439 resultados para Artisanal


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Honduras has many communities of artisanal fishermen who land various species of crustaceans and mollusks, using hands, nets, traps, and free diving from shore and from dugout canoes. It also has industrial fisheries for spiny lobster, Panulirus argus; queen conch, Strombus gigas; and mainly pink shrimp, Penaeus notialis, using traps, scuba divers, and trawl nets.


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Thread herrings, Opisthonema spp., are small, nearshore, pelagic clupeid fishes that form dense, surface schools in tropical to subtropical coastal waters. Ecologically, thread herrings form an important forage base for many large, predatory fishes (Finucane and Vaught, 1986). Commercially, thread herrings are targeted by artisanal to moderate-sized seine fisheries off the coasts of Ecuador and Peru (Patterson and Santos, 1992), Costa Rica (Stevenson and Carranza, 1981), Venezuela, the continental margins of the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and near the islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Trinidad (Reintjes, 1978). Most of the catch is reduced to fish meal and fish oil (Patterson and Santos, 1992), although minor quantities are used for human consumption (Reintjes, 1978).


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Sea cucumbers (Holothuridae and Stichopodidae) have been harvested commercially for at least 1,000 years. The world fisheries for sea cucumbers, however, are not well documented and in general are poorly managed. Depending upon the species exploited, there are two processing procedures for the sea cucumber product. Some species are eaten raw, while most commercial species are processed into a dry product called beche-de-mer or trepang. This dry product is exported to a central market such as Hong Kong and then re-exported to the consumers. In this review, recent statistics on the world sea cucumber fisheries, collected from different services, are detailed for each major fishing area. Case studies for each fishing area are also presented. Recent major changes in the Indo-Pacific fishery include the participation of new producer countries, the shift in the species being exploited, and an increase in the Chinese market. The expansion of the largely monospecific temperate North Pacific fisheries is also described. Statistics from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the Food and Agriculture Organization provide valuable information on the producer and importer countries. Particular attention is paid to the reciprocal trade of beche-de-mer between Hong Kong and Singapore. An evaluation of the world sea cucumber landings and beche-de-mer production is presented. Recent developments include an expansion of the Hong Kong market due to increased demand by China, the importance of Indonesia as a major world producer, and an increase in the fisheries of Tropical Pacific nations. This increase is best documented for New Caledonia and Fiji. Ways to improve the access and the reliability of the statistics for the sea cucumber fishery are discussed, as is the potential for management of artisanal fisheries.


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Domestic fisheries in American Samoa landed 587,000 lb of fish and invertebrates in 1991 worth $993,000. Most of the catch (78%) and value (80%) was taken by the shoreline subsistence fishery that occurs on the coral reefs surrounding the islands. Artisanal fisheries for offshore pelagic fishes (primarily skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis; and yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares) and bottomfishes (snappers, emperors, groupers) accounted for 16% and 3%, respectively, of the domestic catch. Recreational tournament catches for pelagic fishes represented the remainder (3%). While sportfishing is becoming increasingly important, other domestic fisheries have declined in recent years. The shoreline subsistence fishery has dropped by about 25% over the past decade owing to socioeconomic factors and possibly overexploitation. Artisanal fisheries have also declined precipitously in recent years owing to hurricane-related damages, attrition of fishermen, and competition with imports. Artisanal fisheries show some potential for growth, but may be constrained by marketing issues, vessel capabilities, and limited stock sizes (for bottomfish) or local availability of high-value (pelagic) fishes. In contrast to the small-scale domestic fisheries, American Samoa is also homeport to a distant-water fleet of large purse seiners and longliners that fish beyond the EEZ and deliver about 160,000-220,000 short tons of tuna per year to local canneries.


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A review is given of current information concerning small pelagic fishes exploited for tuna bait in the South Pacific. These fishes are usually caught over or near coral reefs using light attraction and lift nets. The most common and widespread species are anchovies (Engraulidae), sprats (Clupeidae), silversides (Atherinidae), and herrings (Clupeidae). Recorded yields ranged from 0.5 to 2.6t/km2, and methods are described to estimate potential yields empirically in the absence of catch data. Environmental effects on small pelagic fish production are discussed, and evidence is presented to suggest that rainfall markedly affects stolephorid anchovy production. Some species of small pelagic fish, such as Selar spp., Decapterus spp., and Herklotsichthys sp., have been fished traditionally by artisanal fishermen, but anchovy and sprat stocks were probably unexploited prior to pole-and-line tuna fishing in the South Pacific.


