229 resultados para Anisotropia fraccional
Quais propriedades magnéticas são modificadas quando se agrupam átomos de Fe/Co para formar estruturas quasi-2D, se comparadas aos nanofios (quasi-1D) de FexCo1-x? E como estas propriedades reagem com a variação da proporção de Fe/Co nos aglomerados? A fim de responder a estas questões, trímeros de FexCo1-x depositados em Pt(111) são investigados utilizando o método de primeiros princípios Real Space-Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital-Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) no âmbito da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT). Diferentes configurações de trímeros triangulares são consideradas, variando-se as posições e a concentração dos átomos de Fe/Co. Neste trabalho, demonstra-se a ocorrência de uma tendência não-linear estritamente decrescente dos momentos orbitais médios como função da concentração de Fe, distinta do encontrado tanto para os nanofios de FexCo1-x (dependência linear) quanto para a monocamada correspondente (dependência não-linear). Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que os momentos orbitais variam com o ambiente local e com a direção de magnetização, especialmente quando associados aos átomos de Co, em concordância com publicações anteriores. A mudança de dimensionalidade quasi-1D (nanofios) para quasi-2D (trímeros compactos) não afeta o comportamento dos momentos de spin, que permanecem descritos por uma função linear com respeito à proporção de Fe/Co. Ambos o formato e a concentração de Fe nos sistemas apresentam um papel importante nos valores de energia de anisotropia magnética. Em adição, observou-se que o subtrato de Pt opera ativamente na definição das propriedades magnéticas dos aglomerados. Embora todas as configurações lineares e compactas dos aglomerados de FexCo1-x sejam estáveis e exibam interações fortemente ferromagnéticas entre os primeiros vizinhos, nem todas revelaram o ordenamento colinear como estado fundamental, apresentando uma interação de Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya não-desprezível induzida pelo acoplamento spin-órbita. Estes casos específicos são: o trímero triangular de Co puro e o trímero linear (nanofio) de Fe puro, para o qual foi verificado o acoplamento do tipo Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida entre os átomos de Fe constituintes. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o entendimento de quais mecanismos definem o magnetismo nos trímeros de FexCo1-x/Pt(111), e discutem as questões presentes atualmente na literatura no contexto destes sistemas.
Ftalocianina de alumínio-cloro (AlClPc) é um fotossensibilizador de segunda geração em terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) caracterizado por seu caráter anfifílico e tendência de auto-agregação em meio aquoso, o que prejudica seu potencial de aplicação. O aCHC é um substrato de transportadores de monocarboxilato (MCT) superexpresso em células de MCF-7. Objetivando a solubilização da AlClPc e aumento de internalização em tecidos neoplásicos nos propomos aqui o uso de DSPC e DOPC em diferentes proporções para formar vesículas lipidicas mistas (LV) na presença de aCHC como sistemas veiculadores de fármaco. Lv foi preparado pelo método de injeção etanólica e formou vesículas de dimensões nanométricas (aproximadamente 100 nm) com bom índice de polidispersão, valores negativos de potencial zeta e estáveis em meio aquoso por mais de 50 dias. AlClPc se complexou com o fosfato das LV o que conferiu uma localização interfacial às moléculas de AlClPc como demonstrado pelos resultados de supressão de fluorescência. Medidas de anisotropia, fluorescência estática e resolvida no tempo corroboram com estes resultados e demonstram que a auto-agregação da AlClPc ocorre mesmo em lipossomas. Entretanto, a veiculação da AlClPc por LV em carcinoma de células escamosas oral (OSCC) levou a um processo de desagregação demonstrado por (FLIM). Este incrível comportamento é novo e aumenta o conhecimento científico sobre o mecanismo intracelular de ação de fotossensibilizadores em TFD. Em TFD, ambos os sistemas LVIII+AlClPc e LVIII+AlClPc+aCHC não apresentaram toxicidade no escuro no período de incubação de 3 h com as concentrações de lipídios, AlClPc e aCHC iguais a 0,15 mmol/L, 0,5 umol/L e 10,0 umol/L, respectivamente. De maneira inesperada, o sistema LVIII+AlClPc foi mais eficiente em TFD que o sistema LVIII+AlClPc+aCHC, devido ao caráter antioxidante do aCHC. Estes resultados abrem uma nova perspectiva do potencial uso de LV-AlClPc para o tratamento fotodinâmico.
