938 resultados para Biodiesel, produção, Paraíba
Foi instalado um ensaio de avaliação de 73 progênies do Programa de Melhoramento de mamona do Instituto Agronômico para dias para florescimento dos racemos, produção de grãos e rendimento de grãos, em Campinas-SP, em fevereiro, e avaliado na safrinha de 2007, em blocos casualisados com três repetições, incluindo sete testemunhas comerciais. A análise de variância e a distribuição de médias para produção de grãos evidenciaram a larga variabilidade e o potencial dos materiais para o melhoramento. As progênies mais produtivas foram: PB72II com 804,07 g; PB05II com 755,20 g; TS38 com 716,13 g; PB08II com 714,67 g e PB48 com 698,00 g, e não foram melhores que a testemunha mais produtiva, IAC 2028 com 1019,67 g. Os rendimentos no processamento das sementes foram bastante variados e refletiram a ocorrência de déficits hídricos de severidade moderada, com alto número de sementes chochas ou não granadas. Os resultados mostraram o elevado potencial para o melhoramento do conjunto de progênies estudado e a possibilidade de plantio da cultura da mamona em condição de safrinha no Sudeste do Brasil.
Foi instalado um ensaio de avaliação com 73 progênies do Programa de Melhoramento de Mamona do Instituto Agronômico - IAC e sete materiais comerciais como testemunhas intercalares. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualisados com três repetições e as parcelas foram plantadas em fevereiro de 2007, em Campinas, SP. Foram avaliadas as características dos racemos primários e secundários: quanto ao comprimento (CRP e CRS, em centímetros), número de frutos (NFRP e NFRS), produção de grãos (PRP e PRS, em gramas) e rendimento no descascamento (RRP e RRS, em %) de cinco plantas de 73 progênies de mamona desenvolvidas pelo Programa de Melhoramento. Foram conduzidas análises de variâncias sendo as progênies separadas pelo grupo de seleção sendo 42 da seleção PBII, 15 da seleção PB e 16 da seleção TS. Embora as condições ambientais não favoráveis da safrinha tenham contribuído para o elevado coeficiente de variação observado para alguns caracteres, quadrados médios altamente significativos, para caracteres do racemo primário, foram encontrados para diferença entre médias de Genótipos, Genótipos dentro de PBII e entre Seleções, exceto para número de frutos que foi não significativo. Nos caracteres do racemo secundário, foram encontrados testes F altamente significativos (P<0,01) para diferenças entre Genótipos e entre Genótipos dentro do grupo PBII. Diferenças não significativas foram detectadas entre Seleções e entre Genótipos dentro do Grupo PB, exceto para rendimento no descascamento que apresentou P<0,05. São apresentadas as distribuições de médias para os caracteres.
O Selo Combustível Social instituído pelo Governo Federal como Política Pública de Estado, a finalidade de concessão de créditos aos produtores de biodiesel que promovam a inclusão social e o desenvolvimento regional por meio da compra de 10% da matéria-prima para fabricação do biodiesel de pequenos produtores rurais. Nesse contexto, estão inseridos os pequenos agricultores nos Assentamentos do Município de Campo Verde – MT que comercializam parte da produção com empresas como a BIOCAMP e a BIOBRAS . Diante da realidade descrita, a presente pesquisa busca investigar em que medida o Selo Combustível Social, aplicado à política do Biodiesel em Mato Grosso, propicia a maior autonomia do pequeno produtor rural. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa social empregando técnicas de análise documental, observação direta e a realização de entrevistas estruturadas e semi- estruturadas. Observou-se que para as empresas o selo combustível social é uma maneira de participar do leilão da Petrobrás. Para o poder público, o Selo Social uma maneira de apoiar o Pequeno Produtor Rural, através de parcerias, mas é notável que o mesmo não consegue gerenciar a sua produção, gerenciado pelo Empresário. Na visão dos assentados, esse selo é “só documento”, ficando o pequeno produtor sempre com os prejuízos.
