982 resultados para Bulgarian philology.
This article focuses on a type of prognostication that bases its predictions on the behavior of the wind during the twelve nights of Christmas and in particular on the relationship between the Old English version in Oxford, Bodleian, Hatton 115, and a fourteenth/fifteenth-century English text in Latin of the same prognostication, which appears in Oxford, Bodleian, Ashmole 345, fol. 69r. The wind prognostication in Ashmole 345 is remarkably similar to the twelfth-century OE version in Hatton 115, fol. 149v, to the extent that one might be tempted to argue for direct transmission, if it were not for the large temporal gap between the two manuscripts and for the fact that the two texts are being transmitted in two different languages. Interestingly the Latin text in A contains an Old English word that may make us reconsider the relationship between the two manuscripts and may shed light on the reception and transmission of Old English and prognostication by the wind between the end of the fourteenth and the beginning of the fifteenth centuries in English monastic centers.
The initial impetus for a theoretical exploration of organisational relationships is based on case study research on a Bulgarian NGO's implementation of values and goals into practices under a guiding relationship from a very experienced UK organisation in the same field. Findings diverged from conventional accounts of developing NGOs' dependence on more developed counterparts and that case study findings characterised the inter- dependency between the two organisations as more alike to a collaborative knowledge ...
For a multiplicity of socio-economic, geo-political, strategic and identity-based reasons, Turkey’s progress towards EU membership is often treated as a sui generis case. Yet although Turkey’s accession negotiations with the European Union (EU) are essentially a bilateral – and often stormy – affair, they take place within a wider and dynamic process of enlargement in which not only can the gloomy – sometimes dark – shadows of past and prospective enlargements be clearly detected, but so too can the often chill winds from ongoing, parallel negotiations with other candidates. How the EU negotiates accession and what it expects from candidates has continued to evolve since the EU began drawing up its framework for negotiations with Turkey ten years ago. This paper charts this evolution by first identifying changes in the light of Croatia’s negotiating experience, the ‘lessons learnt’ by the EU in meeting the challenges of Bulgarian and Romanian accession, the EU’s handling of Iceland’s membership bid and accession negotiations, and the revised approach to negotiating accession evident in the more recent frameworks for accession negotiations with Montenegro and Serbia. The paper then explores the extent to which these changes have impacted on the approach the EU has adopted in framing and progressing accession negotiations with Turkey. In doing so, it questions both the consistency with which the EU’s negotiates accession and the extent to which Turkey’s progress towards EU membership is conditioned by the broader dynamics of EU enlargement as opposed to simply the dynamics within EU-Turkey relations and domestic Turkish reform efforts.
The coast of the Bulgarian Black Sea is a popular summer holiday destination. The Dam of Iskar is the largest artificial dam in Bulgaria, with a capacity of 675 million m3. It is the main source of tap water for the capital Sofia and for irrigating the surrounding valley. There is a close relationship between the quality of aquatic ecosystems and human health as many infections are waterborne. Rapid molecular methods for the analysis of highly pathogenic bacteria have been developed for monitoring quality. Mycobacterial species can be isolated from waste, surface, recreational, ground and tap waters and human pathogenicity of nontuberculose mycobacteria (NTM) is well recognized. The objective of our study was to perform molecular analysis for key-pathogens, with a focus on mycobacteria, in water samples collected from the Black Sea and the Dam of Iskar. In a two year period, 38 water samples were collected-24 from the Dam of Iskar and 14 from the Black Sea coastal zone. Fifty liter water samples were concentrated by ultrafiltration. Molecular analysis for 15 pathogens, including all species of genus Mycobacterium was performed. Our results showed presence of Vibrio spp. in the Black Sea. Rotavirus A was also identified in four samples from the Dam of Iskar. Toxigenic Escherichia coli was present in both locations, based on markers for stx1 and stx2 genes. No detectable amounts of Cryptosporidium were detected in either location using immunomagnetic separation and fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, mass spectrometry analyses did not detect key cyanobacterial toxins. On the basis of the results obtained we can conclude that for the period 2012-2014 no Mycobacterium species were present in the water samples. During the study period no cases of waterborne infections were reported.
