1000 resultados para Bacia de Sergipe
OBJETIVO: No grupo pediátrico, o diagnóstico radiológico dos tumores dos ossos ilíacos, ísquios e púbis apresenta dificuldades e peculiaridades próprias, mas a literatura revisada não trata especificamente desse tema. Este trabalho pretende investigar a existência de padrões radiológicos confiáveis para o diagnóstico diferencial desses tumores. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revistos os achados radiológicos de tumores dos ossos do quadril em dez pacientes com idades entre 8 e 19 anos. RESULTADOS: Reação óssea (esclerose ou lise), reação periosteal (lamelar em camada única, múltiplas camadas ou radial), extensão do tumor no osso e grau de invasão das partes moles revelaram baixa especificidade. As calcificações nas partes moles, consideradas em conjunto, foram inespecíficas. Contudo, separando as próximas do osso comprometido, que apresentam formas e tamanhos variados - padrão I -, daquelas afastadas do osso, finas e amorfas - padrão II -, observamos que o padrão I foi totalmente inespecífico e o padrão II foi identificado nos três casos de osteossarcoma (100%) e em apenas um dos casos de Ewing (16,6%). CONCLUSÃO: Neste material, as calcificações padrão II revelaram sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 90% para osteossarcoma. Contudo, sua importância pode não se limitar ao diagnóstico radiológico. As calcificações padrão II indicam, provavelmente, os sítios ideais para biópsia.
Metabolic rates were determined by dissolved oxigen changes in light and dark bottles, filled with river water and after input of mixed effluent concentrations. In another experiment, dissolved inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll-alpha and other physico-chemical parameters were analyzed. Water column showed higher decomposition than production rates. Waste inputs increased primary production rates, but in higher concentrations forced the system to heterotrophy. The natural richness of macrophytes and macroalgae could be limiting the phytoplanktonic production by phosphorus assimilation. Observation of the nitrogenated inorganic nutrients suggest that the natural pelagic system is directed to nitrification. Mixed waste input inverted this trend, toward denitrification.
In order to elucidate the traditional classification of archaeological artefacts, a multielemental analytical method for characterisation of its micro and macro chemical constituents. combined with statistical multivariate analysis for classification, were used. Instrumental thermal neutron activation analysis, for elemental chemical determination, and three statistical methods: discriminant, cluster and modified cluster analysis were applied. The statistical results obtained for the samples from Iquiri, Quinari and Xapuri archaeological phases were in good agreement with the conventional archaeological classification. Iaco and Jacuru archaeological phase were not characterised as homogenous groups. Iquiri phase were the most distinct in relation to the other analysed groups. An homogeneous group for 54% collected samples at the Los Angeles site was also found, this could be characterised as a new archaeological phase.
The great utilization of synthetic and persistent xenobiotic cumulative compounds is the main causes of the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems. The one of objective of this work was the determination of the organochlorine levels in the Piracicaba river basin, situated at the center of São Paulo state. Four PCBs congeners, PCP and HCB were determined by GC-ECD in two different matrices: water and sediments. The pattern of the compound distribution indicated a dominance of PCP, HCB and PCB-200. The results indicated contamination in the sampling points located in Campinas, Piracicaba, Santa Bárbara d'Oeste and Sumaré cities.
The present study aimed at determining a regional geochemical reference for sediment samples from Lago Paranoá watershed through the formulation of geoaccumulation indexes. The need for obtaining information from areas representing low human impact was the basis of this work. Systematic evaluations of sediment from Lago Paranoá will bring valuable information regarding the potential risk that this layer represents for aquatic organisms. Thus, despite the recent water quality improvements achieved in this ecosystem, contaminants incorporated in the sediments may be remobilized for alterations in the adjacent environment. The adsorption capacity of chemical elements in sediment samples was controlled through the variation in the amounts of organic matter, the mineralogical composition and the granulometric variation. By creating the Sediment Enrichment Index (SEI) through the normalization of analytical data it was possible to establish the magnitude of this enrichment relatively to naturally occurring concentrations all over the region of interest. Normalized values with organic matter were especially useful for the evaluation of lothic systems.
The identification and characterization of the hydrochemistry of the groundwaters has been done for seven wells. The sampling occurred during three bimonthly campaigns. The results classified the waters as of the calcium bicarbonated type for the majority of the samples, except for one well, whose composition is of the sodium bicarbonated type. The major ions found and how they determine the quality parameters are consistent with the reactions of mineral dissolution of the majority of volcanic rocks and the reactions with intrusion of alkaline rock in only one well. Anomalous values of nitrate in some wells alert to the impact of especially polluting sources at the time the reservoirs of the hydroeletric plant were formed.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the physical and chemical quality of the water of the Descoberto River during the dry and rainy seasons by measuring pH, temperature, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, color, alkalinity and NO3-, SO4(2-), PO4(3-), NH4+, Cl- and HCO3-, and the elements Sr, Mo, Cd, Y, Ti, Ca, V, Mg, Fe, Si, Ni, Zr, Cu, Al, Cr, Mn, Ba, Co, Zn, P, Na and K. The results showed high concentrations in both seasons, with dilution along the course of the river, minimizing for a while problems that compromise the quality of the water of this source. However, a progressive deterioration can occur due to an increase in the discharge of pollutants, resulting from population growth, agricultural activities and other factors.
Gaseous mercury sampling conditions were optimized and a dynamic flux chamber was used to measure the air/surface exchange of mercury in some areas of the Negro river basin with different vegetal coverings. At the two forest sites (flooding and non-flooding), low mercury fluxes were observed: maximum of 3 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and minimum of -1 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. At the deforested site, the mercury fluxes were higher and always positive: maximum of 26 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and 17 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. Our results showed that deforestation could be responsible for significantly increasing soil Hg emissions, mainly because of the high soil temperatures reached at deforested sites.
The state of São Paulo is the main Brazilian consumer of pesticides. Sugar cane, which uses a great amount of these products, is extensivelly cultivated in this state, such as in the Corumbataí river basin, an important source of water for the region. In order to implement an efficient and low-cost monitoring program, the temporal characterization of the use of pesticides on sugar cane in this basin was performed. After knowing the seasonal trends of consumption, a better choice of sampling time, became possible. The combination of data from this survey with partitioning indices, average doses and toxicological classifications showed to be important for defining the pesticides to be included in the monitoring program.
The study of fossils has made considerable progress over the last years as a result of the use of new experimental techniques. This paper describes the chemical composition of a fossilized fish of the Cretaceous period, from a 100 million-year-old, material originated from the Araripe Basin (northeastern Brazil). The chemical composition of the fossilized fish was analyzed by means of X-ray powder diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The spectroscopic study has proven that the main substances found in the fossilized fish are CaCO3 and Ca5(PO4)3(OH). A tentative mechanism to explain the fossilization process is also given.
Soils play an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of mercury as a sink for and source of this metallic species to atmospheric and hydrological compartments. In the study reported here, various types of soil were evaluated to ascertain the influence of parameters such as pH, organic matter content, Fe, Al, sand, silt, clay, C/H, C/N, C/O atomic ratios, and cation exchange capacity on the distribution of Hg in Amazonia's mid-Negro River basin. The data obtained were interpreted by multivariate exploratory analyses (hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis), which indicated that organic matter plays an important role in mercury uptake in the various soils studied. The soils in floodable areas were found to contain 1.5 to 2.8-fold higher Hg concentrations than those in non-floodable areas. Since these soils are flooded almost year-round, they are less available to participate in redox processes at the soil/atmosphere interface. Hence, floodable areas, which comprise humic-rich soils, accumulate more mercury than non-floodable soils, thus playing an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of Hg in Amazonia's mid-Negro River basin.
Water quality was monitored at the upper course of the Rio das Velhas, a major tributary of the São Francisco basin located in the state of Minas Gerais, over an extension of 108 km from its source up to the limits with the Sabara district. Monitoring was done at 37 different sites over a period of 2 years (2003-2004) for 39 parameters. Multivariate statistical techniques were applied to interpret the large water-quality data set and to establish an optimal long-term monitoring network. Cluster analysis separated the sampling sites into groups of similarity, and also indicated the stations investigated for correlation and recommended to be removed from the monitoring network. Principal component analysis identified four components, which are responsible for the data structure explaining 80% of the total variance of the data. The principal parameters are characterized as due to mining activities and domestic sewage. Significant data reduction was achieved.
In order to ascertain the impact of agricultural activities on water quality of the Ribeira de Iguape River Basin in the state of São Paulo, surface water areas for catchment and drinking water have been characterized. The sampling period covered March/2002 - February/2003 and January/2004 at 10 different catchment points. SPE-LC-UV/Vis was used to monitor various pesticide classes such as carbamates, triazines and nitroanilines. The results revealed that water quality is associated with seasonal variation. Of 152 samples analyzed, only 24% showed the presence of pesticides, particulary during the wet season. High variability in pH, turbidity and color were observed.
Coprolites are fossilized faeces that constitute an important source of palaeobiological informations. This paper describes the characterization of some coprolite materials originated from the Romualdo Member of the Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, south of Ceará State in Brazil) by means of two techniques: X-ray powder diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). This characterization allowed us to determine the main composition of the coprolites, of the nodulus (where the coprolites were extracted) and of the sediment (where the nodulus was found) suggesting that the material was produced by a carnivorous fish of the Lower Cretaceous.
This work evaluated the chemical quality of organic matter (OM) of a Brazilian Oxisol cultivated with coffee plants, under organic and conventional managements. Total organic C (TOC), light fraction C (LF-C) and C in humic (HA-C) and fulvic (FA-C) acids fractions was measured. Amongst the evaluated indexes, TOC and LF-C discriminated better OM attributes as a function of management. The stratification ratio (TOC5-10cm/TOC10-20cm) did not show differences between the systems studied. The organic system can contribute to the sustainability of coffee plantations in Brazil, because it maintains the chemical attributes of OM closer to the indexes verified under forest conditions.