935 resultados para CATIONIC SURFACTANTS
Results from a study of surfactants (SAS) in the sea surface microlayer (SML) and underlying water (ULW) at different locations in the Baltic Sea. The total SAS concentrations were measured using phase-sensitive alternative current voltammetry with hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) in unfiltered samples. The concentrations of SAS were expressed as the equivalent concentration of nonanionic surfactants Triton-X-100. The enrichment factors (EF) of SAS were calculated as the ratio of concentration in SML to the corresponding ULW samples.
En la actualidad las industrias químicas, farmacéuticas y clínicas, originan contaminantes en aguas superficiales, aguas subterráneas y suelos de nuestro país, como es el caso del fenol, contaminante orgánico común y altamente dañino para los organismos, incluso a bajas concentraciones. Existen en el mercado diferentes metodologías para minimizar la contaminación pero muchos de estos procesos tienen un alto coste, generación de contaminantes, etc. La adsorción de contaminantes por medio de arcillas es un método ampliamente utilizado, encontrándose eficaz y económico. Pero la dificultad de adsorber un contaminante orgánico como el fenol motiva la creación de un material llamado organoarcillas. Las organoarcillas son arcillas modificadas con un surfactante, a su vez, los surfactantes son moléculas orgánicas que confieren a la superficie de la arcilla carga catiónica en lugar de aniónica, haciendo más fácil la adsorción de fenol. Para esta tesis se ha elegido el caolín como material adsorbente, fácilmente disponible y relativamente de bajo coste. Se ha trabajado con: arenas de caolín, material directo de la extracción, y caolín lavado, originado del proceso de lavado de las arenas de caolín. Ambos grupos se diferencian fundamentalmente por su contenido en cuarzo, ampliamente mayor en las arenas de caolín. Con el objetivo de desarrollar un material a partir del caolín y arenas de éste con capacidad de retención de contaminates, en concreto, fenol, se procedió a modificar los materiales de partida mediante tratamientos térmicos, mecánicos y/o químicos, dando lugar a compuestos con mayor superficie química reactiva. Para ello se sometió el caolín y las arenas caoliníferas a temperaturas de 750ºC durante 3h, a moliendas hasta alcanzar su amorfización, y/o a activaciones con HCl 6M o con NaOH 5M durante 3h a 90ºC. En total se obtuvieron 18 muestras, en las que se estudiaron las características físico-químicas, mineralógicas y morfológicas de cada una de ellas con el fin de caracterizarlas después de haber sufrido los tratamientos y/o activaciones químicas. Los cambios producidos fueron estudiados mediante pH, capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CEC), capacidad de adsorción de agua (WCU y CWC), distribución de tamaño de partícula (PSD), área de superficie específica (SBET), difracción de rayos X (XRD), espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), métodos térmicos (TG, DTG y DTA), y microscopía electrónica de transmisión y barrido (SEM y TEM). Además se analizó los cambios producidos por los tratamientos en función de las pérdidas de Al y Si que acontece en las 18 muestras. Los resultados para los materiales derivados de la arenas caoliníferas fueron similares a los obtenidos para los caolines lavados, la diferencia radica en la cantidad de contenido de caolinita en los diferente grupos de muestras. Apoyándonos en las técnicas de caracterización se puede observar que los tratamientos térmico y molienda produce materiales amorfos, este cambio en la estructura inicial sumado a las activaciones ácida y alcalina dan lugar a pérdidas de Si y Al, ocasionando que sus propiedades físico-químicas, mineralógicas y morfológicas se vean alteradas. Un fuerte aumento es observado en las áreas superficiales y en la CEC en determinadas muestras, además entre los cambios producidos se encuentra la producción de diferentes zeolitas en porcentajes distintos con el tratamiento alcalino. Para la obtención de las organoarcillas, las 18 muestras se sometieron a la surfactación con hexadeciltrimetil amonio (HDTMA) 20 mM durante 24h a 60ºC, esta concentración de tensioactivo fue más alta que la CEC de cada muestra. Los camext bios anteriormente producidos por los tratamientos y activaciones, afectan de forma diferente en la adsorción de HDTMA, variando por tanto la adsorción del surfactante en la superficie de las muestras. Se determinó el tensioactivo en superficie por FTIR, además se realizó un análisis de componentes principales (PCA) para examinar la dependencia entre las relaciones Si/Al de las muestras en la capacidad de adsorción de tensioactivo, y para el estudio de la adsorción de HDTMA en las muestras se realizaron además del análisis termogravimétrico, aproximaciones con los modelos de Freundllich y Langmuir. Se persigue conocer las diferentes formas y maneras que tiene el tensioactivo de fijarse en la superficie de las muestras. En las organoarcillas resultantes se cuantificó el fenol adsorbido cuando éstas fueron puestas en contacto con diferentes concentraciones de fenol: 50, 500, 1000, 2000, y 2500 mg/l durante 24h. El contaminante sorbido se calculó por medio de cromatografía de gases, y se realizaron aproximaciones con los modelos de Freundllich y Langmuir. El comportamiento de adsorción de fenol en arcillas orgánicas es regido por las características de las muestras. De forma general se puede decir que las muestras de caolines lavados tienen más capacidad de adsorción de fenol que las muestras de arenas de caolín y que la activación alcalina ha proporcionado una mejora en la adsorción de fenol en los dos grupos. En consecuencia se han obtenido materiales adsorbentes heterogéneos y por tanto, con propiedades diferentes. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento global de las arenas de caolín por un lado y del caolín lavado por otro. Las arenas de caolín presentan altos niveles de cuarzo y su uso para ciertos tipos de industrias no son recomendados en ocasiones por el alto costo que el proceso de limpieza y purificación implicaría. Por ello es importante reseñar en este proyecto las aplicaciones que ofrecen algunas muestras de este grupo. Los ensayos acontecidos en esta tesis han dado lugar a las siguientes publicaciones: • Pérdida de Al y Si en caolines modificados térmica- o mecánicamente y activados por tratamientos químicos. A. G. San Cristóbal, C Vizcayno, R. Castelló. Macla 9, 113-114. (2008). • Acid activation of mechanically and thermally modfied kaolins. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (2009) 2103-2111. • Zeolites prepared from calcined and mechanically modified kaolins. A comparative study. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Applied Clay Science 49 (2010) 239-246. • Study comparative of the sorption of HDTMA on natural and modified kaolin. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, J. M. Castillejo, C Vizcayno. Aceptada en Clays and Clay minerals. • Capacity of modified kaolin sand and washed kaolin to adsorb phenol. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, C Vizcayno. Envío a revista sujeto a la publicación del artículo anterior. ABSTRACT Today’s chemical, pharmaceutical and clinical industries generate pollutants that affect the soils and surface and ground waters of our country. Among these, phenol is a common organic pollutant that is extremely harmful to living organisms, even at low concentrations. Several protocols exist to minimize the effects of pollutants, but most are costly procedures or even generate other pollutants. The adsorption of hazardous materials onto clays is perhaps the most used, efficient and cost-saving method available. However, organic compounds such as phenol are difficult to adsorb and this has led to the development of materials known as organoclays, which are much better at remediating organic compounds. Organoclays are clays that have been modified using a surfactant. In turn, surfactants are organic molecules that confer a cationic rather than anionic charge to the clay surface, improving it’s capacity to adsorb phenol. For this doctorate project, kaolin was selected as an adsorbent material for the removal of phenol given its easy sourcing and relatively low cost. The materials investigated were kaolin sand, a directly extracted material, and washed kaolin, which is the byproduct of the kaolin sand washing process. The main difference between the materials is their quartz content, which is much higher in the kaolin sands. To generate a product from kaolin or kaolin sand capable of retaining organic pollutants such as phenol, both materials were subjected to several heat, chemical and/or mechanical treatments to give rise to compounds with a greater reactive surface area. To this end the two starting materials underwent heating at 750ºC for 3 h, grinding to the point of amorphization and/or activation with HCl 6M or NaOH 5M for 3 h at 90ºC. These treatments gave rise to 18 processed samples, which were characterized in terms of their morphological, mineralogical, and physical-chemical properties. The behaviour of these new materials was examined in terms of their pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), water adsorption capacity (WCU and WCC), particle size distribution (PSD), specific surface area (SBET), and their X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal (DTG, DTA) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) properties. The changes conferred by the different treatments were also examined in terms of Al and Si losses. Results for the materials derived from kaolin sands and washed kaolin were similar, with differences attributable to the kaolinite contents of the samples. The treatments heat and grinding produced amorphous materials, which when subjected to acid or alkali activation gave rise to Si and Al losses. This in turn led to a change in physico- chemical, mineralogical and morphological properties. Some samples showed a highly increased surface area and CEC. Further, among the changes produced, alkali treatment led to the generation of zeolites in different proportions depending on the sample. To produce the organoclays, the 18 samples were surfacted with hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) 