998 resultados para Aeronáutica


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In recent years the aeronautic industries has increased investment in areas of technological research aiming at materials that offer better performance, safety, weight reduction and fuel consumption. For this reason the most studied materials are polymeric materials, due to their higher mechanical strength and higher stiffness. This work evaluated characteristics of two composite laminates produced from the same process, but they differed only in regions where the resin was injected and the vacuum position. The composite laminates were SC-79 resin reinforced with glass fiber fabric (plain weave) processed via VARTM. For this reason the material was subjected to mechanical tests such as: tensile, and fatigue following standards ASTM D 3039 and ASTM D 3479, respectively. The latter was observed the S-N curve. It was performed the ultrassonic C-scan analysis to check impregnation of the fiber. Considering that the process was the same for the two laminates, with small variations in the injection and in vacum ports, it was expected to find similar characteristics


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The increasing technological innovation and demand for materials with better properties boosts research into new materials and new alloys. To do so, aluminum alloys are being developed, among them the AA7075-T6, having many applications in aerospace and military industries, machinery and equipment, molds for plastic injection and structures. To study and understand the properties, characteristics and especially the microstructure of the material, the metallographic preparation is essential. This paper presents new methodologies to achieve the metallography of samples of scrap alloy AA7075-T6, with emphasis on methods of polishing. For the five samples, the best results were those with specific grinding, the samples only going down on the sander. For polishing, the most effective method so far has been using the polishing cloth 16.3, of ATM enterprise, solution of diamond 3 μm, solution of diamond 1 μm, and colloidal solution of OP-S. For the etching, the reactive agent used was phosphoric acid (H3PO4) 85% P.A., as 90% in the proportion of distilled water to 10% acid. The best results were obtained in the attacks of 300 and 240 seconds, revealing the grain boundaries in most areas. Methodologies need more studies and more tests, but the results have proved to be satisfactory


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The AA356 alloy is an alloy widely used in the automotive industry and aerospace due to its excellent mechanical properties. Refining the structure of eutectic silicon aluminum alloys is a fairly common practice in the foundry through treatment known as modification. This can be achieved by modifying agent adding chemicals such as contained in groups I and IIa of the periodic table and rare earths (europium, céreioi, praseodymium, neodymium, etc.). Has the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce an action modifier strong when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of the shafts turn silicon into a fibrous form and branched surrounded by metallic matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. In this work will be obtained ingots with and without the modifier type Al-10% Sr, made in sand molds and are generated and analyzed cooling curves and also the study of the macrostructure and microstructure of the solidified material. It was found that by adding the Al-Sr made shorten the solidification time and lower the grain size


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The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading


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After confirming the high specific mechanical properties of composite materials by scientific studies conducted over the last decades, one of the challenges of this new class of materials is the ability to achieve mass production at a more affordable cost, which has become indispensable. The Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is an excellent method for manufacturing composite materials. Despite being a process widely used by international companies in the production of high performance structural composites, only a short time the national aviation industry has shown interest in implementing this type of processing to more complex structures and greater structural responsibility. In aeronautical projects, the reproducibility and the relative low cost of this process, several studies have been performed in Brazil for learning and perfecting this technique. This process is suitable for producing polymer components both simple as complex geometry, and allows to achieve consistent thickness, with high quality finish and without limiting range. Polymeric composite components for the high mechanical stress applications such as aircraft structures, satellites, etc., require a strict control of volume fractions of the composite constituents, beyond the knowledge of their mechanical and thermal properties. Therefore, in this experimental work degree study on the mechanical, thermal and of porosity composites processed by RTM processed characterization was performed. This characterization was performed targeting a possible aerospace application of this composite material. For the production of composites, process equipment (RTM RTM injector Radius 2100cc) was used. The processed carbono/epoxy composites were characterized via flexure tests mechanically and thermally analysis via DMA, DSC and TGA. To determine the volume fraction of fibers, the composite samples were analyzed via matrix digestion (ASTM D3171) ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The most usual method to fix supports that hold the vast majority of electrical cables on an aircraft is accomplished by using, for this purpose, rivets. However, this procedure may some cause some inconveniences such as the need of effecting holes in the structure that is intended to fix these supports, thus decreasing resistance of the structure. In order to have an alternative to seek an increase in the performance of structured materials, the aircraft industry, like other industries, have been studying the use of collage as a method of replacing this usual forms. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to assess the strength and durability of a joint bonded using the adhesive EA9394, manufactured by company Henkel Corporation, and perform a careful survey of the mechanical performance of riveted structures, taking into account different types of conditioning environment and thus create a database that can be used by the aerospace industry


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The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading


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The machining of super alloys resistant to high temperatures such as nickel alloys, inconel 718 specifically, is a very difficult job to obtain improvements in the process, due to the difficulty of machining at high cutting speeds, the use of these alloys in industries showed great developments in recent years, its application in aeronautical industry spread being used in vane turbo, compressor parts, props and set elements. The automotive, chemical, medical and others also took advantage of the great features of inconel 718 and has used the material. The high temperature resistant alloys have high machining difficulty, a fact that is associated with high cutting forces generated during machining which result in high temperatures. High levels of temperatures can cause deterioration of the cutting edge, with subsequent deformation or breakage, wear most common obtained in machining such materials are flank wear the formation of built-up edge for cutting and notch wear. The experimental part of the work consists in machining of nickel-based alloy Inconel 718 heat treated for hardness, using a tool based ceramic silicon nitride Sandvik (Si3N4) in order to compare the best results obtained in the master's thesis of SANTOS (2010) who used a tool ceramics also the basis of silicon nitride which was developed in the doctoral thesis of SOUZA (2005). Assays were performed on a CNC lathe and was noted for each cutting edge results obtained. Tests were made starting from an initial condition of the tool with cutting speed of 200 m/min, feed 0.5 mm and 0.5 mm depth of cut was reduced cutting speed for the subsequent tests with the same conditions of feed and depth of cut. The tool presented wear instant under two 200 m/min and 100 m/min, premature rupture of 50 m/min and finally cut provided with difficulty... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In this work are discussed the main types of rivets, their characteristics and applicability within the Aeronautical Industry branch. Here are highlighted the solid rivets, showing off its layout, forms and limits of installation, that are required by aviation regulators. The riveting is a popular and simple procedure of fixing and joining two or more parts, and like any other manufacturing process is subject to process deviations that in some situations are beyond the limits of tolerance. One of these deviations is when the hole diameter exceeds the one proposed in project and which is limited by the rule of edge distance. The overall objective here is to study a possible solution to this problem: the installation of a rivet that has his diameter previously increased by compression. Observe the hole filling after riveting, detect the presence of cracks, discover the yield curve of the fasteners and their the crushing limits for failure prediction are tools used to verify this proposal. They demonstrate, at the end of study, the inefficiency of this procedure, with results that go against the safe fixing of parts in a structure


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This graduation work done study of polyamide 6.6/composite carbon fibres, since its processing, characterization of the main properties. Besides the influence of temperature, UV radiation, salt spray and moisture on the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior. To achieve this goal, the first composite was processed from the heat compression molding using known variables of the process and using the empirical method to find the best value for other parameters. The method processing molding was chosen because it common in composites processing in order to evaluate the influence of crystallinity of the properties that influence the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior laminates. From the obtained laminate specimens were evaluated in weathering, such as: in hygrothermal chamber, UV, salt spray and thermal shock. In another step, the effect produced by these constraints were evaluated by optical microscopy, ultrasound, dynamic mechanical analysis and vibration tests. This project was conducted at the Department of Technology and Materials of UNESP in Guaratingueta, where all the equipment and techniques for the implementation of this project met available. After the tests proved the applicability of the composite polyamide 6.6/carbon fibers in aeronautical applications with resistance the main climatic influences


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This work aims the design and analysis of a thrust frame system for a liquid fuel rocket engine. The project was developed following the design requirements established by the Division of Space Propulsion of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space. The layout of the structure was developed with the aid of a software of 3D modeling and static and dynamic analysis were performed by using a finite element package. The results of the analyzes helped in defining the layout of the structure which met all design requirements. The safety factor and the mass achieved were comfortably low, which may be useful in the future because the liquid fuel rocket engine is still in development


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Given the competitive reality of the globalized market, companies are compelled to develop strategic aspects of the management process, in order to ensure their survival. Among the strategic aspects is the price formation process, whose reasoning occurs mainly of adoption through cost system. Knowledge of costs and expenses provides conditions for the company to position itself strategically in the market, being able to follow the price of competition and sometimes even surpass them, called, more and more attention with regard to price formation. This study aims to identify the best price to be transferred to the market. To this end, were approached concept of pricing and its components, their strategies and pricing objectives, as well as the influence of demand on price formation, as well as the added value the brand and quality; and even a careful analysis of the price established by the said company in the service offered. We used the method of literature review and case study in the company ESA international aeronautical industry. Thus, we sought to explain about the main concepts for pricing in order to support decision making


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This paper provides an overview of the reality of Colonial Corps created in the early twentieth century, in São Paulo, based on a cut of the genesis of the municipality of Peixoto Hawk when he was one of the centers for the accommodation of European immigrants; well as in parallel to the phase coronelismo intensified in the area. From this historical assumption, following a brief contemporary approach, already in the XXI century, in order to provoke a debate that can aggregate relevant contribution to the strategic purposes of the locality, including inserting the new reality imposed by the deployment of the Aerospace Hub in the town, represented by installation of Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S / A - Embraer. It takes into account, thus the set of their social and cultural phenomena occurred and developed over time (diachronic); based on an analysis for educational planning, particularly in developing and implementing public policies and projects to new propositions for improvement Local education at different levels.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE