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Immunomagnetic separation (IMS) can selectively isolate and concentrate Mycobacterium bovis cells from lymph node tissue to facilitate subsequent detection by PCR (IMS-PCR) or culture (IMS-MGIT). This study describes application of these novel IMS-based methods to test for M. bovis in a survey of 280 bovine lymph nodes (206 visibly lesioned (VL), 74 non-visibly lesioned (NVL)) collected at slaughter as part of the Northern Ireland bovine TB eradication programme. Their performance was evaluated relative to culture. Overall, 174 (62.1%) lymph node samples tested positive by culture, 162 (57.8%) by IMS-PCR (targeting IS6110), and 196 (70.0%) by IMS-MGIT culture. Twelve (6.9%) of the 174 culture positive lymph node samples were not detected by either of the IMS-based methods. However, an additional 78 M. bovis positive lymph node samples (26 (12.6%) VL and 54 (73.0%) NVL) were detected by the IMS-based methods and not by culture. When low numbers of viable M. bovis are present in lymph nodes (e.g. in NVLs of skin test reactor cattle) decontamination prior to culture may adversely affect viability, leading to false negative culture results. In contrast, IMS specifically captures whole M. bovis cells (live, dead or potentially dormant) which are not subject to any deleterious treatment before detection by PCR or MGIT culture. During this study only 2.7% of NVL lymph nodes tested culture positive, whereas 73% of the same samples tested M. bovis positive by the IMS-based tests. Results clearly demonstrate that not only are the IMS-based methods more rapid but they have greater detection sensitivity than the culture approach currently used for the detection of M. bovis infection in cattle.. Adoption of the IMS-based methods for lymph node testing would have the potential to improve M. bovis detection in clinical samples.


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The administration of recombinant methionyl bovine somatotropin (rMbST) to dairy cows to increase milk yield remains a common practice in many countries including the USA, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Korea, whereas it has been forbidden within the European Union (EU) since 1999. A rapid screening immunoanalytical method capable of the unequivocal determination of rMbST in milk would be highly desirable in order to effectively monitor compliance with the EU-wide ban for home-made or imported dairy products. For decades, the production of specific antibodies for this recombinant isoform of bovine somatotropin (bST) has remained elusive, due to the high degree of sequence homology between both counterparts (e.g. methionine for rMbST in substitution of alanine in bST at the N-terminus). In this study, we compared several immunizing strategies for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies (pAbs), based on the use of the full-length recombinant protein, an rMbST N-terminus peptide fragment and a multiple antigen peptide (MAP) which consists of an oligomeric branching lysine core attached to the first two N-terminus amino acids of rMbST, methionine and phenylalanine (MF-MAP). The immunization with KLH-conjugated MF-MAP led to the production of the pAb with the highest rMbST/bST recognition ratio amongst the generated battery of antibodies. The pAb exhibited a specific binding ability to rMbST in a competitive antigen-coated ELISA format, which avidity was further improved after purification by rMbST N-terminus peptide-based affinity chromatography. These results suggest that immunodiscrimination between structurally related proteins can be achieved using immuno-enhanced immunogens such as MAPs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Triclabendazole is the only anthelmintic drug, which is active against immature, mature and adult stages of fluke. The objective of this work was to develop an analytical method to quantify and confirm the presence of triclabendazole residues around the MRL. In this work, a new analytical method was developed, which extended dynamic range to 1–100 and 5–1000 g kg-1 for milk and tissue, respectively. This was achieved using a mobile phase containing trifluoroacetic acid (pKa of 0.3), which resulted in the formation of the protonated pseudomolecular ions, [M+H]+, of triclabendazole metabolites. Insufficient
ionisation of common mobile phase additives due to low pKa values (<2) was identified as the cause of poor linearity. The new mobile phase conditions allowed the analysis of triclabendazole residues in liver, muscle and milk encompassing their EU maximum residue levels (MRL) (250, 225 and 10 g kg-1 respectively). Triclabendazole residues were extracted using a modified QuEChERS method and analysed by positive electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry with all analytes eluted by 2.23 min. The method was validated at the MRL according to Commission Decision (CD) 2002/657/EC criteria. The decision limit (CC) of the method was in the range of 250.8–287.2, 2554.9–290.8 and 10.9–12.1 g kg-1 for liver, muscle and milk, respectively. The performance of the method was successfully verified for triclabendazole in muscle by participating in a proficiency study, the method was also applied to incurred liver, muscle and milk samples.


