971 resultados para Bioactive Amines. Litopenaeus Vannamei. Shrimp. Ion chromatography
Azadirachtin (Az), as a botanical insecticide, is relatively safe and biodegradable. It affects a wide vaariety of biological processes, including the reduction of feeding, suspension of molting, death of larvae and pupae, and sterility of emerged adults in a dose-dependent manner. However, the mode of action of this toxin remains obscure. By using ion chromatography, we analyzed changes in six inorganic cation (Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+) distributions of the whole body and hemolymph in Ostrinia furnacalis (G.) after exposure to sublethal doses of Az. The results showed that Az dramatically interfered with Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ distributions in hemolymph of O. furnacalis (G.) and concentrations of these five cations dramatically increased. However, in the whole body, the levels of K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ significantly, decreased after exposure to Az, except that Na+ and NH4+ remained constant. Li+ was undetected in both the control and treated groups in the whole body and hemolymph. It is suggested that Az exerts its insecticidal effects on O. furnacalis (G.) by interfering with the inorganic cation distributions related to ion channels.
It was the objective of this study to compare the suitability of different extractants for predicting the availability of sulfur (S) in natural grassland in a sulfur response trial on three different soil types in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. For soil analysis, seven different extractants have been employed. The inorganic SO4-S concentration was determined by ion chromatography. Additionally, in the Ca(H-2-PO4)(2) extract the total soluble S was determined employing turbidimetry. Weak salt solutions (0.15% CaCl2, Ca(H2PO4)(2), and KH2PO4) extracted similar amounts Of SO4-S. Extraction with 0.025 M KCl provided the lowest SO4-S values. Deionized water dissolved significantly more SO4-S in the control plots than most weak salt extractants. The concentration of soluble organic S decreased in the control plots after 100 days of plant growth, indicating that the organic S pool contributed significantly to the S nutrition of the forage crops. Significant relationships among the SO4-S in the soil determined in different extracts and crop yield, sulfur content in the forage, and total sulfur uptake were only found for the Ca(H2PO4)(2) extract. In general, the correlation coefficients proved to be unsatisfactory for field experimentation.
The combination of chemical and biological water treatment processes is a promising technique to reduce recalcitrant wastewater loads. The key to the efficiency of such a system is a better understanding of the mechanisms involved during the degradation processes. Ozonation has been applied to many fields in water and wastewater treatment. Especially for effluents of textile finishing industry ozonation can achieve high color removal, enhance biodegradability, destroy phenols and reduce the COD. However, little is known about the reaction intermediates and products formed during ozonation. This work focuses on the oxidative degradation of purified (>90%), hydrolyzed Reactive Red 120 (Color Index), a widely used azo dye in the textile finishing processes with two monochlorotriazine anchor groups. Ozonation of the dye in ultra pure water was performed in a laboratory scale cylindrical batch reactor. Decolorization, determined by measuring the light absorbance at the maximum wavelength in the visible range (53 5 nm), was almost complete after 150 min with an ozone concentration of 12.8 mg/l. The TOC/TOC0 ratio was about 74% and the COD was diminished to 46% of the initial value. The BOD5/COD ratio increased from 0.01 to 0.14. To obtain detailed information on the reaction processes during ozonation and the resulting oxidation products organic and inorganic anions were analyzed. Oxidation and cleavage of the azo group yielded nitrate. Cleavage of the sulfonic acid groups of aromatic rings caused an increase in the amount of sulfate. Formic acid and oxalic acid were identified as main oxidation products by high performance ion chromatography (HPIC). The concentrations of these major products were monitored at defined time intervals during ozonation.
