958 resultados para Acceleration, Centre of mass, Gait, Kinematic, Running, Symmetry


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A measurement of charged-particle distributions sensitive to the properties of the underlying event is presented for an inclusive sample of events containing a Z-boson, decaying to an electron or muon pair. The measurement is based on data collected using the ATLAS detector at the LHC in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 4.6fb−1. Distributions of the charged particle multiplicity and of the charged particle transverse momentum are measured in regions of azimuthal angle defined with respect to the Z-boson direction. The measured distributions are compared to similar distributions measured in jet events, and to the predictions of various Monte Carlo generators implementing different underlying event models.


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A measurement of the production processes of the recently discovered Higgs boson is performed in the two-photon final state using 4.5  fb −1 of proton-proton collisions data at s √ =7  TeV and 20.3  fb −1 at s √ =8  TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The number of observed Higgs boson decays to diphotons divided by the corresponding Standard Model prediction, called the signal strength, is found to be μ=1.17±0.27 at the value of the Higgs boson mass measured by ATLAS, m H =125.4  GeV . The analysis is optimized to measure the signal strengths for individual Higgs boson production processes at this value of m H . They are found to be μ ggF =1.32±0.38 , μ VBF =0.8±0.7 , μ WH =1.0±1.6 , μ ZH =0.1 +3.7 −0.1 , and μ tt ¯ H =1.6 +2.7 −1.8 , for Higgs boson production through gluon fusion, vector-boson fusion, and in association with a W or Z boson or a top-quark pair, respectively. Compared with the previously published ATLAS analysis, the results reported here also benefit from a new energy calibration procedure for photons and the subsequent reduction of the systematic uncertainty on the diphoton mass resolution. No significant deviations from the predictions of the Standard Model are found.


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Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production in the H →ZZ* → 4ℓ decay channel are presented. The cross sections are determined within a fiducial phase space and corrected for detection efficiency and resolution effects. They are based on 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data, produced at √s = 8 TeV centre-of-mass energy at the LHC and recorded by the ATLAS detector. The differential measurements are performed in bins of transverse momentum and rapidity of the four-lepton system, the invariant mass of the subleading lepton pair and the decay angle of the leading lepton pair with respect to the beam line in the four-lepton rest frame, as well as the number of jets and the transverse momentum of the leading jet. The measured cross sections are compared to selected theoretical calculations of the Standard Model expectations. No significant deviation from any of the tested predictions is found. c


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Additional jet activity in dijet events is measured using pp collisions at ATLAS at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, for jets reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with radius parameter R=0.6. This is done using variables such as the fraction of dijet events without an additional jet in the rapidity interval bounded by the dijet subsystem and correlations between the azimuthal angles of the dijets. They are presented, both with and without a veto on additional jet activity in the rapidity interval, as a function of the mean transverse momentum of the dijets and of the rapidity interval size. The double differential dijet cross section is also measured as a function of the interval size and the azimuthal angle between the dijets. These variables probe differences in the approach to resummation of large logarithms when performing QCD calculations. The data are compared to POWHEG, interfaced to the PYTHIA 8 and HERWIG parton shower generators, as well as to HEJ with and without interfacing it to the ARIADNE parton shower generator. None of the theoretical predictions agree with the data across the full phase-space considered; however, POWHEG+PYTHIA 8 and HEJ+ARIADNE are found to provide the best agreement with the data.These measurements use the full data sample collected with the ATLAS detector in 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC and correspond to integrated luminosities of 36.1 pb−1 and 4.5 fb−1 for data collected during 2010 and 2011 respectively.


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The prompt and non-prompt production cross-sections for ψ(2S) mesons are measured using 2.1 fb−1 of pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The measurement exploits the ψ(2S) → J/ψ (→μ+μ−)π+π− decay mode, and probes ψ(2S) mesons with transverse momenta in the range10 ≤ pT < 100 GeV and rapidity |y| < 2.0. The results are compared to other measurements of ψ(2S) production at the LHC and to various theoretical models for prompt and non-prompt quarkonium production.


