258 resultados para APIDAE


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Bee males (drones) of stingless bees tend to congregate near entrances of conspecific nests, where they wait for virgin queens that initiate their nuptial flight. We observed that the Neotropical solitary wasp Trachypus boharti (Hymenoptera, Cabronidae) specifically preys on males of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica (Hymenoptera, Apidae); these wasps captured up to 50 males per day near the entrance of a single hive. Over 90% of the wasp attacks were unsuccessful; such erroneous attacks often involved conspecific wasps and worker bees. After the capture of non-male prey, wasps almost immediately released these individuals unharmed and continued hunting. A simple behavioral experiment showed that at short distances wasps were not specifically attracted to S. postica males nor were they repelled by workers of the same species. Likely, short-range prey detection near the bees' nest is achieved mainly by vision whereas close-range prey recognition is based principally on chemical and/or mechanical cues. We argue that the dependence on the wasp's visual perception during attack and the crowded and dynamic hunting conditions caused wasps to make many preying attempts that failed. Two wasp-density-related factors, wasp-prey distance and wasp-wasp encounters, may account for the fact that the highest male capture and unsuccessful wasp bee encounter rates occurred at intermediate wasp numbers.


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The decomposition of small carcasses in the open is frequently neglected although it may provide information of forensic importance. This paper describes an experimental study of arthropod species associated with carcasses of mouse, Mus musculus (Linnaeus, 1758) and rat, Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) (Rodentia: Muridae). Four carcasses were left inside iron cages in sunlit and shady areas in a secondary forest in Southeastern Brazil twice a season for four seasons (n = 16 carcasses of each rodent). The carcasses were removed when arthropods ceased to visit them. The visiting and colonizing invertebrates were collected daily and identified. Immatures were also collected and reared in a laboratory for identification. We collected 6,514 arthropods (820 adults and 5,694 juvenile forms) belonging to 53 species from the families Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Fanniidae, Syrphidae, Richardiidae, Sepsidae, Micropezidae, Otitidae, Drosophilidae, Phoridae, Dolichopodidae, Anthomyiidae, Asilidae and Lauxaniidae (Diptera), Formicidae, Ichneumonidae, Encyrtidae and Apidae (Hymenoptera), Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) and Gonyleptidae (Opiliones). Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker, 1861) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) deserve special attention because both adult and immature forms were collected in all seasons and in both areas. Our results indicate that the frequency of occurrence of these arthropods was positively associated with carcass size (mouse or rat); no marked insect succession on the carcasses occurred; and the diversity of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae was high, irrespective of season.


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The secretory cycle of hypopharyngeal glands (HPGs) in Scaptotrigona postica resembles that of Apis mellifera: in newly emerged workers the HPGs are in prefunctional state, their maximum development happens in the nurse workers and in forager workers they show signs of reabsorption. In S. postica these glands are also present in queens and males where they are more developed in newly emerged individuals. The ultrastructural features of the HPG secretory cycle in workers of S. postica and A. mellifera are alike: granular endoplasmic reticulum well developed, large secretion masses around the intracellular canaliculus in nurse workers and extensive degenerative structures in forager workers. Then it is suggested that the HPG secrete similar substances in both species. A second secretory cycle seems to occur in early foragers, may be with production of enzymes. The role of the HPGs in queens and males remains unknown but one possibility is enzyme production.


