984 resultados para Anisotropic continuum model


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We have developed a way to represent Mohr-Coulomb failure within a mantle-convection fluid dynamics code. We use a viscous model of deformation with an orthotropic viscoplasticity (a different viscosity is used for pure shear to that used for simple shear) to define a prefered plane for slip to occur given the local stress field. The simple-shear viscosity and the deformation can then be iterated to ensure that the yield criterion is always satisfied. We again assume the Boussinesq approximation, neglecting any effect of dilatancy on the stress field. An additional criterion is required to ensure that deformation occurs along the plane aligned with maximum shear strain-rate rather than the perpendicular plane, which is formally equivalent in any symmetric formulation. We also allow for strain-weakening of the material. The material can remember both the accumulated failure history and the direction of failure. We have included this capacity in a Lagrangian-integration-point finite element code and show a number of examples of extension and compression of a crustal block with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The formulation itself is general and applies to 2- and 3-dimensional problems.


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Strain localisation is a widespread phenomenon often observed in shear and compressive loading of geomaterials, for example, the fault gouge. It is believed that the main mechanisms of strain localisation are strain softening and mismatch between dilatancy and pressure sensitivity. Observations show that gouge deformation is accompanied by considerable rotations of grains. In our previous work as a model for gouge material, we proposed a continuum description for an assembly of particles of equal radius in which the particle rotation is treated as an independent degree of freedom. We showed that there exist critical values of the model parameters for which the displacement gradient exhibits a pronounced localisation at the mid-surface layers of the fault, even in the absence of inelasticity. Here, we generalise the model to the case of finite deformations characteristic for the gouge deformation. We derive objective constitutive relationships relating the Jaumann rates of stress and moment stress to the relative strain and curvature rates, respectively. The model suggests that the pattern of localisation remains the same as in the linear case. However, the presence of the Jaumann terms leads to the emergence of non-zero normal stresses acting along and perpendicular to the shear layer (with zero hydrostatic pressure), and localised along the mid-line of the gouge; these stress components are absent in the linear model of simple shear. These additional normal stresses, albeit small, cause a change in the direction in which the maximal normal stresses act and in which en-echelon fracturing is formed.


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In mantle convection models it has become common to make use of a modified (pressure sensitive, Boussinesq) von Mises yield criterion to limit the maximum stress the lithosphere can support. This approach allows the viscous, cool thermal boundary layer to deform in a relatively plate-like mode even in a fully Eulerian representation. In large-scale models with embedded continental crust where the mobile boundary layer represents the oceanic lithosphere, the von Mises yield criterion for the oceans ensures that the continents experience a realistic broad-scale stress regime. In detailed models of crustal deformation it is, however, more appropriate to choose a Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion based upon the idea that frictional slip occurs on whichever one of many randomly oriented planes happens to be favorably oriented with respect to the stress field. As coupled crust/mantle models become more sophisticated it is important to be able to use whichever failure model is appropriate to a given part of the system. We have therefore developed a way to represent Mohr-Coulomb failure within a code which is suited to mantle convection problems coupled to large-scale crustal deformation. Our approach uses an orthotropic viscous rheology (a different viscosity for pure shear to that for simple shear) to define a prefered plane for slip to occur given the local stress field. The simple-shear viscosity and the deformation can then be iterated to ensure that the yield criterion is always satisfied. We again assume the Boussinesq approximation - neglecting any effect of dilatancy on the stress field. An additional criterion is required to ensure that deformation occurs along the plane aligned with maximum shear strain-rate rather than the perpendicular plane which is formally equivalent in any symmetric formulation. It is also important to allow strain-weakening of the material. The material should remember both the accumulated failure history and the direction of failure. We have included this capacity in a Lagrangian-Integration-point finite element code and will show a number of examples of extension and compression of a crustal block with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, and comparisons between mantle convection models using the von Mises versus the Mohr-Coulomb yield criteria. The formulation itself is general and applies to 2D and 3D problems, although it is somewhat more complicated to identify the slip plane in 3D.


