800 resultados para APENDICULAR SKELETON


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Water soluble perchlorinated trityl (PTM) radicals were found to be effective 95 GHz DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) polarizers in ex situ (dissolution) 13C DNP (Gabellieri et al., Angew Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3360). The degree of the nuclear polarization obtained was reported to be dependent on the position of the chlorine substituents on the trityl skeleton. In addition, on the basis of the DNP frequency sweeps it was suggested that the 13C NMR signal enhancement is mediated by the Cl nuclei. To understand the DNP mechanism of the PTM radicals we have explored the 95 GHz EPR characteristics of these radicals that are relevant to their performance as DNP polarizers. The EPR spectra of the radicals revealed axially symmetric g-tensors. A comparison of the spectra with the 13C DNP frequency sweeps showed that although the solid effect mechanism is operational the DNP frequency sweeps reveal some extra width suggesting that contributions from EPR forbidden transitions involving 35,37Cl nuclear flips are likely. This was substantiated experimentally by ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance) detected NMR measurements, which map the EPR forbidden transitions, and ELDOR experiments that follow the depolarization of the electron spin upon irradiation of the forbidden EPR transitions. DFT (density functional theory) calculations helped to assign the observed transitions and provided the relevant spin Hamiltonian parameters. These results show that the 35,37Cl hyperfine and nuclear quadrupolar interactions cause a considerable nuclear state mixing at 95 GHz thus facilitating the polarization of the Cl nuclei upon microwave irradiation. Overlap of Cl nuclear frequencies and the 13C Larmor frequency further facilitates the polarization of the 13C nuclei by spin diffusion. Calculation of the 13C DNP frequency sweep based on the Cl nuclear polarization showed that it does lead to an increase in the width of the spectra, improving the agreement with the experimental sweeps, thus supporting the existence of a new heteronuclear assisted DNP mechanism.