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The aim of this study was to examine the potential of incorporating bovine fibres as a means of reinforcing a typically brittle apatite calcium phosphate cement for vertebroplasty. Type I collagen derived from bovine Achilles tendon was ground cryogenically to produce an average fibre length of 0.96 ± 0.55 mm and manually mixed into the powder phase of an apatite-based cement at 1, 3 or 5 wt.%. Fibre addition of up to 5 wt.% had a significant effect (P = 0.001) on the fracture toughness, which was increased by 172%. Adding =1 wt.% bovine collagen fibres did not compromise the compressive properties significantly, however, a decrease of 39-53% was demonstrated at =3 wt.% fibre loading. Adding bovine collagen to the calcium phosphate cement reduced the initial and final setting times to satisfy the clinical requirements stated for vertebroplasty. The cement viscosity increased in a linear manner (R = 0.975) with increased loading of collagen fibres, such that the injectability was found to be reduced by 83% at 5 wt.% collagen loading. This study suggests for the first time the potential application of a collagen-reinforced calcium phosphate cement as a viable option in the treatment of vertebral fractures, however, issues surrounding efficacious cement delivery need to be addressed. © 2012 Acta Materialia Inc.


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The potential of a microparticulate vaccine delivery system in eliciting a specific mucosal antibody response in the respiratory tract of mice was evaluated. Two vaccine candidate peptides representing epitopes from the G attachment and F fusion antigens from bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) were encapsulated into poly(dl- lactide co-glycolide) biodegradable microparticles. The encapsulation process did not denature the entrapped peptides as verified by detection of peptide-specific antibodies in mucosal secretions by ELISA using peptide as antigen. Following intranasal immunisation, the encapsulated peptides induced stronger upper and lower respiratory tract specific-IgA responses, respectively, than the soluble peptide forms. Moreover, a strong peptide-specific cell-mediated immune response was measured in splenocytes in vitro from the mice inoculated with the encapsulated peptides compared to their soluble form alone indicating that migration of primed T cells had taken place from the site of mucosal stimulation in the upper respiratory tract to the spleen. These results act as a foundation for vaccine efficacy studies in large animal BRSV challenge models.


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Epithelia play important immunological roles at a variety of mucosal sites. We examined NFkappaB activity in control and TNF-alpha treated bovine mammary epithelial monolayers (BME-UV cells). A region of the bovine IL-8 (bIL-8) promoter was sequenced and a putative kappaB consensus sequence was identified bioinformatically. We used this sequence to analyse nuclear extracts for IL-8 specific NFkappaB activity. As a surrogate marker of NFkappaB activation, we investigated IL-8 release in two models. Firstly in BME-UV monolayers, IL-8 release in the presence of pro- and anti-inflammatory agents was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Secondly, we measured IL-8 secretion from a novel model of intact mucosal sheets of bovine teat sinus. IL-8 release into bathing solutions was assessed following treatment with pro- and anti-inflammatory agents. TNF-alpha enhanced NFkappaB activity in bovine mammary epithelial monolayers. p65 NFkappaB homodimer was identified in both control and TNF-alpha treated cells. Novel sequencing of the bovine IL-8 promoter identified a putative kappaB consensus sequence, which specifically bound TNF-alpha inducible p50/p65 heterodimer. TNF-alpha induced primarily serosal IL-8 release in the cell culture model. Pre-treatment with anti-TNF or dexamethasone inhibited TNF-alpha induced IL-8 release. High dose interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) induced IL-8 release, however significantly less potently than TNF-alpha. Bovine mammary mucosal tissue released high basal levels of IL-8 which were unaffected by TNF-alpha or IL-1beta but inhibited by both dexamethasone and anti-TNF. These data support a role for TNF-alpha in activation of NFkappaB and release of IL-8 from bovine mammary epithelial cells.


