979 resultados para Arabian horse
The parenchymal distribution of the splenic artery was studied in order to obtain anatomical basis for partial splenectomy. Thirty two spleens were studied, 26 spleens of healthy horses weighing 320 to 450kg, aged 3 to 12 years and 6 spleens of fetus removed from slaughterhouse. The spleens were submitted to arteriography and scintigraphy in order to have their vascular pattern examined and compared to the external aspect of the organ aiming establish anatomo-surgical segments. All radiographs were photographed with a digital camera and the digital images were submitted to a measuring system for comparative analysis of areas of dorsal and ventral anatomo-surgical segments. Anatomical investigations into the angioarchitecture of the equine spleen showed a paucivascular area, which coincides with a thinner external area, allowing the organ to be divided in two anatomo-surgical segments of approximately 50% of the organ each.
According to recent studies, antioxidant supplementation on gamete processing and/or storage solutions improvesgamete quality parameters, after cooling or storage at sub zero temperature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of antioxidant supplementation on pig and horse gamete storage. The first study aimed to determine the effects of resveratrol (RESV) on the apoptotic status of porcine oocytes vitrified by Cryotop method, evaluating phosphatidylserine (PS) exteriorization and caspases activation. RESV(2µM) was added during: IVM (A); 2 h post-warming incubation (B); vitrification/warming and 2 h post-warming incubation (C); all previous phases (D). The obtained data demonstrate that RESV supplementation in the various steps of IVM and vitrification/warming procedure can modulate the apoptotic process, improving the resistance of porcine oocytes to cryopreservation-induced damage. In the second work different concentrations of RESV (10, 20, 40, and 80µM) were added during liquid storage of stallion sperm for 24 hours at either 10°C or 4°C, under anaerobic conditions. Our findings demonstrate that RESV supplementation does not enhance sperm quality of stallion semen after 24 hours of storage. Moreover, the highest RESV concentrations tested (40 and 80µM) could damage sperm functional status, probably acting as pro-oxidant. Finally, in the third work other two antioxidants, ascorbic acid (AA) (100 µM) and glutathione (GSH) (5mM) were added on boar freezing and/or thawing solutions. In our study different sperm parameters were evaluated before freezing and at 30 and 240 minutes after thawing. Our results showed that GSH and AA significantly improved boar sperm cryotolerance, especially when supplemented together to both freezing and thawing media. This improvement was observed in sperm viability and acrosome integrity, sperm motility, and nucleoprotein structure. Although ROS levels were not much increased by freeze-thawing procedures, the addition of GSH and AA to both freezing and thawing extenders significantly decreased intracellular peroxide levels.
ABSTRACT: Horse kicks are rare incidents-especially, if they end in fatality. In this case, a 13-year-old girl collapsed 3 minutes after sustaining a kick to the chest from a pony. Resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful. Postmortem computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed before autopsy.Imaging revealed a 3-cm long laceration of the left ventricle and a large pericardial effusion. Using segmentation techniques, the amount of blood inside the pericardium was determined. These findings correlated well with the autopsy findings. Pericardial tamponade was determined at autopsy to be the cause of death.Postmortem imaging may prove useful for the diagnosis of these types of injury, but further studies are needed to document accuracy.
Hereditary equine dermal asthenia (HERDA) is an autosomal recessive skin disease that affects predominantly Quarter Horses and related breeds. Typical symptoms are easy bruising and hyperextensible skin on the back. The prognosis is guarded, as affected horses cannot be ridden normally and are often euthanised. In the Quarter Horse, HERDA is associated with a mutation in cyclophilin B (PPIB), an enzyme involved in triple helix formation of collagen. Here we describe the case of a Swiss Warmblood filly with symptoms of HERDA without PPIB-mutation and in which we also could exclude Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Type IV, VI, VIIA, VIIB and VIIC (dermatosparaxis type) as etiological diseases.
