255 resultados para CHAR


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Cell-wall components (cellulose, hemicellulose (oat spelt xylan), lignin (Organosolv)), and model compounds (levoglucosan (an intermediate product of cellulose decomposition) and chlorogenic acid (structurally similar to lignin polymer units)) have been investigated to probe in detail the influence of potassium on their pyrolysis behaviours as well as their uncatalysed decomposition reaction. Cellulose and lignin were pretreated to remove salts and metals by hydrochloric acid, and this dematerialized sample was impregnated with 1% of potassium as potassium acetate. Levoglucosan, xylan and chlorogenic acid were mixed with CHCOOK to introduce 1% K. Characterisation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). In addition to the TGA pyrolysis, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS) analysis was introduced to examine reaction products. Potassium-catalysed pyrolysis has a huge influence on the char formation stage and increases the char yields considerably (from 7.7% for raw cellulose to 27.7% for potassium impregnated cellulose; from 5.7% for raw levoglucosan to 20.8% for levoglucosan with CHCOOK added). Major changes in the pyrolytic decomposition pathways were observed for cellulose, levoglucosan and chlorogenic acid. The results for cellulose and levoglucosan are consistent with a base catalysed route in the presence of the potassium salt which promotes complete decomposition of glucosidic units by a heterolytic mechanism and favours its direct depolymerization and fragmentation to low molecular weight components (e.g. acetic acid, formic acid, glyoxal, hydroxyacetaldehyde and acetol). Base catalysed polymerization reactions increase the char yield. Potassium-catalysed lignin pyrolysis is very significant: the temperature of maximum conversion in pyrolysis shifts to lower temperature by 70 K and catalysed polymerization reactions increase the char yield from 37% to 51%. A similar trend is observed for the model compound, chlorogenic acid. The addition of potassium does not produce a dramatic change in the tar product distribution, although its addition to chlorogenic acid promoted the generation of cyclohexane and phenol derivatives. Postulated thermal decomposition schemes for chlorogenic acid are presented. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phosphorus is a key plant nutrient and as such, is incorporated into growing biomass in small amounts. This paper examines the influence of phosphorus, present in either acid (HPO) or salt ((NH)PO) form, on the pyrolysis behaviour of both Miscanthus × giganteus, and its cell wall components, cellulose, hemicellulose (xylan) and lignin (Organosolv). Pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS) is used to examine the pyrolysis products during thermal degradation, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is used to examine the distribution of char and volatiles. Phosphorus salts are seen to catalyse the pyrolysis and modify the yields of products, resulting in a large increase in char yield for all samples, but particularly for cellulose and Miscanthus. The thermal degradation processes of cellulose, xylan and Miscanthus samples occur in one step and the main pyrolysis step is shifted to lower temperature in the presence of phosphorus. A small impact of phosphorus was observed in the case of lignin char yields and the types of pyrolysis decomposition products produced. Levoglucosan is a major component produced in fast pyrolysis of cellulose. Furfural and levoglucosenone become more dominant products upon P-impregnation pointing to new rearrangement and dehydration routes. The P-catalysed xylan decomposition route leads to a much simpler mixture of products, which are dominated by furfural, 3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one and one other unconfirmed product, possibly 3,4-dihydro-2-methoxy-2H-pyran or 4-hydroxy-5,6-dihydro-(2H)-pyran-2-one. Phosphorus-catalysed lignin decomposition also leads to a modified mixture of tar components and desaspidinol as well as other higher molecular weight component become more dominant relative to the methoxyphenyl phenols, dimethoxy phenols and triethoxy benzene. Comparison of the results for Miscanthus lead to the conclusion that the understanding of the fast pyrolysis of biomass can, for the most part, be gained through the study of the individual cell wall components, provided consideration is given to the presence of catalytic components such as phosphorus.


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Short rotation willow coppice (SRC) has been investigated for the influence of K, Ca, Mg, Fe and P on its pyrolysis and combustion behaviours. These metals are the typical components that appear in biomass. The willow sample was pretreated to remove salts and metals by hydrochloric acid, and this demineralised sample was impregnated with each individual metal at the same mol g biomass (2.4 × 10 mol g demineralised willow). Characterisation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) for combustion. In pyrolysis, volatile fingerprints were measured by means of pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS). The yields and distribution of pyrolysis products have been influenced by the presence of the catalysts. Most notably, both potassium and phosphorous strongly catalysed the pyrolysis, modifying both the yield and distribution of reaction products. Temperature programmed combustion TGA indicates that combustion of biomass char is catalysed by all the metals, while phosphorus strongly inhibits the char combustion. In this case, combustion rates follow the order for volatile release/combustion: P>K>Fe>Raw>HCl>Mg>Ca, and for char combustion K>Fe>raw>Ca-Mg>HCl>P. The samples impregnated with phosphorus and potassium were also studied for combustion under flame conditions, and the same trend was observed, i.e. both potassium and phosphorus catalyse the volatile release/combustion, while, in char combustion, potassium is a catalyst and phosphorus a strong inhibitor, i.e. K impregnated>(faster than) raw>demineralised»P impregnated.


