595 resultados para Android GoogleAppEngine MachineLearning


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The present work aims to allow developers to implement small features on a certain Android application in a fast and easy manner, as well as provide their users to install them ondemand, i.e., they can install the ones they are interested in. These small packages of features are called plugins, and the chosen development language to develop these in was JavaScript. In order to achieve that, an Android framework was developed that enables the host application to install, manage and run these plugins at runtime. This framework was designed to have a very clean and almost readable API, which allowed for better code organization and maintainability. The implementation used the Google’s engine “V8” to interpret the JavaScript code and through a set of JNI calls made that code call certain Android methods previously registered in the runtime. In order to test the framework, it was integrated with the client’s communication application RCS+ using two plugins developed alongside the framework. Although these plugins had only the more common requirements, they were proven to work successfully as intended. Concluding, the framework although successful made it clear that this kind of development through a non-native API has its set of difficulties especially regarding the implementation of complex features.


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RESUMO - Com a popularização de tablets e smartphones e as peculiaridades do desenvolvimento de aplicativos para esses dispositivos, surge a necessidade de adaptar os métodos de avaliação de usabilidade para resultados mais precisos. Este trabalho propõe o método Coldemob para validação de interfaces de aplicativos móveis com a participação de representantes do usuário final, com uma etapa presencial e uma etapa remota após o lançamento do aplicativo, detalhando a aplicação da segunda etapa. O método foi testado com um aplicativo do domínio agrícola e os resultados mostraram que ao incluir o usuário no processo de construção do aplicativo, a compreensão dos desenvolvedores acerca do domínio aumentou. A etapa remota se mostrou complementar à presencial, possibilitando um maior número de problemas identificados.


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The objective was to compare ethnic differences in anthropometry, including size, proportions and fat distribution, and body composition in a cohort of seventy Caucasian (forty-four boys, twenty-six girls) and seventy-four urban Indigenous (thirty-six boys, thirty-eight girls) children (aged 9–15 years). Anthropometric measures (stature, body mass, eight skinfolds, thirteen girths, six bone lengths and five bone breadths) and body composition assessment using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were conducted. Body composition variables including total body fat percentage and percentage abdominal fat were determined and together with anthropometric indices, including BMI (kg/m2), abdominal:height ratio (AHtR) and sum of skinfolds, ethnic differences were compared for each sex. After adjustment for age, Indigenous girls showed significantly (P < 0·05) greater trunk circumferences and proportion of overweight and obesity than their Caucasian counterparts. In addition, Indigenous children had a significantly greater proportion (P < 0·05) of trunk fat. The best model for total and android fat prediction included sum of skinfolds and age in both sexes (>93 % of variation). Ethnicity was only important in girls where abdominal circumference and AHtR were included and Indigenous girls showed significantly (P < 0·05) smaller total/android fat deposition than Caucasian girls at the given abdominal circumference or AHtR values. Differences in anthropometric and fat distribution patterns in Caucasian and Indigenous children may justify the need for more appropriate screening criteria for obesity in Australian children relevant to ethnic origin.


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Key Features: "Aligns to Mastering Medical Terminology: Australia and New Zealand. Self-test to practise and revise combining forms, word roots, prefixes and suffixes. Crossword puzzles, anagrams and label-the-diagram exercises Also available iOS/Android app featuring audio glossary, flashcards and MCQs."--publisher website


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Understanding dynamics of interactions between community groups and government agencies is crucial to improve community resilience for flood risk reduction through effective community engagement strategies. Overall, a variety of approaches are available, however they are limited in their application. Based on research of a case study in Kampung Melayu Village in Jakarta, further complexity in engaging community emerges in planning policy which requires the relocation of households living in floodplains. This complexity arises in decision-making processes due to barriers to communication. This obstacle highlights the need for a simplified approach for an effective flood risk management which will be further explored in this paper. Qualitative analyses will be undertaken following semi-structured interviews conducted with key actors within government agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and representatives of communities. The analyses involve investigation of barriers and constraints on community engagement in flood risk management, particularly relevant to collaboration mechanism, perception of risk, and technical literacy to flood risk. These analyses result in potential redirection of community consultation strategies to lead to a more effective collaboration among stakeholders in the decision-making processes. As a result, greater effectiveness in plan implementation of flood risk management potentially improves disaster resilience in the future.


