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Perfusion experiments with horseradish peroxidase have established that the morphological substrate of the blood-brain barrier is represented by microvascular endothelial cells. They are characterized by complexly arranged tight junctions and a very low rate of transcytotic vesicular transport. They express transport enzymes, carrier systems and brain endothelial cell-specific molecules of unknown function not expressed by any other endothelial cell population. These blood-brain barrier properties are not intrinsic to these cells but are inducible by the surrounding brain tissue. Type I astrocytes injected into the anterior eye chamber of the rat or onto the chick chorioallantoic membrane are able to induce a host-derived angiogenesis and some blood-brain barrier properties in endothelial cells of non-neural origin. Recently we have shown that this cellular interaction is due to the secretion of a soluble astrocyte derived factor(s). Astrocytes are also implicated in the maintenance, functional regulation and the repair of the blood-brain barrier. Complex interactions between other constituents of the microenvironment surrounding the endothelial cells, such as the basement membrane, pericytes, nerve endings, microglial cells and the extracellular fluid, take place and are required for the proper functioning of the blood-brain barrier, which in addition is regionally different as reflected by endothelial cell heterogeneity.
As primeiras técnicas de angiografia por ressonância magnética (angio-RM) utilizavam seqüências sensíveis ao fluxo sanguíneo para estabelecimento do contraste vascular. Há três técnicas fundamentadas neste princípio: contraste de fase ("phase-contrast"), TOF ("time-of-flight") e as técnicas de sangue escuro ("black blood"). Estas seqüências, de aquisição demorada, são mais suscetíveis a artefatos de movimento, perda de sinal em áreas de estenoses ou turbilhonamento de fluxo, e apresentam ainda baixa sensibilidade à detecção do fluxo lento. O uso do contraste paramagnético para estudos angiográficos pela ressonância magnética ofereceu um método simples, rápido e de excelente detalhamento vascular, baseando o contraste da imagem no realce do sinal vascular em oposição à supressão dos demais tecidos. Metodologias modernas que priorizam a obtenção do espaço k central, responsável pelo contraste da imagem, e o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de planejamento do intervalo temporal para aquisição dos dados foram fatores fundamentais para o aprimoramento técnico da angio-RM. O papel atual da angio-RM como ferramenta diagnóstica merece destaque na avaliação de anomalias anatômicas, estenoses, oclusões e complicações vasculares pós-cirúrgicas, principalmente nos casos de transplantes de órgãos. Suas principais vantagens estão na não utilização do contraste iodado ou radiação ionizante, rapidez e fácil execução, mínima invasividade e possibilidade de avaliar complementarmente o parênquima de órgãos adjacentes de interesse diagnóstico.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) induce vascular dysfunction in humans and mice. In mice, ART-induced vascular dysfunction is related to epigenetic alteration of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene, resulting in decreased vascular eNOS expression and nitrite/nitrate synthesis. Melatonin is involved in epigenetic regulation, and its administration to sterile women improves the success rate of ART. We hypothesized that addition of melatonin to culture media may prevent ART-induced epigenetic and cardiovascular alterations in mice. We, therefore, assessed mesenteric-artery responses to acetylcholine and arterial blood pressure, together with DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter in vascular tissue and nitric oxide plasma concentration in 12-wk-old ART mice generated with and without addition of melatonin to culture media and in control mice. As expected, acetylcholine-induced mesenteric-artery dilation was impaired (P = 0.008 vs. control) and mean arterial blood pressure increased (109.5 ± 3.8 vs. 104.0 ± 4.7 mmHg, P = 0.002, ART vs. control) in ART compared with control mice. These alterations were associated with altered DNA methylation of the eNOS gene promoter (P < 0.001 vs. control) and decreased plasma nitric oxide concentration (10.1 ± 11.1 vs. 29.5 ± 8.0 μM) (P < 0.001 ART vs. control). Addition of melatonin (10(-6) M) to culture media prevented eNOS dysmethylation (P = 0.005, vs. ART + vehicle), normalized nitric oxide plasma concentration (23.1 ± 14.6 μM, P = 0.002 vs. ART + vehicle) and mesentery-artery responsiveness to acetylcholine (P < 0.008 vs. ART + vehicle), and prevented arterial hypertension (104.6 ± 3.4 mmHg, P < 0.003 vs. ART + vehicle). These findings provide proof of principle that modification of culture media prevents ART-induced vascular dysfunction. We speculate that this approach will also allow preventing ART-induced premature atherosclerosis in humans.