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The paper presents a new theory for modeling flow in anisotropic, viscous rock. This theory has originally been developed for the simulation of large deformation processes including folding and kinking in multi-layered visco-elastic rock. The orientation of slip planes in the context of crystallographic slip is determined by the normal vector, the so-called director of these surfaces. The model is applied to simulate anisotropic natural mantle convection. We compare the evolution of the director and approximately steady states of isotropic and anisotropic convection. The isotropic case has a simple steady state solution, whereas the orthotropic convection model produces a continuously evolving patterning in tile core of the convection cell which makes only a near-steady condition possible, in which the thermal boundary layer appears to be well aligned with the flow and hence as observed in seismic tomomgraphy strong anistropic.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of elastic anisotropy on nanoindentation measurements in human tibial cortical bone. Nanoindentation was conducted in 12 different directions in three principal planes for both osteonic and interstitial lamellae. The experimental indentation modulus was found to vary with indentation direction and showed obvious anisotropy (oneway analysis of variance test, P < 0.0001). Because experimental indentation modulus in a specific direction is determined by all of the elastic constants of cortical bone, a complex theoretical model is required to analyze the experimental results. A recently developed analysis of indentation for the properties of anisotropic materials was used to quantitatively predict indentation modulus by using the stiffness matrix of human tibial cortical bone, which was obtained from previous ultrasound studies. After allowing for the effects of specimen preparation (dehydrated specimens in nanoindentation tests vs. moist specimens in ultrasound tests) and the structural properties of bone (different microcomponents with different mechanical properties), there were no statistically significant differences between the corrected experimental indentation modulus (Mexp) values and corresponding predicted indentation modulus (Mpre) values (two-tailed unpaired t-test, P < 0.5). The variation of Mpre values was found to exhibit the same trends as the corrected Mexp data. These results show that the effects of anisotropy on nanoindentation measurements can be quantitatively evaluated. © 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Starting from a continuum description, we study the nonequilibrium roughening of a thermal re-emission model for etching in one and two spatial dimensions. Using standard analytical techniques, we map our problem to a generalized version of an earlier nonlocal KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) model. In 2 + 1 dimensions, the values of the roughness and the dynamic exponents calculated from our theory go like α ≈ z ≈ 1 and in 1 + 1 dimensions, the exponents resemble the KPZ values for low vapor pressure, supporting experimental results. Interestingly, Galilean invariance is maintained throughout.


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Asphalt mixtures exhibit primary, secondary, and tertiary stages in sequence during a rutting deterioration. Many field asphalt pavements are still in service even when the asphalt layer is in the tertiary stage, and rehabilitation is not performed until a significant amount of rutting accompanied by numerous macrocracks is observed. The objective of this study was to provide a mechanistic method to model the anisotropic cracking of the asphalt mixtures in compression during the tertiary stage of rutting. Laboratory tests including nondestructive and destructive tests were performed to obtain the viscoelastic and viscofracture properties of the asphalt mixtures. Each of the measured axial and radial total strains in the destructive tests were decomposed into elastic, plastic, viscoelastic, viscoplastic, and viscofracture strains using the pseudostrain method in an extended elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle. The viscofracture strains are caused by the crack growth, which is primarily signaled by the increase of phase angle in the tertiary flow. The viscofracture properties are characterized using the anisotropic damage densities (i.e., the ratio of the lost area caused by cracks to the original total area in orthogonal directions). Using the decomposed axial and radial viscofracture strains, the axial and radial damage densities were determined by using a dissipated pseudostrain energy balance principle and a geometric analysis of the cracks, respectively. Anisotropic pseudo J-integral Paris' laws in terms of damage densities were used to characterize the evolution of the cracks in compression. The material constants in the Paris' law are determined and found to be highly correlated. These tests, analysis, and modeling were performed on different asphalt mixtures with two binders, two air void contents, and three aging periods. Consistent results were obtained; for instance, a stiffer asphalt mixture is demonstrated to have a higher modulus, a lower phase angle, a greater flow number, and a larger n1 value (exponent of Paris' law). The calculation of the orientation of cracks demonstrates that the asphalt mixture with 4% air voids has a brittle fracture and a splitting crack mode, whereas the asphalt mixture with 7% air voids tends to have a ductile fracture and a diagonal sliding crack mode. Cracks of the asphalt mixtures in compression are inclined to propagate along the direction of the external compressive load. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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A generalized Drucker–Prager (GD–P) viscoplastic yield surface model was developed and validated for asphalt concrete. The GD–P model was formulated based on fabric tensor modified stresses to consider the material inherent anisotropy. A smooth and convex octahedral yield surface function was developed in the GD–P model to characterize the full range of the internal friction angles from 0° to 90°. In contrast, the existing Extended Drucker–Prager (ED–P) was demonstrated to be applicable only for a material that has an internal friction angle less than 22°. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the anisotropic effect and to validate the GD–P model. Results indicated that (1) the yield stresses of an isotropic yield surface model are greater in compression and less in extension than that of an anisotropic model, which can result in an under-prediction of the viscoplastic deformation; and (2) the yield stresses predicted by the GD–P model matched well with the experimental results of the octahedral shear strength tests at different normal and confining stresses. By contrast, the ED–P model over-predicted the octahedral yield stresses, which can lead to an under-prediction of the permanent deformation. In summary, the rutting depth of an asphalt pavement would be underestimated without considering anisotropy and convexity of the yield surface for asphalt concrete. The proposed GD–P model was demonstrated to be capable of overcoming these limitations of the existing yield surface models for the asphalt concrete.