Num período que se caracteriza, dentre outras questões, por uma corrida global por alimentos e novas fontes de energia alternativas para suprir a crescente demanda mundial, o Brasil desponta no cenário internacional como o país que possui uma situação sui generis, uma vez que com o seu vasto território, pode supostamente conciliar a produção de alimentos e de matérias-primas para a geração dos biocombustíveis (etanol e biodiesel). Observa-se, portanto, a ocorrência simultânea dos seguintes fenômenos: a intensificação de compra de terras brasileiras por estrangeiros para a produção de commodities agrícolas e matérias-primas para os biocombustíveis e o questionamento dos agentes políticos e econômicos supranacionais quanto à sustentabilidade dos biocombustíveis. Nesse sentido, objetiva-se neste trabalho, discutir o ordenamento territorial como sendo uma ação política imprescindível e estratégica por meio do qual o Estado brasileiro poderá regular a apropriação do território, evitando que a produção de matérias-primas voltadas para a geração dos recursos energéticos alternativos não suplante aquela direcionada para o cultivo de alimentos e vice-versa, além, é claro, impedir novos desarranjos espaciais tais como a disputa por parcelas territoriais entre atores nacionais e estrangeiros.
A importância dada mundialmente para as fontes renováveis de energia se resulta das instabilidades relacionadas ao fornecimento de petróleo, ao cumprimento de tratados internacionais de redução de gases de efeito estufa, às exigências legais e a obrigação moral de promoção do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. No caso brasileiro, também se adota uma política voltada para a substituição de combustíveis de origem fóssil por combustíveis renováveis, dentre essas fontes tem recebido grande atenção a produção do etanol e do biodiesel. A proposta deste trabalho é discutir o cenário geral dessa nova aposta de produção de energia no país, elencando sutilmente algumas de suas condições, como as especulações financeiras e interesses particulares de alguns dos setores que incentivam a produção dos biocombustíveis. Em alguns casos, tais incentivos são baseados no discurso da viabilidade econômica, da sustentabilidade ambiental e da qualidade social, sendo esse, muitas vezes, interpretado de forma tendenciosa a apaziguar os impactos na cadeia produtiva de alimentos, no meio ambiente, na economia do país e para a sua população. Assim, antes mesmo do Brasil assumir o trabalho de produzir os combustíveis de que urgem as necessidades do mundo, no ritmo que o consumo e a acumulação do capital tanto impõem, é vital que se reflita para qual modelo de desenvolvimento se estará caminhando.
Research on alternative fuel for the vehemently growing number of automotivesis intensified due to environmental reasons rather than turmoil in energy price and supply. From the policy and steps to emphasis the use of biofuel by governments all around the world, this can be comprehended that biofuel have placed itself as a number one substitute for fossil fuels. These phenomena made Southeast Asia a prominent exporter of biodiesel. But thrust in biodiesel production from oilseeds of palm and Jatropha curcas in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand is seriously threatening environmental harmony. This paper focuses on this critical issue of biodiesels environmental impacts, policy, standardization of this region as well as on the emission of biodiesel in automotive uses. To draw a bottom line on feasibilities of different feedstock of biodiesel, a critical analysis on oilseed yield rate, land use, engine emissions and oxidation stability is reviewed. Palm oil based biodiesel is clearly ahead in all these aspects of feasibility, except in the case of NOx where it lags from conventional petro diesel.
This study undertook a physico-chemical characterisation of particle emissions from a single compression ignition engine operated at one test mode with 3 biodiesel fuels made from 3 different feedstocks (i.e. soy, tallow and canola) at 4 different blend percentages (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%) to gain insights into their particle-related health effects. Particle physical properties were inferred by measuring particle number size distributions both with and without heating within a thermodenuder (TD) and also by measuring particulate matter (PM) emission factors with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10). The chemical properties of particulates were investigated by measuring particle and vapour phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and also Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) concentrations. The particle number size distributions showed strong dependency on feedstock and blend percentage with some fuel types showing increased particle number emissions, whilst others showed particle number reductions. In addition, the median particle diameter decreased as the blend percentage was increased. Particle and vapour phase PAHs were generally reduced with biodiesel, with the results being relatively independent of the blend percentage. The ROS concentrations increased monotonically with biodiesel blend percentage, but did not exhibit strong feedstock variability. Furthermore, the ROS concentrations correlated quite well with the organic volume percentage of particles – a quantity which increased with increasing blend percentage. At higher blend percentages, the particle surface area was significantly reduced, but the particles were internally mixed with a greater organic volume percentage (containing ROS) which has implications for using surface area as a regulatory metric for diesel particulate matter (DPM) emissions.
