930 resultados para Auditory evoked potential


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The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) channel, localized to airway sensory nerves, has been proposed to mediate airway inflammation evoked by allergen and cigarette smoke (CS) in rodents, via a neurogenic mechanism. However the limited clinical evidence for the role of neurogenic inflammation in asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease raises an alternative possibility that airway inflammation is promoted by non-neuronal TRPA1.


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This research investigated auditory hallucinations (AH) in a sample with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and examined dissociation and thought suppression as potential associated mechanisms. In all, 40 individuals with PTSD were assessed on the hallucinations subscale of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and on measures of dissociation and thought suppression. Half of the sample reported AH (n = 20, 50%). Those reporting AH had higher general and pathological dissociation scores but did not differ on thought suppression or PTSD symptom severity. Results suggest that (a) AH in chronic PTSD is not a rare phenomenon, (b) dissociation is significantly related to AH, and (c) dissociation may be a potential mediating mechanism for AH in PTSD.


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Traditionally, audio-motor timing processes have been understood as motor output from an internal clock, the speed of which is set by heard sound pulses. In contrast, this paper proposes a more ecologically-grounded approach, arguing that audio-motor processes are better characterized as performed actions on the perceived structure of auditory events. This position is explored in the context of auditory sensorimotor synchronization and continuation timing. Empirical research shows that the structure of sounds as auditory events can lead to marked differences in movement timing performance. The nature of these effects is discussed in the context of perceived action-relevance of auditory event structure. It is proposed that different forms of sound invite or support different patterns of sensorimotor timing. Hence, the temporal information in looped auditory signals is more than just the interval durations between onsets: all metronomes are not created equal. The potential implications for auditory guides in motor performance enhancement are also described.


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Ischaemic strokes evoke blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption and oedema formation through a series of mechanisms involving Rho-kinase activation. Using an animal model of human focal cerebral ischaemia, this study assessed and confirmed the therapeutic potential of Rho-kinase inhibition during the acute phase of stroke by displaying significantly improved functional outcome and reduced cerebral lesion and oedema volumes in fasudil- versus vehicle-treated animals. Analyses of ipsilateral and contralateral brain samples obtained from mice treated with vehicle or fasudil at the onset of reperfusion plus 4 h post-ischaemia or 4 h post-ischaemia alone revealed these benefits to be independent of changes in the activity and expressions of oxidative stress- and tight junction-related parameters. However, closer scrutiny of the same parameters in brain microvascular endothelial cells subjected to oxygen-glucose deprivation ± reperfusion revealed marked increases in prooxidant NADPH oxidase enzyme activity, superoxide anion release and in expressions of antioxidant enzyme catalase and tight junction protein claudin-5. Cotreatment of cells with Y-27632 prevented all of these changes and protected in vitro barrier integrity and function. These findings suggest that inhibition of Rho-kinase after acute ischaemic attacks improves cerebral integrity and function through regulation of endothelial cell oxidative stress and reorganization of intercellular junctions. Inhibition of Rho-kinase (ROCK) activity in a mouse model of human ischaemic stroke significantly improved functional outcome while reducing cerebral lesion and oedema volumes compared to vehicle-treated counterparts. Studies conducted with brain microvascular endothelial cells exposed to OGD ± R in the presence of Y-27632 revealed restoration of intercellular junctions and suppression of prooxidant NADPH oxidase activity as important factors in ROCK inhibition-mediated BBB protection.


