991 resultados para Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic


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Bacterial carbon demand, an important component of ecosystem dynamics in polar waters and sea ice, is a function of both bacterial production (BP) and respiration (BR). BP has been found to be generally higher in sea ice than underlying waters, but rates of BR and bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) are poorly characterized in sea ice. Using melted ice core incubations, community respiration (CR), BP, and bacterial abundance (BA) were studied in sea ice and at the ice-water interface (IWI) in the Western Canadian Arctic during the spring and summer 2008. CR was converted to BR empirically. BP increased over the season and was on average 22 times higher in sea ice as compared with the IWI. Rates in ice samples were highly variable ranging from 0.2 to 18.3 µg C/l/d. BR was also higher in ice and on average ~10 times higher than BP but was less variable ranging from 2.39 to 22.5 µg C/l/d. Given the high variability in BP and the relatively more stable rates of BR, BP was the main driver of estimated BGE (r**2 = 0.97, P < 0.0001). We conclude that microbial respiration can consume a significant proportion of primary production in sea ice and may play an important role in biogenic CO2 fluxes between the sea ice and atmosphere.


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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of sediment cores from the Lomonosov Ridge and the Morris Jesup Rise reveals a distinct pattern of Ca intensity peaks through Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 to 7. Downcore of MIS 7, the Ca signal is more irregular and near the detection limit. Virtually all major peaks in Ca coincide with a high abundance of calcareous microfossils; this is particularly conspicuous in the cores from the central Arctic Ocean. However, the recorded Ca signal is generally caused by a combination of biogenic and detrital carbonate, and in areas influenced by input from the Canadian Arctic, detrital carbonates may effectively mask the foraminiferal carbonates. Despite this, there is a strong correlation between XRF-detected Ca content and foraminiferal abundance. We propose that in the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland a common palaeoceanographic mechanism is controlling Ca-rich ice-rafted debris (IRD) and foraminiferal abundance. Previous studies have shown that glacial periods are characterized by foraminfer-barren sediments. This implies that the Ca-rich IRD intervals with abundant foraminifera were most likely deposited during interglacial periods when glaciers left in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago were still active and delivered a large amount of icebergs. At the same time, conditions were favourable for planktic foraminifera, resulting in a strong covariance between these proxies. Therefore, we suggest that the XRF scanner's capability to efficiently map Ca concentrations in sediment cores makes it possible to systematically examine large numbers of cores from different regions to investigate the palaeoceanographic reasons for the calcareous microfossils' spatial and temporal variability.


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A close look at the sedimentology of Heinrich event 4 from the northwest Labrador Sea indicates that an extended ice margin, perhaps greater than before Heinrich events 1 or 2 (H-1 and H-2), existed in the Hudson Strait region pre-Heinrich event 4 (H-4) and, that on the basis of characteristics of the sediment unit, Heinrich event-4 was different than Heinrich events 1 or 2 (i.e., larger ice sheet collapse(?), longer duration(?), "dirtier" icebergs(?)). Other data from across the southern and eastern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, as well as Greenland and the North Atlantic, support this interpretation, possibly indicating a relative mid-Wisconsin glacial maximum pre-Heinrich event 4. Many of these data also indicate that Heinrich event 4 (35 ka) resulted in serious climatic and oceanographic reorganizations. We suggest that Heinrich event 4 gutted the Hudson Strait, leaving it devoid of ice for Heinrich event 3. We further hypothesize that Heinrich event 3 did not originate from axial ice transport along the Hudson Strait; thus Heinrich event 3 may be more analogous to the proposed northward advancing ice from Ungava Bay during Heinrich event 0 than to the more typical down-the-strait flow during H-1, H-2, and H-4. Consequently, the climatic and oceanographic impacts resulting from Heinrich events are highly susceptible to the type, origin, and magnitude of ice sheet collapse, something which varied per Heinrich event during the last glacial period.


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The population, distribution and range of the Ross's gull in North America remain poorly understood, as does almost every aspect of its ecology and biology. It breeds at a few disparate locations in the Canadian Arctic and is an annual fall migrant in northern Alaska where tens of thousands occur in the nearshore waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, but little else is known about the distribution, habitat requirements, migratory routes and wintering areas used by this species. In order to clarify the status of the Ross's gull in North America I sought to discover new breeding sites in the Canadian High Arctic in order to characterize nesting habitat requirements, develop a predictive model with which to identify suitable nesting habitat for Ross's gulls, and refresh outdated estimates of the number of individuals migrating past Point Barrow, Alaska. Taken together, my findings provide a comprehensive account of the current status of the Ross's gull in North America.


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Influence of methanogenic populations in Holocene lacustrine sediments revealed by clone libraries and fatty acid biogeochemistry.Biological characteristics of ice-associated algal communities were studied in Darnley Bay (western Canadian Arctic) during a 2-week period in July 2008 when the landfast ice cover had reached an advanced stage of melt. We found two distinct and separate algal communities: (1) an interior ice community confined to brine channel networks beneath white ice covers; and (2) an ice melt water community in the brackish waters of both surface melt ponds and the layer immediately below the ice cover. Both communities reached maximum chlorophyll a concentrations of about 2.5 mg/m**3, but with diatoms dominating the interior ice while flagellates dominated the melt water community. The microflora of each community was diverse, containing both unique and shared algal species, the latter suggesting an initial seeding of the ice melt water by the bottom ice community. Absorption characteristics of the algae indicated the presence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and carotenoid pigments as a photoprotective strategy against being confined to high-light near-surface layers. Although likely not contributing substantially to total annual primary production, these ice-associated communities may play an important ecological role in the Arctic marine ecosystem, supplying an accessible and stable food source to higher trophic levels during the period of ice melt.


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Background: To determine the portion sizes of traditional and non-traditional foods being consumed by Inuit adults in three remote communities in Nunavut, Canada. Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out between June and October, 2008. Trained field workers collected dietary data using a culturally appropriate, validated quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) developed specifically for the study population. Results: Caribou, muktuk (whale blubber and skin) and Arctic char (salmon family), were the most commonly consumed traditional foods; mean portion sizes for traditional foods ranged from 10 g for fermented seal fat to 424 g for fried caribou. Fried bannock and white bread were consumed by >85% of participants; mean portion sizes for these foods were 189 g and 70 g, respectively. Sugar-sweetened beverages and energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods were also widely consumed. Mean portion sizes for regular pop and sweetened juices with added sugar were 663 g and 572 g, respectively. Mean portion sizes for potato chips, pilot biscuits, cakes, chocolate and cookies were 59 g, 59 g, 106 g, 59 g, and 46 g, respectively. Conclusions: The present study provides further evidence of the nutrition transition that is occurring among Inuit in the Canadian Arctic. It also highlights a number of foods and beverages that could be targeted in future nutritional intervention programs aimed at obesity and diet-related chronic disease prevention in these and other Inuit communities.


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Twelve year datasets of weekly atmospheric concentrations of alpha- and gamma-HCH were compared between the two Arctic monitoring stations of Alert, Nunavut, Canada, and Zeppelin Mountain, Svalbard, Norway. Time-series analysis was conducted with the use of dynamic harmonic regression (DHR), which provided a very good model fit, to examine both the seasonal behaviour in these isomers and the longer-term, underlying trends. Strong spatial differences were not apparent between the two sites, although subtle differences in seasonal behaviour and composition were identified. For example, the composition of gamma-HCH to total HCH (alpha + gamma) was greater at Zeppelin compared to Alert, probably reflecting this site's proximity to major use regions of lindane. Pronounced seasonality in air concentrations for gamma-HCH was marked by a 'spring maximum event' (SME), confirming earlier studies. For alpha-HCH, the SME was much weaker and only evident at Alert, whereas at Zeppelin, seasonal fluctuations for alpha-HCH were marked by elevated concentrations in summer and lower concentrations during winter, with this pattern most apparent for the years after 2000. We attribute this difference in spatial and temporal patterns to the Arctic oscillation. A similar climatic pattern was not evident at either site in the gamma-HCH data. Seasonally adjusted, long-term trends revealed declining concentrations at both sites for alpha- and gamma-HCH over the entire time-series. Recent legislation affecting lindane use appear to account for this decline in gamma-HCH, with little evidence of a delay or 'lag' between the banning of lindane in Europe (a main source region) or Canada, and a decline in air concentrations observed at both Arctic sites.