Virtually every cell and organ in the human body is dependent on a proper oxygen supply. This is taken care of by the cardiovascular system that supplies tissues with oxygen precisely according to their metabolic needs. Physical exercise is one of the most demanding challenges the human circulatory system can face. During exercise skeletal muscle blood flow can easily increase some 20-fold and its proper distribution to and within muscles is of importance for optimal oxygen delivery. The local regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise remains little understood, but adenosine and nitric oxide may take part in this process. In addition to acute exercise, long-term vigorous physical conditioning also induces changes in the cardiovasculature, which leads to improved maximal physical performance. The changes are largely central, such as structural and functional changes in the heart. The function and reserve of the heart’s own vasculature can be studied by adenosine infusion, which according to animal studies evokes vasodilation via it’s a2A receptors. This has, however, never been addressed in humans in vivo and also studies in endurance athletes have shown inconsistent results regarding the effects of sport training on myocardial blood flow. This study was performed on healthy young adults and endurance athletes and local skeletal and cardiac muscle blod flow was measured by positron emission tomography. In the heart, myocardial blood flow reserve and adenosine A2A receptor density, and in skeletal muscle, oxygen extraction and consumption was also measured. The role of adenosine in the control of skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise, and its vasodilator effects, were addressed by infusing competitive inhibitors and adenosine into the femoral artery. The formation of skeletal muscle nitric oxide was also inhibited by a drug, with and without prostanoid blockade. As a result and conclusion, it can be said that skeletal muscle blood flow heterogeneity decreases with increasing exercise intensity most likely due to increased vascular unit recruitment, but exercise hyperemia is a very complex phenomenon that cannot be mimicked by pharmacological infusions, and no single regulator factor (e.g. adenosine or nitric oxide) accounts for a significant part of exercise-induced muscle hyperemia. However, in the present study it was observed for the first time in humans that nitric oxide is not only important regulator of the basal level of muscle blood flow, but also oxygen consumption, and together with prostanoids affects muscle blood flow and oxygen consumption during exercise. Finally, even vigorous endurance training does not seem to lead to supranormal myocardial blood flow reserve, and also other receptors than A2A mediate the vasodilator effects of adenosine. In respect to cardiac work, atheletes heart seems to be luxuriously perfused at rest, which may result from reduced oxygen extraction or impaired efficiency due to pronouncedly enhanced myocardial mass developed to excel in strenuous exercise.
Cardiovascular mortality is 15 to 30 times higher in patients with chronic kidney disease than in the age-adjusted general population. Even minor renal dysfunction predicts cardiovascular events and death in the general population. In patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease the annual cardiovascular event and death rate is even higher. The abnormalities in coronary and peripheral artery function in the different stages of chronic kidney disease and in renovascular disease are still poorly understood, nor have the cardiac effects of renal artery revascularization been well characterized, although considered to be beneficial. This study was conducted to characterize myocardial perfusion and peripheral endothelial function in patients with chronic kidney disease and in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Myocardial perfusion was measured with positron emission tomography (PET) and peripheral endothelial function with brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation. It has been suggested that the poor renal outcomes after the renal artery revascularization could be due to damage in the stenotic kidney parenchyma; especially the reduction in the microvascular density, changes mainly evident at the cortical level which controls almost 80% of the total renal blood flow. This study was also performed to measure the effect of renal artery stenosis revascularization on renal perfusion in patients with renovascular disease. In order to do that a PET-based method for quantification of renal perfusion was developed. The coronary flow reserve of patients with chronic kidney disease was similar to the coronary flow reserve of healthy controls. In renovascular disease the coronary flow reserve was, however, markedly reduced. Flow-mediated dilatation of brachial artery was decreased in patients with chronic kidney disease compared to healthy controls, and even more so in patients with renovascular disease. After renal artery stenosis revascularization, coronary vascular function and renal perfusion did not improve in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease, but in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis, flow-mediated dilatation improved. Chronic kidney disease does not significantly affect coronary vascular function. On the contrary, coronary vascular function was severely deteriorated in patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease, possibly because of diffuse coronary artery disease and/or diffuse microvascular disease. The peripheral endothelial function was disturbed in patients with chronic kidney disease and even more so in patient with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Renal artery stenosis dilatation does not seem to offer any benefits over medical treatment in patients with renovascular disease, since revascularization does not improve coronary vascular function or renal perfusion.