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EnergyWiz is an Android smart phone application that was developed through a theory-driven design approach. Along with other features EnergyWiz provides users with three types of social comparison – normative, one-on-one and ranking.


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We consider the problem of developing privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms in a dis-tributed multiparty setting. Here different parties own different parts of a data set, and the goal is to learn a classifier from the entire data set with-out any party revealing any information about the individual data points it owns. Pathak et al [7]recently proposed a solution to this problem in which each party learns a local classifier from its own data, and a third party then aggregates these classifiers in a privacy-preserving manner using a cryptographic scheme. The generaliza-tion performance of their algorithm is sensitive to the number of parties and the relative frac-tions of data owned by the different parties. In this paper, we describe a new differentially pri-vate algorithm for the multiparty setting that uses a stochastic gradient descent based procedure to directly optimize the overall multiparty ob-jective rather than combining classifiers learned from optimizing local objectives. The algorithm achieves a slightly weaker form of differential privacy than that of [7], but provides improved generalization guarantees that do not depend on the number of parties or the relative sizes of the individual data sets. Experimental results corrob-orate our theoretical findings.


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Clock synchronization is highly desirable in distributed systems, including many applications in the Internet of Things and Humans. It improves the efficiency, modularity, and scalability of the system, and optimizes use of event triggers. For IoTH, BLE - a subset of the recent Bluetooth v4.0 stack - provides a low-power and loosely coupled mechanism for sensor data collection with ubiquitous units (e.g., smartphones and tablets) carried by humans. This fundamental design paradigm of BLE is enabled by a range of broadcast advertising modes. While its operational benefits are numerous, the lack of a common time reference in the broadcast mode of BLE has been a fundamental limitation. This article presents and describes CheepSync, a time synchronization service for BLE advertisers, especially tailored for applications requiring high time precision on resource constrained BLE platforms. Designed on top of the existing Bluetooth v4.0 standard, the CheepSync framework utilizes low-level time-stamping and comprehensive error compensation mechanisms for overcoming uncertainties in message transmission, clock drift, and other system-specific constraints. CheepSync was implemented on custom designed nRF24Cheep beacon platforms (as broadcasters) and commercial off-the-shelf Android ported smartphones (as passive listeners). We demonstrate the efficacy of CheepSync by numerous empirical evaluations in a variety of experimental setups, and show that its average (single-hop) time synchronization accuracy is in the 10 mu s range.


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Karrera amaierako proiektu honetan telefono mugikor aurreratuentzako aplikazio grafiko bat garatu da. Aplikazioak mendizaleei lainoa dagoenean orientatzen lagundu nahi die, ikuspen ezagatik galdu ez daitezen. Hori lortzeko, erabiltzailearen inguruan dagoen paisaia hiru dimentsiotan pantailaratuko da. Non kokatuta dagoen jakiteko GPS sistema atzitzen da. Erabiltzaileak aurrera egiten duen heinean marraztutako ingurunea eguneratzen da. Orientatzen laguntzeko, begiratzen ari den norantzan dagoen lurrazala bakarrik marraztuko zaio mendizaleari.


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Nuestro proyecto trata de obtener un sistema centralizado para el manejo y monitorización de un conjunto de aparatos eléctricos del hogar, tales como luces, cámaras, sensores, y otros aparatos mediante una aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android. También se facilita una herramienta web para administrar dichos aparatos. Nuestro sistema da soporte al manejo individual y manual de estos aparatos, por ejemplo encender una lámpara, así como la posibilidad de incluir programas que se ejecuten a una determinada hora, y con una determinada recurrencia. Por ejemplo, se puede programar el encendido de una luz todos los días a las 20:00. Además, también se pueden crear reglas que, dado una determinada situación, realicen una serie de acciones. Por ejemplo, si se detecta que la luminosidad baja de cierto valor (detectado mediante un sensor de luz), se encienda una lámpara. Para conseguir esto se ha realizado una aplicación centralizada, a modo de servidor, que se comunica con los aparatos eléctricos mediante diferentes protocolos de comunicación, así como con el dispositivo móvil Android, y una aplicación web administrativa, a través de un portal de servicios web.