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Measurements of fiducial and differential cross sections are presented for Higgs boson production in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 8TeV. The analysis is performed in the H → γγ decay channel using 20.3 fb−1 of data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The signal is extracted using a fit to the diphoton invariant mass spectrum assuming that the width of the resonance is much smaller than the experimental resolution. The signal yields are corrected for the effects of detector inefficiency and resolution. The pp → H → γγ fiducial cross section is measured to be 43.2 ±9.4 (stat.) +3.2 −2.9 (syst.) ±1.2 (lumi) fb for a Higgs boson of mass 125.4 GeV decaying to two isolated photons that have transverse momentum greater than 35% and 25% of the diphoton invariant mass and each with absolute pseudorapidity less than 2.37. Four additional fiducial cross sections and two cross-section limits are presented in phase space regions that test the theoretical modelling of different Higgs boson production mechanisms, or are sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. Differential cross sections are also presented, as a function of variables related to the diphoton kinematics and the jet activity produced in the Higgs boson events. The observed spectra are statistically limited but broadly in line with the theoretical expectations.


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This paper presents a measurement of the cross-section for high transverse momentum W and Z bosons produced in pp collisions and decaying to allhadronic final states. The data used in the analysis were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of s = 7 TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1. The measurement is performed by reconstructing the boosted W or Z bosons in single jets. The reconstructed jet mass is used to identify the W and Z bosons, and a jet substructure method based on energy cluster information in the jet centre-of mass frame is used to suppress the large multi-jet background. The cross-section for events with a hadronically decaying W or Z boson, with transverse momentum pT > 320 GeV and pseudorapidity |η| < 1.9, is measured to be σ + = ± W Z 8.5 1.7 pb and is compared to next-to-leading-order calculations. The selected events are further used to study jet grooming techniques.


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This paper reports the results of a search for strong production of supersymmetric particles in 20.1 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The search is performed separately in events with either zero or at least one high-pT lepton (electron or muon), large missing transverse momentum, high jet multiplicity and at least three jets identified as originated from the fragmentation of a b-quark. No excess is observed with respect to the Standard Model predictions. The results are interpreted in the context of several supersymmetric models involving gluinos and scalar top and bottom quarks, as well as a mSUGRA/CMSSM model. Gluino masses up to 1340 GeV are excluded, depending on the model, significantly extending the previous ATLAS limits.


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An improved measurement of the mass of the Higgs boson is derived from a combined fit to the reconstructed invariant mass spectra of the decay channels H→γγ and H→ZZ ∗ →4ℓ . The analysis uses the pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at center-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25  fb −1 . The measured value of the Higgs boson mass is m H =125.36±0.37(stat)±0.18(syst)  GeV . This result is based on improved energy-scale calibrations for photons, electrons, and muons as well as other analysis improvements, and supersedes the previous result from ATLAS. Upper limits on the total width of the Higgs boson are derived from fits to the invariant mass spectra of the H→γγ and H→ZZ ∗ →4ℓ decay channels.


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This paper describes a measurement of the Z/ѵ* boson transverse momentum spectrum using ATLAS proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 7 TeV at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the Z/ѵ* → e+e− and Z/ѵ* → μ+μ− channels, using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb−1. Normalized differential cross sections as a function of the Z/ѵ* boson transverse momentum are measured for transverse momenta up to 800 GeV. The measurement is performed inclusively for Z/ѵ* rapidities up to 2.4, as well as in three rapidity bins. The channel results are combined, compared to perturbative and resummed QCD calculations and used to constrain the parton shower parameters of Monte Carlo generators.


