258 resultados para Biting Midge
A família Ceratopogonidae tem aproximadamente 5360 espécies, das quais 205 são extintas. Estas espécies estão distribuídas em 125 gêneros. As espécies de Culicoides estão entre as menores moscas hematófagas do mundo, medindo de um a três milimetros de comprimento. Mais de 1400 espécies têm sido identificadas em todo o mundo, das quais 96%, obrigatoriamente, sugam sangue de mamíferos (inclusive humanos) e aves, tendo sua principal importância como vetores de viroses humanas e de animais. Apesar da importância epidemiológica são poucos os trabalhos realizados no Brasil sobre biologia, comportamento de ataque e ecologia das espécies de Ceratopogonidae que sugam o homem. Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer o levantamento das espécies de Ceratopogonidae que ocorrem em áreas costeiras do Estado do Pará, estudando as atividades horárias de ataque das espécies a procura do repasto sanguíneo no ser humano e fornecer informações básicas importantes para definição de períodos menos e mais problemáticos por causa do ataque destes dípteros. Foram dois os pontos amostrados na região costeira do Estado do Pará, um no litoral atlântico a nordeste do estado do Pará (município de Marapanim) e outro na área costeira do estuário do rio Pará (Outeiro, município de Belém). As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente de abril e outubro de 2003, utilizando-se isca humana e armadilhas CDC. Foram coletados 4083 exemplares de Ceratopogonidae distribuídos em 29 espécies pertencentes a seis gêneros, sendo 620 exemplares provenientes de Outeiro distribuídos em 21 espécies, pertencentes a cinco gêneros e 3463 exemplares provenientes de Marapanim de nove espécies, pertencentes a quatro gêneros. A fauna da região litorânea mostrou-se bastante diferente da zona do estuário do rio Pará, sendo Leptoconops brasiliensis a única espécie comum aos dois pontos amostrados. Em Outeiro as espécies mais abundantes foram Culicoides batesi e Culicoides denisae e em Marapanim Culicoides maruim e Culicoides phiebotomus. As espécies Culicoides crucifèr e Culicoides daviesi coletadas em Outeiro são registradas pela primeira vez no Brasil e Culicoides denisae e Culicoides phlebotomus tiveram suas distribuições ampliadas ao estado do Pará. Em Outeiro encontrou-se correlação negativa significativa entre a temperatura e a atividade de antropofilia por horas do dia de Culicoides batesi, Culicoides cruciftr e Culicoides paramaruim e correlação positiva significativa com a umidade relativa do ar. Em Marapanim Culicoides maruim apresentou correlação negativa significativa com a temperatura e positiva significativa com a umidade do ar. Em Outeiro, de acordo com os horários de ataque das duas espécies mais abundantes (C. batesi e C. denisae), principalmente, durante o período seco do ano, as pessoas são mais incomodadas pelos maruins pela parte da manhã das 5:00 as 9:00h e menos intensamente no período da tarde a partir das 16:00h e se estendendo pela noite. Em Marapanim durante o período seco os maruins não causam problemas aos visitantes, pois a espécie mais abundante (C. maruim) ocorreu preferencialmente nos primeiros horários do dia e é restrita a áreas de mangue, porém esta causa ataques vorazes as pessoas que precisam entrar nos manguezais. Entretanto, os visitantes podem ter problemas no período chuvoso com a espécie C. phlebotomus, que ocorre também em áreas de praia; durante este estudo ocorreu em todos os meses de coleta em baixos números de exemplares, próximo ao mangue, sendo mais abundante em junho (início do período seco) e apresentou correlação positiva significativa com a umidade do ar. A coleção de Invertebrados do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi foi enriquecida com o material deste trabalho, acondicionado em lâminas e em pequenos tubos de ensaio.
