938 resultados para CRACK PROPAGATION
We obtain the Paris law of fatigue crack propagation in a fuse network model where the accumulated damage in each resistor increases with time as a power law of the local current amplitude. When a resistor reaches its fatigue threshold, it burns irreversibly. Over time, this drives cracks to grow until the system is fractured into two parts. We study the relation between the macroscopic exponent of the crack-growth rate -entering the phenomenological Paris law-and the microscopic damage accumulation exponent, gamma, under the influence of disorder. The way the jumps of the growing crack, Delta a, and the waiting time between successive breaks, Delta t, depend on the type of material, via gamma, are also investigated. We find that the averages of these quantities, <Delta a > and <Delta t >/< t(r)>, scale as power laws of the crack length a, <Delta a > proportional to a(alpha) and <Delta t >/< t(r)> proportional to a(-beta), where < t(r)> is the average rupture time. Strikingly, our results show, for small values of gamma, a decrease in the exponent of the Paris law in comparison with the homogeneous case, leading to an increase in the lifetime of breaking materials. For the particular case of gamma = 0, when fatigue is exclusively ruled by disorder, an analytical treatment confirms the results obtained by simulation. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
Adhesive bonding provides solutions to realize cost effective and low weight aircraft fuselage structures, in particular where the Damage Tolerance (DT) is the design criterion. Bonded structures that combine Metal Laminates (MLs) and eventually Selective Reinforcements can guarantee slow crack propagation, crack arrest and large damage capability. To optimize the design exploiting the benefit of bonded structures incorporating selective reinforcement requires reliable analysis tools. The effect of bonded doublers / selective reinforcements is very difficult to be predicted numerically or analytically due to the complexity of the underlying mechanisms and failures modes acting. Reliable predictions of crack growth and residual strength can only be based on sound empirical and phenomenological considerations strictly related to the specific structural concept. Large flat stiffened panels that combine MLs and selective reinforcements have been tested with the purpose of investigating solutions applicable to pressurized fuselages. The large test campaign (for a total of 35 stiffened panels) has quantitatively investigated the role of the different metallic skin concepts (monolithic vs. MLs) of the aluminum, titanium and glass-fiber reinforcements, of the stringers material and cross sections and of the geometry and location of doublers / selective reinforcements. Bonded doublers and selective reinforcements confirmed to be outstanding tools to improve the DT properties of structural elements with a minor weight increase. However the choice of proper materials for the skin and the stringers must be not underestimated since they play an important role as well. A fuselage structural concept has been developed to exploit the benefit of a metal laminate design concept in terms of high Fatigue and Damage Tolerance (F&DT) performances. The structure used laminated skin (0.8mm thick), bonded stringers, two different splicing solutions and selective reinforcements (glass prepreg embedded in the laminate) under the circumferential frames. To validate the design concept a curved panel was manufactured and tested under loading conditions representative of a single aisle fuselage: cyclic internal pressurization plus longitudinal loads. The geometry of the panel, design and loading conditions were tailored for the requirements of the upper front fuselage. The curved panel has been fatigue tested for 60 000 cycles before the introduction of artificial damages (cracks in longitudinal and circumferential directions). The crack growth of the artificial damages has been investigated for about 85 000 cycles. At the end a residual strength test has been performed with a “2 bay over broken frame” longitudinal crack. The reparability of this innovative concept has been taken into account during design and demonstrated with the use of an external riveted repair. The F&DT curved panel test has confirmed that a long fatigue life and high damage tolerance can be achieved with a hybrid metal laminate low weight configuration. The superior fatigue life from metal laminates and the high damage tolerance characteristics provided by integrated selective reinforcements are the key concepts that provided the excellent performances. The weight comparison between the innovative bonded concept and a conventional monolithic riveted design solution showed a significant potential weight saving but the weight advantages shall be traded off with the additional costs.