Background: Atherosclerosis begins in early life progressing from asymptomatic to symptomatic as we age. Although substantial progress has been made in identifying the determinants of atherosclerosis in middle to older age adults at increased cardiovascular risk, there is lack of data examining determinants and prediction of atherosclerosis in young adults. Aims: The current study was designed to investigate levels of cardiovascular risk factors in young adults, subclinical measures of atherosclerosis, and prediction of subclinical arterial changes with conventional risk factor measures and novel metabolic profiling of serum samples. Subjects and Methods: This thesis utilised data from the follow-ups performed in 2001 and 2007 in the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, a Finnish population-based prospective cohort study that examined 2,204 subjects who were aged 30-45 years in 2007. Subclinical atherosclerosis was studied using noninvasive ultrasound measurements of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), carotid arterial distensibility (CDist) and brachial flow-mediated dilation (FMD). Measurements included conventional risk factors and metabolic profiling using highthroughput nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods that provided data on 42 lipid markers and 16 circulating metabolites. Results: Trends in lipids were favourable between 2001 and 2007, whereas waist circumference, fasting glucose, and blood pressure levels increased. To study the stability of noninvasive ultrasound markers, 6-year tracking (the likelihood to maintain the original fractile over time) in 6 years was examined. IMT tracked more strongly than CDist and FMD. Cardiovascular risk scores (Framingham, SCORE, Finrisk, Reynolds and PROCAM) predicted subclinical atherosclerosis equally. Lipoprotein subclass testing did not improve the prediction of subclinical atherosclerosis over and above conventional risk factors. However, circulating metabolites improved risk stratification. Tyrosine and docosahexaenoic acid were found to be novel biomarkers of high IMT. Conclusions: Prediction of cardiovascular risk in young Finnish adults can be performed with any of the existing risk scores. The addition of metabonomics to risk stratification improves prediction of subclinical changes and enables more accurate targeting of prevention at an early stage.
BACKGROUND: Liver vascular isolation is essential for the treatment of the retrohepatic vena cava and hepatic veins. Triple vessel occlusion (TVO - occlusion of the portal triad, the inferior vena cava above the renal veins and within the pericardium) is the easiest isolation method for the surgeon. Unfortunately, this technique cannot be applied to hypovolemic and/or shock (cardiac arrest) patients as it compromises venous return. OBJECTIVES: Our objective is to demonstrate that in the above mentioned patients, establishing a previous hypervolemic state allows the safe use of TVO. METHODS: The method includes efficient injury tamponade with aggressive fluid replacement until normal blood volume is reached (resuscitation). Normal blood volume is recognized by a return of arterial blood pressure to normal levels, inferior vena cava filling and an increase in aortic wall tension. Following this procedure, hypervolemia is obtained by the rapid additional infusion of 1.500 to 2.000 ml of fluids. TVO in this situation does not alter the heart rhythm and maintains a clear operative field which is essential for hepatotomy, venorrhaphy and or venous ligation. RESULTS: Three patients were successfully operated.
Alpha2-Adrenoceptors are cell-surface G protein coupled receptors that mediate many of the effects of the catecholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline. The three human α2-adrenoceptor subtypes are widely expressed in different tissues and organs, and they mediate many different physiological and pharmacological effects in the central and peripheral nervous system and as postsynaptic receptors in target organs. Previous studies have demonstrated that α2-adrenoceptors mediate both vascular constriction and dilatation in humans. Large inter-individual variation has been observed in the vascular responses to α2-adrenoceptor activation in clinical studies. All three receptor subtypes are potential drug targets. It was therefore considered important to further elucidate the details of adrenergic vascular regulation and its genetic variation, since such knowledge may help to improve the development of future cardiovascular drugs and intensive care therapies. Dexmedetomidine is the most selective and potent α2-adrenoceptor agonist currently available for clinical use. When given systemically, dexmedetomidine induces nearly complete sympatholysis already at low concentrations, and postsynaptic effects, such vasoconstriction, can be observed with increasing concentrations. Thus, local infusions of small doses of dexmedetomidine into dorsal hand veins and the application of pharmacological sympathectomy with brachial plexus block provide a means to assess drug-induced peripheral vascular responses without interference from systemic pharmacological effects and autonomic nervous system regulation. Dexmedetomidine was observed to have biphasic effects on haemodynamics, with an initial decrease in blood pressure at low concentrations followed by substantial increases in blood pressure and coronary vascular resistance at high concentrations. Plasma concentrations of dexmedetomidine that significantly exceeded the recommended therapeutic level did not reduce myocardial blood flow below the level that is observed with the usual therapeutic concentrations and did not induce any evident myocardial ischaemia in healthy subjects. Further, it was demonstrated that dexmedetomidine also had significant vasodilatory effects through activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthesis, and thus when the endothelial component of the blood vessel response to dexmedetomidine was inhibited, peripheral vasoconstriction was augmented. Hand vein constriction responses to α2-adrenoceptor activation by dexmedetomidine were only weakly associated with the constriction responses to α1-adrenoceptor activation, pointing to independent cellular regulation by these two adrenoceptor classes. Substantial inter-individual variation was noted in the venous constriction elicited by activation of α2-adrenoceptors by dexmedetomidine. In two study populations from two different continents, a single nucleotide polymorphism in the PRKCB gene was found to be associated with the dorsal hand vein constriction response to dexmedetomidine, suggesting that protein kinase C beta may have an important role in the vascular α2-adrenoceptor signalling pathways activated by dexmedetomidine.