Os estudos neste trabalho acrescentam diversas informações sobre simulídeos (Diptera: Simuliidae) do leste do estado do Pará, Brasil. Tem como objetivo avaliar a distribuição geográfica das espécies; elaborar uma chave para a identificação de pupas de simulídeos do leste paraense; estimar a riqueza de espécies; avaliar a atividade hematofágica diurna; avaliar a relação dos fatores limnológicos e meteorológicos com as populações de simulídeos e outros insetos aquáticos associados; registrar o estado de conservação e similaridade de três áreas (Atlântico-Nordeste, Serras das Andorinhas e Carajás), baseadas em um protocolo ambiental e nas espécies de piuns. Foram registradas 14 espécies: S. nigrimanum, S. incrustatum, S. minusculum, S. quadrifidum, S. limbatum, S. perflavum, S. iracouboense, S. rorotaense, S. spinibranchium, S. subpallidum, S. pertinax, S. subnigrum, S. brachycladum e S. goeldii. Chave de identificação baseada nas pupas dessas espécies foi elaborada. Estes dados são inéditos e as espécies de interesse em saúde pública (S. nigrimanum, S. crustatum, S. rorotaense, S. minusculum, S. subnigrum e S. pertinax) foram encontradas em diversos ambientes, com ampla distribuição e registros de novas ocorrências no Pará e Amazônia Oriental. Estudou-se a hematofagia de S. rorotaense, S. minusculum e S. pertinax nos meses de janeiro, abril, agosto e dezembro de 2006, na Serra das Andorinhas. Estas atividades de ataque foram correlacionadas principalmente à temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, exibindo dois picos de atividades, um pela manhã e outro pela tarde. A preferência por regiões do corpo de humanos também foi estudada. Os simulídeos e entomofauna aquática associada dos sistemas aquáticos foram ordenados em dois grupos e correlacionaram em maior ou menor grau à vazão, velocidade, profundidade, largura, alcalinidade e ferro, em ambas as regiões estudadas (Costa Atlântica-Nordeste e Tocantins-Araguaia). Registrou-se ainda que o meio ambiente apresenta-se bem conservado na Serra das Andorinhas, mas bastante alterado na Serra dos Carajás e em localidades da Costa Atlântica-Nordeste. A maior similaridade na composição das espécies de simulídeos foi observada entre as Serras das Andorinhas e Carajás, seguida pela similaridade com Costa Atlântica-Nordeste.
Anofelinos membros de complexos de espécies crípticas podem exibir diferenças comportamentais, de susceptibilidade a infecção malárica, e resistência a inseticidas. Assim, a identificação de espécies vetoras tem relevância epidemiológica, o que nem sempre é possível por critérios morfológicos. Métodos alternativos têm sido empregados para tal, como os que analisam regiões altamente conservadas do DNA ribossômico, variável entre as espécies, conhecidas como espaçadoras internas transcritas (ITS). Considera-se atualmente que o complexo Anopheles c seja composto por seis espécies: An. albitarsis s.s., An. oryzalimnetes, An. albitarsis F, An. marajoara, An. deaneorum, e An. janconnae. Destas, pelo menos as três últimas são incriminadas como vetores de malária na Amazônia brasileira. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar identificação molecular de espécies do complexo An. albitarsis, por análise da seqüências do ITS2 do rDNA, com vistas a analisar sua importância na transmissão de malária nos municípios de Macapá, Amapá e Peixe-Boi, Pará, inclusive investigando pela primeira vez a ocorrência do An. albitarsis F nestas duas áreas epidemiologicamente distintas: a primeira com histórico de alto risco de transmissão de malária e a segunda não. O estudo foi realizado entre janeiro de 2009 e abril de 2010, e consistiu de capturas de anofelinos de 12 horas de duração (ecostofase) no peridomicílio. Todas as fêmeas coletadas foram morfologicamente identificadas e apenas os An. albitarsis s.l. tiveram cabeça e tórax separadas para análise da infecção natural por ELISA; ovários para análise de paridade e patas, asas e carcaça para identificação molecular. Em Macapá foram realizadas seis coletas, obtendo-se um total de 584 anofelinos, sendo 366 An. albitarsis s.l. (62,7%), 167 An. darlingi (28,6%), 33 An. triannulatus s.l (5,6%), 15 An. braziliensis (2,6%) e 3 An. nuneztovari (0,5%). Pela PCR foi possível visualizar a banda específica de An. marajoara em 320 espécimes dos An. albitarsis s.l testados. Do restante, 33 foram negativos e 13 amplificaram um fragmento de ~490 pb nos iniciadores empregados, não permitindo chegar ao diagnóstico específico. O An. marajoara apresentou características biológicas e comportamentais que ratificam sua importância epidemiológica na transmissão de malária em Macapá, tais como: ser a espécie mais prevalente, com maior proporção de fêmeas