969 resultados para Apis mellifera honey


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A morphological study of the development of the ovaries in workers from queenright and queenless colonies and queens of Apis mellifera is presented and discussed. The mating stimulates the ovary development and the egg-laying. Mating prevention or egg laying prevention provokes reabsorption in the queens ovaries, characteristic of the queen stage or ovariole development. Ovary development was observed in queenless and in queenright colonies but the queen's presence, the worker's age and the type of tasks done by them interfere with their development.


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Twelve-day-old and 25-day-old Apis mellifera workers were treated or not treated with juvenile hormone at the moment of emergence and reared in the colony without brood. Having the brood interference apart, the hormone effect on the hypopharyngeal glands protein expression was determined through the electrophoretical protein profiles of the both groups of bees. In those conditions, the hormone induced changes that were different from the control. Protein bands of 66 and 48 kDa were intensified in the 12-day-old bees, whereas band of 42 kDa was reduced in the 25-day-old bees. That indicated a different effect of the juvenile hormone in the function of bee aging, which promoted a glandular protein activation in the young bees and, in contrast, an inhibitory action in the 25-day-old bees workers.


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The present investigation analyzed the influence of Juvenile Hormone (JH) on the venom glands of Apis mellifera workers through protein dosage and electrophoresis of venom gland extracts of newly emerged workers which were treated with 1 μl JH dissolved in hexane, in concentration of 2μg/μl. Newly emerged workers non-treated and treated with 1 μl hexane were the controls. Both JH and hexane provoke quantitative changes on the gland protein titre and on the protein electrophoretic profile. The disappearance of protein bands in the venom gland extracts of 14 day-old treated workers, a situation normally found only in 35 day-old non-treated workers, suggests that the JH treatment induces a precocious maturation of the worker venom gland.


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Propolis has been used in folk medicine and possesses a broad spectrum of biological activities, specially antibacterial activity. Studies have demonstrated that the composition of propolis extract may have influence in such activity. The goal of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of eleven propolis extracts (PE) against sixty one Staphylococcus aureus strains, isolated from newborn clinical specimens. The PE from Apis mellifera were prepared by using pure water and mixtures of water with ethanol at different concentrations (from 0 to 100%), 25g of propolis in 100 mL of solvent, and three days of maceration followed by filtration. Determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) by agar dilution method was performed and serial concentrations from each PE were achieved (%v/v) in plates containing Mueller Hinton agar. It was possible to verify that the anti S. aureus activity was directly proportional to ethanol concentration and no significant differences were observed among PE with ethanol concentration from 70 to 100%. The MIC 90% values ranged from 0.4 to 0.6% (v/v) and the 70% ethanolic extract were the most efficient to inhibit bacterial growth (MIC 90%=0.42%, v/v). In conclusion, our results suggest that the EP composition and, consequently, the concentration of ethanol used as solvent may influence the antibacterial activity of propolis from A. mellifera.


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Dimorphandra mollis is a characteristic plant from Brazilian saP vanna-like vegetation. The pollen of this species could be toxic to bees and the objective of the present investigation was to study the toxicity of methanolic extracts obtained from the flowers, peduncles and stem bark of D. mollis to Apis mellifera workers. For the study, the extracts were incorporated into the diet of the bees for later evaluation of mortality rates. The substances isolated: neoisoastilbin, catechin, astilbin and tannins were tested on adult workers and only catechin did not cause toxic effects. The data obtained in the toxicity bioassays were analyzed statistically by Log Rank test and all methanolic extracts showed significant (p<0.0001) toxic effects. Astilbin is also the major component of pollen grains, and is probably responsible for honeybee mortality during blooming periods.


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The enzymatic variability was analyzed in venom extracts from bees reared in different colonies of the Africanized, A. m. ligustica and A. m. carnica subspecies. The implications of this variation focused on the biochemistry differentiation and immunogenicity of these venoms. The results showed the existence of a huge variability among the subspecies as well as among the colonies for three out of the six tested components - hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase and proteases - suggesting the utilization of these features as possible biochemical markers. Furthermore, although not statistically significant, it was found that the Africanized bee venom presented slightly higher levels of protein content and esterase activity, when compared to the other subspecies. If the esterase plays a role in the pain intensity caused by the sting, as suggested elsewhere, this might suggest a reason for a bigger algogenicity of this venom in relation to that of European bees. On the other hand, A. m. ligustica bees presented the highest levels of proteolytic and acid phosphatase activities, whose functions are not enlightened in Hymenoptera venoms. The A. m. carnica workers presented the highest hyaluronidase and the lowest acid phosphatase activity levels. The extremely variable results among colonies of the same subspecies and among subspecies, for the tested venom components, justify the absence of correlation between allergic reactions and tests with pooled venom.