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Experience continuously imprints on the brain at all stages of life. The traces it leaves behind can produce perceptual learning [1], which drives adaptive behavior to previously encountered stimuli. Recently, it has been shown that even random noise, a type of sound devoid of acoustic structure, can trigger fast and robust perceptual learning after repeated exposure [2]. Here, by combining psychophysics, electroencephalography (EEG), and modeling, we show that the perceptual learning of noise is associated with evoked potentials, without any salient physical discontinuity or obvious acoustic landmark in the sound. Rather, the potentials appeared whenever a memory trace was observed behaviorally. Such memory-evoked potentials were characterized by early latencies and auditory topographies, consistent with a sensory origin. Furthermore, they were generated even on conditions of diverted attention. The EEG waveforms could be modeled as standard evoked responses to auditory events (N1-P2) [3], triggered by idiosyncratic perceptual features acquired through learning. Thus, we argue that the learning of noise is accompanied by the rapid formation of sharp neural selectivity to arbitrary and complex acoustic patterns, within sensory regions. Such a mechanism bridges the gap between the short-term and longer-term plasticity observed in the learning of noise [2, 4-6]. It could also be key to the processing of natural sounds within auditory cortices [7], suggesting that the neural code for sound source identification will be shaped by experience as well as by acoustics.


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Gait disturbances are a common feature of Parkinson’s disease, one of the most severe being freezing of gait. Sensory cueing is a common method used to facilitate stepping in people with Parkinson’s. Recent work has shown that, compared to walking to a metronome, Parkinson’s patients without freezing of gait (nFOG) showed reduced gait variability when imitating recorded sounds of footsteps made on gravel. However, it is not known if these benefits are realised through the continuity of the acoustic information or the action-relevance. Furthermore, no study has examined if these benefits extend to PD with freezing of gait. We prepared four different auditory cues (varying in action-relevance and acoustic continuity) and asked 19 Parkinson’s patients (10 nFOG, 9 with freezing of gait (FOG)) to step in place to each cue. Results showed a superiority of action-relevant cues (regardless of cue-continuity) for inducing reductions in Step coefficient of variation (CV). Acoustic continuity was associated with a significant reduction in Swing CV. Neither cue-continuity nor action-relevance was independently sufficient to increase the time spent stepping before freezing. However, combining both attributes in the same cue did yield significant improvements. This study demonstrates the potential of using action-sounds as sensory cues for Parkinson’s patients with freezing of gait. We suggest that the improvements shown might be considered audio-motor ‘priming’ (i.e., listening to the sounds of footsteps will engage sensorimotor circuitry relevant to the production of that same action, thus effectively bypassing the defective basal ganglia).


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The use of visual cues during the processing of audiovisual (AV) speech is known to be less efficient in children and adults with language difficulties and difficulties are known to be more prevalent in children from low-income populations. In the present study, we followed an economically diverse group of thirty-seven infants longitudinally from 6–9 months to 14–16 months of age. We used eye-tracking to examine whether individual differences in visual attention during AV processing of speech in 6–9 month old infants, particularly when processing congruent and incongruent auditory and visual speech cues, might be indicative of their later language development. Twenty-two of these 6–9 month old infants also participated in an event-related potential (ERP) AV task within the same experimental session. Language development was then followed-up at the age of 14–16 months, using two measures of language development, the Preschool Language Scale and the Oxford Communicative Development Inventory. The results show that those infants who were less efficient in auditory speech processing at the age of 6–9 months had lower receptive language scores at 14–16 months. A correlational analysis revealed that the pattern of face scanning and ERP responses to audiovisually incongruent stimuli at 6–9 months were both significantly associated with language development at 14–16 months. These findings add to the understanding of individual differences in neural signatures of AV processing and associated looking behavior in infants.


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Primary sensory cortex discriminates incoming sensory information and generates multiple processing streams toward other cortical areas. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Here, by making whole-cell recordings in primary somatosensory barrel cortex (S1) of behaving mice, we show that S1 neurons projecting to primary motor cortex (M1) and those projecting to secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) have distinct intrinsic membrane properties and exhibit markedly different membrane potential dynamics during behavior. Passive tactile stimulation evoked faster and larger postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in M1-projecting neurons, rapidly driving phasic action potential firing, well-suited for stimulus detection. Repetitive active touch evoked strongly depressing PSPs and only transient firing in M1-projecting neurons. In contrast, PSP summation allowed S2-projecting neurons to robustly signal sensory information accumulated during repetitive touch, useful for encoding object features. Thus, target-specific transformation of sensory-evoked synaptic potentials by S1 projection neurons generates functionally distinct output signals for sensorimotor coordination and sensory perception.