Fracture mechanics plays an important role in the material science, structure design and industrial production due to the failure of materials and structures are paid high attention in human activities. This dissertation, concentrates on some of the fractural aspects of shaft and composite which have being increasingly used in modern structures, consists four chapters within two parts. Chapters 1 to 4 are included in part 1. In the first chapter, the basic knowledge about the stress and displacement fields in the vicinity of a crack tip is introduced. A review involves the general methods of calculating stress intensity factors are presented. In Chapter 2, two simple engineering methods for a fast and close approximation of stress intensity factors of cracked or notched beams under tension, bending moment, shear force, as well as torque are presented. New formulae for calculating the stress intensity factors are proposed. One of the methods named Section Method is improved and applied to the three dimensional analysis of cracked circular section for calculating stress intensity factors. The comparisons between the present results and the solutions calculated by ABAQUS for single mode and mixed mode are studied. In chapter 3, fracture criteria for a crack subjected to mixed mode loading of two-dimension and three-dimension are reviewed. The crack extension angle for single mode and mixed mode, and the critical loading domain obtained by SEDF and MTS are compared. The effects of the crack depth and the applied force ratio on the crack propagation angle and the critical loading are investigated. Three different methods calculating the crack initiation angle for three-dimension analysis of various crack depth and crack position are compared. It should be noted that the stress intensity factors used in the criteria are calculated in section 2.1.
In this work the problem of performing a numerical simulation of quasi-static crack propagation within an adhesive layer of a bonded joint under Mode I loading affected by stress field changes due to thermal-chemical shrinkage induced by cure process is addressed. Secondly, a parametric study on fracture critical energy, cohesive strength and Young's modulus is performed. Finally, a particular case of adhesive layer stiffening is simulated in order to verify qualitatively the major effect.
In recent times, the demand for the storage of electrical energy has grown rapidly for both static applications and the portable electronics enforcing the substantial improvement in battery systems, and Li-ion batteries have been proven to have maximum energy storage density in all rechargeable batteries. However, major breakthroughs are required to consummate the requirement of higher energy density with lower cost to penetrate new markets. Graphite anode having limited capacity has become a bottle neck in the process of developing next generation batteries and can be replaced by higher capacity metals such as Silicon. In the present study we are focusing on the mechanical behavior of the Si-thin film anode under various operating conditions. A numerical model is developed to simulate the intercalation induced stress and the failure mechanism of the complex anode structure. Effect of the various physical phenomena such as diffusion induced stress, plasticity and the crack propagation are investigated to predict better performance parameters for improved design.
This study investigates thermally induced tensile stresses in ceramic tilings. Daily and seasonal thermal cycles, as well as, rare but extreme events, such as a hail-storm striking a heated terrace tiling, were studied in the field and by numerical modeling investigations. The field surveys delivered temperature– time diagrams and temperature profiles across tiling systems. These data were taken as input parameters for modeling the stress distribution in the tiling system in order to detect potential sites for material failure. Dependent on the thermal scenario (e.g., slow heating of the entire structure during morning and afternoon, or a rapid cooling of the tiles by a rain storm) the modeling indicates specific locations with high tensile stresses. Typically regions along the rim of the tiling field showed stresses, which can become critical with respect to the adhesion strength. Over the years, ongoing cycles of thermal expansion–contraction result in material fatigue promoting the propagation of cracks. However, the installation of flexible waterproofing membranes (applied between substrate and tile adhesive) represents an efficient technical innovation to reduce such crack propagation as confirmed by both numerical modeling results and microstructural studies on real systems.
The paper presents a consistent set of results showing the ability of Laser Shock Processing (LSP) in modifying the overall properties of the Friction Stir Welded (FSW) joints made of AA 2024-T351. Based on laser beam intensities above 109 W/cm2 with pulse energies of several Joules and pulses durations of nanoseconds, LSP is able of inducing a compression residual stress field, improving the wear and fatigue resistance by slowing crack propagation and stress corrosion cracking, but also improving the overall behaviour of the structure. After the FSW and LSP procedures are briefly presented, the results of micro-hardness measurements and of transverse tensile tests, together with the corrosion resistance of the native joints vs. LSP treated are discussed. The ability of LSP to generate compressive residual stresses and to improve the behaviour of the FSW joints is underscored.