1. Este trabalho consta de duas partes: a primeira trata do histórico, importância, tipos de jazimentos e gênese dos diamantes. Na segunda é feito um estudo geológico, litológico, mineralógico e econômico da jazida de diamantes de Romaria (antiga Água Suja), localizada na Fazenda Marrecos, município de Romaria, Estado de Minas Gerais. 2. Conhecida desde 1888, a jazida é mencionada em trabalhos de G. Campos, Hussak, Draper e outros autores. Minerada durante algumas décadas por grandes companhias, passou em seguida por uma fase de abandono, voltando atualmente a ser alvo de atenções de nova companhia. A jazida é classificada como "secundária elevada". Os diamantes são encontrados em sedimentos fluviais de idade provavelmente neo-cretácica ou talvez enozoica. Tais sedimentos assentam-se discordantemente sobre o arenito Botucatu e em alguns lugares, diretamente sobre o embasamento cristalino. A seqüência diamantífera é constituída de três camadas, cujos nomes locais são: conglomerado Tauá, que é um conglomerado polimíctico basal, mal selecionado; Secundina, arenito grosseiro com intercalações conglomeráticas e argilosas; Gorgulho, nome dado ao solo rico em canga que recobre toda a área. O Tauá, a camada mais rica em diamantes, foi estudado com maiores pormenores. Distinguem-se dois tipos desse conglomerado: o Tauá tipo e o Tauá atípico. 3. O diamante da jazida de Romaria apresenta hábito cristalino predominantemente rombododecaédrico. Alguns exemplares, quando submetidos à luz ultra-violeta, mostraram fluorescência azul-violácea. Alguns mostraram anisotropia anômala. Os cristais octaédricos normalmente apresentam trígonos de corrosão nas faces de octaedro, enquanto os cúbicos, extremamente corroídos e sempre translúcidos, mostram nas faces de cubo pirâmides reentrantes de base quadrada. Alguns apresentam inclusões de grafita; em um cristal examinado, constatou-se a presença de inclusões de olivina e cromita. Os diamantes da jazida não apresentam arestas arredondadas e sinais de impacto. 4. A reserva mínima provada da jazida é de 2.000.000 m3 de Tauá. A capa a ser removida (Secundina e Gorgulho) tem espessura média de 11 m. O teor médio obtido foi de 16 pontos/m3. 5. O diamante do Tauá parece ter sofrido pouco ou nenhum transporte, sugerindo fonte primária nas proximidades. A presença de inclusões de olivina e cromita indica uma associação primária de diamante com rochas ultrabásicas. 6. Recomendações sobre a lavra do diamante são feitas no final deste trabalho.
Thin films of Co2FeAl (CFA) and trilayers with CFA/M/CFA, where M is Au or Ag, produced by magnetron sputtering onto glass and oriented (MgO (100)) substrates were investigated. The structural, magnetic static and magnetic dynamics properties were analyzed by distinct experimental techniques. Through X-ray diffraction was observed an A2 phase for the samples (completely disordered), where the atoms are randomly located in the lattice. The static magnetic behavior, in some samples, reveal a plateau behavior generated by a biphasic system. The magnetoimpedance measurements were performed by varying the angle between the external magnetic field and current with respect of anisotropy direction. For this reason, the MI results show a asymmetric magnetoimpedance (AMI) behavior. For the single and trilayers samples with 500 nm-thick, the AMI effect is more evident in comparison with samples with 1000 nm-thick. Therefore, in this work was stablished a route to produce Heusler alloy samples with A2 phase in thin film geometry onto amorphous and oriented substrates, and due to structural disorder was possible to study the hysteretic and MI asymmetric effects.
A practical approach to estimate rock thermal conductivities is to use rock models based just on the observed or expected rock mineral content. In this study, we evaluate the performances of the Krischer and Esdorn (KE), Hashin and Shtrikman (HS), classic Maxwell (CM), Maxwell-Wiener (MW), and geometric mean (GM) models in reproducing the measures of thermal conductivity of crystalline rocks.We used 1,105 samples of igneous and metamorphic rocks collected in outcroppings of the Borborema Province, Northeastern Brazil. Both thermal conductivity and petrographic modal analysis (percent volumes of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, and sum of mafic minerals) were done. We divided the rocks into two groups: (a) igneous and ortho-derived (or meta-igneous) rocks and (b) metasedimentary rocks. The group of igneous and ortho-derived rocks (939 samples) covers most the lithologies de_ned in the Streckeisen diagram, with higher concentrations in the fields of granite, granodiorite, and tonalite. In the group of metasedimentary rocks (166 samples), it were sampled representative lithologies, usually of low to medium metamorphic grade. We treat the problem of reproducing the measured values of rock conductivity as an inverse problem where, besides the conductivity measurements, the volume fractions of the constituent minerals are known and the effective conductivities of the constituent minerals and model parameters are unknown. The key idea was to identify the model (and its associated estimates of effective mineral conductivities and parameters) that better reproduces the measures of rock conductivity. We evaluate the model performances by the quantity that is equal to the percentage of number of rock samples which estimated conductivities honor the measured conductivities within the tolerance of 15%. In general, for all models, the performances were quite inferior for the metasedimentary rocks (34% < < 65%) as compared with the igneous and ortho-derived rocks (51% < < 70%). For igneous and ortho-derived rocks, all model performances were very similar ( = 70%), except the GM-model that presented a poor performance (51% < < 65%); the KE and HS-models ( = 70%) were slightly superior than the CM and MW-models ( = 67%). The quartz content is the dominant factor in explaining the rock conductivity for igneous and ortho-derived rocks; in particular, using the MW-model the solution is in practice vi UFRN/CCET– Dissertação de mestrado the series association of the quartz content. On the other hand, for metasedimentary rocks, model performances were different and the performance of the KEmodel ( = 65%) was quite superior than the HS ( = 53%), CM (34% < < 42%), MW ( = 40%), and GM (35% < < 42%). The estimated effective mineral conductivities are stable for perturbations both in the rock conductivity measures and in the quartz volume fraction. The fact that the metasedimentary rocks are richer in platy-minerals explains partially the poor model performances, because both the high thermal anisotropy of biotite (one of the most common platy-mineral) and the difficulty in obtaining polished surfaces for measurement coupling when platyminerals are present. Independently of the rock type, both very low and very high values of rock conductivities are hardly explained by rock models based just on rock mineral content.
The cobalt-manganese ferrites (Co1¡xMnxFe2O4 and Co1,2Fe1,8¡xMnxO4) has a mixed structure of spinel type and it has been regarded as one of candidates for petitive wide variety of applications in devices from ultrasonic generation and detection, sensors, transformers, as well as in medical industry. Ferrites cobalt-manganese nanostructured were produced via mechanical alloying with subsequent heat treatment and were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy and magnetization. Samples of Co1¡xMnxFe2O4 and Co1,2Fe1,8¡xMnxO4 were obtained from the precursor powders Fe3O4, Co3O4 and Mn3O4 which were stoichiometrically mixed and ground by 10h and heat treated at 900°C for 2h. The diffraction confirmed the formation of the pure nanocrystalline phases to series Co1,2Fe1,8¡xMnxO4 with an average diameter of about 94nm. It was found that the lattice parameter increases with the substitution of Fe3Å by Mn3Å. The x-ray fluorescence revealed that the portions of metals in samples were close to the nominal stoichiometric compositions. The microstructural features observed in micrographs showed that the particles formed show very different morphology and particle size. The magnetic hysteresis measurements performed at low temperature showed that the saturation magnetization and remanence increased as the concentration of manganese, while the coercive field decreased. The anisotropy constant (Ke f ), was estimated from the data adjustments the law of approaching saturation. It was found that the anisotropy decreases substantially with the substitution of Fe by Mn.
Magnetic multilayers are the support for the production of spintronic devices, representing great possibilities for miniaturized electronics industry. having the control to produce devices as well as their physical properties from simple multilayer films to highly complex at the atomic scale is a fundamental need for progress in this area, in recent years has highlighted the production of organic and flexible spintronic devices. Because of this trend, the objective of this work was to produce magnetic multilayers deposited on flexible substrate using magnetron sputtering dc technique. Three sets of samples were prepared. The first set composed of the trilayer type CoFe=Cu(t)=CoFe with different thickness of the metallic spacer. The second set consists of two multilayer subgroups, CoFe=Cu in the presence of IrMn layer as a buffer and the next multilayer as cap layer. The third set consisting of non-magnetostrictive multilayer permalloy (Py=Ta and Py=Ag) on flexible substrate and glass. The magnetic properties, were investigated by magnetometry measurements, ferromagnetic resonance and magnetoimpedance (MI), measurements were carried out at room temperature with the magnetic field always applied on the sample plane. For structural analysis, the diffraction X-ray was used. The results of the trilayer showed a high uniaxial anisotropy field for the sample with a spacer of 4.2 nm. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as the buffer, the study of static and dynamic magnetic properties showed isotropic behavior. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as a cap, the results of static magnetic properties of the magnetic behavior exhibited a spin valve structure type. However there was a disagreement with results of ferromagnetic resonance measurements, which was justified by the contribution of the unstable and stable grain to the rotatable anisotropy and Exchange bias in ferromagneticantiferromagnetic interface. The third serie of samples showed similar results behavior for the MI Ag multilayers spacer in both substrates. There are also significant MI changes with the Ta spacer, possible associated with the compressive stress on the flexible substrate sample.
