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The adaptation to a new country is a complex and stressful process that is compounded when changes in status and identity have to be made. This exploratory study examined the adaptation of international company transferee spouses when they decide to follow the transferee on overseas assignments. Research to date indicates that the spouses’ dissatisfaction with life abroad is the leading cause of transferees breaking contract and prematurely returning home. The causes of this dissatisfaction are still not clear and this study sought greater clarification, particularly examining the experiences of male as well as female trailing spouses. The study, thus, takes gender as a main variable to consider. It explores how gendered expectations inherent in the structures of society inflect and inform the decisions, attitudes, and behaviors that affect the adaptations of trailing spouses living in a foreign habitus. The study is based on eight months of ethnographic research in two culturally different locations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Brussels, Belgium. Forty-two American international company transferee spouses were recruited (seven males and thirty-five females). The data analysis revolved around five main themes: (1) the comparison of male with female trailing spouses’ experiences, (2) the effect of location on spouses’ adaptation, (3) the communities that spouses integrate into, (4) variations in personal work and family histories, and (5) conditions of exit. The analysis engaged multiple theories regarding gender, sociological adaptation, and psychological adaptation. Results indicate that both socio-cultural and psychological factors affect adaptation and that gender matters very significantly, particularly along two axes: (1) gendered structures in our society create different reasons why males and females become trailing spouses, (2) the gendered social constructions of role expectations make the experience of being a trailing husband different from being a trailing wife. In addition spouses’ status as parents (or not) and their “readiness for change” were found to be important predictors of positive spousal adaptation. In contrast, significant ties with families in the home country and strong professional identity with career projections were important predictors of negative spousal adaptation.
The adaptation to a new country is a complex and stressful process that is compounded when changes in status and identity have to be made. This exploratory study examined the adaptation of international company transferee spouses when they decide to follow the transferee on overseas assignments. Research to date indicates that the spouses’ dissatisfaction with life abroad is the leading cause of transferees breaking contract and prematurely returning home. The causes of this dissatisfaction are still not clear and this study sought greater clarification, particularly examining the experiences of male as well as female trailing spouses. The study, thus, takes gender as a main variable to consider. It explores how gendered expectations inherent in the structures of society inflect and inform the decisions, attitudes, and behaviors that affect the adaptations of trailing spouses living in a foreign habitus. The study is based on eight months of ethnographic research in two culturally different locations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Brussels, Belgium. Forty-two American international company transferee spouses were recruited (seven males and thirty-five females). The data analysis revolved around five main themes: (1) the comparison of male with female trailing spouses’ experiences, (2) the effect of location on spouses’ adaptation, (3) the communities that spouses integrate into, (4) variations in personal work and family histories, and (5) conditions of exit. The analysis engaged multiple theories regarding gender, sociological adaptation, and psychological adaptation. Results indicate that both socio-cultural and psychological factors affect adaptation and that gender matters very significantly, particularly along two axes: (1) gendered structures in our society create different reasons why males and females become trailing spouses, (2) the gendered social constructions of role expectations make the experience of being a trailing husband different from being a trailing wife. In addition spouses’ status as parents (or not) and their “readiness for change” were found to be important predictors of positive spousal adaptation. In contrast, significant ties with families in the home country and strong professional identity with career projections were important predictors of negative spousal adaptation.
Tsar Peter the Great ruled Russia between 1689 and 1725. Its domains, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. From north to south, its empire stretching from the Arctic Ocean to the borders with China and India. Tsar Peter I tried to extend the geographical knowledge of his government and the rest of the world. He was also interested in the expansion of trade in Russia and in the control of trade routes. Feodor Luzhin and Ivan Yeverinov explored the eastern border of the Russian Empire, the trip between 1719 and 1721 and reported to the Tsar. They had crossed the peninsula of Kamchatka, from west to east and had traveled from the west coast of Kamchatka to the Kuril Islands. The information collected led to the first map of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Tsar Peter ordered Bering surf the Russian Pacific coast, build ships and sail the seas north along the coast to regions of America. The second expedition found equal to those of the previous explorers difficulties. Two ships were eventually thrown away in Okhotsk in 1740. The explorers spent the winter of 1740-1741 stockpiling supplies and then navigate to Petropavlovsk. The two ships sailed eastward and did together until June 20, then separated by fog. After searching Chirikov and his boat for several days, Bering ordered the San Pedro continue to the northeast. There the Russian sailors first sighted Alaska. According to the log, "At 12:30 (pm July 17) in sight of snow-capped mountains and between them a high volcano." This finding came the day of St. Elijah and so named the mountain.
