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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Stylized features of the investment-growth connection in Latin America, 1980-2012 / Sandra Manuelito and Luis Felipe Jiménez.--International technological dynamics in production sectors: An empirical analysis / Fernando Isabella Revetria.-- Does public financial support stimulate innovation and productivity? An impact evaluation / Diego Aboal and Paula Garda.-- Digital inclusion in education in Tarija, Plurinational State of Bolivia / Sulma Farfán Sossa, Antonio Medina Rivilla and María Luz Cacheiro González.-- Macroeconomic trade-offs and external vulnerabilities of human development in Nicaragua / Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo.-- Classroom discipline, classroom environment and student performance in Chile / Carolina Gazmuri, Jorge Manzi and Ricardo D. Paredes.-- Pricing and spread components at the Lima Stock Exchange / Luis Chávez-Bedoya, Carlos Loaiza Álamo and Giannio Téllez De Vettori.-- Exports from the Brazilian automotive sector to the Southern Common Market: Trade diversion or cost reduction? / André Filipe Zago de Azevedo and Angélica Massuquetti.--Determinants of unfair inequality in Brazil, 1995 and 2009 / Ana Claudia Annegues, Erik Alencar de Figueiredo and Wallace Patrick Santos de Farias Souza.-- A comparative analysis of productivity in Brazilian and Mexican manufacturing industries / Armênio de Souza Rangel and Fernando Garcia de Freitas.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as culturas infantis no recreio e seguiu a linha sócio-histórica que entende a criança como sujeito histórico e social produtor de cultura. Objetivei como foco principal apreender as culturas infantis das crianças da escola pública do município de Belém por meio da emissão de enunciados discursivos no seu horário de recreio, as culturas produzidas no universo atual da infância. A abordagem discursiva foi a perspectiva adotada no processo de investigação, pois permitiu depreender o significado e sentido que as crianças atribuem ao tempo escolar destinado ao recreio; historiar como o tempo do recreio foi sendo estabelecido pela legislação brasileira, de um modo geral, e pelos documentos do Estado do Pará e da cidade de Belém, em particular. 93 crianças participaram do estudo na faixa etária de 09 a 11 anos das séries 3 e 4 do Ensino Fundamental. Utilizei como instrumentos de recolha de dados a observação exploratória e o questionário. As análises foram organizadas em 07 eixos temáticos que emergiram dos enunciados das crianças. O aporte teórico para as análises dos dados coletados fundamentou-se na perspectiva histórica e nas teorizações de Mikhail Bakhtin sobre discurso, as interações dialógicas e a constituição do sujeito. Os fundamentos teóricos sobre a infância e as culturas infantis vieram de Sarmento e Pinto, Steinberg e Kincheloe, Quinteiro, Kramer. Os enunciados das crianças revelam o sentido e significado do recreio como momento para o brincar, os jogos, as conversas, tempo de diversão, prazer e satisfação. As culturas infantis presentes e produzidas pelas crianças no recreio são as brincadeiras, os jogos, a televisão, a internet, a leitura, entre outros. Além disso, os dados apontam práticas de interações vinculadas ao trabalho infantil e atividades de aprendizagem no contexto escolar. Para algumas crianças é tempo de ficar sem fazer nada, é tudo igual, tempo de ficar triste. As crianças revelam as interações com os adultos como conversar com o guarda e com a professora Belinha. Portanto, o recreio é um espaço mágico e deve ter seu tempo independente do horário da merenda escolar.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The evolution and phenotypic expression of mucosal lesions of the gastric stump were investigated in male rats submitted to gastric resection with reconstruction by the Billroth II technique (BII with biliopancreatic reflux, BPR) or by the Roux-en-Y procedure (without BPR). Animals were studied at 24, 36, 54 and 64 weeks after surgery and the phenotypic expression of lesions analysed using routine hematoxylin and eosin staining, immunohistochemical staining for pepsinogen isoenzyme 1 and histochemical procedures for mucins (paradoxical concanavalin A, galactose oxidase Schiff (GOS) and sialidase GOS reactions). BPR was found to be responsible for the formation of adenomatous hyperplasia (AH), increasing in incidence and size with time, since the Roux-en-Y procedure failed