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A anatomia dos órgãos internos do aparelho reprodutor de machos (ARM) adultos e pupas foi comparada em 51 espécies de abelhas, incluindo representantes de seis famílias. Foram obtidos quatro tipos diferentes de ARM. O tipo I está presente em machos das famílias mais basais (Colletidae, Andrenidae e Halictidae) e é caracterizado por três túbulos seminíferos por testículo, o qual é quase totalmente envolvido pela membrana escrotal. O tipo II é um tipo intermediário entre os tipos I e III e está presente em Mellitidae e Megachilidae, como também em alguns Apidae estudados, sendo caracterizado por possuir dutos deferentes pós-vesiculares fora da membrana escrotal e possuir três ou quatro túbulos seminíferos por testículo, exceto Apis mellifera L., a qual possui secundariamente um número aumentado de túbulos. O tipo III foi achado somente nos Apidae estudados e é caracterizado por apresentar os testículos e dutos genitais (exceto o duto deferente pós-vesicular) encapsulados separadamente, as glândulas acessórias são bem desenvolvidas e o duto ejaculador é calibroso, apresentando fissuras em sua parede externa, as quais podem ocorrer também no tipo II. O tipo IV está presente exclusivamente na tribo Meliponini e é caracterizado pela ausência de glândulas acessórias.


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Caste determination in Trigona spinipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini) is trophogenic. Larvae that eat about 360 mu l of food become queens, while those who consume 36 mu l develop into workers. We studied the effect of larval nutrition on the number and length of ovarioles and on ovarian development in fifth instar larvae, white eyed, pink eyed and black-eyed pupae as well as newly emerged adults. All larvae have four ovarioles per ovary, while in queen pupae this number ranged from 8 to 15. Cyst formation, the cell death and other characteristics of ovary morphogenesis were the same regardless of the quantity of food consumed. These results are discussed in relation to caste differentiation in other bees.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Foram estudadas a composição e diversidade de abelhas em uma área agrícola no município de Rio Claro, Estado de São Paulo, de maio de 2003 a junho de 2004, utilizando armadilha de Moericke. O local de coleta, uma área com 58,08 hectares, caracteriza-se pela produção de grãos e a prática de plantio direto, sendo que 70% da área de entorno é utilizada para o plantio de cana-de-açúcar. Foram coletadas 456 abelhas distribuídas em 20 gêneros, pertencentes às famílias Andrenidae (4,8%), Apidae (40,8%) e Halictidae (54,4%). Espécimes dos gêneros Dialictus (38%) e Diadasia (30%) foram predominantes nesta área. A diversidade de espécies avaliadas pelos índices de Shannon e Simpson foram H =1,88 e 1/D= 4.15, respectivamente, e o índice de Equitatibilidade de 0,61.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Comparou-se o número de ovaríolos de operárias de abelhas Apis mellifera L. de 36 colônias de retrocruzamentos (Africanizadas e Italianas) e operárias de colônias ancestrais parentais, endocruzadas e híbridas (F1). Não houve diferença no número de ovaríolos dos ovários direito e esquerdo das operárias. As abelhas híbridas da geração F1 apresentaram de 2 a 31 ovaríolos. O número de ovaríolos nas operárias dos retrocruzamentos africanizados variou de 2 a 56 e nos retrocruzamentos italianos de 2 a 117. A grande variação no número de ovaríolos das abelhas dos retrocruzamentos deveu-se a variabilidade observada na geração parental (abelhas africanizadas: 2 - 16; italianas: 6 - 26) e no F1 (2 - 31).


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The present paper deals with the description of the formation of the micropylar apparatus in some species of Apidae bees. The features of the cells located in the anterior pole of the oocyte chamber are described at light microscopy and with SEM and TEM. The resulting micropylar region has the form of a sieved plate, slightly elevated in relationship to the oocyte surface. It is not clear if all the holes in the sieve are opened.


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Hydrolytic enzymes from hypopharyngeal gland extracts of newly emerged, nurse and foraging workers of two eusocial bees, Scaptotrigona postica, a native Brazilian stingless bee, and the Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera) in Brazil, were compared. The hypopharyngeal gland is rich in enzymes in both species. Fifteen different enzymes were found in the extracts, with only a few quantitative differences between the species. Some of the enzymes present in the extracts may have intracellular functions, while others seem to be digestive enzymes. Scaptotrigona postica, had lower β-glucosidase and higher lipase esterase activities than A. mellifera. The differences may be due to different feeding habits and behavioral peculiarities of the two species. ©FUNPEC-RP.