20 mM for 24 h at 60ºC. This surfactant concentration is higher than the CEC of each sample. The amount of HDTMA adsorbed onto the surface of each sample determined by FTIR varied according to treatment. A principle components analysis (PCA) was performed to examine correlations between sample Si/Al ratios and surfactant adsorption capacity. In addition, to explore HDTMA adsorption by the samples, DTG and DTA data were fitted to Freundllich and Langmuir models. The mechanisms of surfactant attachment to the sample surface were also addressed. The amount of phenol adsorbed by the resultant organoclays was determined when exposed to different phenol concentrations: 50, 500, 1000, 2000, and 2500 mg/l for 24 h. The quantity of adsorbed pollutant was estimated by gas chromatography and the data fitted to the models of Freundllich and Langmuir. Results indicate that the phenol adsorption capacity of the surfacted samples is dependent on the sample’s characteristics. In general, the washed kaolin samples showed a greater phenol adsorption capacity than the kaolon sands and alkali activation improved this capacity in the two types of sample. In conclusion, the treatments used gave rise to adsorbent materials with varying properties. Kaolin sands showed high quartz levels and their use in some industries is not recommended due to the costs involved in their washing and purification. The applications suggested by the data obtained for some of the kaolin sand samples indicate the added value of this industrial by-product. The results of this research project have led to the following publications: • Pérdida de Al y Si en caolines modificados térmica- o mecánicamente y activados por tratamientos químicos. A. G. San Cristóbal, C Vizcayno, R. Castelló. Macla 9, 113-114. (2008). • Acid activation of mechanically and thermally modfied kaolins. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (2009) 2103-2111. • Zeolites prepared from calcined and mechanically modified kaolins. A comparative study. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Applied Clay Science 49 (2010) 239-246. • Study comparative of the sorption of HDTMA on natural and modified kaolin. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, J. M. Castillejo, C Vizcayno Accepted in Clays and Clay minerals. • Capacity of modified kaolin sand and washed kaolin to adsorb phenol. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, C Vizcayno. Shipment postponed, subject to the publication of the previous article.
Macrophages become activated by bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) and other stimuli to release proinflammatory cytokines and NO. To prevent release of toxic or potentially lethal quantities of these factors, the state of macrophage activation is counter-regulated by anti-inflammatory mediators (e.g., glucocorticoid hormones, interleukin 10, and transforming growth factor type β). Fetuin, a negative acute-phase protein, recently was implicated as an anti-inflammatory mediator, because it is required for macrophage deactivation by spermine. In the present studies, we found that fetuin is necessary for macrophages to respond to CNI-1493, a tetravalent guanylhydrazone inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. Fetuin dose-dependently increases macrophage uptake of CNI-1493, which can be specifically inhibited by anti-human fetuin antibodies. Anti-human fetuin antibodies render primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells insensitive to deactivation by CNI-1493. Thus, macrophages use fetuin as an opsonin for cationic-deactivating molecules, both endogenous (e.g., spermine) and pharmacologic (e.g., CNI-1493). This role of fetuin as an opsonic participant in macrophage-deactivating mechanisms has implications for understanding and manipulating the innate immune response.
Gene therapy is based on the vectorization of genes to target cells and their subsequent expression. Cationic amphiphile-mediated delivery of plasmid DNA is the nonviral gene transfer method most often used. We examined the supramolecular structure of lipopolyamine/plasmid DNA complexes under various condensing conditions. Plasmid DNA complexation with lipopolyamine micelles whose mean diameter was 5 nm revealed three domains, depending on the lipopolyamine/plasmid DNA ratio. These domains respectively corresponded to negatively, neutrally, and positively charged complexes. Transmission electron microscopy and x-ray scattering experiments on complexes originating from these three domains showed that although their morphology depends on the lipopolyamine/plasmid DNA ratio, their particle structure consists of ordered domains characterized by even spacing of 80 Å, irrespective of the lipid/DNA ratio. The most active lipopolyamine/DNA complexes for gene transfer were positively charged. They were characterized by fully condensed DNA inside spherical particles (diameter: 50 nm) sandwiched between lipid bilayers. These results show that supercoiled plasmid DNA is able to transform lipopolyamine micelles into a supramolecular organization characterized by ordered lamellar domains.