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This study was carried out to identify factors that influence choice of fishing location and carry out profitability analysis of Chilimira and Gillnet in different fishing locations. A survey using semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 99 Gillnet and 101 Chilimira fishers in Nankumba Peninsula in Mangochi District. The logit model was used to determine the factors influencing choice of fishing location among the fishers. The study showed that 92.1% of Chilimira fishers are operating in offshore areas while 69.7% Gillnet fishers are operating in inshore areas. Chilimira offshore fishers have higher daily average gross margins than their inshore counterparts and Gillnet fishers. However, they incurred more operating costs than the inshore Chilimira and Gillnet fishers. Furthermore, they find their fishing occupation more rewarding as evidenced by the higher returns to labour. The factors that influenced fisher’s choice of fishing location were Age of the fisher, type of fishing vessel and gear, possession of motor sail engine and access to information about previous day’s catch rates. Finally the study concluded that artisanal fishers in Malawi use different criteria in deciding where to fish. The criterion involves a complex interaction of biological, technological, personal and economical factors and time. However, the resource constrained artisanal fisher will need support to enable him exploit offshore fishery resources. Consequently the study recommends that appropriate fishery development interventions by the government and other stakeholders must adapt to the economics and lifestyles driving the artisanal fishers to fish in particular locations and therefore, build on this foundation to improve the existing fishing technologies.


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Contents: Customary Rights in South Africa. Artisanal Fishworkers of Brazil. US Waterfronts. Sea Piracy in Nigeria. Civil Society Guidelines on SSF. SBSTTA 16th Session.


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Government development programmes and policies in fisheries are focused on the problems and needs of men though women are known to dominate the post-harvest sector in artisanal fisheries and are involved, to varying degrees, in pre-harvest and harvest activities. A lack of women’s participation in decision-making bodies within communities, fisheries organizations and government has resulted in a general neglect of their interests. This has led to a constant demand by women’s-rights activists and organizations to address market-related issues of women vendors. This study, “Women Fish Vendors in Mumbai”, aims to provide insights into the challenges faced by women fish vendors in the city of Mumbai (formerly Bombay).


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Este trabalho busca realizar uma discussão de grande relevância para o entendimento do que é ser pescador artesanal em tempos em que a modernização do espaço se faz pujante e intende a subjugar suas formas de trabalho e de vida. Em decorrência disto, pretende-se aqui estimular reflexões em torno da relação existente entre trabalho e moradia para estes sujeitos, os quais vivem em pleno contexto metropolitano. Para tal tarefa, serão elucidadas questões centrais que abrangem o cotidiano dos pescadores artesanais que vivem no bairro de Pedra de Guaratiba, localizado na Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), às margens da Baía de Sepetiba. Sendo assim, realizaremos uma tentativa de compreensão analítica dos agentes de base popular, suas experiências de vida e seus conflitos no que se refere à produção social da metrópole. Veremos que os pescadores artesanais representam uma categoria de extrema complexidade e que não é compreendida sequer parcialmente pelas instituições públicas que regem o seu ordenamento. Complexidade esta que se inscreve também na relação entre moradia e trabalho na vida desses sujeitos, se tornando assim, um dos pilares de sustentação de suas existências e, consequentemente, do seu próprio resistir. Para a percepção dessas relações e dos sentidos (valores) que animam a vida desses homens e mulheres, buscamos a realização de uma metodologia em que o pesquisador torna o seu olhar sensível ao reconhecimento dos elos que unem esses sujeitos aos seus lugares de trabalho e de vida, entendendo assim as dinâmicas responsáveis por construir as peculiaridades que os diferenciam (mas não os excluem) dos demais trabalhadores urbanos. Por fim, chegaremos ao entendimento de que morar e trabalhar para os pescadores artesanais são pares indissociáveis, os quais contribuem para a fortificação da categoria em tempos de grande adversidade


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O objetivo deste trabalho trata-se de explorar o papel do designer quando em relação à contextos de produção artesanal, partindo de pesquisa etnográfica realizada em uma oficina de design, conduzida por Lars Diederichsen, para as artesãs da Cooperativa Lã Pura. Inserida no programa Talentos do Brasil, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, a oficina de design tem como propósito a geração de novos produtos para a cooperativa e configura-se como a visita de um designer ao grupo. As bases teóricas para a análise das relações entre o designer e artesãs estão amparadas no conceito de mediação (Velho, 2001; 2003). Ao relacionarem-se esses sujeitos negociam seus projetos, transitam entre diversos domínios e reconstroem as suas realidades e a si mesmos, criando e recriando as suas identidades como mulheres artesãs e como designer, contribuindo para a conceituação do que significa ser mulher artesã e ser designer. Ao mesmo tempo, a ideia de criatividade permeia todo o processo da oficina de design, tendo sido problematizada a partir de Ingold e Hallam (2007) que sugerem os conceitos de inovação e improvisação.


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Distribution, abundance, and several population features were studied in Ensenada de La Vela (Venezuela) between 1993 and 1998 as a first step in the assessment of local fisheries of swimming crabs. Arenaeus cribrarius was the most abundant species at the marine foreshore. Callinectes danae prevailed at the estuarine location. Callinectes bocourti was the most abundant species at the offshore. Abundances of A. cribrarius and C. danae fluctuated widely and randomly. Ovigerous females were almost absent. Adults of several species were smaller than previously reported. This study suggests that fisheries based on these swimming crabs probably will be restricted to an artisanal level because abundances appear too low to support industrial exploitation.


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The Republic of Kiribati is a vast South Pacific island group with one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the world. Kiribati waters support a wealth of marine fisheries activities. These activities occur in oceanic, coastal and inshore environments and range from large, foreign, industrial-scale oceanic fishing operations to small-scale, domestic, inshore subsistence fisheries, aquaculture and recreational fisheries. Kiribati has developed a framework of domestic and international governance arrangements that are designed to sustainably manage its wealth of marine resources. The report provides background information for fisheries projects in Kiribati that aim to build food security, improve artisanal livelihoods and strengthen community engagement in fisheries governance. It provides information on the current status of Kiribati fishery resources (oceanic and coastal), their current governance and future challenges. Fish and fisher alike pay little heed to maritime boundaries and bureaucratic distinctions. This report covers both sides of the oceanic/coastal boundary because of the I-Kiribati communities’ interest in oceanic fisheries such as tuna and their heavy dependence on its fisheries resources for food security and economic development. The report focuses on two potential pilot sites for community-based fisheries management projects: North Tarawa and Butaritari.


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The main goal of this paper is to determine the total catch of fish and shrimp made by driftnet fleet and trawling in Maputo Bay in 1984. This estimate is rather primitive in relation to artisanal fisheries. Fishermen show a lack of motivation for registration and data transmition (mainly due to a lack of mobilization and awareness). Then the quality of data is low and the informative system is not effective. The study is based on records of several organizations (Sulpesca, the Maritime Administration of Maputo, Maputo Fisheries Service) and enriched with information collected by samplers of the Instituto de Investigação Pesqueira of Maputo.


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This work aims to be a systematic description of marine fisheries of Mozambique, analysing old and new data. The various fish resources were divided in crustaceans, fish and other resources. The latest revision was presented during the Mozambique/NORAD Seminar on marine resources (1984), which also included fishing potential estimates. Mozambique does not have a national system of statistical data collection that covers all fisheries and this affects in particular the artisanal sector. The industrial and semi-industrial fisheries, however, are well covered and produce reliable data on catch and effort for resources evaluation.


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This technical report comprises two different studies in terms of their conclusions, but based on the same field surveys: “Yearly consumption evaluation of the strategic materials for the artisanal fisheries of Mozambique” and “Constitution, typology and distribution studies of the Mozambican artisanal fishing gears”. In the first of the above studies, the amount of the materials found in each gear, the number of such gears and the wear factor “r” are subject to a computed data processing, producing the following outputs: list of materials demanded in each Mozambican fishing relevant province; list of materials demanded in the whole Mozambican territory. In the second study the observed gears constitutions are analysed and differences and similitudes among them are searched. The details of maneuver and productivity are referred as well. Attention is drawn to the fact that observations did not take place on the whole Mozambican territory, even not in the most representative but in some considerably important fishing centers with reasonable safety and connection facilities. About the first study, when it was not possible to reach such considerably important centers the determination of the approximate picture of them has been achieved by verbal information of people knowing them very well and by the sources referred here in after. Concerning the second study inferences have not been made. Although a limited number of samples has been collected, the accuracy of it has been checked by inquiry. Speculations have been developed only on observed cases. The surveys have been made by a team, assigned by the directors of UD-PPE and Equipesca, under author’s coordination.