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Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida ja vertailla kaupallisia sovelluskehyksiä. Lähtökohtana oli TietoEnatorin Telecom-yksikön sovelluskehityksen vaatimukset ja tarpeet. Ensin selvitettiin sovelluskehysten perusteoriaa ja käsitteistöä kirjallisuuden avulla. Arviointikriteerit valittiin liiketoiminnallisten ja teknisten tekijöiden perusteella. Tuotteiden vertailussa otettiin huomioon myös Telecom-yksikön asiakaskunnan tarpeet ja vaatimukset. Vertailu tehtiin laajennettavaan päätöspuuhun pohjautuvalla menetelmällä. Lopuksi arvioitiin tutkimuksessa käytettyä vertailumenetelmää.Sovelluskehysmarkkinoilla on tarjolla tällä hetkellä lukuisia erilaisia kaupallisia sovelluskehyksiä. Sovellusten kehittäjät rakentavat räätälöityjä sovelluksia sovelluskehysten runkojen ja uudelleenkäytettävien elementtien avulla. Sovelluskehyksen kohdealue voi rajoittua tiettyyn toimialaan tai vaihtoehtoisesti se voi olla yleinen, horisontaalisesti laajemman alueen kattava. Valikoima on myös huomattava teknisten ominaisuuksien osalta. Ongelmalliseksi sovelluskehysten vertailun tekeekin niiden monimuotoisuus ja käyttökohteiden laajuus. Sovelluskehyksiä voidaan kuitenkin käyttää tehokkaasti perinteisemmän ohjelmistokehityksen vaihtoehtona, mikäli valmista ohjelmarunkoa ja uudelleenkäytettäviä osia osataan oikein hyödyntää.Vertailun tuloksena saatiin ehdokaslistalle kaksi sovelluskehystä, joiden käyttöä voidaan suositella Telecom-yksikölle.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kartoittaa Finnsementti Oy:n Lappeenrannan sementtitehtaan energiankäyttöä ja etsiä potentiaalisia energiansäästökohteita. Diplomityö liittyy Kauppa- ja teollisuusministeriön ja Teollisuuden ja Työnantajain Keskusliiton väliseen teollisuuden energiankäytön tehostamiseen tähtäävään puitesopimukseen, johon Finnsementti Oy on liittynyt. Diplomityön teoriaosassa tutustutaan sementin kemiaan raaka-aineista valmiisiin tuotteisiin. Lisäksi kartoitetaan sementtiteollisuuden energiansäästömahdollisuuksia laite-hankintojen ja prosessin optimointinnin kannalta. Työssä tutustutaan sementin-valmistuksessa käytettäviin laitteistoihin ja selvitetään niiden teknistä kehitystä ja energiaasäästäviä ratkaisuja. Kokeellinen osuus alkaa yksityiskohtaisella kuvauksella Lappeenrannan sementtitehtaan valmistusprosessista. Kokeellisessa osassa tutustutaan tehtaan energiankulutukseen sähkön ja polttoaineen muodossa. Lisäksi käsitellään paineilmaa ja vettä. Sähkön osalta kokeellinen osa sisältää sähkönkulutuksen historian ja sähkönjakeluverkon selvityksen lisäksi tehtaalla käytössä olevien luokittimien tehokkuustarkasteluita sähkönkulutuksen kannalta. Polttoaineen osalta diplomityö sisältää sementtiuunien energiataseiden mittaukset ja tulosten laskemisen sekä Excel-pohjaisen menetelmän kehittämisen energiataseiden laskemiseksi tulevaisuudessa. Paineilman ja veden osalta selvitetään niiden kulutusta tehtaalla ja lasketaan paineilmalle teoreettinen ominaissähkönkulutus. Luokittimien tehokkuustarkastelujen osalta havaittiin raakamyllyn luokittimen erottelu-terävyyden olevan huono verrattuna nykyaikaisiin korkeatehokkuusluokittimiin. Sementtimyllyjen luokittimien toiminnasta ei havaittu merkittäviä ongelmia. Energia-taseiden tuloksina havaittiin Lappeenrannan sementtitehtaan sementtiuunien edustavan vanhentunutta sementinvalmistustekniikkaa. Molempien uunien savukaasukanavien vuotoilmojen määrien havaittiin olevan suuret. Energiataloutta pystyttäisiin parantamaan mm. uusilla polttimilla, jolloin lämmittämättömän ensiöilman osuutta saataisiin pienentymään ja polttoaineen polttoa tehostumaan. Paineilman suhteen havaittiin kuumailman paineenalennuksen aiheuttavan turhia energiahäviöitä.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os aparelhos de ressonância magnética de baixo campo e de alto campo para estudo da cartilagem articular da patela. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo usando as seqüências GRE 2D, GRE 3D, FSE T2 e STIR (baixo campo) e TSE T2 SPIR. Cada seqüência foi analisada separadamente para o estudo da cartilagem, sem o conhecimento dos dados do paciente e do resultado das outras seqüências, sendo atribuído grau de lesão de 0 a 3 e descrita a sua localização. Os resultados de concordância e discordância foram analisados pelos testes de Kappa e McNemar. RESULTADOS: Na faceta medial houve baixas concordâncias e as discordâncias mostraram significativa superestimação. Na faceta lateral houve boas concordâncias e as discordâncias não foram significativas. No ápice houve boas concordâncias e as discordâncias mostraram significativa subestimação. CONCLUSÃO: A seqüência STIR teve a melhor concordância com a seqüência TSE T2 SPIR. Lesões de alto grau são mais bem caracterizadas pelas seqüências do aparelho de baixo campo. Áreas de aumento de sinal dificultam o estudo da cartilagem da faceta medial da patela no aparelho de baixo campo.


