950 resultados para Aquae Sextiae, Battle of, Aix-en-Provence, France, 102 B.C.


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Currently, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is one of the most widely used bariatric surgeries. Banding the pouch forms a banded gastric bypass operation, an accepted and frequently used variant. Placing a silastic ring around the pouch to band the gastric bypass operation increases the restriction mechanism. However, the ubiquitous use of the banded gastric bypass remains controversial. One of the controversies is the effect of the silastic ring on patients' perception of their well being after surgery because of the frequency of vomiting. A prospective, blindly randomized, comparative trial was undertaken to resolve this controversy. Four hundred subjects scheduled for gastric bypass surgery were randomized into two arms of the trial, 200 with a silastic ring (WR) and 200 without (NR). After 2-year follow-up, the variables associated with the scores of Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System (BAROS) were analyzed. The initial median weight (125 kg), BMI (47), and age (36 years) were the same in both the NR and WR groups. The median excess weight loss, weight regain, and incidence of vomiting were 71, 10.5, and 7.75 %, respectively, in the NR group vs. 75.4 and 1.1, and 24.4 % in the WR group. The mean QOL score was 79 % in the NR group vs. 80 % in the WR group. After 2-year follow-up, silastic ring placement in the RYGB resulted in greater weight loss and weight stability and a threefold greater incidence of vomiting. There was no difference in the scores in the quality of life analysis.


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Written by Helen Deane Chandler, the history describes the battle fought in York County, South Carolina on October 7, 1780, gives brief accounts of previous celebrations of the battle, contains illustrations showing the battlefield and monuments, and has information concerning the 150th anniversary celebration that took place in 1930.


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Background: Bariatric surgery influences the intake and absorption of nutrients. The serum concentrations of vitamin C, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and oral clinical manifestations were examined in patients two years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). Methods: Clinical prospective-study with control-group (CG; n = 26), assessed only once, and the bariatric-group (BG; n = 26), assessed in the basal period and at 12 and 24 months after surgery. The mean ages in the CG and BG were 37.8 +/- 1.51 and 39.6 +/- 1.93 years, respectively, and their body mass indices were 22.07 +/- 0.29 and 45.62 +/- 1.46 kg/m2, respectively. Results: At 12 months after surgery, increased episodes of vomiting (P < .001) and dental hypersensitivity (P=.012) were observed, with a reduction in the saliva buffering capacity of 21.3 2.9% (P=.004). At 24 months after RYGB, we detected a significant reduction in serum vitamin C (32.9 +/- 5.3%, P < .001) and MPO values were higher than in the basal period (P = .032). With regard to oral hygiene habits, 92.3% of patients reported frequent tooth brushing and 96.1% used fluoride, which were similar across the two years. However, dental hypersensitivity (P = .048) was significantly increased than baseline. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that vitamin C deficiency and increased vomiting after RYGB for morbid obesity may contribute to increased periodontal disease. The fact it is impossible to determine which factors (diet, poor compliance with supplementation, vomiting, poor oral hygiene) contributed to the dental problems in these patients is a shortcoming of the report. (Nutr Clin Pract. 2012; 27: 114-121)


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This article gives an overview of trends in policy on the functions and role of social work in French society over the past twenty years. The author suggests several reasons for the current feeling of crisis of professional identity among professionals and the complexities of the political demands made on social work. These are analysed as a consequence of the specific French context of decentralisation of the State and of the multitude of approaches to organisation and to professional training programs. On a broader level, it seems that French social work reflects many characteristics of “modernity” being concerned with difficulties in defining a clear identity, lack of a clear territorial and institutional base (or “disembeddedness” to borrow Giddens term) and difficulties in finding a clear voice to make its values heard in an increasingly politicised arena of public debate.


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La réparation (« Wiedergutmachung ») comme raison d’être : les études sur l’exil (« Exilforschung ») dans l’aire germanophone La contribution se concentrera sur trois aspects des études sur l’exil (« Exilforschung ») germanophone, en donnant priorité à l’évolution en RFA. Les développements en Autriche et en Suisse pourront être abordés pendant la discussion, de même que, d’une manière moins exhaustive, ceux en RDA. 1. Genèse et professionnalisation du champ des études sur l’exil Elles naissent au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale suite à l’initiative d’écrivains exilés, qui commencent à réunir des textes littéraires écrits en exil que l’on a appelés à l’époque « Emigrantenliteratur ». Mais ce n’est que dans les années 1960 que les études sur l’exil (« Exilforschung ») se constituent comme un champ d’étude en soi. La Gesellschaft für Exilforschung est créée en 1984 sur le modèle de la North American Society for Exile Studies. Sur fond du lourd héritage des violences perpétrées par le régime nazi et de l’Holocauste, les études allemandes sur l’exil se consacrent, en premier lieu, à la commémoration des victimes du nazisme dans un désir de réparation (« Wiedergutmachung »). Cette volonté de réparation constituera pendant deux décennies un obstacle à une ouverture vers des champs voisins, tels que les études migratoires (migration studies), les études juives (Judaistik) ou encore les études sur le refuge (refugee studies). Une telle ouverture, qui prévoit aussi une expansion temporelle du concept de l’exil (réservé jusqu’ici implicitement aux temps du Nazisme), est le but de plusieurs chaires et initiatives de recherche créées dernièrement. 2. Approches et acquis Il s’agira de caractériser les approches et les acquis des études sur l’exil dans l’aire germanophone. Nous montrerons notamment comment la mission initiale de saisir l’exil des années 1933-45 dans sa totalité a fait place à des questions plus complexes, entre autre autour des concepts d’assimilation et d’acculturation. 3. Perspectives Quelles sont les perspectives des études sur l’exil dans l’aire germanophone ? Nous suggèrerons que l’Exilforschung a, par le biais de son expérience interdisciplinaire et de son approche transnationale, le statut d’un laboratoire permettant d’appréhender questionnements et approches aptes à saisir des phénomènes exiliques au sens large.


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Cultural evolution has long been among the themes of anthropology but it has never ranked high. It is left mainly to archaeologists because they have to make sense of how society works and survives through time–a concern that has pretty much been abandoned by many cultural anthropologists. Anthropologists today seem little motivated to find out how society works, but rather to make the world a better place to live in for a particular population. The challenges of atmospheric change, nuclear proliferation, environmental degradation and resource exhaustion, the emergence of life threatening species–these challenges of contemporary evolution have awakened less interest in anthropology. The concern with cultural evolution seems to be of greater interest to non-anthropologists, such as in the work of Jarrod Diamond (2005), a biologist, and the genre that as emerged as Big History, with the works of David Christian (2005) and others. Among the few contemporary anthropologists who have sought the dynamics of cultural evolution, the work of Joseph Tainter (1996) stands out.


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La escena del campo de batalla tras el enfrentamiento entre pompeyanos y cesarianos en el libro VII del Bellum Ciuile de Lucano (786-846) deja al descubierto el proceso de refuncionalización del tópico tradicional del día después de la lucha. Desde una perspectiva estilística mostramos que la intersección entre los códigos historiográfico, épico y trágico y la manipulación de diversos motivos literarios y culturales en dicho relato pueden leerse como uno de los principales mecanismos de la poética lucaniana del ciuile nefas.