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We consider the process of opinion formation in a society of interacting agents, where there is a set B of socially accepted rules. In this scenario, we observed that agents, represented by simple feed-forward, adaptive neural networks, may have a conservative attitude (mostly in agreement with B) or liberal attitude (mostly in agreement with neighboring agents) depending on how much their opinions are influenced by their peers. The topology of the network representing the interaction of the society's members is determined by a graph, where the agents' properties are defined over the vertexes and the interagent interactions are defined over the bonds. The adaptability of the agents allows us to model the formation of opinions as an online learning process, where agents learn continuously as new information becomes available to the whole society (online learning). Through the application of statistical mechanics techniques we deduced a set of differential equations describing the dynamics of the system. We observed that by slowly varying the average peer influence in such a way that the agents attitude changes from conservative to liberal and back, the average social opinion develops a hysteresis cycle. Such hysteretic behavior disappears when the variance of the social influence distribution is large enough. In all the cases studied, the change from conservative to liberal behavior is characterized by the emergence of conservative clusters, i.e., a closed knitted set of society members that follow a leader who agrees with the social status quo when the rule B is challenged.


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The main objective of this work is to develop a quasi three-dimensional numerical model to simulate stony debris flows, considering a continuum fluid phase, composed by water and fine sediments, and a non-continuum phase including large particles, such as pebbles and boulders. Large particles are treated in a Lagrangian frame of reference using the Discrete Element Method, the fluid phase is based on the Eulerian approach, using the Finite Element Method to solve the depth-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in two horizontal dimensions. The particle’s equations of motion are in three dimensions. The model simulates particle-particle collisions and wall-particle collisions, taking into account that particles are immersed in a fluid. Bingham and Cross rheological models are used for the continuum phase. Both formulations provide very stable results, even in the range of very low shear rates. Bingham formulation is better able to simulate the stopping stage of the fluid when applied shear stresses are low. Results of numerical simulations have been compared with data from laboratory experiments on a flume-fan prototype. Results show that the model is capable of simulating the motion of big particles moving in the fluid flow, handling dense particulate flows and avoiding overlap among particles. An application to simulate debris flow events that occurred in Northern Venezuela in 1999 shows that the model could replicate the main boulder accumulation areas that were surveyed by the USGS. Uniqueness of this research is the integration of mud flow and stony debris movement in a single modeling tool that can be used for planning and management of debris flow prone areas.