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The objective of this study is to show that bone strains due to dynamic mechanical loading during physical activity can be analysed using the flexible multibody simulation approach. Strains within the bone tissue play a major role in bone (re)modeling. Based on previous studies, it has been shown that dynamic loading seems to be more important for bone (re)modeling than static loading. The finite element method has been used previously to assess bone strains. However, the finite element method may be limited to static analysis of bone strains due to the expensive computation required for dynamic analysis, especially for a biomechanical system consisting of several bodies. Further, in vivo implementation of strain gauges on the surfaces of bone has been used previously in order to quantify the mechanical loading environment of the skeleton. However, in vivo strain measurement requires invasive methodology, which is challenging and limited to certain regions of superficial bones only, such as the anterior surface of the tibia. In this study, an alternative numerical approach to analyzing in vivo strains, based on the flexible multibody simulation approach, is proposed. In order to investigate the reliability of the proposed approach, three 3-dimensional musculoskeletal models where the right tibia is assumed to be flexible, are used as demonstration examples. The models are employed in a forward dynamics simulation in order to predict the tibial strains during walking on a level exercise. The flexible tibial model is developed using the actual geometry of the subject’s tibia, which is obtained from 3 dimensional reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Images. Inverse dynamics simulation based on motion capture data obtained from walking at a constant velocity is used to calculate the desired contraction trajectory for each muscle. In the forward dynamics simulation, a proportional derivative servo controller is used to calculate each muscle force required to reproduce the motion, based on the desired muscle contraction trajectory obtained from the inverse dynamics simulation. Experimental measurements are used to verify the models and check the accuracy of the models in replicating the realistic mechanical loading environment measured from the walking test. The predicted strain results by the models show consistency with literature-based in vivo strain measurements. In conclusion, the non-invasive flexible multibody simulation approach may be used as a surrogate for experimental bone strain measurement, and thus be of use in detailed strain estimation of bones in different applications. Consequently, the information obtained from the present approach might be useful in clinical applications, including optimizing implant design and devising exercises to prevent bone fragility, accelerate fracture healing and reduce osteoporotic bone loss.


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Whole-body coverage using MRI was developed almost 2 decades ago. The first applications focused on the investigation of the skeleton to detect neoplastic disease, mainly metastases from solid cancers, and involvement by multiple myeloma and lymphoma. But the extensive coverage of the whole musculoskeletal system, combined with the exquisite sensitivity of MRI to tissue alteration in relation to different pathologic conditions, mainly inflammation, has led to the identification of a growing number of indications outside oncology. Seronegative rheumatisms, systemic sclerosis, inflammatory diseases involving muscles or fascias, and multifocal osseous, vascular, or neurologic diseases represent currently validated or emerging indications of whole-body MRI (WB-MRI). We first illustrate the most valuable indications of WB-MRI in seronegative rheumatisms that include providing significant diagnostic information in patients with negative or ambiguous MRI of the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine, assessing disease activity in advanced (ankylosed) central disease, and evaluating the peripherally dominant forms of spondyloarthropathy. Then we review the increasing indications of WB-MRI in other rheumatologic and nonneoplastic disorders, underline the clinical needs, and illustrate the role of WB-MRI in the positive diagnosis and evaluation of disease burden, therapeutic decisions, and treatment monitoring.


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The degree of fusion at the anterior aspect of the sacral vertebrae has been scored in 242 male and female skeletons from the Lisbon documented collection, ranging in age from 16 to 59 years old. Statistical tests indicate a sex difference towards earlier fusion in young females compared with young males, as well as a clear association between degree of fusion and age. Similar results have been found in documented skeletal samples from Coimbra and Sassari, and the recommendations stated by these authors regarding age estimation have been positively tested in the Lisbon collection. Although more research from geographically diverse samples is required, a general picture of the pattern of sacral fusion and its associations with age and sex is emerging. We also provide a practical example of the usefulness of the sacrum in age estimation in a forensic setting, a mass grave from the Spanish Civil War. It is concluded that the scoring of the degree of fusion of the sacral vertebrae, specially of S1-2, can be a simple tool for assigning skeletons to broad age groups, and it should be implemented as another resource for age estimation in the study of human skeletal remains.


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Aquest projecte s’emmarca dins de l’àmbit de la visió per computador, concretament en la utilització de dades de profunditat obtingudes a través d’un emissor i sensor de llum infraroja.El propòsit principal d’aquest projecte és mostrar com adaptar aquestes tecnologies, a l’abast de qualsevol particular, de forma que un usuari durant la pràctica d’una activitat esportiva concreta, rebi informació visual continua dels moviments i gestos incorrectes que està realitzant, en base a uns paràmetres prèviament establerts.L’objectiu d’aquest projecte consisteix en fer una lectura constant en temps real d’una persona practicant una selecció de diverses activitats esportives estàtiques utilitzant un sensor Kinect. A través de les dades obtingudes pel sensor Kinect i utilitzant les llibreries de “skeleton traking” proporcionades per Microsoft s’haurà d’interpretar les dades posturals obtingudes per cada tipus d’esport i indicar visualment i d’una manera intuïtiva els errors que està cometent en temps real, de manera que es vegi clarament a quina part del seu cos realitza un moviment incorrecte per tal de poder corregir-lo ràpidament. El entorn de desenvolupament que s’utilitza per desenvolupar aquesta aplicació es Microsoft Viusal Studio 2010.El llenguatge amb el qual es treballarà sobre Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 és C#


