406 resultados para Bézier Bernstein, MiniSystem SDL
Diese Masterarbeit wurde im Rahmen des Projekts Language Toolkit erarbeitet, das von der Handelskammer Forlì-Cesena in Zusammenarbeit mit der Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione von Forlì organisiert wurde. Dank dieses Projekts wurde es mir ermöglicht ein 300-stündiges Praktikum bei dem Unternehmen U.Emme in Modigliana (FC) zu absolvieren. Da dieses Unternehmen international sehr aktiv ist, haben sie sich dazu entschieden, ihre Geschäftstexte übersetzen zu lassen. Für diese Masterarbeit wurde die Preisliste von U.Emme aus dem Italienischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. In der Masterarbeit werden der Übersetzungsprozess und die Übersetzung selbst analysiert. Die Analyse beginnt mit der Erläuterung der Kommunikationssituationen des Ausgangs- und des Zieltextes. Dazu wurden zunächst die generellen Merkmale des Texts ergründet, wie Textsorte und –typ, und dann die textexternen und textinternen Charakteristika. Da es sich bei dem Ausgangstext um einen technischen Text handelt, werden auch kurz die allgemeinen Merkmale der Fachsprachen analysiert. Es wurde außerdem eine lexikalische, syntaktische und terminologische Recherche vorgenommen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Korpus gebildet. Außerdem wurde ein Termbase erstellt, um die wichtigsten Fachwörter festzuhalten. Bei der Erstellung terminologischer Ressourcen ist es wichtig, zwischen punktueller und systematischer Terminologiearbeit zu unterscheiden. Die Terminologiearbeit für diesen Text wurde punktuell durchgeführt, das heißt, ohne das gesamte Fachgebiet zu erforschen. Für die Übersetzung selbst wurde SDL Trados Studio 2011 benutzt. Darüber hinaus werden die hauptsächlichen Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten geschildert, die vor allem terminologischer Natur waren. Es wird auch allgemein die Bedeutung der technischen Übersetzung unterstrichen, die in der Zeit der Globalisierung stets gestiegen ist. Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen U.Emme hat sich als eine sehr positive Erfahrung herausgestellt, die es mir ermöglicht hat, meine organisatorischen, sowie meine kommunikativen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Außerdem hat mir das Praktikum die Möglichkeit geboten, einen realen Beitrag zur Internationalisierung des Unternehmens zu leisten.
Hereditary angioedema is characterized by recurrent attacks of angioedema of the skin, larynx, and gastrointestinal tract. Bradykinin is the key mediator of symptoms. Icatibant is a selective bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist.
The striatum, the major input nucleus of the basal ganglia, is numerically dominated by a single class of principal neurons, the GABAergic spiny projection neuron (SPN) that has been extensively studied both in vitro and in vivo. Much less is known about the sparsely distributed interneurons, principally the cholinergic interneuron (CIN) and the GABAergic fast-spiking interneuron (FSI). Here, we summarize results from two recent studies on these interneurons where we used in vivo intracellular recording techniques in urethane-anaesthetized rats (Schulz et al., J Neurosci 31[31], 2011; J Physiol, in press). Interneurons were identified by their characteristic responses to intracellular current steps and spike waveforms. Spontaneous spiking contained a high proportion (~45%) of short inter-spike intervals (ISI) of <30 ms in FSIs, but virtually none in CINs. Spiking patterns in CINs covered a broad spectrum ranging from regular tonic spiking to phasic activity despite very similar unimodal membrane potential distributions across neurons. In general, phasic spiking activity occurred in phase with the slow ECoG waves, whereas CINs exhibiting tonic regular spiking were little affected by afferent network activity. In contrast, FSIs exhibited transitions between Down and Up states very similar to SPNs. Compared to SPNs, the FSI Up state membrane potential was noisier and power spectra exhibited significantly larger power at frequencies in the gamma range (55-95 Hz). Cortical-evoked inputs had faster dynamics in FSIs than SPNs and the membrane potential preceding spontaneous spike discharge exhibited short and steep trajectories, suggesting that fast input components controlled spike output in FSIs. Intrinsic resonance mechanisms may have further enhanced the sensitivity of FSIs to fast oscillatory inputs. Induction of an activated ECoG state by local ejection of bicuculline into the superior colliculus, resulted in increased spike frequency in both interneuron classes without changing the overall distribution of ISIs. This manipulation also made CINs responsive to a light flashed into the contralateral eye. Typically, the response consisted of an excitation at short latency followed by a pause in spike firing, via an underlying depolarization-hyperpolarization membrane sequence. These results highlight the differential sensitivity of striatal interneurons to afferent synaptic signals and support a model where CINs modulate the striatal network in response to salient sensory bottom-up signals, while FSIs serve gating of top-down signals from the cortex during action selection and reward-related learning.
Given the increasing interest in using social software for company-internal communication and collaboration, this paper examines drivers and inhibitors of micro-blogging adoption at the workplace. While nearly one in two companies is currently planning to introduce social software, there is no empirically validated research on employees’ adoption. In this paper, we build on previous focus group results and test our research model in an empirical study using Structural Equation Modeling. Based on our findings, we derive recommendations on how to foster adoption. We suggest that micro-blogging should be presented to employees as an efficient means of communication, personal brand building, and knowledge management. In order to particularly promote content contribution, privacy concerns should be eased by setting clear rules on who has access to postings and for how long they will be archived.
The object of this work was to study the possibility that microtubule assembly might be involved in radiation sensitivity effect. The proliferating hair follicle was used to study the effects of cooling c-AMP, colcemid, and vincristine on the survival of the hair after irradiation. It was found that after 2 hours of cooling at the rewarming stage of the hair follicles, the sensitivity to irradiation increased and colcemid reversed this effect. c-AMP decreased radiosensitivity and together with colcemid, sensitivity decreased considerably. It is proposed that the assembly of microtubules is sensitive to irradiation.^ Total tubulin in L-P59 tumor measured immediately after irradiation was found to decrease in a dose specific manner after single doses ranging from 500 to 2000 rad. It is proposed that the change in Ca('2+) concentration after irradiation might cause this effect. Irradiation inhibited the increase in specific viscosity of 3x and 1x tubulin irradiated at the time of assembly. A small reduction in specific viscosity was found when polymerized microtubules were irradiated.^ From these experiments it is proposed that the assembly of microtubules is affected by irradiation. It may be the result of an increase in CA('2+) concentration in the tissue after irradiation or an inactivation of the initiation centers. The effects of irradiation on unassembled tubulin or assembled microtubules is negligible. ^
Versuch von A. Rebenstein [d.i. Aaron Bernstein]