Using a group of structurally related cytofectins, the effects of different vehicle constituents and mixing techniques on the physical properties and biological activity of lipoplexes were systematically examined. Physical properties were examined using a combination of dye accessibility assays, centrifugation, gel electrophoresis and dynamic light scattering. Biological activity was examined using in vitro transfection. Lipoplexes were formulated using two injection vehicles commonly used for in vivo delivery (PBS pH 7.2 and 0.9% saline), and a sodium phosphate vehicle previously shown to enhance the biological activity of naked pDNA and lipoplex formulations. Phosphate was found to be unique in its effect on lipoplexes. Specifically, the accessible pDNA in lipoplexes formulated with cytofectins containing a γ-amine substitution in the headgroup was dependent on alkyl side chain length and sodium phosphate concentration, but the same effects were not observed when using cytofectins containing a β-OH headgroup substitution. The physicochemical features of the phosphate anion, which give rise to this effect in γ-amine cytofectins, were deduced using a series of phosphate analogs. The effects of the formulation vehicle on transfection were found to be cell type-dependent; however, of the formulation variables examined, the liposome/pDNA mixing method had the greatest effect on transgene expression in vitro. Thus, though predictive physical structure relationships involving the vehicle and cytofectin components of the lipoplex were uncovered, they did not extrapolate to trends in biological activity.
Effective gene therapy for lung tissue requires the use of efficient vehicles to deliver the gene of interest into lung cells. When plasmid DNA encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) was administered intranasally to BALB/c mice without carrier lipids, CAT activity was detected in mouse lung extracts. Plasmid DNA delivered with optimally formulated commercially available transfection reagents expressed up to 10-fold more CAT activity in lung than observed with naked DNA alone. Liposome formulations consisting of (+/-)-N-(3-aminopropyl)-N,N-dimethyl-2,3-bis (dodecyloxy)-1-propanaminium bromide (GAP-DLRIE) plus the neutral colipid dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) enhanced CAT expression by more than 100-fold relative to plasmid DNA alone. A single administration of GAP-DLRIE liposome-CAT DNA complexes to mouse lung elicited peak expression at days 1-4 posttransfection, followed by a gradual return to baseline by day 21 postadministration. Readministration of GAP-DLRIE liposome CAT complexes at day 21 led to another transient peak of reporter gene expression. Histological examination of lungs treated with GAP-DLRIE complexed beta-galactosidase DNA revealed that alveolar epithelial cells were the primary locus of expression and that up to 1% of all alveoli contained epithelial cells expressing the transgene.
We propose a mechanism for oligonucleotide (ODN) release from cationic lipid complexes in cells that accounts for various observations on cationic lipid-nucleic acid-cell interactions. Fluorescent confocal microscopy of cells treated with rhodamine-labeled cationic liposome/ fluorescein-labeled ODN (F-ODN) complexes show the F-ODN separates from the lipid after internalization and enters the nucleus leaving the fluorescent lipid in cytoplasmic structures. ODN displacement from the complex was studied by fluorescent resonance energy transfer. Anionic liposome compositions (e.g., phosphatidylserine) that mimic the cytoplasmic facing monolayer of the cell membrane released ODN from the complex at about a 1:1 (-/+) charge ratio. Release was independent of ionic strength and pH. Physical separation of the F-ODN from monovalent and multivalent cationic lipids was confirmed by gel electrophoresis. Fluid but not solid phase anionic liposomes are required, whereas the physical state of the cationic lipids does not effect the release. Water soluble molecules with a high negative linear charge density, dextran sulfate, or heparin also release ODN. However, ATP, spermidine, spermine, tRNA, DNA, polyglutamic acid, polylysine, bovine serum albumin, or histone did not release ODN, even at 100-fold charge excess (-/+). Based upon these results, we propose that the complex, after internalization by endocytosis, induces flip-flop of anionic lipids from the cytoplasmic facing monolayer. Anionic lipids laterally diffuse into the complex and form a charged neutralized ion-pair with the cationic lipids. This leads to displacement of the ODN from the cationic lipid and its release into the cytoplasm.
Guanidinium-cholesterol cationic lipids: efficient vectors for the transfection of eukaryotic cells.
Two cationic lipids, bis-guanidinium-spermidine-cholesterol (BGSC) and bis-guanidinium-trencholesterol (BGTC)-cholesterol derivatives bearing two guanidinium groups-have been synthesized and tested as artificial vectors for gene transfer. They combine the membrane compatible features of the cholesterol subunit and the favorable structural and high pKa features of the guanidinium functions for binding DNA via its phosphate groups. Reagent BGTC is very efficient for transfection into a variety of mammalian cell lines when used as a micellar solution. In addition, both BGTC and BGSC present also a high transfection activity when formulated as liposomes with the neutral phospholipid dioleoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine. These results reveal the usefulness of cholesterol derivatives bearing guanidinium groups for gene transfer.