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Within the next few pages, I will try to give a wide description of the project that I have been doing for IK4-Ikerlan. For the last six months, I have been working in developing a socket-based application for Apple devices. These devices work under the iOS operative system, which is programmed in Objective-C, a language similar to C. Although I did not have the chance to develop this application for Apple TV, I was able to create an application for iPhone and another one for iPad. The only difference between both applications was the screen resolution, but we decided to make them separately, as it would be really hard to combine both resolutions, and wallpapers, everything in the same workspace. Finally, it is necessary to add that the main goal was not to create a new application for iOS, but to translate an Android application into iOS. To achieve this, it is required to translate Java code into Objective- C, which is the language used to develop applications for all kinds of Apple devices. Fortunately, there is a tool created by Google, which helped us with this exercise. This tool is called j2ObjC, and it is still being developed.


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“Urkiolaenea: Sistemas multidispositivo para negocios tradicionales” es un proyecto realizado en la empresa OrekaI.T. dentro de un contexto formativo, ya que a su vez es el proyecto con el que finalizo mis estudios de Ingeniería Informática. Con él, se ha pretendido dar respuesta a las necesidades de un cliente real que dispone de un negocio tradicional.En este caso, Urkiolaenea, una negocio de alojamiento rural que requería de una imagen renovada en Internet para lograr ser más competitiva en el ámbito del turismo rural, además de un sistema de gestión para mejorar sus procesos de negocio. Por otra parte, con este proyecto no sólo se ha buscado cumplir con las expectativas del cliente sino ir más allá, buscando las soluciones más adecuadas ante el mercado actual en Internet, dominado por los dispositivos móviles inteligentes. Por ello, gran parte de los esfuerzos realizados en este proyecto se han enfocado en conseguir que Urkiolaenea sea accesible cómodamente por cualquier persona, independientemente del dispositivo desde el que acceda.


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Proyecto de Fin de Carrera de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas de la Universidad del País Vasco. NavyWar: Capa de Negocio y Datos por Daniel Crego. Director: Germán Rigau. Proyecto conjunto: NavyWar, realizado en colaboración con Adrián Gil (NavyWar: Capa de presentación). Juego desarrollado para dispositivos Android basado en "Hundir la flota". Incluye modos de juego contra inteligencia artificial y para dos jugadores.


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Mugikorretarako egokitutako Bertsotarako Arbel Digitala garatu da, sinonimo- eta errima-bilatzailea laguntza gisa dituela. Gauden lekuan gaudela, mugikorraz baliatuz bertso bat osatu genezake, eta aplikazioak abisua pasako digu bertsoa zuzena ez bada, poto egin bada, errimaren bat okerra bada edo silaba kopurua egokia ez bada. Laguntzaile gisa errima-bilatzailea eta sinonimo-bilatzailea dauzka. Emandako hitzaren sinonimoak bueltatzen ditu sinonimo-bilatzaileak; errima-bilatzaileak, berriz, hitz bat edo hitz-bukaera bat emanda, emandakoarekin errimatzen duten hitzak bueltatzen ditu. Horrez gain, Bertsotarako Arbel Digitalean erabiltzaile erregistratua bagara, bertsoa gordetzeko aukera izango dugu.


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Proyecto de Fin de Carrera de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas: NavyWar (Capa de presentación) por Adrián Gil. Director: Germán Rigau. Proyecto conjunto: NavyWar, realizado en colaboración con Daniel Crego (Capa de Negocio y Datos). Juego desarrollado para dispositivos Android basado en "Hundir la flota". Incluye modos de juego contra inteligencia artificial y para dos jugadores.