ABSTRACTObjective:to evaluate the incidence of unfavorable outcomes in vascular trauma patients and their possible correlation to the distance between the city where the injury was sustained and the hospital where the patient received definitive treatment.Methods:descriptive and retrospective study. Data were collected from medical records of patients submitted to surgical procedures for arterial or venous injuries from February 2011 to February 2013 at the only trauma center providing vascular surgery in a vast area of the Amazon region. Trauma date, patient gender and age, mechanism and anatomic topography of injury, surgical management, need for surgical re-intervention, hospitalization period, postoperative complications, mortality and limb amputation rates were analyzed. The incidence of unfavorable outcomes was assessed according to the distance between the city where the vascular injury was sustained and the trauma center.Results: One hundred seventy-three patients with 255 vascular injuries were analyzed; 95.95% were male (p<0.05), mean age of 28.92 years; 47.4% were caused by firearm projectiles (p<0.05); topographic distribution: 45.66% lower limbs (p<0.05), 37.57% upper limbs, 6.94% abdominal, 5.2% thoracic and 4.62% were cervical vascular injuries; 51.42% of patients required hospitalization for seven days or less (p<0.05); limb amputation was necessary in 15.6% and the overall mortality was 6.36%.Conclusion:distances greater than 200Km were associated to longer hospitalization period; distances greater than 300Km were associated to increased limb amputation probability; severe vascular trauma have an increased death probability when patients need to travel more than 200Km for surgical treatment.
Background: Maternal diabetes affects many fetal organ systems, including the vasculature and the lungs. The offspring of diabetic mothers have respiratory adaptation problems after birth. The mechanisms are multifactorial and the effects are prolonged during the postnatal period. An increasing incidence of diabetic pregnancies accentuates the importance of identifying the pathological mechanisms, which cause the metabolic and genetic changes that occur in offspring, born to diabetic mothers. Aims and methods: The aim of this thesis was to determine changes both in human umbilical cord exposed to maternal type 1 diabetes and in neonatal rat lungs after streptozotocin-induced maternal hyperglycemia, during pregnancy. Rat lungs were used as a model for the potential disease mechanisms. Gene expression alterations were determined in human umbilical cords at birth and in rat pup lungs at two week of age. During the first two postnatal weeks, rat lung development was studied morphologically and histologically. Further, the effect of postnatal hyperoxia on hyperglycemia-primed rat lungs was investigated at one week of age to mimic the clinical situation of supplemental oxygen treatment. Results: In the umbilical cord, maternal diabetes had a major negative effect on the expression of genes involved in blood vessel development. The genes regulating vascular tone were also affected. In neonatal rat lungs, intrauterine hyperglycemia had a prolonged effect on gene expression during late alveolarization. The most affected pathway was the upregulation of extracellular matrix proteins. Newborn rat lungs exposed to intrauterine hyperglycemia had thinner saccular walls without changes in airspace size, a smaller relative lung weight and lung total tissue area, and increased cellular apoptosis and proliferation compared to control lungs, possibly reflecting an aberrant maturational adaptation. At one and two weeks of age, cell proliferation and secondary crest formation were accelerated in hyperglycemia-exposed lungs. Postnatal hyperoxic exposure, alone caused arrested alveolarization with thin-walled and enlarged alveoli. In contrast, the dual exposure of intrauterine hyperglycemia and postnatal hyperoxia resulted in the phenotype of thick septa together with arrested alveolarization and decreased number of small pulmonary arteries. Conclusions: Maternal diabetic environment seems to alter the umbilical cord gene expression profile of the regulation of vascular development and function. Fetal hyperglycemia may additionally affect the genetic regulation of the postnatal lung development and may actually induce prolonged structural alterations in neonatal lungs together with a modifying effect on the deleterious pulmonary exposure of postnatal hyperoxia. This, combined with the novel human umbilical cord gene data could serve as stepping stones for future therapies to curb developmental aberrations.