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The development in the area of creates was studied of 14 nuclei with four mass off cells from the division of nine beehives of africanized Apis mellifera honeybees, distributed in two treatments: TPL - nuclei fed with inverted sugar + 3.5ml of the vitaminic amino acid supplement (Promotor L® ), composition for six nuclei and TAI - nuclei fed with composed inverted sugar for eight nuclei. The nuclei had been fed weekly in individual feeder's type tray, and the evaluations carried through in four periods, totalizing 74 days. The treatments had not presented significant difference, being that, number the TPL presented area of creates inferior to TAI (233.63 versus. 273.02cm 2, respectively). How much to the periods the four was superior (P<0.05) to the first and as second, being that the third did not present significant difference (P<0.05) in relation to the others. The use of the TAI was economically more favorable in relation to the TPL in R$0.21 in relation to the cost for production of 1kg of food.


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Differences of venom peptide composition as function of two collection methodologies, electrical stimulation (ES) and reservoir disruption (RD), were analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC in Apis mellifera races - A. m. adansonii, A. m. ligustica and Africanized honeybee. The analyses were performed through determination of the relative number and percentage of each molecular form associated to the peaks eluted by chromatography. Comparison of these profiles revealed qualitative and quantitative differences related to the venom collection methodology as well to the three races analyzed. In contrast to data usually found for venom proteins, the three races presented a major number of peaks or molecular forms when venom was collected by ES. Besides, in general, the relative concentration of each peak was higher for ES in relation to RD. That indicates the presence of molecular precursors in the venom obtained by RD. The presence/absence pattern of the peaks, such as their relative concentrations showed a closer similarity between A. m. adansonii and the Africanized honeybees than that observed between these and A. m. ligustica. The obtained data allowed a discussion about the differences in the relative concentration of each venom component according to the collection methodology, and finally the biological action of the venom in different races. So, these results, apart from being useful to establish a peptide profile for each bee race as a function of the venom collection methodology, pointed out once more that the chromatographic techniques are a great tool for the identification of A. mellifera subspecies.


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Compositional data from 152 stingless bee (Meliponini) honey samples were compiled from studies since 1964, and evaluated to propose a quality standard for this product. Since stingless bee honey has a different composition than Apis mellifera honey, some physicochemical parameters are presented according to stingless bee species. The entomological origin of the honey was known for 17 species of Meliponini from Brazil, one from Costa Rica, six from Mexico, 27 from Panama, one from Surinam, two from Trinidad & Tobago, and seven from Venezuela, most from the genus Melipona. The results varied as follows: moisture (19.9-41.9g/100g), pH (3.15-4.66), free acidity (5.9-109.0meq/Kg), ash (0.01-1.18g/100g), diastase activity (0.9-23.0DN), electrical conductivity (0.49-8.77mS/cm), HMF (0.4-78.4mg/Kg), invertase activity (19.8-90.1IU), nitrogen (14.34-144.00mg/100g), reducing sugars (58.0-75.7g/100g) and sucrose (1.1-4.8g/100g). Moisture content of stingless bee honey is generally higher than the 20% maximum established for A. mellifera honey. Guidelines for further contributions would help make the physicochemical database of meliponine honey more objective, in order to use such data to set quality standards. Pollen analysis should be directed towards the recognition of unifloral honeys produced by stingless bees, in order to obtain standard products from botanical species. A honey quality control campaign directed to both stingless beekeepers and stingless bee honey hunters is needed, as is harmonization of analytical methods. © 2007 Asociación Interciencia.


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This paper reports the effect of mating delay on the queen Apis mellifera ovaries based on a light microscopy analysis. Soon after a queen emerges from the brood cell, oocytes start to differentiate in the ovaries, but if mating does not occur at the correct age (about 6 days after emergence) cell degeneration begins. Ovaries of 15-day-old virgin queens show extensive disorganization with cell death affecting all types of ovariole cells. Types of cell death and the possible causes are discussed.