Stable cationic lipid/DNA complexes were formed by solubilizing cationic liposomes with 1% octylglucoside and complexing a DNA plasmid with the lipid in the presence of detergent. Removal of the detergent by dialysis yielded a lipid/DNA suspension that was able to transfect tissue culture cells up to 90 days after formation with no loss in activity. Similar levels of gene transfer were obtained by mixing the cationic lipid in a liposome form with DNA just prior to cell addition. However, expression was completely lost 24 hr after mixing. The transfection efficiency of the stable complex in 15% fetal calf serum was 30% of that obtained in the absence of serum, whereas the transient complex was completely inactivated with 2% fetal calf serum. A 90-day stability study comparing various storage conditions showed that the stable complex could be stored frozen or as a suspension at 4 degrees C with no loss in transfection efficiency. Centrifugation of the stable complex produced a pellet that contained approximately 90% of the DNA and 10% of the lipid. Transfection of cells with the resuspended pellet and the supernatant showed that the majority of the transfection activity was in the pellet and all the toxicity was in the supernatant. Formation of a stable cationic lipid/DNA complex has produced a transfection vehicle that can be stored indefinitely, can be concentrated with no loss in transfection efficiency, and the toxicity levels can be greatly reduced when the active complex is isolated from the uncomplexed lipid.
Results presented here demonstrate that the thermodynamics of oligocation binding to polymeric and oligomeric DNA are not equivalent because of long-range electrostatic effects. At physiological cation concentrations (0.1-0.3 M) the binding of an oligolysine octacation KWK6-NH2 (+8 charge) to single-stranded poly(dT) is much stronger per site and significantly more salt concentration dependent than the binding of the same ligand to an oligonucleotide, dT(pdT)10 (-10 charge). These large differences are consistent with Poisson-Boltzmann calculations for a model that characterizes the charge distributions with key preaveraged structural parameters. Therefore, both the experimental and the theoretical results presented here show that the polyelectrolyte character of a polymeric nucleic acid makes a large contribution to both the magnitude and the salt concentration dependence of its binding interactions with simple oligocationic ligands.
A promising class of compounds for DNA transfection have been designed by conjugating various polyamines to bile-acid-based amphiphiles. Formulations containing these compounds were tested for their ability to facilitate the uptake of a beta-galactosidase reporter plasmid into COS-7 cells. Dioleoyl phosphatidyl ethanolamine (DOPE) formulations of some of the compounds were several times better than Lipofectin at promoting DNA uptake. The most active compounds contained the most hydrophilic bile acid components. The activity is clearly not related to affinity for DNA: the hydrophobic bile acid conjugates were found to form stable complexes with DNA at lower charge ratios than the hydrophilic conjugates. We suggest that the high activity of the best compounds is related to their facial amphiphilicity, which may confer an ability to destabilize membranes. The success of these unusual cationic transfection agents may inspire the design of even more effective gene delivery agents.
Seed and vascular expression of a high-affinity transporter for cationic amino acids in Arabidopsis.
In most plants amino acids represent the major transport form for organic nitrogen. A sensitive selection system in yeast mutants has allowed identification of a previously unidentified amino acid transporter in Arabidopsis. AAT1 encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with 14 membrane-spanning regions and shares homologies with the ecotropic murine leukemia virus receptor, a bifunctional protein serving also as a cationic amino acid transporter in mammals. When expressed in yeast, AAT1 mediates high-affinity transport of basic amino acids, but to a lower extent also recognizes acidic and neutral amino acids. AAT1-mediated histidine transport is sensitive to protonophores and occurs against a concentration gradient, indicating that AAT1 may function as a proton symporter. AAT1 is specifically expressed in major veins of leaves and roots and in various floral tissues--i.e., and developing seeds.
Deoxyribonucleic guanidine is a potential antisense agent that is generated via the replacement of the negative phosphodiester linkages of DNA [--O--(PO2-)--O--] with positively-charged guanidinium (g) linkages [--NH--C(==NH2+)--NH--]. A pentameric thymidyl deoxyribonucleic guanidine molecule [d(Tg)4T-azido] has been shown to base pair specifically to poly(rA) with an unprecedented affinity. Both double and triple strands consisting of one and two equivalents of d(Tg)4T-azido paired with one equivalent of poly(rA) are indicated by thermal denaturation experiments. At an ionic strength of 0.22, the five bases of d(Tg)4T-azido are estimated to dissociate from a double helix with poly(rA) at > 100 degrees C! The effect of ionic strength on thermal denaturation is very pronounced, with stability greatest at low ionic strengths. The method of continuous variation indicates that there is an equilibrium complex with a molar ratio of d(Tg) to r(Ap) or d(Ap) of 2:1. Based on this evidence, models of the structures of d(Tg)9T-azido bound to r(Ap)9A are proposed.