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Poussée par une croissance économique rapide ces trente dernières années, la demande chinoise en matières premières a considérablement augmenté au cours de cette période. Premier importateur mondial de nombreux minerais depuis le début du XXIe siècle, la Chine, qui n’est pas un État côtier de l’Arctique, semble attentive au potentiel économique de la région, et notamment en ce qui a trait à l’exploitation des gisements miniers. Avec l’ouverture relative des accès maritimes à travers les passages arctiques, les entreprises chinoises seraient en mesure d’effectuer des économies sur les coûts de transport et pourraient plus aisément accéder aux gisements miniers du Groenland et de l’Arctique canadien. La montée en puissance de l’économie chinoise, qui s’est concrétisée depuis le début du siècle, son affirmation politique sur la scène mondiale, et sa diplomatie des ressources perçue comme agressive a contribué à développer une perception négative de la Chine au sein des opinions publiques canadiennes, danoises, groenlandaises, et islandaises. Dans un contexte de débats et d’inquiétudes sur les questions de souveraineté dans l’Arctique, les presses canadiennes, groenlandaises et danoises ont contribué à construire, dans leurs opinions publiques respectives ces dernières années, une certaine sinophobie face aux investissements directs à l’étranger chinois, qui débutent réellement en 2005. Par exemple, un sondage mené en 2015 par l’Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada faisait ressortir que près de 76% de la population canadienne était hostile à l’acquisition d’entreprises canadiennes par des entreprises chinoises, tous secteurs confondus. Au Groenland, la perspective d’opérations minières dirigées par des entreprises chinoises a provoqué l’ire des médias danois et groenlandais. Alors que certains dénoncent une stratégie géopolitique chinoise plus large dans cette région du monde, d’autres mettent l’accent sur les implications de la venue de nombreux travailleurs chinois, de même que sur les questions d’une Chine cherchant à assurer un accès à long terme aux ressources de la région, prétextant que le Groenland serait une région d’investissement majeur pour les entreprises chinoises. La Chine, par l’entremise de ses entreprises, chercherait-elle à faire main basse sur les ressources minières de l’Arctique ? L’Arctique canadien, le Groenland et le Grand Nord québécois sont-ils des territoires d’investissements majeurs pour les entreprises chinoises ? Comment les facteurs qui déterminent les choix des entreprises chinoises se sont-ils traduits dans l’Arctique ? Dans le cadre de cette recherche, trente-six entreprises et organes du gouvernement ont été consultés. Les résultats de l’enquête soulignent que ces territoires ne sont pas des régions où les entreprises chinoises investissent d’importantes sommes, mais demeurent attractifs en raison de la stabilité politique et du climat compétitif des affaires qui y règnent, ainsi que pour la qualité des ressources physiques qu’on y retrouve. Cependant, les acteurs chinois soulignent d’importants défis tels que le déficit en matière d’infrastructures maritimes et de communication dans l’Arctique, le manque d’informations sur les opportunités d’affaires, c’est le cas des projets disponibles au Groenland notamment, et les acteurs chinois soulignent également leur manque d’expérience à l’international, de même que le coût et la disponibilité de la main-d’oeuvre comme des défis importants pour les entreprises chinoises. En somme, les investissements des entreprises chinoises dans des projets miniers dans l’Arctique canadien et au Groenland s’insèrent, certes, dans les stratégies globales des entreprises chinoises qui visent à diversifier et sécuriser leurs sources d’approvisionnements. En revanche, s’il apparaît que les territoires arctiques ne sont pas des régions d’investissements majeurs pour les entreprises chinoises dans le secteur extractif, les acteurs chinois sondés raisonnent, de manière générale, selon une logique de marché et recherchent donc, pour la plupart, à assurer la rentabilité de leur entreprise par la réalisation de gains. Outre les fluctuations des prix des matières premières sur les marchés mondiaux qui affectent grandement les opérations minières globales, de nombreux facteurs dans l’Arctique tels que l’éloignement, les conditions météorologiques extrêmes, et le manque d’infrastructures augmentent considérablement le coût de faire des affaires dans le secteur minier dans l’Arctique, qui demeure un marché niche.


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Studying mobile actor networks of moving people, objects, images, and discourses, in conjunction with changing time-spaces, offers a unique opportunity to understand important, and yet relatively neglected, “relational material” dynamics of mobility. A key example of this phenomenon is the recontinentalization of Canada amidst dramatically changing articulations of the meanings and boundaries of the Canadian land-ice- ocean mass. A notable reason why Canada is being re-articulated in current times is the extensiveness of Arctic thawing. The reconfiguration of space and “motility” options in the Arctic constitutes an example of how “materiality and sociality produce themselves together.” In this paper we examine the possibilities and risks connected to this recontinentalization of Canada’s North. In exploring the past, present, and immediate future of this setting, we advance the paradigmatic view that Canada’s changing Arctic is the key element in a process of transformation of Canada into a peninsular body encompassed within a larger archipelagic entity: a place more intimately attuned to its immense (and growing) coastal and insular routes.