918 resultados para Art 29 (2) Código de Comercio


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This project began in 2013, with the award of an internal QUT Teaching and Learning grant. The task we wished to undertake was to document and better understand the role of studio teaching practice in the Creative Industries Faculty. While it was well understood that the Faculty had long used studio pedagogies as a key part of its teaching approach, organizational and other changes made it productive and timely to consider how the various study areas within the Faculty were approaching studio teaching. Chief among these changes were innovations in the use of technology in teaching, and at an organizational level the merging of what were once two schools within different faculties into a newly-structured Creative Industries Faculty. The new faculty consists of two schools, Media, Entertainment and Creative Art (MECA) and Design. We hoped to discover more about how studio techniques were developing alongside an ever-increasing number of options for content delivery, assessment, and interaction with students. And naturally we wanted to understand such developments across the broad range of nineteen study areas now part of the Creative Industries Faculty. This e-book represents the first part of our project, which in the main consisted in observing the teaching practices used in eight units across the Faculty, and then interviews with the unit coordinators involved. In choosing units, we opted for a broad opening definition of ‘studio’ to include not only traditional studios but also workshops and tutorials in which we could identify a component of studio teaching as enumerated by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council’s Studio Teaching Project: • A culture, a creative community created by a group of students and studio teachers working together for periods of time • A mode of teaching and learning where students and studio teachers interact in a creative and reflective process • A program of projects and activities where content is structured to enable ‘learning in action’ • A physical space or constructed environment in which the teaching and learning can take place (Source: http://www.studioteaching.org/?page=what_is_studio) The units we chose to observe, and which we hoped would represent something of the diversity of our study areas, were: • Dance Project 1 • Furniture Studies • Wearable Architecture • Fashion Design 4 • Industrial Design 6 • Advanced Writing Practice 3 • Introduction to Creative Writing • Studio Art Practice 2 Over the course of two semesters in 2013, we attended classes, presentations, and studio time in these units, and then conducted interviews that we felt would give further insight into both individual and discipline-specific approaches to studio pedagogies. We asked the same questions in each of the interviews: • Could you describe the main focus and aims of your unit? • How do you use studio time to achieve those aims? • Can you give us an example of the kind of activities you use in your studio teaching? • What does/do these example(s) achieve in terms of learning outcomes? • What, if any, is the role of technology in your studio teaching practice? • What do you consider distinctive about your approach to studio teaching, or the approach taken in your discipline area? The unit coordinators’ responses to these questions form some of the most interesting and valuable material in this book, and point to both consistencies in approach and teaching philosophies, as well as areas of difference. We believe that both can help to raise our critical awareness of studio teaching, and provide points of comparison for the future development of studio pedagogy in the Creative Industries. In each of the following pages, the interviews are placed alongside written descriptions of the units, their aims and outcomes, assessment models, and where possible photographs and video footage, as well as additional resources that may be useful to others engaged in studio teaching.


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Dispersibility of colloidal barium titanate suspensions is reviewed with an emphasis on the use of various polyelectrolytes as dispersants. The fundamentals of colloidal stability are discussed followed by the colloidal properties of barium titanate powder. Dispersion behavior of BaTiO3 in both nonaqueous and aqueous media has been reviewed. Several studies on the stabilization of micron and nano-sized barium titanate using various polymeric dispersants and a rhamnolipid biosurfactant are presented and discussed. The article attempts to provide a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art in the area of colloidal processing of barium titanate.


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Background: The gene encoding for uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) is considered to be a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes because of its role in thermogenesis and energy expenditure. The objective of the study was to examine whether genetic variations in the UCP1 gene are associated with type 2 diabetes and its related traits in Asian Indians. Methods: The study subjects, 810 type 2 diabetic subjects and 990 normal glucose tolerant (NGT) subjects, were chosen from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiological Study (CURES), an ongoing population-based study in southern India. The polymorphisms were genotyped using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies. Results: The three polymorphisms, namely -3826A -> G, an A -> C transition in the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) and Met229Leu, were not associated with type 2 diabetes. However, the frequency of the A-C-Met (-3826A -> G-5'UTR A -> C-Met229Leu) haplotype was significantly higher among the type 2 diabetic subjects (2.67%) compared with the NGT subjects (1.45%, P < 0.01). The odds ratio for type 2 diabetes for the individuals carrying the haplotype A-C-Met was 1.82 (95% confidence interval, 1.29-2.78, P = 0.009). Conclusions: The haplotype, A-C-Met, in the UCP1 gene is significantly associated with the increased genetic risk for developing type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians.


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O instituto da Audiência Pública foi conferido às comissões permanentes do Congresso Nacional e está previsto no texto da Constituição Federal de 1988, no art. 58 §2º, II. Este trabalho tem o propósito de analisar as audiências públicas realizadas pela Comissão da Amazônia, Integração Nacional e de Desenvolvimento Regional (CAINDR) na 53ª Legislatura. Para tornar possível a pesquisa, elaborou-se um estudo de caso na CAINDR, órgão permanente da Câmara dos Deputados, para se averiguar como estão ocorrendo essas reuniões. Os resultados apurados mostraram que as audiências públicas realizadas pela CAINDR trataram dos mais diversos temas de interesse público e, em menor proporção, instruíram matérias em trâmite. Ao final da pesquisa, percebeu-se que existem variáveis impedindo que as audiências públicas atendam plenamente aos seus objetivos, que serão abordadas na análise dos dados e outras considerações, bem como na conclusão.


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Propõe-se estudo teórico com o objetivo de examinar a extensão e os limites da proteção jurídica concedida aos nascituros no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Há décadas a doutrina nacional se debruça acerca da exegese mais adequada do art. 4 do Código Civil de 1916, que, atualmente, corresponde ao art. 2 do Código Civil, com pequenas modificações textuais, mas sem alterar substancialmente o dispositivo. O Código Civil aparentemente optou pela atribuição da personalidade civil somente após o nascimento com vida, assegurando, contudo, os direitos do nascituro desde a concepção. O próprio Código Civil prevê expressamente direitos ao nascituro, como o direito a se beneficiar de doação e herança, o direito ao reconhecimento de paternidade e o direito à curatela. Nas últimas décadas outras leis infraconstitucionais reforçaram a proteção do nascituro, para resguardar direitos próprios do nascituro, entre eles o direito à assistência pré-natal, o direito à saúde e à integridade física e o direito aos alimentos. Não obstante, é costumeira a consciência de que o reconhecimento desses direitos pressupõe a concessão da personalidade civil desde a concepção, visto que a titularidade deles dependeria do gozo pleno da personalidade. Embora, pelo perfil do interesse, não haja óbice ao reconhecimento de situações patrimoniais, existenciais e dúplices, que podem ser titularizadas pelo nascituro, a preocupação do legislador nacional sempre se centrou nos aspectos patrimoniais. Diante da existência de situações jurídicas subjetivas merecedoras de proteção por parte do ordenamento jurídico titularizáveis pelos nascituros, pretende-se identificar e revelar os direitos extrapatrimoniais do ente por nascer como merecedores de tutela no direito brasileiro. Mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, observada a metodologia do direito civil constitucional, serão examinados os conceitos de nascituro, bem como as teorias existentes sobre os direitos que lhe são assegurados, com vista à possibilidade de proteção de seus direitos existenciais


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The growth and energy budget for F-2 'all-fish' growth hormone gene transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio of two body sizes were investigated at 29.2 degrees C for 21 days. Specific growth rate, feed intake, feed efficiency, digestibility coefficients of dry matter and protein, gross energy intake (I-E), and the proportion of I-E utilized for heat production (H-E) were significantly higher in the transgenics than in the controls. The proportion of I-E directed to waste products [faecal energy (F-E) and excretory energy loss (Z(E) + U-E) where Z(E) is through the gills and U-E through the kidney], and the proportion of metabolizable energy (M-E) for recovered energy (R-E) were significantly lower in the transgenics than in the controls. The average energy budget equation of transgenic fish was as follows: 100 I-E = 19.3 F-E + 6.0 (Z(E) + U-E) + 45.2 H-E + 29.5 R-E or 100 M-E = 60.5 H-E + 39.5 R-E. The average energy budget equation of the controls was: 100 I-E = 25.2 F-E + 7.4 (Z(E) + U-E) + 35.5 H-E + 31.9 R-E or 100 M-E = 52.7 H-E + 47.3 R-E. These findings indicate that the high growth rate of 'all-fish' transgenic common carp relative to their non-transgenic counterparts was due to their increased feed intake, reduced lose of waste productions and improved feed efficiency. The benefit of the increased energy intake by transgenic fish, however, was diminished by their increased metabolism.


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A nickel molybdenum phosphate, (NH3CH2CH2NH3)(4).(NH3CH2CH2NH2). Na .[Ni2Mo12O30(PO4)(HPO4)(4)(H2PO4)(3)]. 6H(2)O, invoicing molybdenum present in V oxidation, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Deep brown-red crystals are formed in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, a = 12,011(2), b = 14,612(3), c = 21.252(4) Angstrom, alpha = 80.54(2)degrees, beta = 83.10(2)degrees, gamma = 76.29(2)degrees, V = 3561.4(12) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, lambda(MoK alpha) = 0.71073 Angstrom (R(F) = 0.0529 for 9880 reflections), Data mere collected on a Siemens P4 diffractometer at 20 degrees C in the range of 1.75 degrees < theta < 23.02 degrees using the omega-scan technique. The structure was solved by direct methods using the program SHELXTL-93 and refined with the method of fun-matrix least-squares on F-2. The structure of the title compound may be considered to be two [Mo6O15(HPO4)(H2PO4)(3)](5-) units bonded together with a nickel atom, although several P-O groups are not protonated on account of coordination with a Na+ cation, The one-dimensional tunnels were formed in the solid of the title compound. A probe reaction of the oxidation of acetaldehyde with H2O2 using the title compound as catalyst was carried out in a liquid- solid system, showing that the title compound had high catalytic activity in the reaction, (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Tony Mann provides a review of the book: Trevor Lamb & Janine Bourriau (Eds.) Colour: Art and Science, 1995. (Darwin College Lectures), Cambridge University Press, 237pp. ISBN: 0521-49645-4 (hbk.) 0521-49963-1 (pbk.)


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The graph-partitioning problem is to divide a graph into several pieces so that the number of vertices in each piece is the same within some defined tolerance and the number of cut edges is minimised. Important applications of the problem arise, for example, in parallel processing where data sets need to be distributed across the memory of a parallel machine. Very effective heuristic algorithms have been developed for this problem which run in real-time, but it is not known how good the partitions are since the problem is, in general, NP-complete. This paper reports an evolutionary search algorithm for finding benchmark partitions. A distinctive feature is the use of a multilevel heuristic algorithm to provide an effective crossover. The technique is tested on several example graphs and it is demonstrated that our method can achieve extremely high quality partitions significantly better than those found by the state-of-the-art graph-partitioning packages.