La corrosión bajo tensiones (SCC) es un problema de gran importancia en las aleaciones de aluminio de máxima resistencia (serie Al-Zn-Mg-Cu). La utilización de tratamientos térmicos sobremadurados, en particular el T73, ha conseguido prácticamente eliminar la susceptibilidad a corrosión bajo tensiones en dichas aleaciones pero a costa de reducir su resistencia mecánica. Desde entonces se ha tratado de optimizar simultáneamente ambos comportamientos, encontrándose para ello diversos inconvenientes entre los que destacan: la dificultad de medir experimentalmente el crecimiento de grieta por SCC, y el desconocimiento de las causas y el mecanismo por el cual se produce la SCC. Los objetivos de esta Tesis son mejorar el sistema de medición de grietas y profundizar en el conocimiento de la SCC, con el fin de obtener tratamientos térmicos que aúnen un óptimo comportamiento tanto en SCC como mecánico en las aleaciones de aluminio de máxima resistencia utilizadas en aeronáutica. Para conseguir los objetivos anteriormente descritos se han realizado unos cuarenta tratamientos térmicos diferentes, de los cuales la gran mayoría son nuevos, para profundizar en el conocimiento de la influencia de la microestructura (fundamentalmente, de los precipitados coherentes) en el comportamiento de las aleaciones Al-Zn-Mg-Cu, y estudiar la viabilidad de nuevos tratamientos apoyados en el conocimiento adquirido. Con el fin de obtener unos resultados aplicables a productos o semiproductos de aplicación aeronáutica, los tratamientos térmicos se han realizado a trozos grandes de una plancha de 30 mm de espesor de la aleación de aluminio 7475, muy utilizada en las estructuras aeronáuticas. Asimismo con el objeto de conseguir una mayor fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos se han utilizado, normalmente, tres probetas de cada tratamiento para los diferentes ensayos realizados. Para la caracterización de dichos tratamientos se han utilizado diversas técnicas: medida de dureza y conductividad eléctrica, ensayos de tracción, calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC), metalografía, fractografía, microscopia electrónica de transmisión (MET) y de barrido (MEB), y ensayos de crecimiento de grieta en probeta DCB, que a su vez han permitido hacer una estimación del comportamiento en tenacidad del material. Las principales conclusiones del estudio realizado se pueden resumir en las siguientes: Se han diseñado y desarrollado nuevos métodos de medición de grieta basados en el empleo de la técnica de ultrasonidos, que permiten medir el crecimiento de grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones con la precisión y fiabilidad necesarias para valorar adecuadamente la susceptibilidad a corrosión bajo tensiones. La mejora de medida de la posición del frente de grieta ha dado lugar, entre otras cosas, a la definición de un nuevo ensayo a iniciación en probetas preagrietadas. Asimismo, se ha deducido una nueva ecuación que permite calcular el factor de intensidad de tensiones existente en punta de grieta en probetas DCB teniendo en cuenta la influencia de la desviación del plano de crecimiento de la grieta del plano medio de la probeta. Este aspecto ha sido determinante para poder explicar los resultados experimentales obtenidos ya que el crecimiento de la grieta por un plano paralelo al plano medio de la probeta DCB pero alejado de él reduce notablemente el factor de intensidades de tensiones que actúa en punta de grieta y modifica las condiciones reales del ensayo. Por otro lado, se han identificado los diferentes constituyentes de la microestructura de precipitación de todos los tratamientos térmicos estudiados y, en especial, se ha conseguido constatar (mediante MET y DSC) la existencia de zonas de Guinier-Preston del tipo GP(II) en la microestructura de numerosos tratamientos térmicos (no descrita en la bibliografía para las aleaciones del tipo de la estudiada) lo que ha permitido establecer una nueva interpretación de la evolución de la microestructura en los diferentes tratamientos. Al hilo de lo anterior, se han definido nuevas secuencias de precipitación para este tipo de aleaciones, que han permitido entender mejor la constitución de la microestructura y su relación con las propiedades en los diferentes tratamientos térmicos estudiados. De igual manera, se ha explicado el papel de los diferentes microconstituyentes en diversas propiedades mecánicas (propiedades a tracción, dureza y tenacidad KIa); en particular, el estudio realizado de la relación de la microestructura con la tenacidad KIa es inédito. Por otra parte, se ha correlacionado el comportamiento en corrosión bajo tensiones, tanto en la etapa de incubación de grieta como en la de propagación, con las características medidas de los diferentes constituyentes microestructurales de los tratamientos térmicos ensayados, tanto de interior como de límite de grano, habiéndose obtenido que la microestructura de interior de grano tiene una mayor influencia en el comportamiento en corrosión bajo tensiones que la de límite de grano. De forma especial, se ha establecido la importancia capital, y muy negativa, de la presencia en la microestructura de zonas de Guinier-Preston en el crecimiento de la grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones. Finalmente, como consecuencia de todo lo anterior, se ha propuesto un nuevo mecanismo por el que se produce la corrosión bajo tensiones en este tipo de aleaciones