The Beauty Leaf tree (Calophyllum inophyllum) is a potential source of non-edible vegetable oil for producing future generation biodiesel because of its ability to grow in a wide range of climate conditions, easy cultivation, high fruit production rate, and the high oil content in the seed. This plant naturally occurs in the coastal areas of Queensland and the Northern Territory in Australia, and is also widespread in south-east Asia, India and Sri Lanka. Although Beauty Leaf is traditionally used as a source of timber and orientation plant, its potential as a source of second generation biodiesel is yet to be exploited. In this study, the extraction process from the Beauty Leaf oil seed has been optimised in terms of seed preparation, moisture content and oil extraction methods. The two methods that have been considered to extract oil from the seed kernel are mechanical oil extraction using an electric powered screw press, and chemical oil extraction using n-hexane as an oil solvent. The study found that seed preparation has a significant impact on oil yields, especially in the screw press extraction method. Kernels prepared to 15% moisture content provided the highest oil yields for both extraction methods. Mechanical extraction using the screw press can produce oil from correctly prepared product at a low cost, however overall this method is ineffective with relatively low oil yields. Chemical extraction was found to be a very effective method for oil extraction for its consistence performance and high oil yield, but cost of production was relatively higher due to the high cost of solvent. However, a solvent recycle system can be implemented to reduce the production cost of Beauty Leaf biodiesel. The findings of this study are expected to serve as the basis from which industrial scale biodiesel production from Beauty Leaf can be made.
Physical and chemical properties of biofuel are influenced by structural features of fatty acid such as chain length, degree of unsaturation and branching of the chain. A simple and reliable calculation method to estimate fuel property is therefore needed to avoid experimental testing which is difficult, costly and time consuming. Typically in commercial biodiesel production such testing is done for every batch of fuel produced. In this study 9 different algae species were selected that were likely to be suitable for subtropical climates. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) of all algae species were analysed and the fuel properties like cetane number (CN), cold filter plugging point (CFPP), kinematic viscosity (KV), density and higher heating value (HHV) were determined. The relation of each fatty acid with particular fuel property is analysed using multivariate and multi-criteria decision method (MCDM) software. They showed that some fatty acids have major influences on the fuel properties whereas others have minimal influence. Based on the fuel properties and amounts of lipid content rank order is drawn by PROMETHEE-GAIA which helped to select the best algae species for biodiesel production in subtropical climates. Three species had fatty acid profiles that gave the best fuel properties although only one of these (Nannochloropsis oculata) is considered the best choice because of its higher lipid content.
Over the past few decades, biodiesel produced from oilseed crops and animal fat is receiving much attention as a renewable and sustainable alternative for automobile engine fuels, and particularly petroleum diesel. However, current biodiesel production is heavily dependent on edible oil feedstocks which are unlikely to be sustainable in the longer term due to the rising food prices and the concerns about automobile engine durability. Therefore, there is an urgent need for researchers to identify and develop sustainable biodiesel feedstocks which overcome the disadvantages of current ones. On the other hand, artificial neural network (ANN) modeling has been successfully used in recent years to gain new knowledge in various disciplines. The main goal of this article is to review recent literatures and assess the state of the art on the use of ANN as a modeling tool for future generation biodiesel feedstocks. Biodiesel feedstocks, production processes, chemical compositions, standards, physio-chemical properties and in-use performance are discussed. Limitations of current biodiesel feedstocks over future generation biodiesel feedstock have been identified. The application of ANN in modeling key biodiesel quality parameters and combustion performance in automobile engines is also discussed. This review has determined that ANN modeling has a high potential to contribute to the development of renewable energy systems by accelerating biodiesel research.
Generally, the magnitude of pollutant emissions from diesel engines running on biodiesel fuel is ultimately coupled to the structure of respective molecules that constitutes the fuel. Previous studies demonstrated the relationship between organic fraction of PM and its oxidative potential. Herein, emissions from a diesel engine running on different biofuels were analysed in more detail to explore the role different organic fractions play in the measured oxidative potential. In this work, a more detailed chemical analysis of biofuel PM was undertaken using a compact Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (c-ToF AMS). This enabled a better identification of the different organic fractions that contribute to the overall measured oxidative potentials. The concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was measured using a profluorescent nitroxide molecular probe 9-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl-5-ethynyl)-10-(phenylethynyl)anthracene (BPEAnit). Therefore the oxidative potential of the PM, measured through the ROS content, although proportional to the total organic content in certain cases shows a much higher correlation with the oxygenated organic fraction as measured by the c-ToF AMS. This highlights the importance of knowing the surface chemistry of particles for assessing their health impacts. It also sheds light onto new aspects of particulate emissions that should be taken into account when establishing relevant metrics for assessing health implications of replacing diesel with alternative fuels.