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The simultaneous use of willow as a vegetation filter and an energy crop can respond both to the increasing energy demand and to the problem of the soil and water contamination. Its characteristics guarantee that the resources are used economically. As a vegetation filter, willow uptakes organic and inorganic contaminants. As a fast growing energy crop it meets the requirements of rural areas without the exploitation of existing forestry. The aim of the research was to gather knowledge on the thermal behaviour of willow, uptaking contaminants and then used as an energy crop. For this reason pyrolysis experiments were performed in two different scales. In analytical scale metal-contaminated wood was investigated and bench scale pyrolysis experiments were performed with nitrogen-enriched willow, originated from a wastewater treatment plant. Results of the pyrolysis showed that 51-81 % of the wastewater derived nitrogen of willow was captured in the char product. Char had low surface area (1.4 to 5.4 m2/g), low bulk density (0.15–0.18 g/cm3), high pH values (7.8–9.4) and high water-holding capacity (1.8 to 4.3 cm3/g) while the bioavailability of char nutrients was low. Links were also established between the pyrolysis temperature and the product properties for maximising the biochar provided benefits for soil applications. Results also showed that the metal binding capacity of wood varied from one metal ion to another, char yield increased and levoglucosan yield decreased in their presence. While char yield was mainly affected by the concentration of the metal ions, levoglucosan yield was more dependent on the type of the ionic species. Combustion experiments were also carried out with metal-enriched char. The burnout temperatures, estimated ignition indices and the conversion indicate that the metal ions type and not the amount were the determining factors during the combustion. Results presented in the Thesis provide better understanding on the thermal behaviour of nitrogen-enriched and metal contaminated biomass which is crucial to design effective pyrolysis units and combustors. These findings are relevant for pyrolysis experiments, where the goal is to yield char for energetic or soil applications.


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Pyrolysis is an energy conversion technology which by heating organic materials in the absence of oxygen, produces liquid, gaseous, and solid fuel products. Biochar, the solid product, can also be used as a soil amendment and, simultaneously, enables us to sequester carbon in the soil. By controlling the pyrolysis process, it is possible to engineer biochar suitable for the remediation of specific soil management problems. This research uses a characterization method more suited to producing biochar for soil amendment purposes than the existing biochar fuel characterization standards. This is the first research to use wastewater irrigated willow as a pyrolysis feedstock. The extensive characterization of biochar produced over a range of temperatures (410-810°C) yielded data on key properties relevant to soil under management: low surface area (1.4 to 5.4 m2/g), low bulk density (0.15-0.18 g/cm3), high pH values (7.8-9.4) and high water-holding capacity (1.8 to 4.3 cm3/g). Extraction experiments demonstrated low bioavailability of char nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg). This research also studied this artificial nitrogen cycle of pyrolysis: nitrogen accumulated in the wood from the wastewater and high levels of nitrogen remained in the biochar in a stable form not directly available to plants. Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog.