Ouabain is an endogenous substance occurring in the plasma in the nanomolar range, that has been proposed to increase vascular resistance and induce hypertension. This substance acts on the a-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibiting the Na+-pump activity. In the vascular smooth muscle this effect leads to intracellular Na+ accumulation that reduces the activity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and to an increased vascular tone. It was also suggested that circulating ouabain, even in the nanomolar range, sensitizes the vascular smooth muscle to vasopressor substances. We tested the latter hypothesis by studying the effects of ouabain in the micromolar and nanomolar range on phenylephrine (PE)-evoked pressor responses. The experiments were performed in normotensive and hypertensive rats in vivo, under anesthesia, and in perfused rat tail vascular beds. The results showed that ouabain pretreatment increased the vasopressor responses to PE in vitro and in vivo. This sensitization after ouabain treatment was also observed in hypertensive animals which presented an enhanced vasopressor response to PE in comparison to normotensive animals. It is suggested that ouabain at nanomolar concentrations can sensitize vascular smooth muscle to vasopressor stimuli possibly contributing to increased tone in hypertension
The available data suggests that hypotension caused by Hg2+ administration may be produced by a reduction of cardiac contractility or by cholinergic mechanisms. The hemodynamic effects of an intravenous injection of HgCl2 (5 mg/kg) were studied in anesthetized rats (N = 12) by monitoring left and right ventricular (LV and RV) systolic and diastolic pressures for 120 min. After HgCl2 administration the LV systolic pressure decreased only after 40 min (99 ± 3.3 to 85 ± 8.8 mmHg at 80 min). However, RV systolic pressure increased, initially slowly but faster after 30 min (25 ± 1.8 to 42 ± 1.6 mmHg at 80 min). Both right and left diastolic pressures increased after HgCl2 treatment, suggesting the development of diastolic ventricular dysfunction. Since HgCl2 could be increasing pulmonary vascular resistance, isolated lungs (N = 10) were perfused for 80 min with Krebs solution (continuous flow of 10 ml/min) containing or not 5 µM HgCl2. A continuous increase in pulmonary vascular resistance was observed, suggesting the direct effect of Hg2+ on the pulmonary vessels (12 ± 0.4 to 29 ± 3.2 mmHg at 30 min). To examine the interactions of Hg2+ and changes in cholinergic activity we analyzed the effects of acetylcholine (Ach) on mean arterial blood pressure (ABP) in anesthetized rats (N = 9) before and after Hg2+ treatment (5 mg/kg). Using the same amount and route used to study the hemodynamic effects we also examined the effects of Hg2+ administration on heart and plasma cholinesterase activity (N = 10). The in vivo hypotensive response to Ach (0.035 to 10.5 µg) was reduced after Hg2+ treatment. Cholinesterase activity (µM h-1 mg protein-1) increased in heart and plasma (32 and 65%, respectively) after Hg2+ treatment. In conclusion, the reduction in ABP produced by Hg2+ is not dependent on a putative increase in cholinergic activity. HgCl2 mainly affects cardiac function. The increased pulmonary vascular resistance and cardiac failure due to diastolic dysfunction of both ventricles are factors that might contribute to the reduction of cardiac output and the fall in arterial pressure.