Widespread adoption of lead-free materials and processing for printed circuit board (PCB) assembly has raised reliability concerns regarding surface insulation resistance (SIR) degradation and electrochemical migration (ECM). As PCB conductor spacings decrease, electronic products become more susceptible to these failures mechanisms, especially in the presence of surface contamination and flux residues which might remain after no-clean processing. Moreover, the probability of failure due to SIR degradation and ECM is affected by the interaction between physical factors (such as temperature, relative humidity, electric field) and chemical factors (such as solder alloy, substrate material, no-clean processing). Current industry standards for assessing SIR reliability are designed to serve as short-term qualification tests, typically lasting 72 to 168 hours, and do not provide a prediction of reliability in long-term applications. The risk of electrochemical migration with lead-free assemblies has not been adequately investigated. Furthermore, the mechanism of electrochemical migration is not completely understood. For example, the role of path formation has not been discussed in previous studies. Another issue is that there are very few studies on development of rapid assessment methodologies for characterizing materials such as solder flux with respect to their potential for promoting ECM. In this dissertation, the following research accomplishments are described: 1). Long-term temp-humidity-bias (THB) testing over 8,000 hours assessing the reliability of printed circuit boards processed with a variety of lead-free solder pastes, solder pad finishes, and substrates. 2). Identification of silver migration from Sn3.5Ag and Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder, which is a completely new finding compared with previous research. 3). Established the role of path formation as a step in the ECM process, and provided clarification of the sequence of individual steps in the mechanism of ECM: path formation, electrodeposition, ion transport, electrodeposition, and filament formation. 4). Developed appropriate accelerated testing conditions for assessing the no-clean processed PCBs' susceptibility to ECM: a). Conductor spacings in test structures should be reduced in order to reflect the trend of higher density electronics and the effect of path formation, independent of electric field, on the time-to-failure. b). THB testing temperatures should be modified according to the material present on the PCB, since testing at 85oC can cause the evaporation of weak organic acids (WOAs) in the flux residues, leading one to underestimate the risk of ECM. 5). Correlated temp-humidity-bias testing with ion chromatography analysis and potentiostat measurement to develop an efficient and effective assessment methodology to characterize the effect of no-clean processing on ECM.
A new principle of sampling aerosol particles by means of steam injection with the consequent collection of grown droplets has been established. An air stream free of water-soluble gases is rapidly mixed with steam. The resulting supersaturation causes aerosol particles to grow into droplets. The droplets containing dissolved aerosol species are then collected by two cyclones in series. The solution collected in the cyclones is constantly pumped out and can be on- or off-line analysed by means of ion chromatography or flow injection analysis. On the basis of the new sampling principle a prototype of an aerosol sampler was designed which is capable of sampling particles quantitatively down to several nanometres in diameter. The mass sampling efficiency of the instrument was found to be 99\%. The detection limit of the sampler for ammonium, sulphate, nitrate and chloride ions is below 0.7 mu g m(-3). By reduction of an already identified source of contamination, much lower detection limits can be achieved. During measurements the sampler proved to be stable, working without any assistance for extended periods of time. Comparison of the sampler with filter packs during measurements of ambient air aerosols showed that the sampler gives good results.
The determination of chloride impurities in water miscible and water immiscible ionic liquids has been explored using ion chromatography (IC) and cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV). This paper shows the first quantification of chloride in [NTf2](-) based ILs. The parameters investigated include sample preparation, solvent effect, sample stability, and limit of quantification (LOQ).
A microfluidic device designed for electrochemical studies on a microliter scale has been utilized for the examination of impurity levels in ionic liquids (ILs). Halide impurities are common following IL synthesis, and this study demonstrates the ability to quantify low concentrations of halide in a range of ILs to levels of similar to 5 ppm, even in ILs not currently measurable using other methods such as ion chromatography. To validate the mixer device, the electrochemistry of ferrocene was also examined and compared with spectroscopic and bulk electrochemistry measurements. An automated
Complexes of arsenic compounds and glutathione are believed to play an essential part in the metabolism and transport of inorganic arsenic and its methylated species. Up to now, the evidence of their presence is mostly indirect. We studied the stability and Chromatographic behaviour of glutathione complexes with trivalent arsenic: i.e. AsIII(GS)3, MA III(GS)2 and DMAIII(GS) under different conditions. Standard ion chromatography using PRP X-100 and carbonate or formic acid buffer disintegrated the complexes, while all three complexes are stable and separable by reversed phase chromatography (0.1% formic acid/acetonitrile gradient). AsIII(GS)3 and MAIII(GS)2 were more stable than DMAIII(GS), which even under optimal conditions tended to degrade on the column at 25 °C. Chromatography at 6 °C can retain the integrity of the samples. These results shed more light on the interpretation of a vast number of previously published arsenic speciation studies, which have used Chromatographic separation techniques with the assumption that the integrity of the arsenic species is guaranteed. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2004.
This study investigated total arsenic and arsenic speciation in rice using ion chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (IC-ICP-MS), covering the main rice-growing regions of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. The main arsenic species found were inorganic and dimethylarsinic acid. Samples surveyed were soil, shoots and field-collected rice grain. From this information soil to plant arsenic transfer was investigated plus the distribution of arsenic in rice across the geographical regions of Spain and Portugal. Commercial polished rice was also obtained from each region and tested for arsenic speciation, showing a positive correlation with field-obtained rice grain. Commercial polished rice had the lowest i-As content in Andalucia, Murcia and Valencia while Extremadura had the highest concentrations. About 26% of commercial rice samples exceeded the permissible concentration for infant food production as governed by the European Commission. Some cadmium data is also presented, available with ICP-MS analyses, and show low concentration in rice samples.