to induce the gastric stump lesions observed after BII reconstruction. AHs always occurred in the transition of the gastrojejunal junction, a site offering special conditions for BPR influence, and were classified as gastric (G), intestinal (I) and G+I types according to their phenotypic expression. No pure I type AH was diagnosed at any time point. The G and G+I types developed at approximately equal incidences (i.e., G type 7/17, G+I type 10/17 at the 64th week). It was suggested that both gastric and intestinal mucosal elements were stimulated to proliferate by BPR, with the gastric mucosa tending to demonstrate AH. Intestinal type components of AH were found adjacent to the jejunum and not at the stomach margin, indicating an origin from intestinal mucosa. No metaplasia of the gastric mucosa was observed in any animal after partial gastric resection. In 101 rats submitted to the BII procedure, 5 mucinous adenocarcinomas were eventually diagnosed, mostly located in the subserosa of the gastrojejunal junction. All carcinomas expressed the phenotype of cells of the small intestine. Evidence of malignant transformation within the gastric components of AH was not observed even at the 64th week. In conclusion, all lesions induced by BPR in the rat remnant stomach are benign, and the few true cancers that arise in association are derived from the small intestine.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Abstract The goal of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of three university recycling programs. This study looked at several aspects of the programs that included the diversion rates, per capita ratios of materials recycled and disposed, and the average net costs of waste disposal and waste diversion. The universities included in this study were the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the University of Oregon. To gather the information necessary for this analysis, I contacted each of the university’s recycling coordinators. To determine the average net costs of waste disposal and waste diversion I requested both the recycling budget and solid waste budget from each university for the fiscal years of interest which included: 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009. To calculate the diversion rates and per capita ratios, I requested performance records from each university listing the tonnage of materials recycled and disposed for the same years. This study’s findings reported that the average net costs for waste diversion in all three universities were $22-$122 less per ton than costs for waste collection and disposal. This study also indicated that the universities with the highest diversion and recycling rates were the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Oregon. The university with the lowest waste generated per capita was the University of Oregon followed by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis in ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of medical records of 49 patients submitted to ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis. RESULTS: Ulcerative colitis was diagnosed in 65% and familial adenomatous polyposis in 34%. Mean age was 39.5 years. 43% were male. Among familial adenomatous polyposis, 61% were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Thirty-one percent of patients with ulcerative colitis was submitted to a previous surgical approach and 21% of these had toxic megacolon. Average hospital stay was 10 days. Post-operative complications occurred in 50% of patients with ulcerative colitis and 29.4% with familial adenomatous polyposis. Intestinal diversion was performed in 100% of ulcerative colitis and 88% of familial adenomatous polyposis. Pouchitis occurred in eight cases (seven ulcerative colitis and one FAP), requiring excision of the pouch in three ulcerative colitis. Mortality rate was 7.6%: two cases of carcinoma on the pouch and two post-operative complications. Late post-operative complications occurred in 22.4%: six familial adenomatous polyposis and five ulcerative colitis). Two patients had erectile dysfunction, and one retrograde ejaculation. One patient with severe perineal dermatitis was submitted to excision of the pouch. Incontinence occurred in four patients and two reported soil. Mean bowel movement was five times a day. CONCLUSION: Ileal J-pouch anal anastomosis is a safe surgery with acceptable morbidity and good functional results, if well indicated and performed in referral centers.