de aluminio, y que de forma muy resumida se puede concretar lo siguiente: la acumulación de hidrógeno (formado, básicamente, por un proceso corrosivo de disolución anódica) delante de la zonas GP (en especial, de las zonas GP(I)) próximas a la zona libre de precipitados que se desarrolla alrededor del límite de grano provoca enfragilización local y causa el rápido crecimiento de grieta característico de algunos tratamientos térmicos de este tipo de aleaciones. ABSTRACT The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a major problem in the aluminum alloys of high resistance (series Al-Zn-Mg-Cu). The use of overaged heat treatments, particularly T73 has achieved virtually eliminate the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in such alloys but at the expense of reducing its mechanical strength. Since then we have tried to simultaneously optimize both behaviors, several drawbacks found for it among them: the difficulty of measuring experimentally the SCC crack growth, and ignorance of the causes and the mechanism by which SCC occurs. The objectives of this thesis are to improve the measurement system of cracks and deeper understanding of the SCC, in order to obtain heat treatments that combine optimum performance in both SCC and maximum mechanical strength in aluminum alloys used in aerospace To achieve the above objectives have been made about forty different heat treatments, of which the vast majority are new, to deepen the understanding of the influence of microstructure (mainly of coherent precipitates) in the behavior of the alloys Al -Zn-Mg-Cu, and study the feasibility of new treatments supported by the knowledge gained. To obtain results for products or semi-finished aircraft application, heat treatments were performed at a large pieces plate 30 mm thick aluminum alloy 7475, widely used in aeronautical structures. Also in order to achieve greater reliability of the results obtained have been used, normally, three specimens of each treatment for various tests. For the characterization of these treatments have been used several techniques: measurement of hardness and electrical conductivity, tensile testing, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), metallography, fractography, transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy, and crack growth tests on DCB specimen, which in turn have allowed to estimate the behavior of the material in fracture toughness. The main conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: We have designed and developed new methods for measuring crack based on the use of the ultrasound technique, for measuring the growth of stress corrosion cracks with the accuracy and reliability needed to adequately assess the susceptibility to stress corrosion. Improved position measurement of the crack front has resulted, among other things, the definition of a new initiation essay in pre cracked specimens. Also, it has been inferred a new equation to calculate the stress intensity factor in crack tip existing in DCB specimens considering the influence of the deviation of the plane of the crack growth of the medium plane of the specimen. This has been crucial to explain the experimental results obtained since the crack growth by a plane parallel to the medium plane of the DCB specimen but away from it greatly reduces the stress intensity factor acting on the crack tip and modifies the actual conditions of the essay. Furthermore, we have identified the various constituents of the precipitation microstructure of all heat treatments studied and, in particular note has been achieved (by TEM and DSC) the existence of the type GP (II) of Guinier-Preston zones in the microstructure of several heat treatments (not described in the literature for alloys of the type studied) making it possible to establish a new interpretation of the evolution of the microstructure in the different treatments. In line with the above, we have defined new precipitation sequences for these alloys, which have allowed a better understanding of the formation of the microstructure in relation to the properties of different heat treatments studied. Similarly, explained the role of different microconstituents in various mechanical properties (tensile properties, hardness and toughness KIa), in particular, the study of the relationship between the tenacity KIa microstructure is unpublished. Moreover, has been correlated to the stress corrosion behavior, both in the incubation step as the crack propagation, with the measured characteristics of the various microstructural constituents heat treatments tested, both interior and boundary grain, having obtained the internal microstructure of grain has a greater influence on the stress corrosion cracking behavior in the grain boundary. In a special way, has established the importance, and very negative, the presence in the microstructure of Guinier-Preston zones in crack growth by stress corrosion. Finally, following the above, we have proposed a new mechanism by which stress corrosion cracking occurs in this type of aluminum alloy, and, very briefly, one can specify the following: the accumulation of hydrogen (formed basically by a corrosive process of anodic dissolution) in front of the GP zones (especially the GP (I) zones) near the precipitates free zone that develops around grain boundary causes local embrittlement which characterizes rapid crack growth of some heat treatments such alloys.