Os incêndios florestais são uma importante fonte de emissão de compostos gasosos e de aerossóis. Em Portugal, onde a maioria dos incêndios ocorre no norte e centro do país, os incêndios destroem todos os anos milhares de hectares, com importantes perdas em termos económicos, de vidas humanas e qualidade ambiental. As emissões podem alterar consideravelmente a química da atmosfera, degradar a qualidade do ar e alterar o clima. Contudo, a informação sobre as caraterísticas das emissões dos incêndios florestais nos países do Mediterrâneo é limitada. Tanto a nível nacional como internacional, existe um interesse crescente na elaboração de inventários de emissões e de regulamentos sobre as emissões de carbono para a atmosfera. Do ponto de vista atmosférico da monitorização atmosférica, os incêndios são considerados um desafio, dada a sua variabilidade temporal e espacial, sendo de esperar um aumento da sua frequência, dimensão e severidade, e também porque as estimativas de emissões dependem das caraterísticas dos biocombustíveis e da fase de combustão. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e caraterizar as emissões de gases e aerossóis de alguns dos mais representativos incêndios florestais que ocorreram no centro de Portugal nos verões de 2009 e de 2010. Efetuou-se a colheita de amostras de gases e de duas frações de partículas (PM2.5 e PM2.5-10) nas plumas de fumo em sacos Tedlar e em filtros de quartzo acoplados a um amostrador de elevado volume, respetivamente. Os hidrocarbonetos totais (THC) e óxidos de carbono (CO e CO2) nas amostras gasosas foram analisados em instrumentos automáticos de ionização de chama e detetores não dispersivos de infravermelhos, respetivamente. Para algumas amostras, foram também quantificados alguns compostos de carbonilo após reamostragem do gás dos sacos Tedlar em cartuchos de sílica gel revestidos com 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina (DNPH), seguida de análise por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução. Nas partículas, analisou-se o carbono orgânico e elementar (técnica termo-óptica), iões solúveis em água (cromatografia iónica) e elementos (espectrometria de massa com plasma acoplado por indução ou análise instrumental por ativação com neutrões). A especiação orgânica foi obtida por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa após extração com recurso a vários solventes e separação dos extratos orgânicos em diversas classes de diferentes polaridades através do fracionamento com sílica gel. Os fatores de emissão do CO e do CO2 situaram-se nas gamas 52-482 e 822-1690 g kg-1 (base seca), mostrando, respetivamente, correlação negativa e positiva com a eficiência de combustão. Os fatores de emissão dos THC apresentaram valores mais elevados durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama, oscilando entre 0.33 e 334 g kg-1 (base seca). O composto orgânico volátil oxigenado mais abundante foi o acetaldeído com fatores de emissão que variaram desde 1.0 até 3.2 g kg-1 (base seca), seguido pelo formaldeído e o propionaldeído. Observou-se que as emissões destes compostos são promovidas durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama. Os fatores de emissão de PM2.5 e PM10 registaram valores entre 0.50-68 e 0.86-72 g kg-1 (base seca), respetivamente. A emissão de partículas finas e grosseiras é também promovida em condições de combustão lenta. As PM2.5 representaram cerca de 90% da massa de partículas PM10. A fração carbonosa das partículas amostradas em qualquer dos incêndios foi claramente dominada pelo carbono orgânico. Foi obtida uma ampla gama de rácios entre o carbono orgânico e o carbono elementar, dependendo das condições de combustão. Contudo, todos os rácios refletiram uma maior proporção de carbono orgânico em relação ao carbono elementar, típica das emissões de queima de biomassa. Os iões solúveis em água obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo contribuíram com valores até 3.9% da massa de partículas PM2.5 e 2.8% da massa de partículas de PM2.5-10. O potássio contribuiu com valores até 15 g mg-1 PM2.5 e 22 g mg-1 PM2.5-10, embora em massa absoluta estivesse maioritariamente presente nas partículas finas. Os rácios entre potássio e carbono elementar e entre potássio e carbono orgânico obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo enquadram-se na gama de valores relatados na literatura para emissões de queima de biomassa. Os elementos detetados nas amostras representaram, em média, valores até 1.2% e 12% da massa de PM2.5 e PM2.5-10, respetivamente. Partículas resultantes de uma combustão mais completa (valores elevados de CO2 e baixos de CO) foram caraterizadas por um elevado teor de constituintes inorgânicos e um menor conteúdo de matéria orgânica. Observou-se que a matéria orgânica particulada é composta principalmente por componentes fenólicos e produtos derivados, séries de compostos homólogos (alcanos, alcenos, ácidos alcanóicos e alcanóis), açúcares, biomarcadores esteróides e terpenóides, e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos. O reteno, um biomarcador das emissões da queima de coníferas, foi o hidrocarboneto aromático dominante nas amostras das plumas de fumo amostradas durante a campanha que