938 resultados para Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system


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K. Rasmani and Q. Shen. Data-driven fuzzy rule generation and its application for student academic performance evaluation. Applied Intelligence, 25(3):305-319, 2006.


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M. Galea and Q. Shen. Iterative vs Simultaneous Fuzzy Rule Induction. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 767-772.


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This paper investigates a possible application of Preisach model to control shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators using an internal model control strategy. The developed strategy consists in including the Preisach hysteresis model of SMA actuator and the inverse Preisach model within the control structure. In this work, an extrema input hystory and a fuzzy inference is utilized to replace the classical Preisach model. This allows to reduce a large amount of experimental parameters and computation time of the classical Preisach model. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller in improving control performance and hysteresis compensation of SMA actuators, experimental results from real time control are presented.


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This paper presents a method of using the so-colled "bacterial algorithm" (4,5) for extracting a fuzzy rule base from a training set. The bewly proposed bacterial evolutionary algorithm (BEA) is shown. In our application one bacterium corresponds to a fuzzy rule system.


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Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. A critical issue regarding these specific characteristics concerns the constant changes they are subject to. This is a result of the electricity markets’ restructuring, which was performed so that the competitiveness could be increased, but it also had exponential implications in the increase of the complexity and unpredictability in those markets scope. The constant growth in markets unpredictability resulted in an amplified need for market intervenient entities in foreseeing market behaviour. The need for understanding the market mechanisms and how the involved players’ interaction affects the outcomes of the markets, contributed to the growth of usage of simulation tools. Multi-agent based software is particularly well fitted to analyze dynamic and adaptive systems with complex interactions among its constituents, such as electricity markets. This dissertation presents ALBidS – Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System, a multiagent system created to provide decision support to market negotiating players. This system is integrated with the MASCEM electricity market simulator, so that its advantage in supporting a market player can be tested using cases based on real markets’ data. ALBidS considers several different methodologies based on very distinct approaches, to provide alternative suggestions of which are the best actions for the supported player to perform. The approach chosen as the players’ actual action is selected by the employment of reinforcement learning algorithms, which for each different situation, simulation circumstances and context, decides which proposed action is the one with higher possibility of achieving the most success. Some of the considered approaches are supported by a mechanism that creates profiles of competitor players. These profiles are built accordingly to their observed past actions and reactions when faced with specific situations, such as success and failure. The system’s context awareness and simulation circumstances analysis, both in terms of results performance and execution time adaptation, are complementary mechanisms, which endow ALBidS with further adaptation and learning capabilities.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets) is a multi-agent electricity market simulator that models market players and simulates their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. This paper presents a methodology to provide decision support to electricity market negotiating players. This model allows integrating different strategic approaches for electricity market negotiations, and choosing the most appropriate one at each time, for each different negotiation context. This methodology is integrated in ALBidS (Adaptive Learning strategic Bidding System) – a multiagent system that provides decision support to MASCEM's negotiating agents so that they can properly achieve their goals. ALBidS uses artificial intelligence methodologies and data analysis algorithms to provide effective adaptive learning capabilities to such negotiating entities. The main contribution is provided by a methodology that combines several distinct strategies to build actions proposals, so that the best can be chosen at each time, depending on the context and simulation circumstances. The choosing process includes reinforcement learning algorithms, a mechanism for negotiating contexts analysis, a mechanism for the management of the efficiency/effectiveness balance of the system, and a mechanism for competitor players' profiles definition.


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The work is intended to study the following important aspects of document image processing and develop new methods. (1) Segmentation ofdocument images using adaptive interval valued neuro-fuzzy method. (2) Improving the segmentation procedure using Simulated Annealing technique. (3) Development of optimized compression algorithms using Genetic Algorithm and parallel Genetic Algorithm (4) Feature extraction of document images (5) Development of IV fuzzy rules. This work also helps for feature extraction and foreground and background identification. The proposed work incorporates Evolutionary and hybrid methods for segmentation and compression of document images. A study of different neural networks used in image processing, the study of developments in the area of fuzzy logic etc is carried out in this work


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This thesis investigated the potential use of Linear Predictive Coding in speech communication applications. A Modified Block Adaptive Predictive Coder is developed, which reduces the computational burden and complexity without sacrificing the speech quality, as compared to the conventional adaptive predictive coding (APC) system. For this, changes in the evaluation methods have been evolved. This method is as different from the usual APC system in that the difference between the true and the predicted value is not transmitted. This allows the replacement of the high order predictor in the transmitter section of a predictive coding system, by a simple delay unit, which makes the transmitter quite simple. Also, the block length used in the processing of the speech signal is adjusted relative to the pitch period of the signal being processed rather than choosing a constant length as hitherto done by other researchers. The efficiency of the newly proposed coder has been supported with results of computer simulation using real speech data. Three methods for voiced/unvoiced/silent/transition classification have been presented. The first one is based on energy, zerocrossing rate and the periodicity of the waveform. The second method uses normalised correlation coefficient as the main parameter, while the third method utilizes a pitch-dependent correlation factor. The third algorithm which gives the minimum error probability has been chosen in a later chapter to design the modified coder The thesis also presents a comparazive study beh-cm the autocorrelation and the covariance methods used in the evaluaiicn of the predictor parameters. It has been proved that the azztocorrelation method is superior to the covariance method with respect to the filter stabf-it)‘ and also in an SNR sense, though the increase in gain is only small. The Modified Block Adaptive Coder applies a switching from pitch precitzion to spectrum prediction when the speech segment changes from a voiced or transition region to an unvoiced region. The experiments cont;-:ted in coding, transmission and simulation, used speech samples from .\£=_‘ajr2_1a:r1 and English phrases. Proposal for a speaker reecgnifion syste: and a phoneme identification system has also been outlized towards the end of the thesis.