L'industrialisation et l'urbanisation de la ville de Sherbrooke débutent au milieu du 19e siècle grâce à l'énergie hydraulique que fournit la rivière Magog et à l'implication de la British American Land Company. Diverses industries s'installent provoquant ainsi l'arrivée de Canadiens français et d'Irlandais en quête de travail. La population, d'abord anglophone et britannique, devient, dès 1871. majoritairement canadienne-française et elle se répartit dans quatre quartiers distincts. Les conditions de vie à Sherbrooke sont alors difficiles, car la promiscuité, le manque d'hygiène, la maladie et la criminalité sévissent. De plus, le chômage frappe assez fréquemment les familles ouvrières dont la vie est façonnée par les cycles économiques. L'insécurité financière dans laquelle elles vivent les oblige à réclamer l'assistance de leur parenté ou de la charité publique. Pour venir en aide à ces familles démunies, l'évêque fondateur du diocèse de Sherbrooke, Mgr Antoine Racine, réclame, dès 1674, la fondation d'une institution de charité. L'année suivante, l'Hospice du Sacré-Coeur ouvre ses portes, sous la direction des Soeurs de la Charité de Saint-Hyacinthe, pour secourir les malades, les vieillards et les orphelins. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons limité nos recherches à l’oeuvre des orphelins de l'Hospice du Sacré-Coeur, laissant dans l'ombre les autres oeuvres de cette institution. Il nous apparaissait impossible d'étudier les deux principales catégories de bénéficiaires, les vieillards et les orphelins, car elles relèvent de circonstances et de phénomènes différents. L'Hospice du Sacré-Cœur n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une analyse historique, seules Louise Brunelle-Lavoie et Jovette Dufort-Caron lui ont consacré quelques pages dans leur livre sur l'Hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Sherbrooke. Notre mémoire est donc consacré à un sujet jusqu'à présent inexploité par l'historiographie québécoise. Étant située au carrefour de l'histoire de l'enfance, de l'assistance sociale et de la famille, notre étude contribue à une meilleure connaissance de l'ensemble de la société québécoise. L'historiographie de la protection de l'enfance au Canada anglais est dominée par quatre auteurs : Neil Sutherland, Joy Parr, Patricia T. Rooke et Rodolph L. Schnell, le pionnier dans ce domaine. Neil Sutherland a publié en 1976 Children in English-Canadian Society; Framing the Twentieth-Century Consensus. Cet ouvrage présente les différentes réformes concernant la santé des enfants, le traitement des délinquants et l'éducation dans la communauté anglophone du Canada de 1870 à 1920. Sutherland estime que ces réformes témoignent de l'émergence d'une nouvelle conception de l'enfant à l'aube du 20e siècle. S'intéressant davantage au vécu des enfants qu'à l'organisation de l'assistance, Labouring Children; British immigrant Apprentices to Canada, 1869-1924 de Joy Parr, paru en 1980, retrace les conditions de vie des enfants démunis d'Angleterre qui ont été envoyés au Canada pour être mis en apprentissage chez des cultivateurs. Il faut aussi noter que plusieurs autres historiens et historiennes ont traité ce sujet mais d'une façon plus fragmentaire. En 1982, Childhood and Family in Canadien History, un ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Joy Parr, aborde les questions suivantes : l'enfance en Nouvelle-France, l'éducation en milieu rural, l'exil des jeunes néo-écossais, la (délinquance juvénile et le recours à l'orphelinat comme stratégie familiale en milieu ouvrier. On y retrouve, entre autres, un article de Bettina Bradbury dont nous reparlerons plus loin. Patricia Rooke et Rodolph L. Schnell travaillent en collaboration depuis plusieurs années. Ce sont, sans contredit, les auteurs les plus prolifiques en histoire de la protection de l'enfance. Ils ont étudié, dans quelques articles, les Protestant Orphan Homes, mais ils ne se sont jamais arrêtés sur les institutions catholiques. En 1982, ils ont publié Studies in Childhood History; A Canadien Perspective, un recueil d'articles, mais leur oeuvre majeur demeure Discarding the Asvlum: From Child Rescue to the Welfare State in English-Canada(1800-1950), paru un an plus tard. Fruit de cinq années de recherches, cette monographie retrace l'histoire de l'assistance institutionnelle de l'enfance, ses transformations et finalement son abandon comme méthode d'aide sociale [...].
In this issue...Continental Oil Company, Big Butte, Bolivia, Rotary Scholarship, YMCA, Anaconda Company, Butte Wesley Foundation, American Yearbook Company
Customer evolution and changes in consumers, determine the fact that the quality of the interface between marketing and sales may represent a true competitive advantage for the firm. Building on multidimensional theoretical and empirical models developed in Europe and on social network analysis, the organizational interface between the marketing and sales departments of a multinational high-growth company with operations in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay is studied. Both, attitudinal and social network measures of information exchange are used to make operational the nature and quality of the interface and its impact on performance. Results show the existence of a positive relationship of formalization, joint planning, teamwork, trust and information transfer on interface quality, as well as a positive relationship between interface quality and business performance. We conclude that efficient design and organizational management of the exchange network are essential for the successful performance of consumer goods companies that seek to develop distinctive capabilities to adapt to markets that experience vertiginous changes
Cover-title: Company unions.