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The aim of this research was to identify the insects visiting flowers of sweet pepper and evaluate the effects of entomophilous pollination as a whole and, more especifically, of honeybees as pollinators of this crop. This study was carried out in the municipality of Taubaté, State of São Paulo, Brazil (21°01'S; 45°29'W; altitude: 570 m) from April to September, 2002. Insects were collected in thirty-six plants during 10 minutes/hour between 6:00 and 17:00h during days of maximum blooming. Twelve plots were subjected to the following treatments: (1) open-pollinated plots, freely visited by insects; (2) caged plots; (3) caged plots containing a hive of honeybees. Twelve species of insects visited the flowers. Exomalopsis spp. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) were the commonest ones (53,9% of visits). Fruits yielded in treatments (1) and (3) were heavier, presented higher diameter, thicker pericarp and more seeds per fruit than fruits in treatment (2). Results showed that fruits from insect pollinated plots presented better quality. Honeybeesas as pollinators were efficient as the other insects. sweet pepper, Capsicum annuum L., Solanaceae, pollination, Apis mellifera, honeybee.


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The goal was to investigate the influence of natural products such as lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), dried avocado leaves (Persea americana), coffee husk (Coffea arabica) and castor bean (Ricinus communis) in the defense of Apis mellifera, as well the effect of these products on the population development of the beehive. Defensive behavior was evaluated by time of first sting (TFS) and number of stingers (NS), and population development, by open brood area and operculated brood. It was observed that the treatment with smoke + seven castor beans presented significant increase in the TFS, for treatment without and with smoke. Regarding NS, it was verified that the treatments with smoke + seven castor bean and smoke + 20% coffee husk were different from the treatment without and with smoke. The other treatments did not differ significantly with respect to the use of smoke or its absence. The application of coffee husk and castor bean did not interfere in the development of the population, suggesting that these compounds were not toxic. It can be concluded that the use of castor bean and coffee husk in smoke may represent an important tool for the reduction of defensiveness, without promoting toxicity for A. mellifera.


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The development of agricultural activities coincides with the increased use of pesticides to control pests, which can also be harmful to nontarget insects such as bees. Thus, the goal of this work was assess the toxic effects of thiamethoxam on newly emerged worker bees of Apis mellifera (africanized honeybee-AHB). Initially, we determined that the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) of thiamethoxam was 4.28 ng a.i./μL of diet. To determine the lethal time 50 (LT50), a survival assay was conducted using diets containing sublethal doses of thiamethoxam equal to 1/10 and 1/100 of the LC50. The group of bees exposed to 1/10 of the LC50 had a 41.2% reduction of lifespan. When AHB samples were analyzed by morphological technique we found the presence of condensed cells in the mushroom bodies and optical lobes in exposed honeybees. Through Xylidine Ponceau technique, we found cells which stained more intensely in groups exposed to thiamethoxam. The digestive and regenerative cells of the midgut from exposed bees also showed morphological and histochemical alterations, like cytoplasm vacuolization, increased apocrine secretion and increased cell elimination. Thus, intoxication with a sublethal doses of thiamethoxam can cause impairment in the brain and midgut of AHB and contribute to the honeybee lifespan reduction. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Several synthetic substances are used in agricultural areas to combat insect pests; however, the indiscriminate use of these products may affect nontarget insects, such as bees. In Brazil, one of the most widely used insecticides is imidacloprid, which targets the nervous system of insects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of chronic exposure to sublethal doses of imidacloprid on the brain of the Africanized Apis mellifera. The organs of both control bees and bees exposed to insecticide were subjected to morphological, histochemical and immunocytochemical analysis after exposure to imidacloprid, respectively, for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days. In mushroom bodies of bees exposed to imidacloprid concentrations of LD50/10 and in optic lobes of bees exposed to imidacloprid concentrations of LD 50/10, LD50/100, and LD50/50, we observed the presence of condensed cells. The Feulgen reaction revealed the presence of some cells with pyknotic nuclei, whereas Xylidine Ponceau stain revealed strongly stained cells. These characteristics can indicate the occurrence of cell death. Furthermore, cells in mushroom bodies of bees exposed to imidacloprid concentrations of LD50/10 appeared to be swollen. Cell death was confirmed by immunocytochemical technique. Therefore, it was concluded that sublethal doses of imidacloprid have cytotoxic effects on exposed bee brains and that optic lobes are more sensitive to the insecticide than other regions of the brain. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC