515 resultados para ANURA


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In this paper we provide a cytogenetic analysis of Paratelmatobius cardosoi and Paratelmatobius poecilogaster. The karyotypes of both species showed a diploid number of 24 chromosomes and shared some similarity in the morphology of some pairs. On the other hand, pairs 4 and 6 widely differed between these complements. These karyotypes also differed in their NOR number and location. Size heteromorphism was seen in all NOR-bearing chromosomes of the two karyotypes. In addition, both karyotypes showed small centromeric C-bands and a conspicuous heterochromatic band in the short arm of chromosome 1, although with a different size in each species. The P. cardosoi complement also showed other strongly stained non-centromeric C-bands, with no counterparts in the P. cardosoi karyotype. Chromosome staining with fluorochromes revealed heterogeneity in the base composition of two of the non-centromeric C-bands of P. cardosoi. Comparison of the chromosomal morphology of these Paratelmatobius karyotypes with that of P. lutzii showed that the P. poecilogaster karyotype is more similar to that of P. lutzii than P. cardosoi. These cytogenetic results agree with the proposed species arrangements in the P. cardosoi and P. lutzii groups based on morphological and ecological data.


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The genus Leptodactylus provides an example among anurans in which there is an evident tendency toward terrestrial reproduction. Herein we describe a new reproductive mode for the frog Leptodactylus podicipinus, a member of the melanonotus group. This new reproductive mode represents one of the intermediate steps from the most aquatic to the most terrestrial modes reported in the genus. Three reproductive modes were previously recognized for the genus Leptodactylus. However, based on our data, and on several studies on Leptodactylus species that have been published since the last reviews, we propose a new classification, with the addition of two modes for the genus.


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In anuran amphibian Scinax fuscovarius, the spermatogenesis occurs in structures called seminiferous loculi, in which germ epithelium is organized in spermatocysts. Each cyst contains cells in the same stage of cytodifferentiation. Characteristics of each cellular type and their groups made the identification and differentiation of the germ lineage cells possible. In the basis of the epithelium there are the spermatogonia I, the biggest cells and always associated with the Sertoli cell. After the phase of mitotic proliferation, the cysts containing variable number of spermatogonia II are originated, quite smaller and with cellular boundaries a little distinct. After differentiation and growth in volume, the spermatocytes I appear, the nuclei of which are spherical and with different degrees of compaction of the nuclear material. Starting the meiotic process, the spermatocytes II are originated, which by means of the second meiotic division become haploid cells, the spermatids I. These two last spermatocysts are very similar. In this phase, the cells will go through a prominent process of differentiation until they form the spermatids II, which are elongated and begin to be organized in bundles supported by prominent Sertoli cells. With the process of spermiogenesis, spermatozoa appear, usually observed in compact bundles with tails turned to the lumen and their heads fitted in their support cells. In more advanced stages, the spermatozoa can be observed free in the locular lumen, ready to follow the spermatic path.


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A new species of hylid frog is described from south of the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil in Atlantic rain forest. The new species is a member of the genus Phrynohyas and is characterized by snout rounded in dorsal view and nearly truncate in lateral view, small adhesive disks, fingers slightly webbed, nasal bones widely separated, and frontoparietals without medial articulation.


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Leptodactylus dantasi Bokermann is redescribed from adult specimens collected in Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, State of Acre, Brazil, near the border between the Brazilian state of Acre and Peru. We propose the inclusion of this species in the genus Hydrolaetare. A new diagnostic character observed for the genus is the presence of fringes of fingers, and fringes and webbing of toes, finely serrate; the serrate edge of the fringe and webbing can be keratinized in males, females, and subadults. Hydrolaetare dantasi (Bokermann) is characterized by robust body and limbs, a broad and depressed head, slightly shorter than wide, and long, pointed and basally webbed toes. Hydrolaetare dantasi differs from the only other species in this genus, Hydrolaetare schmidti (Cochran and Goin), mainly by having toes webbed basally (fully webbed in H. schmidti). The advertisement call of H. dantasi is composed of two components; an initial note produced by the impact of the vocal sac against the ground and a second note corresponding to a long whistle of ascending frequency. The initial note is a percussive sound and represents an unusual form of sound emission in anurans; the second note is a vocalization.