A difusão das tecnologias da informação e comunicação fomenta mudanças qualitativas nas práticas pedagógicas, proporcionando a criação de comunidades de aprendizagem entre aprendentes de diferentes pontos do mundo. Tendo como referência a pedagogia crítica para a emancipação (Freire, 1997; Giroux, 1997), este estudo analisou de que forma aprendentes de diferentes proveniências linguístico-culturais desenvolvem a sua consciência cultural crítica (Byram, 1997), quando colocados em situação de trabalho colaborativo on-line, formando uma comunidade de aprendizagem, através do recurso a uma plataforma especialmente concebida para o efeito, a 2ndschool.eu, na qual foram levados a desenvolver um trabalho de natureza interdisciplinar. Pretendíamos que esta plataforma fomentasse questionamentos por parte dos seus membros. Como tal, integrámos diferentes instrumentos de comunicação eletrónica (chat, fóruns e e-mail), através dos quais se promoveu a interação entre os participantes no projeto, alunos e professores (de diversas áreas disciplinares) do Ensino Secundário belga, búlgaro, grego, polaco, português e sueco, com vista à realização de uma tarefa comum: a edição de um trabalho de projeto de análise crítica de reportagens, artigos de opinião e fotos de jornais acerca de tópicos da atualidade nacional e/ou internacional. Tivemos em conta uma metodologia de investigação mais orientada para o estudo de caso e análise do discurso. Para tal, recorremos a dois tipos de instrumentos de recolha de dados: as impressões das discussões estabelecidas através de chat, fóruns, blogs e wikis e os resultados de três questionários sobre o perfil sociolinguístico e cultural dos participantes, a avaliação da plataforma virtual e o inventário de estratégias mais eficazes na negociação de saberes estabelecida. Concluímos que os alunos (re)constroem saberes, pois revelam representações que têm acerca de situações-problema, refletem acerca das mesmas e, posteriormente, disseminam ativamente pontos de vista críticos através de ferramentas Web 2.0, como forma de as resolver. Enquanto verdadeiros pronetários, foram capazes de recorrer a estratégias de comunicação que fomentam a busca de entendimento com o Outro, num caminho oscilante entre o concordar e o discordar, entre o ajudar e o solicitar ajuda, entre o opinar e o escutar, entre o avaliar e o ser avaliado e entre o corrigir e o ser corrigido. Identificámos como principais limitações do nosso estudo a dificuldade de análise das práticas interdisciplinares dos interlocutores internacionais, a desmotivação de alguns aprendentes nas tarefas e ainda o reduzido recurso ao videochat, pelo desconforto no seu uso. Por isso, consideramos que futuras investigações deverão debruçar-se nestas questões.
This article reports on an ethnographic study carried out in three interrelated sites: two contrasting secondary schools and a Youth-Club (the principal focus of this article), in an area of southwest Wales. This article highlights the incongruence between the language at home and the language of the school and posits that the relationship between language use at school and in the wider community needs to be problematised and questioned far more than has been done thus far. This study questions whether school-based ideologies and school-based practices are re-negotiated or contested on the margins of education and whether this re-negotiation and contestation plays an important role in whether a young person chooses to use Welsh or English outside of school. It will be argued that recreational spaces, even though loosely connected to schools as institutions, function as more open spaces where institutional ideologies are actively reworked and renegotiated, either through choosing to use English or by mixing and blending different aspects of linguistic resources, or by re-negotiating and questioning which version of Welshness is more valuable, ‘the removed and authentic’ (as seen at the Welsh school) or the ‘new and hybrid’ as seen at the Youth-Club.
abstract : Taking as a starting point the association between embroidery and language conveyed by the Greek myth of Filomela and Procne, this article examines the relationship between social status and ornaments like embroidery and lace. In order to illustrate this relationship an example is selected form the letters exchanged between the Marquise of Alorna and her Father where a connection is established between the production of these 'feminine' crafts, women's culture and womens writing, in the XVIIIth Century
Bulgaria is historically a multicultural society, composed of the Bulgarian (ethnic) majority and a number of ethnic minorities among which Bulgarian Turks and Roma are the largest. Both minority communities are stigmatized in contemporary Bulgaria, though to different degrees and for different reasons. Ethnic minorities' rights to preserve their culture, customs, and language are a topic of contentious debate. The purpose of this study was to examine individual- and context-level antecedents of the ethnic Bulgarian majority's support for multicultural rights of ethnic minorities. Multilevel regression analyses were conducted with International Social Survey Programme ISSP 2003 data (N = 920 in 28 Bulgarian districts). At the individual-level, an ethnic conception of the nation and anti-Roma symbolic prejudice were negatively related to support for multicultural rights, whereas national identification was positively related to the support of these rights. Over and above individual-level effects, and in line with recent extensions of intergroup contact theory, thepercentage ofBulgarianTurks withindistricts was positively related to support for multicultural rights. Importantly, support for multicultural rights was particularly high in districts characterized by ethnic diversity, that is, in districts with high proportions of both Bulgarian Turks and Roma. The beneficial effects of ethnic diversity and theoretical implications of findings are discussed.