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Distributions sensitive to the underlying event in QCD jet events have been measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, based on 37 pb−1 of proton–proton collision data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. Chargedparticle mean pT and densities of all-particle ET and chargedparticle multiplicity and pT have been measured in regions azimuthally transverse to the hardest jet in each event. These are presented both as one-dimensional distributions and with their mean values as functions of the leading-jet transverse momentum from 20 to 800 GeV. The correlation of chargedparticle mean pT with charged-particle multiplicity is also studied, and the ET densities include the forward rapidity region; these features provide extra data constraints for Monte Carlo modelling of colour reconnection and beamremnant effects respectively. For the first time, underlying event observables have been computed separately for inclusive jet and exclusive dijet event selections, allowing more detailed study of the interplay of multiple partonic scattering and QCD radiation contributions to the underlying event. Comparisonsto the predictions of different Monte Carlo models show a need for further model tuning, but the standard approach is found to generally reproduce the features of the underlying event in both types of event selection.


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Measurements of fiducial cross sections for the electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z-boson are presented. The measurements are performed using 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of p s = 8TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The electroweak component is extracted by a fit to the dijet invariant mass distribution in a fiducial region chosen to enhance the electroweak contribution over the dominant background in which the jets are produced via the strong interaction. The electroweak cross sections measured in two fiducial regions are in good agreement with the Standard Model expectations and the background-only hypothesis is rejected with significance above the 5ơ level. The electroweak process includes the vector boson fusion production of a Z-boson and the data are used to place limits on anomalous triple gauge boson couplings. In addition, measurements of cross sections and differential distributions for inclusive Z-boson-plus-dijet production are performed in five fiducial regions, each with different sensitivity to the electroweak contribution. The results are corrected for detector effects and compared to predictions from the Sherpa and Powheg event generators.


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The study of mass movements in lake sediments provides insights into past natural hazards at historic and prehistoric timescales. Sediments from the deep basin of Lake Geneva reveal a succession of six large-scale (volumes of 22 × 106 to 250 × 106 m3) mass-transport deposits, associated with five mass-movement events within 2600 years (4000 cal bp to 563 ad). The mass-transport deposits result from: (i) lateral slope failures (mass-transport deposit B at 3895 ± 225 cal bp and mass-transport deposits A and C at 3683 ± 128 cal bp); and (ii) Rhône delta collapses (mass-transport deposits D to G dated at 2650 ± 150 cal bp, 2185 ± 85 cal bp, 1920 ± 120 cal bp and 563 ad, respectively). Mass-transport deposits A and C were most probably triggered by an earthquake, whereas the Rhône delta collapses were likely to be due to sediment overload with a rockfall as the external trigger (mass-transport deposit G, the Tauredunum event in 563 ad known from historical records), an earthquake (mass-transport deposit E) or unknown external triggers (mass-transport deposits D and F). Independent of their origin and trigger mechanisms, numerical simulations show that all of these recorded mass-transport deposits are large enough to have generated at least metre-scale tsunamis during mass movement initiation. Since the Tauredunum event in 563 ad, two small-scale (volumes of 1 to 2 × 106 m3) mass-transport deposits (H and I) are present in the seismic record, both of which are associated with small lateral slope failures. Mass-transport deposits H and I might be related to earthquakes in Lausanne/Geneva (possibly) 1322 ad and Aigle 1584 ad, respectively. The sedimentary record of the deep basin of Lake Geneva, in combination with the historical record, show that during the past 3695 years, at least six tsunamis were generated by mass movements, indicating that the tsunami hazard in the Lake Geneva region should not be neglected, although such events are not frequent with a recurrence time of 0·0016 yr−1.


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Within the framework of Switzerland’s international NCCR North-South research programme, Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS) are a practice-oriented component with a transdisciplinary approach. By linking research and development practice, they bring together researchers, practitioners and local communities in a common effort to test and evaluate research findings in concrete development contexts. They provide unique insights into innovative approaches and opportunities for promoting sustainable development in countries of the South and East. After an initial four-year phase, the PAMS projects implemented to date were evaluated in order to learn about their potentials and limits, as well as to decide on the direction of the component for the next phase of the programme. The present publication presents the results of this evaluation.