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The main objective of this work is to develop a quasi three-dimensional numerical model to simulate stony debris flows, considering a continuum fluid phase, composed by water and fine sediments, and a non-continuum phase including large particles, such as pebbles and boulders. Large particles are treated in a Lagrangian frame of reference using the Discrete Element Method, the fluid phase is based on the Eulerian approach, using the Finite Element Method to solve the depth-averaged Navier–Stokes equations in two horizontal dimensions. The particle’s equations of motion are in three dimensions. The model simulates particle-particle collisions and wall-particle collisions, taking into account that particles are immersed in a fluid. Bingham and Cross rheological models are used for the continuum phase. Both formulations provide very stable results, even in the range of very low shear rates. Bingham formulation is better able to simulate the stopping stage of the fluid when applied shear stresses are low. Results of numerical simulations have been compared with data from laboratory experiments on a flume-fan prototype. Results show that the model is capable of simulating the motion of big particles moving in the fluid flow, handling dense particulate flows and avoiding overlap among particles. An application to simulate debris flow events that occurred in Northern Venezuela in 1999 shows that the model could replicate the main boulder accumulation areas that were surveyed by the USGS. Uniqueness of this research is the integration of mud flow and stony debris movement in a single modeling tool that can be used for planning and management of debris flow prone areas.


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Trials in a temporal two-interval forced-choice discrimination experiment consist of two sequential intervals presenting stimuli that differ from one another as to magnitude along some continuum. The observer must report in which interval the stimulus had a larger magnitude. The standard difference model from signal detection theory analyses poses that order of presentation should not affect the results of the comparison, something known as the balance condition (J.-C. Falmagne, 1985, in Elements of Psychophysical Theory). But empirical data prove otherwise and consistently reveal what Fechner (1860/1966, in Elements of Psychophysics) called time-order errors, whereby the magnitude of the stimulus presented in one of the intervals is systematically underestimated relative to the other. Here we discuss sensory factors (temporary desensitization) and procedural glitches (short interstimulus or intertrial intervals and response bias) that might explain the time-order error, and we derive a formal model indicating how these factors make observed performance vary with presentation order despite a single underlying mechanism. Experimental results are also presented illustrating the conventional failure of the balance condition and testing the hypothesis that time-order errors result from contamination by the factors included in the model.


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To solve problems in polymer fluid dynamics, one needs the equation of continuity, motion, and energy. The last two equations contain the stress tensor and the heat-flux vector for the material. There are two ways to formulate the stress tensor: (1) one can write a continuum expression for the stress tensor in terms of kinematic tensors, or (2) one can select a molecular model that represents the polymer molecule, and then develop an expression for the stress tensor from kinetic theory. The advantage of the kinetic theory approach is that one gets information about the relation between the molecular structure of the polymers and the rheological properties. In this review, we restrict the discussion primarily to the simplest stress tensor expressions or “constitutive equations” containing from two to four adjustable parameters, although we do indicate how these formulations may be extended to give more complicated expressions. We also explore how these simplest expressions are recovered as special cases of a more general framework, the Oldroyd 8-constant model. The virtue of studying the simplest models is that we can discover some general notions as to which types of empiricisms or which types of molecular models seem to be worth investigating further. We also explore equivalences between continuum and molecular approaches. We restrict the discussion to several types of simple flows, such as shearing flows and extensional flows. These are the flows that are of greatest importance in industrial operations. Furthermore, if these simple flows cannot be well described by continuum or molecular models, then it is not necessary to lavish time and energy to apply them to more complex flow problems.


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Increase in the Balmer continuum radiation during solar flares was predicted by various authors, but has never been firmly confirmed observationally using ground-based slit spectrographs. Here we describe a new post-focal instrument, the image selector, with which the Balmer continuum flux can be measured from the whole flare area, in analogy to successful detections of flaring dMe stars. The system was developed and put into operation at the horizontal solar telescope HSFA2 of the Ondřejov Observatory. We measure the total flux by a fast spectrometer from a limited but well-defined region on the solar disk. Using a system of diaphragms, the disturbing contribution of a bright solar disk can be eliminated as much as possible. Light curves of the measured flux in the spectral range 350 – 440 nm are processed, together with the Hα images of the flaring area delimited by the appropriate diaphragm. The spectral flux data are flat-fielded, calibrated, and processed to be compared with model predictions. Our analysis of the data proves that the described device is sufficiently sensitive to detect variations in the Balmer continuum during solar flares. Assuming that the Balmer-continuum kernels have at least a similar size as those visible in Hα, we find the flux increase in the Balmer continuum to reach 230 – 550 % of the quiet continuum during the observed X-class flare. We also found temporal changes in the Balmer continuum flux starting well before the onset of the flare in Hα.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08