Ce triptyque d’essais présente le caractère versatile et évasif du concept moderne de capital social à plusieurs niveaux – global, national et régional, ainsi que dans le présent et dans le passé. Le premier article conteste l’hypothèse prédominante selon laquelle il y a une cohabitation entre l’engagement civique et la démocratie. Malgré sa validité au niveau général, la relation n’est pas confirmée si les catégories hétérogènes sont désagrégées. Pour les pays post-communistes de l'Europe, la relation entre le type de régime et la tendance de s'associer ressemble à celle des démocraties latines consolidées si la participation dans les associations volontaires est choisie comme mesure de la vitalité du capital social. Par conséquent, la vie civique moins intense ne prédit pas de difficultés pour la démocratie. Le deuxième article est une compilation originale de plus de 100 organisations classifiées selon les standards contemporains et une collection de présentations d'une douzaine d'organisations bulgares, les plus populaires depuis le XIXème siècle. Cette contribution importante à l’historiographie de la vie associative bulgare jusqu’à 1944 est le résultat d'un travail qui combine des entrevues avec des historiens et une recherche dans les archives. Le panoptique organisationnel sert de réfutation empirique de l’hypothèse qui attribue la faiblesse organisationnelle présente du poste-communisme à la pénurie de vie organisationnelle développée par le passé. ii Les mérites du troisième article sont doubles. Au niveau empirique on démontre que l’organisation culturelle la plus importante en Bulgarie a apparu comme une institution nationaliste imitant les organisations similaires des autres pays Européens. Elle s’est développée graduellement par une adaptation des expériences étrangères aux conditions locales. La collection des références bulgares est unique et représente le produit d’un travail méticuleux sur les documents et les entrevues. Au niveau abstrait, on confirme l’applicabilité de la théorie du transfert de la politique publique à un cas historique existant avant la théorie elle-même. Finalement, l’analyse détaillée des précurseurs du cabinet de lecture bulgare représente une contribution à la sociologie politique de l’histoire de la lecture. Mots clés: Europe de l’Est, poste-communisme, démocratie, société civile, engagement civique, organisations volontaires, troisième secteur, affiliation, transfert d'idées, apprentissage organisationnel.
Ce mémoire examine les questions à mouvement multiple en bulgare, en accordant une importance particulière aux mécanismes qui régissent l’ordre des syntagmes interrogatifs antéposés. Outre la présentation d’un phénomène linguistique complexe et très intéressant, l’étude propose un aperçu critique des hypothèses les plus importantes émises au fil des ans à propos des interrogatives multiples. Dans un premier temps, nous discutons des différentes approches renfermant l’idée que l’ordre des mots interrogatifs au début de la proposition dépend entièrement des règles syntaxiques. Ensuite, nous présentons les analyses qui tentent d’expliquer la problématique en faisant appel à des traits spécifiques des syntagmes Qu-, tels que [animé] ou [lié au discours]. Le rôle de la topicalisation et de la focalisation dans la formation des questions multiples, les projections fonctionnelles de la « périphérie gauche » en bulgare accueillant différents syntagmes, ainsi que la résomption comptent également parmi les sujets traités dans ce mémoire.
La contribution intellectuelle d’Érasme de Rotterdam (ca 1466-1536), en particulier dans les domaines exégétique, philologique et littéraire, a été décisive pour l’histoire des idées et l’évangélisme humaniste. Ses "Paraphrases sur le Nouveau Testament", visant principalement à clarifier le propos des saintes Écritures, représentent l’aboutissement de tout son travail exégétique. Davantage qu’un commentaire savant, elles ont contribué à diffuser la piété et le savoir biblique chez les laïcs, ce qui explique le franc succès qu’elles ont remporté au XVIe siècle. Toutefois, la question de leur réception et de leur diffusion en langue française reste encore peu explorée. La "Paraphrase sur l’épître de Paul aux Romains" a eu une importance toute particulière dans le contexte de la Réforme religieuse. Elle a été traduite du latin au français dans un manuscrit rédigé en 1526 par Hubert Kerssan, chanoine de Nivelles, dans le Brabant wallon. Destinée sans doute à un usage privé ou, du moins, à une diffusion plus restreinte, cette traduction est restée dans l’ombre jusqu’à aujourd’hui et son existence même est encore inconnue de la critique, d’où notre projet de la rendre accessible grâce à l’établissement d’une édition critique. Ce travail éditorial a été l’occasion d’étudier la traduction de Kerssan en regard du texte original, ce qui nous a permis de déterminer comment elle s’en distingue, de même que de réfléchir au choix du mode de diffusion manuscrit dans le contexte humaniste du XVIe siècle. Après près de cinq siècles, le manuscrit de Nivelles peut enfin acquérir une certaine visibilité. Il saura contribuer à l’étude de la réception et de la diffusion de la pensée érasmienne dans les milieux francophones en Europe ainsi qu’aux problèmes théologiques et culturels posés par l’œuvre d’Érasme.
Presentació de l'obra 'Engrunes i retalls. Escrits de llengua i cultura catalanes' de Modest Prats
Ressenya del llibre Partinuples: précis sur la romance catalane; Histoire du vaillant chevalier Tirant le Blanc: facsímils d'unes desconegudes impressions franceses de 1779 i 1783. L’obra és un compendi sobre la llengua i la literatura catalanes i un resum del Tirant lo Blanc