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The research investigates the fuel property variations associated with the time of harvest and the duration of storage of Miscanthus x giganteus over a one year period. The crop has been harvested at three different times: early (September 2009), conventional (April 2010) and late (June 2010). Once harvested the crop was baled and stored. Biomass properties of samples taken from different storage zones were compared. The thermochemical properties have been investigated using a range of analytical equipment including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS). In addition, bio-oil has been produced from the early, conventional and late harvest using a laboratory scale (300gh) fast pyrolysis unit. The potential organic liquid yield (ondry basis, also excluding the reaction water generated) based on the laboratory fast pyrolysis processing undertaken in this study, was found to vary between 2.82 and 3.18 dry tha for the early and the late harvest respectively. The bio-oil organic yield was reduced by approximately 11% (0.36tha) between the early and the late harvest. Char yield was also reduced by approximately 18% (0.61tha). The highest gas yield (18.03%-1.60tha) was observed for the conventional harvest. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the bio-oil shows that levoglucosan, methylbenzaldehyde and 1,2-benzenediol all increase as a consequence of delayed harvest. It was also observed that by delaying the harvest time the O:C atomic ratio is reduced and a more carbonaceous feedstock is produced. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The projected decline in fossil fuel availability, environmental concerns, and security of supply attract increased interest in renewable energy derived from biomass. Fast pyrolysis is a possible thermochemical conversion route for the production of bio-oil, with promising advantages. The purpose of the experiments reported in this thesis was to extend our understanding of the fast pyrolysis process for straw, perennial grasses and hardwoods, and the implications of selective pyrolysis, crop harvest and storage on the thermal decomposition products. To this end, characterisation and laboratory-scale fast pyrolysis were conducted on the available feedstocks, and their products were compared. The variation in light and medium volatile decomposition products was investigated at different pyrolysis temperatures and heating rates, and a comparison of fast and slow pyrolysis products was conducted. Feedstocks from different harvests, storage durations and locations were characterised and compared in terms of their fuel and chemical properties. A range of analytical (e.g. Py-GC-MS and TGA) and processing equipment (0.3 kg/h and 1.0 kg/h fast pyrolysis reactors and 0.15 kg slow pyrolysis reactor) was used. Findings show that the high bio-oil and char heating value, and low water content of willow short rotation coppice (SRC) make this crop attractive for fast pyrolysis processing compared to the other investigated feedstocks in this project. From the analytical sequential investigation of willow SRC, it was found that the volatile product distribution can be tailored to achieve a better final product, by a variation of the heating rate and temperature. Time of harvest was most influential on the fuel properties of miscanthus; overall the late harvest produced the best fuel properties (high HHV, low moisture content, high volatile content, low ash content), and storage of the feedstock reduced the moisture and acid content.


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Short rotation willow coppice (SRC) and a synthetic biomass, a mixture of the basic biomass components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), have been investigated for the influence of potassium on their pyrolysis behaviours. The willow sample was pre-treated to remove salts and metals by hydrochloric acid, and this demineralised sample was impregnated with potassium. The same type of pre-treatment was applied to components of the synthetic biomass. Characterisation was performed using thermogravimetric analysis with measurement of products by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS). A comparison of product distributions and kinetics are reported. While the general features of decomposition of SRC are described well by an additive behaviour of the individual components, there are some differences in the magnitude of the influence of potassium, and on the products produced. For both SRC and the synthetic biomass, TGA traces indicate catalytic promotion of both of the two-stages of biomass decomposition, and potassium can lower the average apparent first-order activation energy for pyrolysis by up to 50 kJ/mol. For both SRC and synthetic biomass the yields and distribution of pyrolysis products have been influenced by the presence of the catalyst. Potassium catalysed pyrolysis increases the char yields markedly and this is more pronounced for synthetic biomass than SRC. Gas evolution profiles during pyrolysis show the same general features for both SRC and synthetic biomass. Relative methane yields increase during the char formation stage of pyrolysis of the potassium doped samples. The evolution profiles of acetic acid and formaldehyde change, and these products are seen in lower relative amounts for both the demineralised samples. A greater variation in pyrolysis products is observed from the treated SRC samples compared to the different synthetic biomass samples. Furthermore, substituted phenols from lignin pyrolysis are more dominant in the pyrolysis profiles of the synthetic biomass than of the SRC, implying that the extracted lignins used in the synthetic biomass yield a greater fraction of monomeric type species than the lignocellulosic cell wall material of SRC. For both types of samples, PY-GS-MS analyses show that potassium has a significant influence on cellulose decomposition markers, not just on the formation of levoglucosan, but also other species from the non-catalysed mechanism, such as 3,4-dihydroxy-3-cyclobutene-1,2-dione. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This research investigates specific ash control methods to limit inorganic content within biomass prior to fast pyrolysis and effect of specific ash components on fast pyrolysis processing, mass balance yields and bio-oil quality and stability. Inorganic content in miscanthus was naturally reduced over the winter period from June (7.36 wt. %) to February (2.80 wt. %) due to a combination of senescence and natural leaching from rain water. September harvest produced similar mass balance yields, bio-oil quality and stability compared to February harvest (conventional harvest), but nitrogen content in above ground crop was to high (208 kg ha.-1) to maintain sustainable crop production. Deionised water, 1.00% HCl and 0.10% Triton X-100 washes were used to reduce inorganic content of miscanthus. Miscanthus washed with 0.10% Triton X-100 resulted in the highest total liquid yield (76.21 wt. %) and lowest char and reaction water yields (9.77 wt. % and 8.25 wt. % respectively). Concentrations of Triton X-100 were varied to study further effects on mass balance yields and bio-oil stability. All concentrations of Triton X-100 increased total liquid yield and decreased char and reaction water yields compared to untreated miscanthus. In terms of bio-oil stability 1.00% Triton X-100 produced the most stable bio-oil with lowest viscosity index (2.43) and lowest water content index (1.01). Beech wood was impregnated with potassium and phosphorus resulting in lower liquid yields and increased char and gas yields due to their catalytic effect on fast pyrolysis product distribution. Increased potassium and phosphorus concentrations produced less stable bio-oils with viscosity and water content indexes increasing. Fast pyrolysis processing of phosphorus impregnated beech wood was problematic as the reactor bed material agglomerated into large clumps due to char formation within the reactor, affecting fluidisation and heat transfer.