paridas (73,0%), e portanto com maiores chances de se infectarem com o plasmódio, ocorrer tanto na estação menos quanto na mais chuvosa, e apresentar atividade hematofágica durante toda a ecostofase, alem disso, foi encontrado naturalmente infectado por P. vivax e P. falciparum (taxa de infecção natural de 3,1%). Em Peixe-Boi, foram capturados 43 anofelinos: An. triannulatus s.l (20 espécimes, 46,5 %), An. albitarsis s.l. (13: 30,2 %), An. darlingi (8: 18,6%), e An. nuneztovari (2: 4,7%). Todos os An. albitarsis s.l. coletados foram identificados pela ITS2 como An. oryzalimnetes. Nenhum deles foi encontrado infectado pelos plasmódios testados, e a maioria das fêmeas era parida (84,6%). São necessários levantamentos entomológicos sistemáticos que analisem a importância deste anofelino na transmissão de malária na cidade. O An. albitarsis F não foi encontrado nas duas áreas estudadas. Nossos resultados contribuem para o entendimento da epidemiologia da malária na região Amazônica brasileira.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The major Neotropical malaria vector, Anopheles darlingi, was reintroduced into the Iquitos, Loreto, Peru area during the early 1990s, where it displaced other anophelines and caused a major malaria epidemic. Since then, case numbers in Loreto have fluctuated, but annual increases have been reported since 2012. The population genetic structure of An. darlingi sampled before and after the introduction of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) was investigated to test the hypothesis of temporal population change (2006 vs. 2012). Current samples of An. darlingi were used to test the hypothesis of ecological adaptation to human modified (highway) compared with wild (riverine) habitat, linked to forest cover. In total, 693 An. darlingi from nine localities in Loreto, Peru area were genotyped using 13 microsatellite loci. To test the hypothesis of habitat differentiation in An. darlingi biting time patterns, HBR and EIR, four collections of An. darlingi from five localities (two riverine and three highway) were analysed. Analyses of microsatellite loci from seven (2006) and nine settlements (2012-2014) in the Iquitos area detected two distinctive populations with little overlap, although it is unclear whether this population replacement event is associated with LLIN distribution or climate. Within the 2012-2014 population two admixed subpopulations, A and B, were differentiated by habitat, with B significantly overrepresented in highway, and both in near-equal proportions in riverine. Both subpopulations had a signature of expansion and there was moderate genetic differentiation between them. Habitat and forest cover level had significant effects on HBR, such that Plasmodium transmission risk, as measured by EIR, in peridomestic riverine settlements was threefold higher than in peridomestic highway settlements. HBR was directly associated with available host biomass rather than forest cover. A population replacement event occurred between 2006 and 2012-2014, concurrently with LLIN distribution and a moderate El Niño event, and prior to an increase in malaria incidence. The likely drivers of this replacement cannot be determined with current data. The present-day An. darlingi population is composed of two highly admixed subpopulations, which appear to be in an early stage of differentiation, triggered by anthropogenic alterations to local habitat.
The aim of this study was to characterize dog bites using data on biter dogs and victims. An exploratory cross-sectional study was performed using 203 records of individuals who had attended in public health services in 2009 in the municipality of Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, after they had been bitten by a dog. Over 70% (92/129) of the biter dogs were male and most of them (71%) received as a gift. Dog owners reported companionship as the main reason for acquiring the dog. The victims who were children were predominantly male, while the victims who were elderly were predominantly female. Most children were bitten on the head/neck, while adults were bitten on the hands/feet and lower limbs (p<0.0001). The owner of the dog was known in 83.2% of cases. However, rabies observation of the biter dog following the attack was only reported in 59.4% of cases. Situations involving aggression were related to dogs having escaped from their home (18.7%) or roaming free on the streets (17.0%). The analysis of biting dog characteristics using information obtained from dog bite victims and biting dog owners can help direct the medical treatment for dog bite victims. Moreover, concepts of responsible dog ownership can reduce the occurrence of bites.