The effect of the applied stress on the deformation and crack nucleation and propagation mechanisms of a c-TiAl intermetallic alloy (Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn (at. pct)-0.8 vol. pct TiB2) was examined by means of in situ tensile (constant strain rate) and tensile-creep (constant load) experiments performed at 973 K (700 �C) using a scanning electron microscope. Colony boundary cracking developed during the secondary stage in creep tests at 300 and 400 MPa and during the tertiary stage of the creep tests performed at higher stresses. Colony boundary cracking was also observed in the constant strain rate tensile test. Interlamellar ledges were only found during the tensile-creep tests at high stresses (r>400 MPa) and during the constant strain rate tensile test. Quantitative measurements of the nature of the crack propagation path along secondary cracks and along the primary crack indicated that colony boundaries were preferential sites for crack propagation under all the conditions investigated. The frequency of interlamellar cracking increased with stress, but this fracture mechanism was always of secondary importance. Translamellar cracking was only observed along the primary crack.
This paper is devoted to the numerical analysis of bidimensional bonded lap joints. For this purpose, the stress singularities occurring at the intersections of the adherend-adhesive interfaces with the free edges are first investigated and a method for computing both the order and the intensity factor of these singularities is described briefly. After that, a simplified model, in which the adhesive domain is reduced to a line, is derived by using an asymptotic expansion method. Then, assuming that the assembly debonding is produced by a macro-crack propagation in the adhesive, the associated energy release rate is computed. Finally, a homogenization technique is used in order to take into account a preliminary adhesive damage consisting of periodic micro-cracks. Some numerical results are presented.
Laser Shock Processing (LSP) has been demonstrated as an emerging technique for the induction of RS’s fields in subsurface layers of relatively thick specimens. However, the LSP treatment of relatively thin specimens brings, as an additional consequence, the possible bending in a process of laser shock forming. This effect poses a new class of problems regarding the attainment of specified RS’s depth profiles in the mentioned type of sheets, and, what can be more critical, an overall deformation of the treated component. The analysis of the problem of LSP treatment for induction of tentatively through-thickness RS’s fields for fatigue life enhancement in relatively thin sheets in a way compatible with reduced overall workpiece deformation due to spring-back self-equilibration is envisaged in this paper. The coupled theoretical-experimental predictive approach developed by the authors has been applied to the specification of LSP treatments for achievement of RS's fields tentatively able to retard crack propagation on normalized specimens. A convergence between numerical code results and experimental results coming from direct RS's measurement is presented as a first step for the treatment of the normalized specimens under optimized conditions and verification of the crack retardation properties virtually induced.
O transporte de gás e derivados de petróleo é realizado pelo uso de tubulações, denominadas de oleodutos ou gasodutos, que necessitam de elevados níveis de resistência mecânica e corrosão, aliadas a uma boa tenacidade à fratura e resistência à fadiga. A adição de elementos de liga nesses aços, Ti, V e Nb entre outros, é realizada para o atendimento destes níveis de resistência após o processamento termomecânico das chapas para fabricação destes dutos, utilizando-se a norma API 5L do American Petroleum Institute, API, para a classificação destes aços. A adição de elementos de liga em associação com o processamento termomecânico visa o refino de grão da microestrutura austenítica, o qual é transferido para a estrutura ferrítica resultante. O Brasil é o detentor das maiores reservas mundiais de nióbio, que tem sido apresentado como refinador da microestrutura mais eficiente que outros elementos, como o V e Ti. Neste trabalho dois aços, denominados Normal e Alto Nb foram estudados. A norma API propõe que a soma das concentrações de Nióbio, Vanádio e Titânio devem ser menores que 0,15% no aço. As concentrações no aço contendo mais alto Nb é de 0,107%, contra 0,082% do aço de composição normal, ou seja, ambos atendem o valor especificado pela norma API. Entretanto, os aços são destinados ao uso em dutovias pela PETROBRÁS que impõe limites nos elementos microligantes para os aços aplicados em dutovias. Deste modo estudos foram desenvolvidos para verificar se os parâmetros de resistência à tração, ductilidade, tenacidade ao impacto e resistência à propagação de trinca por fadiga, estariam em acordo com a norma API 5L grau X70 e com os resultados que outros pesquisadores têm encontrado para aços dessa classe. Ainda, como para a formação de uma dutovia os tubos são unidos uns aos outros por processo de soldagem (circunferencial), o estudo de fadiga foi estendido para as regiões da solda e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA). Como conclusão final observa-se que o aço API 5L X70 com Nb modificado, produzido conforme processo desenvolvido pela ArcelorMittal - Tubarão, apresenta os parâmetros de resistência e ductilidade em tração, resistência ao impacto e resistência a propagação de trinca em fadiga (PTF) similar aos aços API 5L X70 com teores de Nb = 0,06 % peso e aqueles da literatura com teores de Nb+Ti+V < 0,15% peso. O metal base, metal de solda e zona termicamente afetada apresentaram curvas da/dN x ΔK similares, com os parâmetros do material C e m, da equação de Paris, respectivamente na faixa de 3,3 - 4,2 e 1.3x10-10 - 5.0x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m].
Este trabalho propõe uma técnica de modelagem multiescala concorrente do concreto considerando duas escalas distintas: a mesoescala, onde o concreto é modelado como um material heterogêneo, e a macroescala, na qual o concreto é tratado como um material homogêneo. A heterogeneidade da estrutura mesoscópica do concreto é idealizada considerando três fases distintas, compostas pelos agregados graúdos e argamassa (matriz), estes considerados materiais homogêneos, e zona de transição interfacial (ZTI), tratada como a parte mais fraca entre as três fases. O agregado graúdo é gerado a partir de uma curva granulométrica e posicionado na matriz de forma aleatória. Seu comportamento mecânico é descrito por um modelo constitutivo elástico-linear, devido a sua maior resistência quando comparado com as outras duas fases do concreto. Elementos finitos contínuos com alta relação de aspecto em conjunto com um modelo constitutivo de dano são usados para representar o comportamento não linear do concreto, decorrente da iniciação de fissuras na ZTI e posterior propagação para a matriz, dando lugar à formação de macrofissuras. Os elementos finitos de interface com alta relação de aspecto são inseridos entre todos os elementos regulares da matriz e entre os da matriz e agregados, representando a ZTI, tornando-se potenciais caminhos de propagação de fissuras. No estado limite, quando a espessura do elemento de interface tende a zero (h ?0) e, consequentemente, a relação de aspecto tende a infinito, estes elementos apresentam a mesma cinemática da aproximação contínua de descontinuidades fortes (ACDF), sendo apropriados para representar a formação de descontinuidades associados a fissuras, similar aos modelos coesivos. Um modelo de dano à tração é proposto para representar o comportamento mecânico não linear das interfaces, associado à formação de fissuras, ou até mesmo ao eventual fechamento destas. A fim de contornar os problemas causados pela malha de elementos finitos de transição entre as malhas da macro e da mesoescala, que, em geral, apresentam diferenças expressivas 5 de refinamento, utiliza-se uma técnica recente de acoplamento de malhas não conformes. Esta técnica é baseada na definição de elementos finitos de acoplamento (EFAs), os quais são capazes de estabelecer a continuidade de deslocamento entre malhas geradas de forma completamente independentes, sem aumentar a quantidade total de graus de liberdade do problema, podendo ser utilizados tanto para acoplar malhas não sobrepostas quanto sobrepostas. Para tornar possível a análise em multiescala em casos nos quais a região de localização de deformações não pode ser definida a priori, propõe-se uma técnica multiescala adaptativa. Nesta abordagem, usa-se a distribuição de tensões da escala macroscópica como um indicador para alterar a modelagem das regiões críticas, substituindo-se a macroescala pela mesoescala durante a análise. Consequentemente, a malha macroscópica é automaticamente substituída por uma malha mesoscópica, onde o comportamento não linear está na iminência de ocorrer. Testes numéricos são desenvolvidos para mostrar a capacidade do modelo proposto de representar o processo de iniciação e propagação de fissuras na região tracionada do concreto. Os resultados numéricos são comparados com os resultados experimentais ou com aqueles obtidos através da simulação direta em mesoescala (SDM).