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This work describes the use of intermediate pyrolysis system to produce liquid, gaseous and solid fuels from pelletised wood and barley straw feedstock. Experiments were conducted in a pilot-scale system and all products were collected and analysed. The liquid products were separated into an aqueous phase and an organic phase (pyrolysis oil) under gravity. The oil yields were 34.1 wt.% and 12.0 wt.% for wood and barley straw, respectively. Analysis found that both oils were rich in heterocyclic and phenolic compounds and have heating values over 24 MJ/kg. The yields of char for both feedstocks were found to be about 30 wt.%, with heating values similar to that of typical sub-bituminous class coal. Gas yields were calculated to be approximately 20 wt.%. Studies showed that both gases had heating values similar to that of downdraft gasification producer gas. Analysis on product energy yields indicated the process efficiency was about 75%. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an assessment of the technical and economic performance of thermal processes to generate electricity from a wood chip feedstock by combustion, gasification and fast pyrolysis. The scope of the work begins with the delivery of a wood chip feedstock at a conversion plant and ends with the supply of electricity to the grid, incorporating wood chip preparation, thermal conversion, and electricity generation in dual fuel diesel engines. Net generating capacities of 1–20 MWe are evaluated. The techno-economic assessment is achieved through the development of a suite of models that are combined to give cost and performance data for the integrated system. The models include feed pretreatment, combustion, atmospheric and pressure gasification, fast pyrolysis with pyrolysis liquid storage and transport (an optional step in de-coupled systems) and diesel engine or turbine power generation. The models calculate system efficiencies, capital costs and production costs. An identical methodology is applied in the development of all the models so that all of the results are directly comparable. The electricity production costs have been calculated for 10th plant systems, indicating the costs that are achievable in the medium term after the high initial costs associated with novel technologies have reduced. The costs converge at the larger scale with the mean electricity price paid in the EU by a large consumer, and there is therefore potential for fast pyrolysis and diesel engine systems to sell electricity directly to large consumers or for on-site generation. However, competition will be fierce at all capacities since electricity production costs vary only slightly between the four biomass to electricity systems that are evaluated. Systems de-coupling is one way that the fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system can distinguish itself from the other conversion technologies. Evaluations in this work show that situations requiring several remote generators are much better served by a large fast pyrolysis plant that supplies fuel to de-coupled diesel engines than by constructing an entire close-coupled system at each generating site. Another advantage of de-coupling is that the fast pyrolysis conversion step and the diesel engine generation step can operate independently, with intermediate storage of the fast pyrolysis liquid fuel, increasing overall reliability. Peak load or seasonal power requirements would also benefit from de-coupling since a small fast pyrolysis plant could operate continuously to produce fuel that is stored for use in the engine on demand. Current electricity production costs for a fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system are 0.091/kWh at 1 MWe when learning effects are included. These systems are handicapped by the typical characteristics of a novel technology: high capital cost, high labour, and low reliability. As such the more established combustion and steam cycle produces lower cost electricity under current conditions. The fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system is a low capital cost option but it also suffers from relatively low system efficiency particularly at high capacities. This low efficiency is the result of a low conversion efficiency of feed energy into the pyrolysis liquid, because of the energy in the char by-product. A sensitivity analysis has highlighted the high impact on electricity production costs of the fast pyrolysis liquids yield. The liquids yield should be set realistically during design, and it should be maintained in practice by careful attention to plant operation and feed quality. Another problem is the high power consumption during feedstock grinding. Efficiencies may be enhanced in ablative fast pyrolysis which can tolerate a chipped feedstock. This has yet to be demonstrated at commercial scale. In summary, the fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system has great potential to generate electricity at a profit in the long term, and at a lower cost than any other biomass to electricity system at small scale. This future viability can only be achieved through the construction of early plant that could, in the short term, be more expensive than the combustion alternative. Profitability in the short term can best be achieved by exploiting niches in the market place and specific features of fast pyrolysis. These include: •countries or regions with fiscal incentives for renewable energy such as premium electricity prices or capital grants; •locations with high electricity prices so that electricity can be sold direct to large consumers or generated on-site by companies who wish to reduce their consumption from the grid; •waste disposal opportunities where feedstocks can attract a gate fee rather than incur a cost; •the ability to store fast pyrolysis liquids as a buffer against shutdowns or as a fuel for peak-load generating plant; •de-coupling opportunities where a large, single pyrolysis plant supplies fuel to several small and remote generators; •small-scale combined heat and power opportunities; •sales of the excess char, although a market has yet to be established for this by-product; and •potential co-production of speciality chemicals and fuel for power generation in fast pyrolysis systems.