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We present a type-based approach to statically derive symbolic closed-form formulae that characterize the bounds of heap memory usages of programs written in object-oriented languages. Given a program with size and alias annotations, our inference system will compute the amount of memory required by the methods to execute successfully as well as the amount of memory released when methods return. The obtained analysis results are useful for networked devices with limited computational resources as well as embedded software.


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A connection between a fuzzy neural network model with the mixture of experts network (MEN) modelling approach is established. Based on this linkage, two new neuro-fuzzy MEN construction algorithms are proposed to overcome the curse of dimensionality that is inherent in the majority of associative memory networks and/or other rule based systems. The first construction algorithm employs a function selection manager module in an MEN system. The second construction algorithm is based on a new parallel learning algorithm in which each model rule is trained independently, for which the parameter convergence property of the new learning method is established. As with the first approach, an expert selection criterion is utilised in this algorithm. These two construction methods are equivalent in their effectiveness in overcoming the curse of dimensionality by reducing the dimensionality of the regression vector, but the latter has the additional computational advantage of parallel processing. The proposed algorithms are analysed for effectiveness followed by numerical examples to illustrate their efficacy for some difficult data based modelling problems.


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This paper describes the development of an experimental distributed fuzzy control system for heating and ventilation (HVAC) systems within a building. Each local control loop is affected by a number of local variables, as well as information from neighboring controllers. By including this additional information it is hoped that a more equal allocation of resources can be achieved.


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Teleoperated robotic systems provide a valuable solution for the exploration of hazardous environments. The ability to explore dangerous environments from the safety of a remote location represents an important progression towards the preservation of human safety in the inevitable response to such a threat. While the benefits of removing physical human presence are clear, challenges associated with remote operation of a robotic system need to be addressed. Removing direct human presence from the robot's operating environment introduces telepresence as an important consideration in achieving the desired objective. The introduction of the haptic modality represents one approach towards improving operator performance subject to reduced telepresence. When operating in an urban environment, teleoperative stair climbing is not an uncommon scenario. This work investigates the operation of an articulated track mobile robot designed for ascending stairs under teleoperative control. In order to assist the teleoperator in improved navigational capabilities, a fuzzy expert system is utilised to provide the teleoperator with intelligent haptic augmentation with the aim of improving task performance.


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The need for intelligent monitoring systems has become a necessity to keep track of the complex forex market. The forex market is difficult to understand by an average individual. However, once the market is broken down into simple terms, the average individual can begin to understand the foreign exchange market and use it as a financial instrument for future investing. This paper is an attempt to compare the performance of a Takagi-Sugeno type neuro-fuzzy system and a feed forward neural network trained using the scaled conjugate gradient algorithm to predict the average monthly forex rates. The exchange values of Australian dollar are considered with respect to US dollar, Singapore dollar, New Zealand dollar, Japanese yen and United Kingdom pound. The connectionist models were trained using 70% of the data and remaining was used for testing and validation purposes. It is observed that the proposed connectionist models were able to predict the average forex rates one month ahead accurately. Experiment results also reveal that neuro-fuzzy technique performed better than the neural network.


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It has been recognised that formal methods are useful as a modelling tool in requirements engineering. Specification languages such as Z permit the precise and unambiguous modelling of system properties and behaviour. However some system problems, particularly those drawn from the information systems problem domain, may be difficult to model in crisp or precise terms. It may also be desirable that formal modelling should commence as early as possible, even when our understanding of parts of the problem domain is only approximate. This thesis suggests fuzzy set theory as a possible representation scheme for this imprecision or approximation. A fuzzy logic toolkit that defines the operators, measures and modifiers necessary for the manipulation of fuzzy sets and relations is developed. The toolkit contains a detailed set of laws that demonstrate the properties of the definitions when applied to partial set membership. It also provides a set of laws that establishes an isomorphism between the toolkit notation and that of conventional Z when applied to boolean sets and relations. The thesis also illustrates how the fuzzy logic toolkit can be applied in the problem domains of interest. Several examples are presented and discussed including the representation of imprecise concepts as fuzzy sets and relations, system requirements as a series of linguistically quantified propositions, the modelling of conflict and agreement in terms of fuzzy sets and the partial specification of a fuzzy expert system. The thesis concludes with a consideration of potential areas for future research arising from the work presented here.