The objective of this study was to characterize the structural-geophysical expression of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (TBL) in the east-central portion of the Parnaíba Basin. The TBL corresponds to a major Neoproterozoic NE-trending shear zone related to the Brasiliano orogenic cycle, with dextral strike-slip kinematics, underlying (but also laterally exposed in the NE and SW basin edges) the sedimentary section of the Parnaíba Basin. In this study, the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps is consistent with the TBL kinematics, the signature of the geophysical anomalies corresponding to the high (plastic behaviour) and subsequent declining temperature (ductile to brittle behaviour) stages during Brasiliano and late Brasiliano times. The pattern of residual gravity anomalies is compatible with an S-C dextral pair shaping the geological bodies of an heterogeneous basement, such as slices of gneisses and granulites (positive anomalies), granitic and low-medium grade metasedimentary rocks (negative anomalies). Such anomalies curvilinear trends, ranging from NNE (interpreted as S surfaces) to NE (C surfaces), correspond to flattening surfaces (S), while the NE rectilinear trend must represent a C band. The narrower magnetic anomalies also display NNE to NE (S surfaces) trends and should correspond to similar (although narrower and more discontinuous) sources in the equivalent anomaly patterns. Pre-Silurian pull-apart style grabens may contribute to the NE negative gravimetric anomalies, although this interpretation demands control by seismic data analysis. On the other hand, the curvilinear anomalies associated to contractional trends are incompatible with their interpretation as pre-Silurian graben, in both maps. In the (reduced to the pole) magnetic anomalies map, most of these are again associated to low-temperature shear zones (C planes) and faults, juxtaposing distinct blocks in terms of magnetic properties, or eventually filled with basic bodies. It is also possible that some isolated magnetic anomalies correspond to igneous bodies of late-Brasiliano or Mesozoic age. The basement late discontinuities pattern can be interpreted in analogy to the Riedel fractures model, with steep dipping surfaces and a sub-horizontal movement section. This study also explored 2D gravity modeling controlled by the interpretation of a dip seismic line as regards to the Transbrasiliano Lineament. The rock section equivalent to the Jaibaras Group occupying a graben structure (as identified in the seismic line) corresponds to a discrete negative anomaly superimposed to a gravimetric high, once again indicating a stronger influence of older crystalline basement rocks as gravimetric sources, mainly reflecting the heterogeneities and anisotropies generated at high temperature conditions and their subsequent cooling along the TBL, during the Brasiliano cycle.
The objective of this study was to characterize the structural-geophysical expression of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (TBL) in the east-central portion of the Parnaíba Basin. The TBL corresponds to a major Neoproterozoic NE-trending shear zone related to the Brasiliano orogenic cycle, with dextral strike-slip kinematics, underlying (but also laterally exposed in the NE and SW basin edges) the sedimentary section of the Parnaíba Basin. In this study, the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps is consistent with the TBL kinematics, the signature of the geophysical anomalies corresponding to the high (plastic behaviour) and subsequent declining temperature (ductile to brittle behaviour) stages during Brasiliano and late Brasiliano times. The pattern of residual gravity anomalies is compatible with an S-C dextral pair shaping the geological bodies of an heterogeneous basement, such as slices of gneisses and granulites (positive anomalies), granitic and low-medium grade metasedimentary rocks (negative anomalies). Such anomalies curvilinear trends, ranging from NNE (interpreted as S surfaces) to NE (C surfaces), correspond to flattening surfaces (S), while the NE rectilinear trend must represent a C band. The narrower magnetic anomalies also display NNE to NE (S surfaces) trends and should correspond to similar (although narrower and more discontinuous) sources in the equivalent anomaly patterns. Pre-Silurian pull-apart style grabens may contribute to the NE negative gravimetric anomalies, although this interpretation demands control by seismic data analysis. On the other hand, the curvilinear anomalies associated to contractional trends are incompatible with their interpretation as pre-Silurian graben, in both maps. In the (reduced to the pole) magnetic anomalies map, most of these are again associated to low-temperature shear zones (C planes) and faults, juxtaposing distinct blocks in terms of magnetic properties, or eventually filled with basic bodies. It is also possible that some isolated magnetic anomalies correspond to igneous bodies of late-Brasiliano or Mesozoic age. The basement late discontinuities pattern can be interpreted in analogy to the Riedel fractures model, with steep dipping surfaces and a sub-horizontal movement section. This study also explored 2D gravity modeling controlled by the interpretation of a dip seismic line as regards to the Transbrasiliano Lineament. The rock section equivalent to the Jaibaras Group occupying a graben structure (as identified in the seismic line) corresponds to a discrete negative anomaly superimposed to a gravimetric high, once again indicating a stronger influence of older crystalline basement rocks as gravimetric sources, mainly reflecting the heterogeneities and anisotropies generated at high temperature conditions and their subsequent cooling along the TBL, during the Brasiliano cycle.
Bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticle has attracted attention several researchers because great applicability that they offer. The possibility of combining different functionalities of magnetic materials make them a key piece in many areas as in data processing permanent magnets and biomagnetics sistems. These nanoparticles are controlled by intrinsic properties of the core and shell materials as well as the interactions between them, besides size and geometry effects. Thus, it was developed in this thesis a theoretical study about dipolar interaction contribution between materials different magnetic properties in bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticles conventional spherical geometry. The materials were analyzed CoFe2O4, MnFe2O4 e CoFe2 in various combinations and sizes. The results show that the impact of the core dipole field in the shell cause reverse magnetization early its, before of the core, in nanoparticle of CoFe2O4(22nm)@CoFe2(2nm), thereby causing a decrease coercivity field of 65% in comparection with simple nanoparticle of CoFe2O4 (HC=13.6 KOe) of same diameter. The large core anisotropy in conventional nanoparticle makes it the a stable dipolar field source in the shell, that varies length scale of the order of the core radius. Furthermore, the impact of dipolar field is greatly enhanced by the geometrical constraints and by magnetics properties of both core@shell materials. In systems with core coated with a thin shell of thickness less than the exchange length, the interaction interface can hold reversal the shell occurring an uniform magnetization reversal, however this effect only is relevant on systems where the dipole field effects is weak compared with the exchange interaction.
Bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticle has attracted attention several researchers because great applicability that they offer. The possibility of combining different functionalities of magnetic materials make them a key piece in many areas as in data processing permanent magnets and biomagnetics sistems. These nanoparticles are controlled by intrinsic properties of the core and shell materials as well as the interactions between them, besides size and geometry effects. Thus, it was developed in this thesis a theoretical study about dipolar interaction contribution between materials different magnetic properties in bi-magnetic core@shell nanoparticles conventional spherical geometry. The materials were analyzed CoFe2O4, MnFe2O4 e CoFe2 in various combinations and sizes. The results show that the impact of the core dipole field in the shell cause reverse magnetization early its, before of the core, in nanoparticle of CoFe2O4(22nm)@CoFe2(2nm), thereby causing a decrease coercivity field of 65% in comparection with simple nanoparticle of CoFe2O4 (HC=13.6 KOe) of same diameter. The large core anisotropy in conventional nanoparticle makes it the a stable dipolar field source in the shell, that varies length scale of the order of the core radius. Furthermore, the impact of dipolar field is greatly enhanced by the geometrical constraints and by magnetics properties of both core@shell materials. In systems with core coated with a thin shell of thickness less than the exchange length, the interaction interface can hold reversal the shell occurring an uniform magnetization reversal, however this effect only is relevant on systems where the dipole field effects is weak compared with the exchange interaction.