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Objective: To evaluate musculoskeletal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis at computed tomography. Materials and Methods: Development of a retrospective study based on a review of radiologic and pathologic reports in the institution database. Patients with histopathologically confirmed musculoskeletal paracoccidioidomycosis and submitted to computed tomography were included in the present study. The imaging findings were consensually described by two radiologists. In order to avoid bias in the analysis, one patient with uncountable bone lesions was excluded from the study. Results: A total of seven patients were included in the present study. A total of 18 bone lesions were counted. The study group consisted of 7 patients. A total number of 18 bone lesions were counted. Osteoarticular lesions were the first manifestation of the disease in four patients (57.14%). Bone lesions were multiple in 42.85% of patients. Appendicular and axial skeleton were affected in 85.71% and 42.85% of cases, respectively. Bone involvement was characterized by well-demarcated osteolytic lesions. Marginal osteosclerosis was identified in 72.22% of the lesions, while lamellar periosteal reaction and soft tissue component were present in 5.55% of them. One patient showed multiple small lesions with bone sequestra. Conclusion: Paracoccidioidomycosis can be included in the differential diagnosis of either single or multiple osteolytic lesions in young patients even in the absence of a previous diagnosis of pulmonary or visceral paracoccidioidomycosis


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Entecavir (BMS-200475) was synthesized from 4-trimethylsilyl-3-butyn-2-one and acrolein. The key features of its preparation are: (i) a stereoselective boron-aldol reaction to afford the acyclic carbon skeleton of the methylenecylopentane moiety; (ii) its cyclization by a Cp2TiCl-catalyzed intramolecular radical addition of an epoxide to an alkyne; and (iii) the coupling with a purine derivative by a Mitsunobu reaction.


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Abstract Objective: To assess the cutoff values established by ROC curves to classify18F-NaF uptake as normal or malignant. Materials and Methods: PET/CT images were acquired 1 hour after administration of 185 MBq of18F-NaF. Volumes of interest (VOIs) were drawn on three regions of the skeleton as follows: proximal right humerus diaphysis (HD), proximal right femoral diaphysis (FD) and first vertebral body (VB1), in a total of 254 patients, totalling 762 VOIs. The uptake in the VOIs was classified as normal or malignant on the basis of the radiopharmaceutical distribution pattern and of the CT images. A total of 675 volumes were classified as normal and 52 were classified as malignant. Thirty-five VOIs classified as indeterminate or nonmalignant lesions were excluded from analysis. The standardized uptake value (SUV) measured on the VOIs were plotted on an ROC curve for each one of the three regions. The area under the ROC (AUC) as well as the best cutoff SUVs to classify the VOIs were calculated. The best cutoff values were established as the ones with higher result of the sum of sensitivity and specificity. Results: The AUCs were 0.933, 0.889 and 0.975 for UD, FD and VB1, respectively. The best SUV cutoffs were 9.0 (sensitivity: 73%; specificity: 99%), 8.4 (sensitivity: 79%; specificity: 94%) and 21.0 (sensitivity: 93%; specificity: 95%) for UD, FD and VB1, respectively. Conclusion: The best cutoff value varies according to bone region of analysis and it is not possible to establish one value for the whole body.


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Phenols are widely used in many areas and commonly found as industrial by-products. A great number of agricultural and industrial activities realise phenolic compounds in the environmental. Waste phenols are produced mainly by the wood-pulp industry and during production of synthetic polymers, drugs, plastics, dyes, pesticides and others. Phenols are also released into the environmental by the degradation of pesticides with phenolic skeleton. The phenols level control is very important for the environmental protection. Amperometric biosensor has shown the feasibility to complement laboratory-based analytical methods for the determination of phenolic compounds, providing alternatives to conventional methods which have many disadvantages. This brief review considers the evolution of an approach to amperometric measurement using the catalytic properties of some enzymes for phenolic compounds monitoring.


