908 resultados para Aerodynamic Forces.


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Strong mechanical forces can, obviously, disrupt cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions, e.g., cyclic uniaxial stretch induces instability of cell adhesion, which then causes the reorientation of cells away from the stretching direction. However, recent experiments also demonstrated the existence of force dependent adhesion growth (rather than dissociation). To provide a quantitative explanation for the two seemingly contradictory phenomena, a microscopic model that includes both integrin-integrin interaction and integrin-ligand interaction is developed at molecular level by treating the focal adhesion as an adhesion cluster. The integrin clustering dynamics and integrin-ligand binding dynamics are then simulated within one unified theoretical frame with Monte Carlo simulation. We find that the focal adhesion will grow when the traction force is higher than a relative small threshold value, and the growth is dominated by the reduction of local chemical potential energy by the traction force. In contrast, the focal adhesion will rupture when the traction force exceeds a second threshold value, and the rupture is dominated by the breaking of integrin-ligand bonds. Consistent with the experiments, these results suggest a force map for various responses of cell adhesion to different scales of mechanical force. PMID: 20542514


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Waverider generated from a given flow field has a high lift-to-drag ratio because of attached bow shock on leading edge. However, leading edge blunt and off-design condition can make bow shock off leading edge and have unfavorable influence on aerodynamic characteristics. So these two problems have always been concerned as important engineering science issues by aeronautical engineering scientists. In this paper, through respectively using low speed and high speed waverider design principles, a wide-speed rang vehicle is designed, which can level takeoff and accelerate to hypersonic speed for cruise. In addition, sharp leading edge is blunted to alleviated aeroheating. Theoretical study and wind tunnel test show that this vehicle has good aerodynamic performance in wide-speed range of subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic speeds.


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[EU]Proiektu honek lehiaketarako moto baten erditxasia garatzen du, baita txasira lotuta egongo den modua ere. Erditxasia pieza estruktural bat da eta nahiz eta agian beharrezkoa ez izan lehiaketako moto batean, izan ere hauetan pilotuek ipurdia oso aurrean kokatzen dute pisua txasira bideratuz, moto guztiek duten atal bat da eta pertsonaren pisua eta honek egiturari eragiten dizkion indar eta esfortzuak eusteko erabiltzen da. Kasu batzuetan txasiaren beraren barnean egoten da zati hau eta beraz dena pieza bat izaten da, baina gure kasuan biak, erditxasia eta txasia elkarri lotuta egongo dira. Hasteko erditxasi hau zein eratara fabrikatua izan daitekeen aztertuko da(hodi, txapa…), eta modu bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak ikusi beharko dira azkenik nola egingo den aukeratzeko. Honela gure piezaren eboluzio bat emango da guk behar ditugun exijentzia teknikoak bete ditzan eta ekonomikoki ere bideragarria izan dadin. Amaitzeko pieza bere lekuan bermatzeko beharko diren elementu laguntzaileak ere kalkulatu edo aukeratu beharko dira, lehiaketan dugun portaera guk nahi duguna izan dadin.


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[ES]El proyecto investigador tiene el objeto el estudio del comportamiento de un perfil aerodinámico frente a un flujo turbulento, en este caso el aire. Se trata de evaluar las presiones que se ejercen sobre dicho perfil, que será un alerón de monoplaza tipo Formula Student, para comprobar si aporta alguna mejora en el comportamiento del monoplaza la introducción de este paquete aerodinámico. Con la introducción de este perfil en el monoplaza se pretende ganar un mayor agarre en el paso por curva siendo la resistencia al avance en recta la mínima posible, ya que lo que se pretende es hacer el recorrido del circuito en el menor tiempo posible. Por tanto hay dos variables a tener en cuenta a la hora de diseñar el alerón, por un lado esta mejorar el agarre de los neumáticos sobre el asfalto al tomar una curva, lo que nos permitirá tomar la curva a mayor velocidad y por tanto en menos tiempo, y por otro lado, la oposición que el alerón ejerce en el avance en recta disminuyendo su velocidad máxima. En resumen, se trata de comparar la fuerza horizontal y la fuerza vertical que el aire ejerce sobre el perfil aerodinámico a introducir en el monoplaza y evaluar si es beneficioso para este, es decir, si añadiendo dicho perfil se realiza el trazado del circuito en menor tiempo que sin él. Para ello se realizarán simulaciones con un software de modelado físico de flujos y turbulencias sobre un diseño de un alerón dado, con diferentes tipos de flujo, de forma que se asemeje de mejor forma a las condiciones de la pista y se obtendrán los resultados de las presiones que el flujo de aire ejerce sobre las superficies del perfil. Después se obtendrán las fuerzas puntuales vertical y horizontal y se analizaran los datos obtenidos. Deberán tenerse en cuenta, además de los resultados obtenidos, los materiales a emplear a la hora de su fabricación, el proceso de dicha fabricación y el coste que supone tanto el proceso como los materiales empleados.


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The investigations described herein are both experimental and theoretical. An experimental technique is described by which the models tested could be oscillated sinusoidally in heave. The apparatus used to gather the unsteady lift, drag and pitching moment data is also described.

The models tested were two flat delta wings with apex angles of 15° and 30° and they had sharp leading edges to insure flow separation. The models were fabricated from 0.25 inch aluminum plate and were approximately one foot in length.

Three distinct types of flow were investigated: 1) fully wetted, 2) ventilated and 3) planing. The experimental data are compared with existing theories for steady motions in the case of fully wetted delta wings. Ventilation measurements, made only for the 30° model at 20° angle of attack, of lift and drag are presented.

A correction of the theory proposed by M.P. Tulin for high speed planing of slender bodies is presented and it is extended to unsteady motions. This is compared to the experimental measurements made at 6° and 12° angle of attack for the two models previously described.

This is the first extensive measurement of unsteady drag for any shape wing, the first measurement of unsteady planing forces, the first quantitative documentation of unstable oscillations near a free surface, and the first measurements of the unsteady forces on ventilated delta wings. The results of these investigations, both theoretical and experimental, are discussed and further investigations suggested.