After an uneventful general anesthesia, in a horse negative pressure pulmonary edema developed due to acute upper airway obstruction during the anesthetic recovery phase after colic surgery. No pathologic alteration of respiration was observed until the horse stood up and began suffocating. The horse had recovered with the nasogastric tube in situ. This, together with the postmortem diagnosis of laryngeal hemiplegia resulted in impairment of airflow through the larynx and development of pulmonary edema. Our objective is to alert clinicians about the possible hazard of recovery with an in-situ nasogastric tube.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) and its familial basis in Warmblood horses is incompletely understood. OBJECTIVES: To describe the case details, clinical signs and management of ER-affected Warmblood horses from a family with a high prevalence of ER, to determine if histopathological signs of polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) and the glycogen synthase (GYS1) mutation are associated with ER in this family, and to investigate potential risk factors for development of ER. METHODS: A family consisting of a sire with ER and 71 of his descendants was investigated. History of episodes of ER, husbandry, feeding and use was assessed by interviewing horse owners using a standardised questionnaire. All horses were genotyped for GYS1. In 10 ER-affected horses, muscle histopathology was evaluated. RESULTS: Signs of ER were reported in 39% of horses and 51% of the entire family possessed the GYS1 mutation. Horses possessing the GYS1 mutation had a 7.1-times increased risk for developing ER compared to those with the normal genotype (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.37-21.23, P = 0.0005). All muscle samples from horses in the family with ER showed polysaccharide accumulation typical for PSSM, amylase-resistant in 9/10 cases. There was evidence (odds ratio 5.6, CI 1.00-31.32, P = 0.05) that fat or oil feeding improved clinical signs of ER. No other effects of environmental factors associated with clinical signs of ER were identified. CONCLUSION AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: PSSM associated with the GYS1 mutation is one identifiable cause of ER in Warmblood horses. Signs of ER are not always manifest in GYS1 positive horses and there are also other causes for ER in Warmblood horses. Breeding animals with the GYS1 mutation results in a high prevalence of ER due to its dominant mode of inheritance.
The Franches-Montagnes is an indigenous Swiss horse breed, with approximately 2500 foalings per year. The stud book is closed, and no introgression from other horse breeds was conducted since 1998. Since 2006, breeding values for 43 different traits (conformation, performance and coat colour) are estimated with a best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) multiple trait animal model. In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity for the breeding population, considering the years from 2003 to 2008. Only horses with at least one progeny during that time span were included. Results were obtained based on pedigree information as well as from molecular markers. A series of software packages were screened to combine best the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) methodology with optimal genetic contribution theory. We looked for stallions with highest breeding values and lowest average relationship to the dam population. Breeding with such stallions is expected to lead to a selection gain, while lowering the future increase in inbreeding within the breed.
Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP450s) represent a superfamily of haem-thiolate proteins. CYP450s are most abundant in the liver, a major site of drug metabolism, and play key roles in the metabolism of a variety of substrates, including drugs and environmental contaminants. Interaction of two or more different drugs with the same enzyme can account for adverse effects and failure of therapy. Human CYP3A4 metabolizes about 50% of all known drugs, but little is known about the orthologous CYP450s in horses. We report here the genomic organization of the equine CYP3A gene cluster as well as a comparative analysis with the human CYP3A gene cluster. The equine CYP450 genes of the 3A family are located on ECA 13 between 6.97-7.53 Mb, in a region syntenic to HSA 7 99.05-99.35 Mb. Seven potential, closely linked equine CYP3A genes were found, in contrast to only four genes in the human genome. RNA was isolated from an equine liver sample, and the approximately 1.5-kb coding sequence of six CYP3A genes could be amplified by RT-PCR. Sequencing of the RT-PCR products revealed numerous hitherto unknown single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these six CYP3A genes, and one 6-bp deletion compared to the reference sequence (EquCab2.0). The presence of the variants was confirmed in a sample of genomic DNA from the same horse. In conclusion, orthologous genes for the CYP3A family exist in horses, but their number differs from those of the human CYP3A gene family. CYP450 genes of the same family show high homology within and between mammalian species, but can be highly polymorphic.