Lo studio delle regioni più interne degli ammassi globulari risulta fondamentale per la ricerca di buchi neri di massa intermedia (IMBH). La scoperta di tali oggetti avrebbe un impatto sostanziale su un gran numero di problemi astrofisici aperti, dalla formazione dei buchi neri supermassicci, all'interpretazione delle Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources, fino allo studio delle onde gravitazionali. Il presente lavoro di tesi si inserisce all'interno di un progetto osservativo mirato a studiare la dinamica interna degli ammassi globulari e volto ad investigare la presenza di IMBH nel centro di tali sistemi tramite l'analisi sistematica dei profili di dispersione di velocità e di rotazione. In questo elaborato presentiamo lo studio della cinematica del core dell'ammasso globulare NGC 6266, realizzato con lo spettrografo a campo integrale IFU-SINFONI, assistito da un sistema di ottiche adattive. Grazie all'utilizzo dell'ottica adattiva, SINFONI è in grado di realizzare osservazioni ad alta risoluzione spaziale e misurare la velocità radiale di stelle individuali anche nelle regioni più interne degli ammassi globulari, dove le misure spettroscopiche tradizionali falliscono a causa dell'elevato crowding stellare. Questo ci ha permesso di determinare il profilo centrale della dispersione di velocità di NGC 6266 dalla misura delle velocità radiali individuali di circa 400 stelle, localizzate negli 11 arcsec più interni dell'ammasso. Utilizzando dati complementari, provenienti da osservazioni realizzate con lo spettrografo multi-oggetto FLAMES, siamo stati in grado di costruire il profilo di dispersione di velocità di NGC 6266 fino ad una distanza radiale di 250 arcsec. Il profilo di dispersione di velocità osservato permette di escludere la presenza di un IMBH di massa superiore a 2500 masse solari e mostra un calo nella regione centrale, simile a quello rilevato in un numero crescente di ammassi globulari, che potrebbe indicare la presenza di anisotropia tangenziale.
Resultante dos avanços tecnológicos, conseguiu-se obter um aço que elimina o paradigma de se aliar alta ductilidade e resistência mecânica. Assim foi desenvolvido durante a última década o aço TWIP, deformação induzida por maclação, tendo como principal mecanismo de deformação a maclação. Este presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo caraterizar o aço TWIP980 em três temáticas diferentes: química, mecânica e microestrutura. Na primeira temática, a química, esta teve como objetivo encontrar a designação do aço TWIP em estudo. Sendo apenas conhecida a direção de laminação, RD, e a empresa que forneceu as chapas, a POSCO, o objetivo era obter a sua designação. Através da comparação das curvas de tração encontradas para o material em estudo, e conjuntamente, com as diversas curvas de tração de vários aços TWIP da empresa POSCO, realizou-se a comparação. Visto ter-se ficado reduzido a dois possíveis aços TWIP, foi através de uma análise à composição química, EDS - Espectroscopia da energia dispersa por raios-X, que se concluiu que o aço em estudo era o TWIP980. Na caraterização mecânica, e através de ensaios de tração, foram estudadas propriedades como: o módulo de elasticidade, tensão limite elástico, ductilidade, anisotropia, coeficiente de encruamento e Poisson. Estas propriedades foram estudas para três mudanças na trajetória de deformação e quatro pré-deformações em estudo. Assim estudou-se a alteração de trajetória para os ângulos a 0º, 45º e 90º em relação a RD, para as deformações de engenharia de 0%, 10%, 20% e 30%. Por último, na análise à microestrutura, esta teve como objetivo obter valores para o tamanho de grão e de macla bem como as suas orientações cristalográficas. Também a densidade de deslocações e maclação para cada uma das 4 pré-deformações esteve em estudo. Estes parâmetros foram obtidos através de microscopia ótica, eletrónica de varrimento, MEV e eletrónica de transmissão, MET.
In this study barium hexaferrite was (general formulae BaFe12O19) was synthesized by the Pechini method under different conditions of heat treatment. Precursors like barium carbonate and iron nitrate were used. These magnetic ceramic, with magnetoplumbite type structure, are widely used as permanent magnet because of its excellent magnetic properties, such as: high Curie temperature, good magnetic anisotropy, high coercivity and corrosion resistance. The samples were characterized by thermal analysis (DTA and TG), X- ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) end Vibrating sample Magnetometer (VSM). The results confirm the expected phase, which was reinforced according to our analysis. A single phase powder at relatively high temperatures with particle sizes around 100 nm was obtained. The characteristic magnetic behavior one of the phases has been noted (probably superparamagnetic material), while another phase was identified as a ferrimagnetic material. The ferrimagnetic phase showed vortex configuration with two central and slightly inclined plateaus. In general, increase of heat treatment temperature and time, directly influenced the technological properties of the samples
En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un Modelo Fraccional Mecánico y un Modelo Fraccional Dieléctrico, con la finalidad de describir las manifestaciones mecánicas y dieléctricas de la viscolesticidad de un polímero semicristalino (PEN) que presenta 3 fenómenos de relajación.