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The role played by human activity in coastline changes indicates a general tendency of retreating coasts, especially deltaic environments, as a result of the recent trend of sea level rise as well as the blockage of the transfer of sediments towards the coast, especially due to the construction of dams. This is particularly important in deltaic environments which are suffering a dramatic loss of area in the last decades. In contrast, in this paper, we report the origin and evolution of an anthropogenic delta, the Valo Grande delta, on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, whose origin is related to the opening of an artificial channel and the diversion of the main flow of the Ribeira de Iguape River. The methodology included the analysis of coastline changes, bathymetry and coring, which was used to determine the sedimentation rates and grain-size changes over time. The results allowed us to recognize the different facies of the anthropogenic delta and to establish its lateral and vertical depositional trends. Despite not being very frequent, anthropogenic deltas represent a favorable environment for the record of natural and anthropogenic changes in historical times and, thus, deserve more attention from researchers of different subjects


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Dass Jugenddelinquenz eine ubiquitäre und ganz überwiegend nur passagere Erscheinungsform im Sozialisationsprozess ist, hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine Reduzierung formeller Verfahren gegen junge Straftäter bedingt. Empirische Studien haben bestätigt, dass gerade eine frühzeitige Verfahrenseinstellung die Rückfallquote verringert, so dass sich die Chance einer Legalbewährung bei informeller Erledigung besser darstellt als nach einer förmlichen Verurteilung. Damit werden Gefahren einer Wirkungsdynamik reduziert, die letztlich neue Rechtsbrüche begünstigen könnten. Die Wahl informeller Alternativen ist zudem geeignet, den Übergang zum Makel formeller Sanktionierung zu vermeiden bzw. zu verzögern und die stigmatisierende Wirkung förmlicher Strafverfahren zu reduzieren.rnIn der Diskussion um die Bewältigung der Alltags- und Bagatellkriminalität wird immer wieder die Frage nach der Einheitlichkeit der Rechtsanwendung des § 45 JGG aufgeworfen. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage werden die von fast alle Bundesländern verabschiedeten Diversionsrichtlinien einer Untersuchung unterzogen.rnDiese findet zunächst anhand eines ausführlichen Textvergleichs der einzelnen Diversionsrichtlinien statt, gefolgt von einer Darstellung der Sanktionierungspraxis in Deutschland in den Jahren 1999 bis 2007, wobei zunächst die Häufigkeiten informeller Erledigungen im Jugendstrafrecht und im allgemeinen Strafverfahren für das gesamte Bundesgebiet betrachtet und dann ein Vergleich der Häufigkeiten informeller Erledigungen im Jugendstrafrecht und im allgemeinen Strafverfahren auf der Ebene der Bundesländer dargestellt wird.rnAls Ergebnis dieser Analyse kann festgehalten werden, dass der bisherige Versuch, eine einheitliche Entkriminalisierung auf Bundesebene aufgrund der bestehenden, von den einzelnen Bundesländern geschaffenen Diversions-Richtlinien zu schaffen, als teilweise gescheitert angesehen werden.rn


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This work presents first a study of the national and international laws in the fields of safety, security and safeguards. The international treaties and the recommendations issued by the IAEA as well as the national regulations in force in France, the United States and Italy are analyzed. As a result of this, a comparison among them is presented. Given the interest of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for the aspects of criminal penalties and monetary, also the Japanese case is analyzed. The main part of this work was held at the JAEA in the field of proliferation resistance (PR) and physical protection (PP) of a GEN IV sodium fast reactor. For this purpose the design of the system is completed and the PR & PP methodology is applied to obtain data usable by designers for the improvement of the system itself. Due to the presence of sensitive data, not all the details can be disclosed. The reactor site of a hypothetical and commercial sodium-cooled fast neutron nuclear reactor system (SFR) is used as the target NES for the application of the methodology. The methodology is applied to all the PR and PP scenarios: diversion, misuse and breakout; theft and sabotage. The methodology is applied to the SFR to check if this system meets the target of PR and PP as described in the GIF goal; secondly, a comparison between the SFR and a LWR is performed to evaluate if and how it would be possible to improve the PR&PP of the SFR. The comparison is implemented according to the example development target: achieving PR&PP similar or superior to domestic and international ALWR. Three main actions were performed: implement the evaluation methodology; characterize the PR&PP for the nuclear energy system; identify recommendations for system designers through the comparison.