To investigate the role of nitric oxide in human sepsis, ten patients with severe septic shock requiring vasoactive drug therapy and mechanical ventilation were enrolled in a prospective, open, non-randomized clinical trial to study the acute effects of methylene blue, an inhibitor of guanylate cyclase. Hemodynamic and metabolic variables were measured before and 20, 40, 60, and 120 min after the start of a 1-h intravenous infusion of 4 mg/kg of methylene blue. Methylene blue administration caused a progressive increase in mean arterial pressure (60 [55-70] to 70 [65-100] mmHg, median [25-75th percentiles]; P<0.05), systemic vascular resistance index (649 [479-1084] to 1066 [585-1356] dyne s-1 cm-5 m-2; P<0.05) and the left ventricular stroke work index (35 [27-47] to 38 [32-56] g m-1 m-2; P<0.05) from baseline to 60 min. The pulmonary vascular resistance index increased from 150 [83-207] to 186 [121-367] dyne s-1 cm-5 m-2 after 20 min (P<0.05). Mixed venous saturation decreased from 65 [56-76] to 63 [55-69]% (P<0.05) after 60 min. The PaO2/FiO2 ratio decreased from 168 [131-215] to 132 [109-156] mmHg (P<0.05) after 40 min. Arterial lactate concentration decreased from 5.1 ± 2.9 to 4.5 ± 2.1 mmol/l, mean ± SD (P<0.05) after 60 min. Heart rate, cardiac filling pressures, cardiac output, oxygen delivery and consumption did not change. Methylene blue administration was safe and no adverse effect was observed. In severe human septic shock, a short infusion of methylene blue increases systemic vascular resistance and may improve myocardial function. Although there was a reduction in blood lactate concentration, this was not explained by an improvement in tissue oxygenation, since overall oxygen availability did not change. However, there was a significant increase in pulmonary vascular tone and a deterioration in gas exchange. Further studies are needed to demonstrate if nitric oxide blockade with methylene blue can be safe for patients with septic shock and, particularly, if it has an effect on pulmonary function.
Ouabain increases vascular resistance and may induce hypertension by inhibiting the Na+ pump. The effects of 0.18 and 18 µg/kg, and 1.8 mg/kg ouabain pretreatment on the phenylephrine (PHE; 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 µg, in bolus)-evoked pressor responses were investigated using anesthetized normotensive (control and uninephrectomized) and hypertensive (1K1C and DOCA-salt treated) rats. Treatment with 18 µg/kg ouabain increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all groups studied. However, the magnitude of this increase was larger for the hypertensive 1K1C and DOCA-salt rats than for normotensive animals, while the pressor effect of 0.18 µg/kg ouabain was greater only in DOCA-salt rats. A very large dose (1.8 mg/kg) produced toxic effects on the normotensive control but not on uninephrectomized or 1K1C rats. Rat tail vascular beds were perfused to analyze the effects of 10 nM ouabain on the pressor response to PHE. In all animals, 10 nM ouabain increased the PHE pressor response, but this increase was larger in hypertensive DOCA-salt rats than in normotensive and 1K1C rats. Results suggested that a) increases in diastolic blood pressure induced by 18 µg/kg ouabain were larger in hypertensive than normotensive rats; b) in DOCA-salt rats, smaller ouabain doses had a stronger effect than in other groups; c) hypertensive and uninephrectomized rats were less sensitive to toxic doses of ouabain, and d) after treatment with 10 nM ouabain isolated tail vascular beds from DOCA-salt rats were more sensitive to the pressor effect of PHE than those from normotensive and 1K1C hypertensive rats. These data suggest that very small doses of ouabain, which might produce nanomolar plasma concentrations, enhance pressor reactivity in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, supporting the idea that endogenous ouabain may contribute to the increase and maintenance of vascular tone in hypertension.
Borderline hypertension (BH) has been associated with an exaggerated blood pressure (BP) response during laboratory stressors. However, the incidence of target organ damage in this condition and its relation to BP hyperreactivity is an unsettled issue. Thus, we assessed the Doppler echocardiographic profile of a group of BH men (N = 36) according to office BP measurements with exaggerated BP in the cycloergometric test. A group of normotensive men (NT, N = 36) with a normal BP response during the cycloergometric test was used as control. To assess vascular function and reactivity, all subjects were submitted to the cold pressor test. Before Doppler echocardiography, the BP profile of all subjects was evaluated by 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring. All subjects from the NT group presented normal monitored levels of BP. In contrast, 19 subjects from the original BH group presented normal monitored BP levels and 17 presented elevated monitored BP levels. In the NT group all Doppler echocardiographic indexes were normal. All subjects from the original BH group presented normal left ventricular mass and geometrical pattern. However, in the subjects with elevated monitored BP levels, fractional shortening was greater, isovolumetric relaxation time longer, and early to late flow velocity ratio was reduced in relation to subjects from the original BH group with normal monitored BP levels (P<0.05). These subjects also presented an exaggerated BP response during the cold pressor test. These results support the notion of an integrated pattern of cardiac and vascular adaptation during the development of hypertension.