The etiology of TMD in children and adolescents is considered multifactorial and has been related to parafunctional habits.The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of parafunctional habits in elementary school students of “Colégio Ipê de Assis” (Assis, SP - Brazil). In the present research was administered questionnaire (15 questions) proposed by the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of TMD, School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, UNESP. The sample was composed of 80 elementary school students of the “Colégio Ipê de Assis” (Assis, SP - Brazil). The project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba/ UNESP. All parents and responsible of the students received instruction about the research and preservation of identity and provide clarification if in doubt. Beyond that, they were requested to sign the informed consent in order to facilitate the participation of students. Females comprised 47,5% and males 52,5%, with age ranging from 10 to 14. The students were classified into two groups as follows: Group I-female, Group II- male. In addition, brazilian students from Groups I and II were classified according to type of oral habits presented. All students presented a parafunctional habit. Among the parafunctional habits chewing gum was the most common in both groups (72.2%, Group I and 78.5%, Group II) followed by resting chin on hand for both genders (69,5% for Group I and 67% for Group II). Tongue biting (5%) was less founded in Group II and stomach sleeping in Group I. The results obtained show the necessity of carring out preventive programs. Beside, resources of Health should increase preventive treatments.
Background: Arboviral diseases are major global public health threats. Yet, our understanding of infection risk factors is, with a few exceptions, considerably limited. A crucial shortcoming is the widespread use of analytical methods generally not suited for observational data - particularly null hypothesis-testing (NHT) and step-wise regression (SWR). Using Mayaro virus (MAYV) as a case study, here we compare information theory-based multimodel inference (MMI) with conventional analyses for arboviral infection risk factor assessment. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional survey of anti-MAYV antibodies revealed 44% prevalence (n = 270 subjects) in a central Amazon rural settlement. NHT suggested that residents of village-like household clusters and those using closed toilet/latrines were at higher risk, while living in non-village-like areas, using bednets, and owning fowl, pigs or dogs were protective. The "minimum adequate" SWR model retained only residence area and bednet use. Using MMI, we identified relevant covariates, quantified their relative importance, and estimated effect-sizes (beta +/- SE) on which to base inference. Residence area (beta(Village) = 2.93 +/- 0.41; beta(Upland) = -0.56 +/- 0.33, beta(Riverbanks) = -2.37 +/- 0.55) and bednet use (beta = -0.95 +/- 0.28) were the most important factors, followed by crop-plot ownership (beta = 0.39 +/- 0.22) and regular use of a closed toilet/latrine (beta = 0.19 +/- 0.13); domestic animals had insignificant protective effects and were relatively unimportant. The SWR model ranked fifth among the 128 models in the final MMI set. Conclusions/Significance: Our analyses illustrate how MMI can enhance inference on infection risk factors when compared with NHT or SWR. MMI indicates that forest crop-plot workers are likely exposed to typical MAYV cycles maintained by diurnal, forest dwelling vectors; however, MAYV might also be circulating in nocturnal, domestic-peridomestic cycles in village-like areas. This suggests either a vector shift (synanthropic mosquitoes vectoring MAYV) or a habitat/habits shift (classical MAYV vectors adapting to densely populated landscapes and nocturnal biting); any such ecological/adaptive novelty could increase the likelihood of MAYV emergence in Amazonia.
Dengue is considered one of the most important vector-borne infection, affecting almost half of the world population with 50 to 100 million cases every year. In this paper, we present one of the simplest models that can encapsulate all the important variables related to vector control of dengue fever. The model considers the human population, the adult mosquito population and the population of immature stages, which includes eggs, larvae and pupae. The model also considers the vertical transmission of dengue in the mosquitoes and the seasonal variation in the mosquito population. From this basic model describing the dynamics of dengue infection, we deduce thresholds for avoiding the introduction of the disease and for the elimination of the disease. In particular, we deduce a Basic Reproduction Number for dengue that includes parameters related to the immature stages of the mosquito. By neglecting seasonal variation, we calculate the equilibrium values of the model’s variables. We also present a sensitivity analysis of the impact of four vector-control strategies on the Basic Reproduction Number, on the Force of Infection and on the human prevalence of dengue. Each of the strategies was studied separately from the others. The analysis presented allows us to conclude that of the available vector control strategies, adulticide application is the most effective, followed by the reduction of the exposure to mosquito bites, locating and destroying breeding places and, finally, larvicides. Current vector-control methods are concentrated on mechanical destruction of mosquitoes’ breeding places. Our results suggest that reducing the contact between vector and hosts (biting rates) is as efficient as the logistically difficult but very efficient adult mosquito’s control.