As recentes descobertas de petróleo e gás na camada do Pré-sal representam um enorme potencial exploratório no Brasil, entretanto, os desafios tecnológicos para a exploração desses recursos minerais são imensos e, consequentemente, têm motivado o desenvolvimento de estudos voltados a métodos e materiais eficientes para suas produções. Os tubos condutores de petróleo e gás são denominados de elevadores catenários ou do inglês \"risers\", e são elementos que necessariamente são soldados e possuem fundamental importância nessa cadeia produtiva, pois transportam petróleo e gás natural do fundo do mar à plataforma, estando sujeitos a carregamentos dinâmicos (fadiga) durante sua operação. Adicionalmente, um dos problemas centrais à produção de óleo e gás das reservas do Pré-Sal está diretamente associado a meios altamente corrosivos, tais como H2S e CO2. Uma forma mais barata de proteção dos tubos é a aplicação de uma camada de um material metálico resistente à corrosão na parte interna desses tubos (clad). Assim, a união entre esses tubos para formação dos \"risers\" deve ser realizada pelo emprego de soldas circunferenciais de ligas igualmente resistentes à corrosão. Nesse contexto, como os elementos soldados são considerados possuir defeitos do tipo trinca, para a garantia de sua integridade estrutural quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, é necessário o conhecimento das taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga da solda circunferencial. Assim, neste trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga na região da solda circunferencial de Inconel® 625 realizada em tubo de aço API 5L X65 cladeado, utilizando corpos de prova do tipo SEN(B) (Single Edge Notch Bending) com relações entre espessura e largura (B/W) iguais a 0,5, 1 e 2. O propósito central deste trabalho foi de obter a curva da taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga (da/dN) versus a variação do fator de intensidade de tensão (ΔK) para o metal de solda por meio de ensaios normatizados, utilizando diferentes técnicas de acompanhamento e medição da trinca. A monitoração de crescimento da trinca foi feita por três técnicas: variação da flexibilidade elástica (VFE), queda de potencial elétrico (QPE) e análise de imagem (Ai). Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes relações B/W utilizadas no estudo não alteraram significantemente as taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga, respeitado que a propagação aconteceu em condições de escoamento em pequena escala na frente da trinca. Os resultados de propagação de trinca por fadiga permitiram a obtenção das regiões I e II da curva da/dN versus ΔK para o metal de solda. O valor de ΔKlim obtido para o mesmo foi em torno de 11,8 MPa.m1/2 e os valores encontrados das constantes experimentais C e m da equação de Paris-Erdogan foram respectivamente iguais a 1,55 x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m] e 4,15. A propagação de trinca no metal de solda deu-se por deformação plástica, com a formação de estrias de fadiga.
This paper studies the fracturing process in low-porous rocks during uniaxial compressive tests considering the original defects and the new mechanical cracks in the material. For this purpose, five different kinds of rocks have been chosen with carbonate mineralogy and low porosity (lower than 2%). The characterization of the fracture damage is carried out using three different techniques: ultrasounds, mercury porosimetry and X-ray computed tomography. The proposed methodology allows quantifying the evolution of the porous system as well as studying the location of new cracks in the rock samples. Intercrystalline porosity (the smallest pores with pore radius < 1 μm) shows a limited development during loading, disappearing rapidly from the porosimetry curves and it is directly related to the initial plastic behaviour in the stress–strain patterns. However, the biggest pores (corresponding to the cracks) suffer a continuous enlargement until the unstable propagation of fractures. The measured crack initiation stress varies between 0.25 σp and 0.50 σp for marbles and between 0.50 σp and 0.85 σp for micrite limestone. The unstable propagation of cracks is assumed to occur very close to the peak strength. Crack propagation through the sample is completely independent of pre-existing defects (porous bands, stylolites, fractures and veins). The ultrasonic response in the time-domain is less sensitive to the fracture damage than the frequency-domain. P-wave velocity increases during loading test until the beginning of the unstable crack propagation. This increase is higher for marbles (between 15% and 30% from initial vp values) and lower for micrite limestones (between 5% and 10%). When the mechanical cracks propagate unstably, the velocity stops to increase and decreases only when rock damage is very high. Frequency analysis of the ultrasonic signals shows clear changes during the loading process. The spectrum of treated waveforms shows two main frequency peaks centred at low (~ 20 kHz) and high (~ 35 kHz) values. When new fractures appear and grow the amplitude of the high-frequency peak decreases, while that of the low-frequency peak increases. Besides, a slight frequency shift is observed towards higher frequencies.