In Switzerland, the prevalence and incidence of equine piroplasma parasite (EPP) infections are unknown. In order to obtain a first insight into the prevalence, a representative sample of 689 sera of horses from Switzerland was serologically tested for the presence of antibodies directed against T. equi and B. caballi using the Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT). A total of 50 (7.3%) horses were seropositive for EPP: overall, the seroprevalence of T. equi was significantly higher than that of B. caballi (p=0.002). The seropositivities in indigenous horses (animals bred and raised in Switzerland) and in imported horses were 4.8% (11/230) and 8.5% (39/459), respectively. Unlike in indigenous horses, where no significant difference in seroprevalences could be observed between the two parasite species, the seroprevalence of T. equi was significantly higher (p<0.001) than that of B. caballi in imported horses. Horses imported from France, Spain and Portugal exhibited a significantly higher seroprevalence, and horses imported from Germany a significantly lower seroprevalence of EPP compared to indigenous horses. There were no associations between sex, age, weight loss, surgery or blood transfusions with T. equi and B. caballi seroprevalences. The overall seroprevalence of 7.3% clearly shows that infection with EPP is a threat to the health of the horses in Switzerland. With the presumed expansion of permissive tick vectors, EPP infections will potentially increase in importance in the future. Therefore, continuous monitoring is mandatory.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The horse owner assessed respiratory signs index (HOARSI-1-4, healthy, mildly, moderately and severely affected, respectively) is based on owner-reported clinical history and has been used for the investigation of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) genetics utilising large sample sizes. Reliable phenotype identification is of paramount importance in genetic studies. Owner reports of respiratory signs have shown good repeatability, but the agreement of HOARSI with an in-depth examination of the lower respiratory tract has not been investigated. OBJECTIVES: To determine the correlation of HOARSI grades 3/4 with the characteristics of RAO and of HOARSI-2 with the characteristics of inflammatory airway disease. Further, to test whether there are phenotypic differences in the manifestation of lung disease between families. METHODS: Seventy-one direct offspring of 2 RAO-affected Warmblood stallions (33 from the first family, 38 from the second) were graded as HOARSI-1-4 and underwent a clinical examination of the respiratory system, arterial blood gas analysis, endoscopic mucus scoring, cytology of tracheobronchial secretion (TBS) and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and clinical assessment of airway reactivity to methacholine chloride. RESULTS: HOARSI-3/4 animals in clinical exacerbation showed signs consistent with RAO: coughing, nasal discharge, abnormal lung sounds and breathing pattern as well as increased numbers of neutrophils in TBS and BALF, excessive mucus accumulation and airway hyper-responsiveness to methacholine. HOARSI-3/4 horses in remission only had increased amounts of tracheal mucus and TBS neutrophil percentages. Clinical phenotypes were not significantly different between the 2 families. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: HOARSI reliably identifies RAO-affected horses in our population.
In an effort to increase the density of sequence-based markers for the horse genome we generated 9473 BAC end sequences (BESs) from the CHORI-241 BAC library with an average read length of 677 bp. BLASTN searches with the BESs revealed 4036 meaningful hits (E
A genetic linkage map of the horse consisting of 742 markers, which comprises a single linkage group for each of the autosomes and the X chromosome, is presented. The map has been generated from two three-generation full-sibling reference families, sired by the same stallion, in which there are 61 individuals in the F2 generation. Each linkage group has been assigned to a chromosome and oriented with reference to markers mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The average interval between markers is 3.7 cM and the linkage groups collectively span 2772 cM. The 742 markers comprise 734 microsatellite and 8 gene-based markers. The utility of the microsatellite markers for comparative mapping has been significantly enhanced by comparing their flanking sequences with the human genome sequence; this enabled conserved segments between human and horse to be identified. The new map provides a valuable resource for genetically mapping traits of interest in the horse.
The mammalian collagen, type IX, alpha 2 gene (COL9A2) encodes the alpha-2 chain of type IX collagen and is located on horse chromosome 2p16-->p14 harbouring a quantitative trait locus for osteochondrosis. We isolated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing the equine COL9A2 gene and determined the complete genomic sequence of this gene. Cloning and characterization of equine COL9A2 revealed that the equine gene consists of 32 exons spanning approximately 15 kb. The COL9A2 transcript encodes a single protein of 688 amino acids. Thirty two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) equally distributed in the gene were detected in a mutation scan of eight unrelated Hanoverian warmblood stallions, including one SNP that affects the amino acid sequence of COL9A2. Comparative analyses between horse, human, mouse and rat indicate that the chromosomal location of equine COL9A2 is in agreement with known chromosomal synteny relationships. The comparison of the gene structure and transcript revealed a high degree of conservation towards the other mammalian COL9A2 genes. We chose three informative SNPs for association and linkage disequilibrium tests in three to five paternal half-sib families of Hanoverian warmblood horses consisting of 44 to 75 genotyped animals. The test statistics did not reach the significance threshold of 5% and so we could not show an association of COL9A2 with equine osteochondrosis.