decorreu em 2009, devido ao predomínio de amostras colhidas em incêndios em florestas de pinheiros. O principal açúcar anidro, e sempre um dos compostos mais abundantes, foi o levoglucosano. O rácio levoglucosano/OC obtido nas partículas das plumas de fumo, em média, registaram valores desde 5.8 a 23 mg g-1 OC. Os rácios levoglucosano/manosano e levoglucosano/(manosano+galactosano) revelaram o predomínio de amostras provenientes da queima de coníferas. Tendo em conta que a estimativa das emissões dos incêndios florestais requer um conhecimento de fatores de emissão apropriados para cada biocombustível, a base de dados abrangente obtida neste estudo é potencialmente útil para atualizar os inventários de emissões. Tem vindo a ser observado que a fase de combustão latente sem chama, a qual pode ocorrer simultaneamente com a fase de chama e durar várias horas ou dias, pode contribuir para uma quantidade considerável de poluentes atmosféricos, pelo que os fatores de emissão correspondentes devem ser considerados no cálculo das emissões globais de incêndios florestais. Devido à falta de informação detalhada sobre perfis químicos de emissão, a base de dados obtida neste estudo pode também ser útil para a aplicação de modelos no recetor no sul da Europa.
Kazal-type inhibitors play several important roles in invertebrates, such as anticoagulant, vasodilator and antimicrobial activities. Putative Kazal-type inhibitors were described in several insect transcriptomes. In this paper we characterized for the first time a Kazal unique domain trypsin inhibitor from the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Previously, analyses of sialotranscriptome of A. aegypti showed the potential presence of a Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor, in female salivary glands, carcass and also in whole male, which we named AaTI (A. aegypti trypsin inhibitor). AaTI sequence showed amino acid sequence similarity with insect thrombin inhibitors, serine protease inhibitor from Litopenaeus vannamei hemocytes and tryptase inhibitor from leech Hirudo medicinalis (LDTI). In this work we expressed, purified and characterized the recombinant AaTI (rAaTI). Molecular weight of purified rAaTI was 7 kDa rAaTI presented dissociation constant (K(i)) of 0.15 and 3.8 nM toward trypsin and plasmin, respectively, and it weakly inhibited thrombin amidolytic activity. The rAaTI was also able to prolong prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time. AaTI transcription was confirmed in A. aegypti female salivary gland and gut 3 h and 24 h after blood feeding, suggesting that this molecule can act as anticoagulant during the feeding and digestive processes. Its transcription in larvae and pupae suggested that AaTI may also play other functions during the mosquito`s development. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The concentrations of the water-soluble inorganic aerosol species, ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), chloride (Cl-), and sulfate (SO42-), were measured from September to November 2002 at a pasture site in the Amazon Basin (Rondnia, Brazil) (LBA-SMOCC). Measurements were conducted using a semi-continuous technique (Wet-annular denuder/Steam-Jet Aerosol Collector: WAD/SJAC) and three integrating filter-based methods, namely (1) a denuder-filter pack (DFP: Teflon and impregnated Whatman filters), (2) a stacked-filter unit (SFU: polycarbonate filters), and (3) a High Volume dichotomous sampler (HiVol: quartz fiber filters). Measurements covered the late dry season (biomass burning), a transition period, and the onset of the wet season (clean conditions). Analyses of the particles collected on filters were performed using ion chromatography (IC) and Particle-Induced X-ray Emission spectrometry (PIXE). Season-dependent discrepancies were observed between the WAD/SJAC system and the filter-based samplers. During the dry season, when PM2.5 (D-p <= 2.5 mu m) concentrations were similar to 100 mu g m(-3), aerosol NH4+ and SO42- measured by the filter-based samplers were on average two times higher than those determined by the WAD/SJAC. Concentrations of aerosol NO3- and Cl- measured with the HiVol during daytime, and with the DFP during day- and nighttime also exceeded those of the WAD/SJAC by a factor of two. In contrast, aerosol NO3- and Cl- measured with the SFU during the dry season were nearly two times lower than those measured by the WAD/SJAC. These differences declined markedly during the transition period and towards the cleaner conditions during the onset of the wet season (PM2.5 similar to 5 mu g m(-3)); when filter-based samplers measured on average 40-90% less than the WAD/SJAC. The differences were not due to consistent systematic biases of the analytical techniques, but were apparently a result of prevailing environmental conditions and different sampling procedures. For the transition period and wet season, the significance of our results is reduced by a low number of data points. We argue that the observed differences are mainly attributable to (a) positive and negative filter sampling artifacts, (b) presence of organic compounds and organosulfates on filter substrates, and (c) a SJAC sampling efficiency of less than 100%.