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The skeleton undergoes continuous turnover throughout life. In women, an increase in bone turnover is pronounced during childhood and puberty and after menopause. Bone turnover can be monitored by measuring biochemical markers of bone resorption and bone formation. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) is an enzyme secreted by osteoclasts, macrophages and dendritic cells. The secreted enzyme can be detected from the blood circulation by recently developed immunoassays. In blood circulation, the enzyme exists as two isoforms, TRACP 5a with an intact polypeptide chain and TRACP 5b in which the polypeptide chain consists of two subunits. The 5b form is predominantly secreted by osteoclasts and is thus associated with bone turnover. The secretion of TRACP 5b is not directly related to bone resorption; instead, the levels are shown to be proportional to the number of osteoclasts. Therefore, the combination of TRACP 5b and a marker reflecting bone degradation, such as C-terminal cross-linked telopeptides of type I collagen (CTX), enables a more profound analysis of the changes in bone turnover. In this study, recombinant TRACP 5a-like protein was proteolytically processed into TRACP 5b-like two subunit form. The 5b-like form was more active both as an acid phosphatase and in producing reactive oxygen species, suggesting a possible function for TRACP 5b in osteoclastic bone resorption. Even though both TRACP 5a and 5b were detected in osteoclasts, serum TRACP 5a levels demonstrated no change in response to alendronate treatment of postmenopausal women. However, TRACP 5b levels decreased substantially, demonstrating that alendronate decreases the number of osteoclasts. This was confirmed in human osteoclast cultures, showing that alendronate decreased the number of osteoclats by inducing osteoclast apoptosis, and TRACP 5b was not secreted as an active enzyme from the apoptotic osteoclasts. In peripubertal girls, the highest levels of TRACP 5b and other bone turnover markers were observed at the time of menarche, whereas at the same time the ratio of CTX to TRACP 5b was lowest, indicating the presence of a high number of osteoclasts with decreased resorptive activity. These results support the earlier findings that TRACP 5b is the predominant form of TRACP secreted by osteoclasts. The major source of circulating TRACP 5a remains to be established, but is most likely other cells of the macrophage-monocyte system. The results also suggest that bone turnover can be differentially affected by both osteoclast number and their resorptive activity, and provide further support for the possible clinical use of TRACP 5b as a marker of osteoclast number.


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Chemical studies of the leaves of L. divaricata afforded 3beta-p-hydroxybenzoyl-tormentic acid, a triterpene with an ursene-type skeleton, a mixture whose main compound was an oleanene derivative, the maslinic acid, a C-glycoside flavone, vitexin and glucopyranosylsitosterol. A flavonoid, characterized as (-)-epicatechin, which belongs to the flavan-3-ol class, was isolated from the stem's bark. The structures of the compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiproliferative activities of the crude methanolic extracts of leaves and bark were evaluated and the antibacterial properties of the fractions of the barks were also investigated.


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Many Ophidiidae are active in dark environments and display complex sonic apparatus morphologies. However, sound recordings are scarce and little is known about acoustic communication in this family. This paper focuses on Ophidion rochei which is known to display an important sexual dimorphism in swimbladder and anterior skeleton. The aims of this study were to compare the sound producing morphology, and the resulting sounds in juveniles, females and males of O. rochei.Results: Males, females, and juveniles possessed different morphotypes. Females and juveniles contrasted with males because they possessed dramatic differences in morphology of their sonic muscles, swimbladder, supraoccipital crest, and first vertebrae and associated ribs. Further, they lacked the ‘rocker bone’ typically found in males. Sounds from each morphotype were highly divergent. Males generally produced non harmonic, multiple-pulsed sounds that lasted for several seconds (3.5 ± 1.3 s) with a pulse period of ca. 100 ms. Juvenile and female sounds were recorded for the first time in ophidiids. Female sounds were harmonic, had shorter pulse period (±3.7 ms), and never exceeded a few dozen milliseconds (18 ± 11 ms). Moreover, unlike male sounds, female sounds did not have alternating long and short pulse periods. Juvenile sounds were weaker but appear to be similar to female sounds.Conclusions: Although it is not possible to distinguish externally male from female in O. rochei, they show a sonic apparatus and sounds that are dramatically different. This difference is likely due to their nocturnal habits that may have favored the evolution of internal secondary sexual characters that help to distinguish males from females and that could facilitate mate choice by females. Moreover, the comparison of different morphotypes in this study shows that these morphological differences result from a peramorphosis that takes place during the development of the gonads