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An intriguing feature of mitochondrial complex I from several species is the so-called A/D transition, whereby the idle enzyme spontaneously converts from the active (A) form to the de-active (D) form. The A/D transition plays an important role in tissue response to the lack of oxygen and hypoxic deactivation of the enzyme is one of the key regulatory events that occur in mitochondria during ischaemia. We demonstrate for the first time that the A/D conformational change of complex I does not affect the macromolecular organisation of supercomplexes in vitro as revealed by two types of native electrophoresis. Cysteine 39 of the mitochondrially-encoded ND3 subunit is known to become exposed upon de-activation. Here we show that even if complex I is a constituent of the I + III + IV (S) supercomplex, cysteine 39 is accessible for chemical modification in only the D-form. Using lysine-specific fluorescent labelling and a DIGE-like approach we further identified two new subunits involved in structural rearrangements during the A/D transition: ND1 (MT-ND1) and 39 kDa (NDUFA9). These results clearly show that structural rearrangements during de-activation of complex I include several subunits located at the junction between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, in the region of the quinone binding site. De-activation of mitochondrial complex I results in concerted structural rearrangement of membrane subunits which leads to the disruption of the sealed quinone chamber required for catalytic turnover.


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Strains of many infectious diseases differ in parameters that influence epidemic spread, for example virulence, transmissibility, detectability and host specificity. Knowledge of inter-strain variation can be exploited to improve management and decrease disease incidence. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is increasingly prevalent among farmed cattle in the UK, exerting a heavy economic burden on the farming industry and government. We aimed to determine whether strains of Mycobacterium bovis (the causative agent of bTB) identified and classified using genetic markers (spoligotyping and multi-locus VNTR analysis) varied in response to the tuberculin skin test; this being the primary method of bTB detection used in the UK. Inter-strain variation in detectability of M. bovis could have important implications for disease control. The skin test is based on a differential delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to intradermal injections of purified protein derivative (PPD) from M. bovis (PPD-B) and Mycobacterium avium (PPD-A). We searched for an association between skin test response (PPD-B skin rise minus PPD-A skin rise) and M. bovis genotype at the disclosing test in culture-confirmed cases using a field dataset consisting of 21,000 isolates belonging to 63 genotypes of M. bovis from cattle in Northern Ireland. We found no substantial variation among genotypes (estimated responses clustered tightly around the mean) controlling for animal sex, breed and test effects. We also estimated the ratio of skin test detected to undetected cases (i.e. cases only detected at abattoir). The skin test detection ratio varied among abattoirs with some detecting a greater proportion of cases than others but this variation was unrelated to the community composition of genotypes within each abattoir catchment. These two lines of evidence indicate that M. bovis genotypes in Northern Ireland have similar detectability using the skin test.


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One of the main applications of serum proteomics is the identification of new biomarkers for animal disease or animal production. However, potential obstacles to these studies are the poor performance of affinity serum depletion methods based on human antigens when using animal samples, and loss of minor serum components bound to albumin and other proteins. In the present study, we have analyzed the efficiency and reproducibility of the ProteoMiner® beads with bovine and porcine serum samples, and compared to a traditional immunoaffinity-based albumin and IgG depletion system specific for human samples. The ProteoMiner kit is based on the use of a combinatorial peptide binding library and intends to enrich low-abundance proteins.


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Tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis is a re-emerging disease of livestock that is of major economic importance worldwide, as well as being a zoonotic risk there is significant heritability for host resistance to bovine TB (bTB) in dairy cattle. To identify resistance loci for bTB, we undertook a genome-wide association study in female Holstein-Friesian cattle with 592 cases and 559 age-matched controls from case herds. Cases and controls were categorised into distinct phenotypes: skin test and lesion positive vs skin test negative on multiple occasions, respectively these animals were genotyped with the Illumina BovineHD 700K BeadChip. Genome-wide rapid association using linear and logistic mixed models and regression (GRAMMAR), regional heritability mapping (RHM) and haplotype-sharing analysis identified two novel resistance loci that attained chromosome-wise significance, protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor T (PTPRT; P=4.8 × 10 -7) and myosin IIIB (MYO3B; P=5.4 × 10 -6). We estimated that 21% of the phenotypic variance in TB resistance could be explained by all of the informative single-nucleotide polymorphisms, of which the region encompassing the PTPRT gene accounted for 6.2% of the variance and a further 3.6% was associated with a putative copy number variant in MYO3B the results from this study add to our understanding of variation in host control of infection and suggest that genetic marker-based selection for resistance to bTB has the potential to make a significant contribution to bTB control.