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A 52-yr-old man presented with hematuria and clot retention. He had undergone simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation with exocrine pancreas bladder drainage 16 yr ago. The patient suffered from progressive transplant kidney failure with gradually decreasing urine output and needed hemodialysis every other day. Gross hematuria persisted after removal of all blood clots. Cystoscopy showed multiple small, flat ulcers of the bladder mucosa. Some bled discretely and were coagulated cautiously. However, hematuria was refractory to multiple urological interventions, which eventually necessitated an enteric diversion of the exocrine pancreas. Hematuria ceased following an uneventful postoperative course.


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Image overlay projection is a form of augmented reality that allows surgeons to view underlying anatomical structures directly on the patient surface. It improves intuitiveness of computer-aided surgery by removing the need for sight diversion between the patient and a display screen and has been reported to assist in 3-D understanding of anatomical structures and the identification of target and critical structures. Challenges in the development of image overlay technologies for surgery remain in the projection setup. Calibration, patient registration, view direction, and projection obstruction remain unsolved limitations to image overlay techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel, portable, and handheld-navigated image overlay device based on miniature laser projection technology that allows images of 3-D patient-specific models to be projected directly onto the organ surface intraoperatively without the need for intrusive hardware around the surgical site. The device can be integrated into a navigation system, thereby exploiting existing patient registration and model generation solutions. The position of the device is tracked by the navigation system’s position sensor and used to project geometrically correct images from any position within the workspace of the navigation system. The projector was calibrated using modified camera calibration techniques and images for projection are rendered using a virtual camera defined by the projectors extrinsic parameters. Verification of the device’s projection accuracy concluded a mean projection error of 1.3 mm. Visibility testing of the projection performed on pig liver tissue found the device suitable for the display of anatomical structures on the organ surface. The feasibility of use within the surgical workflow was assessed during open liver surgery. We show that the device could be quickly and unobtrusively deployed within the sterile environment.


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Presenting visual feedback for image-guided surgery on a monitor requires the surgeon to perform time-consuming comparisons and diversion of sight and attention away from the patient. Deficiencies in previously developed augmented reality systems for image-guided surgery have, however, prevented the general acceptance of any one technique as a viable alternative to monitor displays. This work presents an evaluation of the feasibility and versatility of a novel augmented reality approach for the visualisation of surgical planning and navigation data. The approach, which utilises a portable image overlay device, was evaluated during integration into existing surgical navigation systems and during application within simulated navigated surgery scenarios.


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In contrast to ureterosigmoidostomy no reliable clinical data exist for tumor risk in different forms of urinary diversion using isolated intestinal segments.In 44 German urological departments, operation frequencies, indications, patient age, and operation dates of the different forms of urinary diversion, operated between 1970 and 2007, could be registered. The secondary tumors up to 2009 were registered as well and related to the numbers of the different forms of urinary diversions resulting in tumor prevalences.In 17,758 urinary diversions 32 secondary tumors occurred. The tumor risk in ureterosigmoidostomy (22-fold) and cystoplasty (13-fold) is significantly higher than in other continent forms of urinary diversion such as neobladders or pouches (p<0.0001). The difference between ureterosigmoidostomy and cystoplasty is not significant, nor is the difference between ileocecal pouches (0.14%) and ileal neobladders (0.05%) (p=0.46). The tumor risk in ileocecal (1.26%) and colonic neobladders (1.43%) is significantly higher (p=0.0001) than in ileal neobladders (0.5%). Of the 16 tumors that occurred following ureterosigmoidostomy, 16 (94%) developed directly at the ureterocolonic borderline in contrast to only 50% following urinary diversions via isolated intestinal segments.From postoperative year 5 regular endoscopic controls of ureterosigmoidostomies, cystoplasties, and orthotopic (ileo-)colonic neobladders are necessary. In ileocecal pouches, regular endoscopy is necessary at least in the presence of symptoms or should be performed routinely at greater intervals. Following neobladders or conduits, only urethroscopies for urethral recurrence are necessary.