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We present a retrospective study on 22 operations of exostosis of the external auditory canal in 20 patients. 8 patients were passionated by water sports. The most frequent indication for surgery (13 operations) was recurrent external otitis or ceruminal obstruction. In 7 cases the need for a wider access to the middle ear indicated surgery. Surgery was usually performed as an outpatient procedure, maximum hospitalization was 3 days. The mean healing period was 6 (3-10) weeks. Mean follow up was 43 (3-110) months. There were no severe intraoperative complications such as facial paresis, lesions of the ossicles or of the inner ear. As intraoperative complications we found 2 perforations of the tympanic membrane, 2 expositions of the capsule of the mandibular joint, one of which was followed by chronic pain. As postoperative complications we found an early soft tissue stenosis of the external auditory canal and one late soft tissue stenosis which recurred after revision surgery. No recurrence of exostosis was seen. We describe an up to now unknown complication: the appearance of bilateral petrositis caused by staphylococcus epidermidis after bilateral surgery in an otherwise healthy patient. This study confirms that severe complications are rare, minor ones however relatively common. And that also minor complications may have a troublesome follow. Therefore and because of the potential of severe complications indication for surgery must be made cautiously and risks of the operation must not be underestimated.


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The oscillation of neuronal circuits reflected in the EEG gamma frequency may be fundamental to the perceptual process referred to as binding (the integration of various thoughts and perceptions into a coherent picture). The aim of our study was to expand our knowledge of the developmental course ofEEG gamma in the auditory modality. 2 We investigated EEG 40 Hz gamma band responses (35.2 to 43.0 Hz) using an auditory novelty oddball paradigm alone and with a visual-number-series distracter task in 208 participants as a function of age (7 years to adult) at 9 sites across the sagital and lateral axes (F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, P4). Gamma responses were operationally defined as change in power or a change in phase synchrony level from baseline within two time windows. The evoked gamma response was defined as a significant change from baseline occurring between 0 to 150 ms after stimulus onset; the induced gamma response was measured from 250 to 750 ms after stimulus onset. A significant evoked gamma band response was found when measuring changes in both power and phase synchrony. The increase in both measures was maximal at frontal regions. Decreases in both measures were found when participants were distracted by a secondary task. For neither measure were developmental effects noted. However, evoked gamma power was significantly enhanced with the presentation of a novel stimulus, especially at the right frontal site (F4); frontal evoked gamma phase synchrony also showed enhancement for novel stimuli but only for our two oldest age groups (16-18 year olds and adults). Induced gamma band responses also varied with task-dependent cognitive stimulus properties. In the induced gamma power response in all age groups, target stimuli generated the highest power values at the parietal region, while the novel stimuli were always below baseline. Target stimuli increased induced synchrony in all regions for all participants, but the novel stimulus selectively affected participants dependent on their age and gender. Adult participants, for example, exhibited a reduction in gamma power, but an increase in synchrony to the novel stimulus within the same region. Induced gamma synchrony was more sensitive to the gender of the participant than was induced gamma power. While induced gamma power produced little effects of age, gamma synchrony did have age effects. These results confirm that the perceptual process which regulates gamma power is distinct from that which governs the synchronization for neuronal firing, and both gamma power and synchrony are important factors to be considered for the "binding" hypothesis. However, there is surprisingly little effect of age on the absolute levels of or distribution of EEG gamma in the age range investigated.