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Pyrolytic recycling of materials for electronics and automotive is attractive because of the possibility of recovery of fuel and of precious metals from printed circuit. Due to the complexity of their composition an appropriate pre-treatment has to be performed in order to limit the evolution of dangerous halogen containing compounds which strongly impair the fuel quality. An advantageous pyrolysis approach implies the attempt of mineralisation of the organic bromine to the not volatile and harmless inorganic form using strong bases such as NaOH and KOH to reduce the amount of volatile and increasing the residue. The char stability is greatly variable depending on the substrate. Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 behave in a similar manner but to a lower extent. Carbonates and reducing agent such as LiAlH have been tested as well and their ability to scavenge bromine is discussed in terms of effectiveness and mechanism.


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A Eulerian-Eulerian CFD model was used to investigate the fast pyrolysis of biomass in a downer reactor equipped with a novel gas-solid separation mechanism. The highly endothermic pyrolysis reaction was assumed to be entirely driven by an inert solid heat carrier (sand). A one-step global pyrolysis reaction, along with the equations describing the biomass drying and heat transfer, was implemented in the hydrodynamic model presented in part I of this study (Fuel Processing Technology, V126, 366-382). The predictions of the gas-solid separation efficiency, temperature distribution, residence time and the pyrolysis product yield are presented and discussed. For the operating conditions considered, the devolatilisation efficiency was found to be above 60% and the yield composition in mass fraction was 56.85% bio-oil, 37.87% bio-char and 5.28% non-condensable gas (NCG). This has been found to agree reasonably well with recent relevant published experimental data. The novel gas-solid separation mechanism allowed achieving greater than 99.9% separation efficiency and < 2 s pyrolysis gas residence time. The model has been found to be robust and fast in terms of computational time, thus has the great potential to aid in future design and optimisation of the biomass fast pyrolysis process.


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This study investigates the use of Pyroformer intermediate pyrolysis system to produce alternative diesel engines fuels (pyrolysis oil) from various biomass and waste feedstocks and the application of these pyrolysis oils in a diesel engine generating system for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) production. The pyrolysis oils were produced in a pilot-scale (20 kg/h) intermediate pyrolysis system. Comprehensive characterisations, with a view to use as engine fuels, were carried out on the sewage sludge and de-inking sludge derived pyrolysis oils. They were both found to be able to provide sufficient heat for fuelling a diesel engine. The pyrolysis oils also presented poor combustibility and high carbon deposition, but these problems could be mitigated by means of blending the pyrolysis oils with biodiesel (derived from waste cooking oil). The blends of SSPO (sewage sludge pyrolysis oil) and biodiesel (30/70 and 50/50 in volumetric ratios) were tested in a 15 kWe Lister type stationary generating system for up to 10 hours. There was no apparent deterioration observed in engine operation. With 30% SSPO blended into biodiesel, the engine presents better overall performance (electric efficiency), fuel consumption, and overall exhaust emissions than with 50% SSPO blend. An overall system analysis was carried out on a proposed integrated Pyroformer-CHP system. Combined with real experimental results, this was used for evaluating the costs for producing heat and power and char from wood pellets and sewage sludge. It is concluded that the overall system efficiencies for both types of plant can be over 40%; however the integrated CHP system is not economically viable. This is due to extraordinary project capital investment required.


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Autonomic systems are required to adapt continually to changing environments and user goals. This process involves the real-Time update of the system's knowledge base, which should therefore be stored in a machine-readable format and automatically checked for consistency. OWL ontologies meet both requirements, as they represent collections of knowl- edge expressed in FIrst order logic, and feature embedded reasoners. To take advantage of these OWL ontology char- acteristics, this PhD project will devise a framework com- prising a theoretical foundation, tools and methods for de- veloping knowledge-centric autonomic systems. Within this framework, the knowledge storage and maintenance roles will be fulfilled by a specialised class of OWL ontologies. ©2014 ACM.