimento de equipamento bélico, componentes de fornos), a eletrônica, e outras. Nos processos de fabricação da cerâmica há uma gama de fatores que contribuem para as características do produto final. Devido a isso, muitos pesquisadores têm trabalhado no estudo da influência de determinados defeitos e técnicas de produção de cerâmicas nas características do produto final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão bibliográfica de recentes artigos que analisam a influência de fatores como velocidade de queima, surgimento de trincas, porosidade, fases cristalinas, e tamanho de partículas, nas propriedades mecânicas finais das cerâmicas. Pode-se concluir que é possível aperfeiçoar o processo de fabricação da cerâmica a fim de promover as melhores propriedades mecânicas possíveis, conhecendo-se fatores prejudiciais e métodos adequados para se obter o melhor produto final.
Structures critical to the flight-safety are commonly submitted to several maintenance repairs at the welded joints in order to prolong the in-service life of aircrafts. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding repair on the structural integrity of the AISI 4130 aeronautical steel by means of experimental fatigue crack growth tests in base-material, heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal. The tests were performed on hot-rolled steel plate specimens, 0.89 mm thick, with load ratio R = 0.1, constant amplitude, at 10 Hz frequency and room temperature. Increase of the fracture resistance was observed in the weld metal but decreasing in the HAZ after repair. The results were associated to microhardness and microstructural changes with the welding sequence. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Fretting fatigue occurs when the contact surfaces of two components undergo small oscillatory movement while they are subjected to a clamping force. A cyclic external load gives rise to the early initiation of fatigue cracks, thus reducing their service life. In this paper, the fretting fatigue behaviour of commercially pure titanium flat samples (1.5 mm thick) is evaluated. A fretting device composed of a frame, load cell, and two screw-mounted cylindrical fretting pads with convex extremities was built and set to a servo-hydraulic testing machine. The fatigue tests were conducted under load control at a frequency of 10 Hz and stress ratio R = 0.1, with various contact load values applied to the fretting pads. Additional tests under inert environment allowed assessing the role of oxidation on the wear debris formation. The fracture surfaces and fretting scars were analysed via scanning electron microscopy in order to evaluate the surface damage evolution and its effect on the fatigue crack features. The effect of the fretting condition on the S-N curve of the material in the range of 10(4)-10(6) cycles is described. Fatigue crack growth calculations allowed estimating the crack initiation and propagation lives under fretting conditions. The effect of the fretting condition in fatigue life is stronger for the lower values of cyclic stress and does not seem to depend on the contact loading value.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Structural health monitoring (SHM) refers to the procedure of assessing the structure conditions continuously so it is an alternative to conventional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques [1]. With the growing developments in sensor technology acoustic emission (AE) technology has been attracting attention in SHM applications. AE are characterized by waves produced by the sudden internal stress redistribution caused by the changes in the internal structure, such as fatigue, crack growth, corrosion, etc. Piezoelectric materials such as Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) ceramic have been widely used as sensor due to its high electromechanical coupling factor and piezoelectric d coefficients. Because of the poor mechanical characteristic and the lack in the formability of the ceramic, polymer matrix-based piezoelectric composites have been studied in the last decade in order to obtain better properties in comparison with a single phase material. In this study a composite film made of polyurethane (PU) and PZT ceramic particles partially recovered with polyaniline (PAni) was characterized and used as sensor for AE detection. Preliminary results indicate that the presence of a semiconductor polymer (PAni) recovering the ceramic particles, make the poling process easier and less time consuming. Also, it is possible to observe that there is a great potential to use such type of composite as sensor for structure health monitoring.