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Cette thèse a pour objectif de comparer les expressions émotionnelles évoquées par la musique, la voix (expressions non-linguistiques) et le visage sur les plans comportemental et neuronal. Plus précisément, le but est de bénéficier de l’indéniable pouvoir émotionnel de la musique afin de raffiner notre compréhension des théories et des modèles actuels associés au traitement émotionnel. Qui plus est, il est possible que cette disposition surprenante de la musique pour évoquer des émotions soit issue de sa capacité à s’immiscer dans les circuits neuronaux dédiés à la voix, bien que les évidences à cet effet demeurent éparses pour le moment. Une telle comparaison peut potentiellement permettre d’élucider, en partie, la nature des émotions musicales. Pour ce faire, différentes études ont été réalisées et sont ici présentées dans deux articles distincts. Les études présentées dans le premier article ont comparé, sur le plan comportemental, les effets d’expressions émotionnelles sur la mémoire entre les domaines musical et vocal (non-linguistique). Les résultats ont révélé un avantage systématique en mémoire pour la peur dans les deux domaines. Aussi, une corrélation dans la performance individuelle en mémoire a été trouvée entre les expressions de peur musicales et vocales. Ces résultats sont donc cohérents avec l’hypothèse d’un traitement perceptif similaire entre la musique et la voix. Dans le deuxième article, les corrélats neuronaux associés à la perception d’expressions émotionnelles évoquées par la musique, la voix et le visage ont été directement comparés en imagerie par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Une augmentation significative du signal « Blood Oxygen Level Dependent » (BOLD) a été trouvée dans l’amygdale (et à l’insula postérieure) en réponse à la peur, parmi l’ensemble des domaines et des modalités à l’étude. Une corrélation dans la réponse BOLD individuelle de l’amygdale, entre le traitement musical et vocal, a aussi été mise en évidence, suggérant à nouveau des similarités entre les deux domaines. En outre, des régions spécifiques à chaque domaine ont été relevées. Notamment, le gyrus fusiforme (FG/FFA) pour les expressions du visage, le sulcus temporal supérieur (STS) pour les expressions vocales ainsi qu’une portion antérieure du gyrus temporal supérieur (STG) particulièrement sensible aux expressions musicales (peur et joie), dont la réponse s’est avérée modulée par l’intensité des stimuli. Mis ensemble, ces résultats révèlent des similarités mais aussi des différences dans le traitement d’expressions émotionnelles véhiculées par les modalités visuelle et auditive, de même que différents domaines dans la modalité auditive (musique et voix). Plus particulièrement, il appert que les expressions musicales et vocales partagent d’étroites similarités surtout en ce qui a trait au traitement de la peur. Ces données s’ajoutent aux connaissances actuelles quant au pouvoir émotionnel de la musique et contribuent à élucider les mécanismes perceptuels sous-jacents au traitement des émotions musicales. Par conséquent, ces résultats donnent aussi un appui important à l’utilisation de la musique dans l’étude des émotions qui pourra éventuellement contribuer au développement de potentielles interventions auprès de populations psychiatriques.


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This paper compares the auditory steady state response (ASSR) thresholds with the click-evoked and tone burst auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds in their ability to predict known behavioral thresholds in normal-hearing adults.


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The primary objective of this research study is to determine if various body positions for ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP) testing demonstrate differentiation of the saccule and utricle through threshold responses.


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Alpha-synuclein is found in synaptic terminals at the base of both inner and outer hair cells, while the beta isoform is prominently localized to spiral ganglion neuron cell bodies. The present study assessed the role of beta-synuclein in auditory function, and potential interactions between isoforms.


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Environmental conditions during the early life stages of birds can have significant effects on the quality of sexual signals in adulthood, especially song, and these ultimately have consequences for breeding success and fitness. This has wide-ranging implications for the rehabilitation protocols undertaken in wildlife hospitals which aim to return captive-reared animals to their natural habitat. Here we review the current literature on bird song development and learning in order to determine the potential impact that the rearing of juvenile songbirds in captivity can have on rehabilitation success. We quantify the effects of reduced learning on song structure and relate this to the possible effects on an individual's ability to defend a territory or attract a mate. We show the importance of providing a conspecific auditory model for birds to learn from in the early stages post-fledging, either via live- or tape-tutoring and provide suggestions for tutoring regimes. We also highlight the historical focus on learning in a few model species that has left an information gap in our knowledge for most species reared at wildlife hospitals.