The behavior of newborn pups of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) towards a potential food after hatching and before eating food for the first time was studied. There was no significant time trend approach and bite of potentially edible objects based on their color or size. However, a clear trend was observed for those objects that are transparent, white or red, independently the sex of the animal. Furthermore, it was verified that the turtles do not have a biting behavior to feed from first contact with water, but it comes after 3 or 4 days. There is also a learning process that determines the choice of targets of further attacks.
Bite mark analysis offers the opportunity to identify the biter based on the individual characteristics of the dentitions. Normally, the main focus is on analysing bite mark injuries on human bodies, but also, bite marks in food may play an important role in the forensic investigation of a crime. This study presents a comparison of simulated bite marks in different kinds of food with the dentitions of the presumed biter. Bite marks were produced by six adults in slices of buttered bread, apples, different kinds of Swiss chocolate and Swiss cheese. The time-lapse influence of the bite mark in food, under room temperature conditions, was also examined. For the documentation of the bite marks and the dentitions of the biters, 3D optical surface scanning technology was used. The comparison was performed using two different software packages: the ATOS modelling and analysing software and the 3D studio max animation software. The ATOS software enables an automatic computation of the deviation between the two meshes. In the present study, the bite marks and the dentitions were compared, as well as the meshes of each bite mark which were recorded in the different stages of time lapse. In the 3D studio max software, the act of biting was animated to compare the dentitions with the bite mark. The examined food recorded the individual characteristics of the dentitions very well. In all cases, the biter could be identified, and the dentitions of the other presumed biters could be excluded. The influence of the time lapse on the food depends on the kind of food and is shown on the diagrams. However, the identification of the biter could still be performed after a period of time, based on the recorded individual characteristics of the dentitions.
Equine insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is a seasonally recurrent, pruritic skin disorder caused by an IgE-mediated reaction to salivary proteins of biting flies, predominantly of the genus Culicoides. The aim of this study was to define T cell subsets and cytokine profile in the skin of IBH-affected Icelandic horses with particular focus on the balance between T helper (Th) 1, Th2 and T regulatory (Treg) cells. Distribution and number of CD4+, CD8+ and Forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)+ T cells were characterized by immunohistochemical staining in lesional and non-lesional skin of moderately and severely IBH-affected horses (n=14) and in the skin of healthy control horses (n=10). Using real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, mRNA expression levels of Th2 cytokines (Interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, IL-13), Th1 cytokines (Interferon-gamma), regulatory cytokines (Transforming Growth Factor beta1, IL-10) and the Treg transcription factor FoxP3 were measured in skin and blood samples. Furthermore, Culicoides nubeculosus specific serum IgE levels were assessed. Lesions of IBH-affected horses contained significantly higher numbers of CD4+ cells than skin of healthy control horses. Furthermore, the total number of T cells (CD4+ and CD8+) was significantly increased in lesional compared to non-lesional skin and there was a tendency (p=0.07) for higher numbers of CD4+ cells in lesional compared to non-lesional skin. While the number of FoxP3+ T cells did not differ significantly between the groups, the ratio of Foxp3 to CD4+ cells was significantly lower in lesions of severely IBH-affected horses than in moderately affected or control horses. Interestingly, differences in FoxP3 expression were more striking at the mRNA level. FoxP3 mRNA levels were significantly reduced in lesional skin, compared both to non-lesional and to healthy skin and were also significantly lower in non-lesional compared to healthy skin. Expression levels of IL-13, but not IL-4 or IL-5, were significantly elevated in lesional and non-lesional skin of IBH-affected horses. IL-10 levels were lower in lesional compared to non-lesional skin (p=0.06) and also lower (p=0.06) in the blood of IBH-affected than of healthy horses. No significant changes were observed regarding blood expression levels of Th1 and Th2 cytokines or FoxP3. Finally, IBH-affected horses had significantly higher Culicoides nubeculosus specific serum IgE levels than control horses. The presented data suggest that an imbalance between Th2 and Treg cells is a characteristic feature in IBH. Treatment strategies for IBH should thus aim at restoring the balance between Th2 and Treg cells.