425 resultados para Anaconda zic castings
In this issue...Len Waters, Circle K Club, Max Kert, Air Force, Stanley Eugene Bosch, Wesley Club, Engineer's week, toboggan party, Butte Central, Anaconda High School
In this issue...Coed Club, Coach Simonich, Georgetown Lake, Saint Patrick's Day, thermoelectricity, Peace Corps, Anaconda, Montana, Dan Rovig
In this issue...Leonard Field, Copper Guards, M-Days, Geology Field Trip, Columbia Riding Club, U.S. Army, International Club, Bob Johnson, Carroll College
In this issue...Paul Harvey, Student Wives Club, Magma, Anaconda, Dick Crnich, John Birch Society, Coed Club, Yellowstone Park, Montana Power, Ed Speelman
The factors that influence the choice of a method for treatment of an ore comprise the technical and economic limitations and advantages, derived in detail and balanced according to the exigencies of the particular situation.
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effect of the factors listed previously by conducting a series of tests that will indicate the extent to which the purification is influenced by time, temperature, zinc oust size, zinc dust quantity, iron concentration, two stage precipitation, and aeration.
The beneficiation of rhodochrosite ore to the extent that it is suitable for nodulizing and subsequent use in the steel industry is intriguing. Such ores from certain mines is relatively easy to beneficiate, but the rhodo-chrosite ore from several deposits of the Philipsburg district has never been successfully up-graded by any of the several known beneficiating methods.
In this issue...Anaconda Railroad, Professor Stout, International Club, Hord's Jewelry, KXLF Television station, Coed Club, cyclone fence, Ray Kotow
In this issue...Mines Baseball, seat belts, Anaconda, student luncheon, Memorial Day, Silver Bow Ballroom, Hennessy Department Store, President Kennedy
In this issue...M-Day dance, V. Jenks Orchestra, voting, Montana Legislature, Tom Sheehy, tennis, Columbia Gardens, Loretta Peck, commencement
In this issue...Anaconda Scholarships, homecoming, David Rovig, Berkeley Pit, National Reactor Testing Station, Anaconda Company, Wesley Club, Star Lanes Bowling
In this issue...Charles Russell, Alumni Club, Big Butte, Carol Dunstan, Frank Trask, Christmas Tea, Anaconda Company, Sigma Rho, Research Grants, Great Falls Brewery
In this issue...Fallout Shelters, First Aid, Deluxe Bar, United Nations, Continental Oil Company, Carroll College, Chess Club, Anaconda Aluminum Company, George Washington
In this issue...Northwest Mining Association, Montana Power, Garden Club, Itramural sports, Butte Civic Orchestra, Mike Mansfield, 4-H Banquet, Library News
In this issue...US Bureau of Land Management, Koehler Stout, Denver Post, President Kennedy, Anaconda Company, American Society of Metals, Metals Bank