Generally, the magnitude of pollutant emissions from diesel engines is ultimately coupled to the structure of fuel molecules. The presence of oxygen, level of unsaturation and the carbon chain length of respective molecules influence the combustion chemistry. It is speculated that increased oxygen content in the fuel may lead to the increased oxidative potential (Stevanovic, S. 2013). Also, upon the exposure to UV and ozone in the atmosphere, the chemical composition of the exhaust is changed. The presence of an oxidant and UV is triggering the cascade of photochemical reactions as well as the partitioning of semi-volatile compounds between the gas and particle phase. To gain an insight into the relationship between the molecular structures of the esters, their volatile organic content and the potential toxicity of diesel exhaust particulate matter, measurements were conducted on a modern common rail diesel engine. This research also investigates the contribution of atmospheric conditions on the transfer of semi-volatile fraction of diesel exhaust from the gas phase to the particle phase and the extent to which semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) are related to the oxidative potential, expressed through the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Stevanovic, S. 2013)...
The issue of particle emissions from diesel engines is still a matter of concern due its deleterious effects both on human health and environment(Ristovski et al., 2012). Recently, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) inclusion of diesel engine exhaust particles as carcinogenic to human health added a new margin on it. Apart from the use of after treatment technology, biodiesel is also considered as potential way to reduce particle emission alongside with other emissions(Xue, Grift, & Hansen, 2011). Global biodiesel production is still reasonably small compared to its counterpart fossil diesel, but even this small amount comes from a wide variety of feed stocks. Contrary to fossil diesel, the important physicochemical properties of biodiesel vary among different feed stocks(Hoekman, Broch, Robbins, Ceniceros, & Natarajan, 2012).
Physical and chemical properties of biodiesel are influenced by structural features of the fatty acids, such as chain length, degree of unsaturation and branching of the carbon chain. This study investigated if microalgal fatty acid profiles are suitable for biodiesel characterization and species selection through Preference Ranking Organisation Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and Graphical Analysis for Interactive Assistance (GAIA) analysis. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles were used to calculate the likely key chemical and physical properties of the biodiesel [cetane number (CN), iodine value (IV), cold filter plugging point, density, kinematic viscosity, higher heating value] of nine microalgal species (this study) and twelve species from the literature, selected for their suitability for cultivation in subtropical climates. An equal-parameter weighted (PROMETHEE-GAIA) ranked Nannochloropsis oculata, Extubocellulus sp. and Biddulphia sp. highest; the only species meeting the EN14214 and ASTM D6751-02 biodiesel standards, except for the double bond limit in the EN14214. Chlorella vulgaris outranked N. oculata when the twelve microalgae were included. Culture growth phase (stationary) and, to a lesser extent, nutrient provision affected CN and IV values of N. oculata due to lower eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) contents. Application of a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) weighting to saturation led to a lower ranking of species exceeding the double bond EN14214 thresholds. In summary, CN, IV, C18:3 and double bond limits were the strongest drivers in equal biodiesel parameter-weighted PROMETHEE analysis.
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational modeling tool which has found extensive acceptance in many disciplines for modeling complex real world problems. An ANN can model problems through learning by example, rather than by fully understanding the detailed characteristics and physics of the system. In the present study, the accuracy and predictive power of an ANN was evaluated in predicting kinetic viscosity of biodiesels over a wide range of temperatures typically encountered in diesel engine operation. In this model, temperature and chemical composition of biodiesel were used as input variables. In order to obtain the necessary data for model development, the chemical composition and temperature dependent fuel properties of ten different types of biodiesels were measured experimentally using laboratory standard testing equipments following internationally recognized testing procedures. The Neural Networks Toolbox of MatLab R2012a software was used to train, validate and simulate the ANN model on a personal computer. The network architecture was optimised following a trial and error method to obtain the best prediction of the kinematic viscosity. The predictive performance of the model was determined by calculating the absolute fraction of variance (R2), root mean squared (RMS) and maximum average error percentage (MAEP) between predicted and experimental results. This study found that ANN is highly accurate in predicting the viscosity of biodiesel and demonstrates the ability of the ANN model to find a meaningful relationship between biodiesel chemical composition and fuel properties at different temperature levels. Therefore the model developed in this study can be a useful tool in accurately predict biodiesel fuel properties instead of undertaking costly and time consuming experimental tests.