A flow system designed with solenoid valves is proposed for determination of weak acid dissociable cyanide, based on the reaction with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and glycine yielding a highly fluorescent isoindole derivative. The proposed procedure minimizes the main drawbacks related to the reference batch procedure, based on reaction with barbituric acid and pyridine followed by spectrophotometric detection, i.e., use of toxic reagents, high reagent consumption and waste generation, low sampling rate, and poor sensitivity. Retention of the sample zone was exploited to increase the conversion rate of the analyte with minimized sample dispersion. Linear response (r=0.999) was observed for cyanide concentrations in the range 1-200 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit (99.7% confidence level) of 0.5 mu g L(-1)(19 nmol L(-1)). The sampling rate and coefficient of variation (n=10) were estimated as 22 measurements per hour and 1.4%, respectively. The results of determination of weak acid dissociable cyanide in natural water samples were in agreement with those achieved by the batch reference procedure at the 95% confidence level. Additionally to the improvement in the analytical features in comparison with those of the flow system with continuous reagent addition (sensitivity and sampling rate 90 and 83% higher, respectively), the consumption of OPA was 230-fold lower.
This study aimed to analyze the effect of a saline solution on growth and chemical composition of Atriplex nummularia, shrubby plant, absorbing salts used in the diet of animals and the management of water and saline soils. These plant seedlings were planted and grown in a reserved area at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The plantation was divided into two blocks, in which one of them was irrigated with saline solution with a concentration of 2840 mgL-1 of NaCl and the second group was irrigated with drinking water. After six months, the plants were collected, harvested and divided into three parts: leaf, thin and thick stem. Monthly, dimension measurements were carried out for cataloging the growth of Atriplex. Ion Chromatography (IC) and Optical Emission Spectroscopy Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) were used to analyze the chemical composition of the partition plant parts. The results of these analyses revealed that an absorption process of anions and cations by Atriplex nummularia plant during its growth was achieved, in particular by a higher concentration of sodium and chloride ions. Scanning electron microscopy images showed and confirmed the presence of small crystals on the leaf surface. Electrical conductivity and pH measurements of the aerial parts of the plant were carried out and these results showed that the leaf is the plant part where there is a largest concentration of ions. In addition, measurements of specific surface were obtained from irrigated plants with saline solution, achieving higher surface area, in all cases. Plant dimensions obtained monthly showed that the plants irrigated with water grew 5% more than those plants irrigated with saline solution. Based on results obtained, Atriplex plant showed a higher potential to survive and adapt to environments (aquatic or geological) with high levels of salinity and this property can be used as a tool for removing salts/metals from industrial contaminated soils and effluents.
Particle size distributions for soluble and insoluble species in Mt. Etna's summit plumes were measured across an extended size range (10 nm < d < 100 mu m) using a combination of techniques. Automated scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) was used to chemically analyze many thousands of insoluble particles (collected on pumped filters) allowing the relationships between particle size, shape, and composition to be investigated. The size distribution of fine silicate particles (d < 10 mu m) was found to be lognormal, consistent with formation by bursting of gas bubbles at the surface of the magma. The compositions of fine silicate particles were found to vary between magmatic and nearly pure silica; this is consistent with depletion of metal ions by reactions in the acidic environment of the gas plume and vent. Measurements of the size, shape and composition of fine silicate particles may potentially offer insights into preemission, synemission, and postemission processes. The mass flux of fine silicate particles from Mt. Etna released during noneruptive volcanic degassing in 2004 and 2005 was estimated to be similar to 7000 kg d(-1). Analysis of particles in the range 0.1 < d/mu m < 100 by ion chromatography shows that there are persistent differences in the size distributions of sulfate aerosols between the two main summit plumes. Analysis of particles in the range 0.01 mu m < d < 0.1 mu m by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) shows that there are significant levels of nanoparticles in the Mt. Etna plumes although their compositions remain uncertain.