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We investigated reproductive activity, courtship behavior, call structure, body size, clutch size, oviposition site, and reproductive mode of Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti). Males called in all months, but showed a peak of activity during the rainy season. Three pair formations were observed and courtship involved stereotyped behavioral sequences, including visual signaling. Males emitted three different vocalization types: advertisement calls, courtship calls, and a vocalization of unknown function. Females attained larger body sizes than males and deposited an average of 74.5 unpigmented eggs per clutch. Early larval stages are aquatic but restricted to water in constructed subterranean nests; subsequent to flooding of nests, exotrophic tadpoles live in ponds or streams. Courtship behavior in Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti) is complex and the diverse repertoire of limb movements, exhibited by males, probably provide visual stimuli to females in this nocturnal treefrog. Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti) belongs to the H. albomarginata group. Considering the reproductive modes in this group, the complexes of H. albosignata and of H. albofrenata can be considered more close related to each other than to the H. albomarginata complex. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2004.


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In this work we present a description of the advertisement call of H. jimi, the locality type, and of H. elianeae, until now unknown in the literature. Field activities were carried out from August 1997 through June 1999; recordings were made in two open-area environments in the Botucatu region, São Paulo State. Vocalizations of 100 individuals (49 H. jimi and 51 H. elianeae) were recorded; nine characteristics of the advertisement call were examined. The advertisement calls of both species consist of consecutive series of simple notes with relatively fast repetition rates. Males of H. jimi and H. elianeae presented two patterns of note emission: one emitted by individuals beginning vocalization activity or isolated from the aggregate, and another emitted by males in chorus activity interacting with closely neighboring males. A significant difference was verified in the temporal structure of the two vocalization patterns.


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Ten species of Hyla with 2n = 30 from Brazilian fauna were analysed cytogenetically. Hyla minuta is the unique presenting all bi-armed metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype, therefore, with the highest FN = 60. The remaining species have a variable number of uni-armed telocentric or subtelocentric chromosomes: H. cruzi, H. elianeae, and H. rubicundula with three pairs (FN = 54), H. berthalutzae, H. elegans, H. microps, and H. nana with four pairs (FN = 52), and H. nahdereri and H. sanborni with five pairs (FN = 50). The uni-armed elements are among pairs 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, and 15, which also appeared with metacentric or submetacentric morphology. The remaining chromosome pairs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 were never found to be telocentric or subtelocentric. AgNOR patterns are species-specific, the majority of the species exhibiting a single pair with AgNORs, with the exception of H. elegans and H. nana with more than one chromosome pair bearing this cytological marker. C banding was obtained in H. berthalutzae, H. cruzi, H. elegans, H. elianeae, H. microps, H. minuta, H. nahdereri, and H. nana, which showed positively stained centromeric heterochromatin. Our analysis confirms the great karyotypic diversity in the species of Hyla with 2n = 30, with no species sharing identical karyotypes.


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Vocalizations are important in anuran communication, especially during the breeding season. Calling affects spatial organization of males at breeding sites, promotes attraction of new individuals to the chorus, and attracts mature females for reproduction. We describe four distinct vocalizations (advertisement calls, sporadic calls, and two types of aggressive calls) emitted by adult males of Scinax fuscomarginatus. With the exception of the advertisement call, the remaining descriptions are novel. We also describe calling sites, calling season, and nightly calling activity. Fieldwork was made in a fragment of Cerrado (Estação Ecológica de Itirapina), Municipalities of Itirapina and Brotas, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. At this ecological station, S. fuscomarginatus exhibits a complex acoustic repertoire, social interactions and a prolonged reproductive pattern similar to observations of congeneric species at other localities. Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.


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The South American pepper frog, Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, is a large species that lays eggs in foam nests in holes dug out of the banks of different bodies of water. Recently, it was reported that only 6-10% of eggs are fertilized in foam nests of L. labyrinthicus and the remaining unfertilized eggs are consumed by the tadpoles inside the nest. Here we tested experimentally the influence of the ingestion of trophic eggs on the survivorship and growth of L. labyrinthicus tadpoles. Tadpoles fed on trophic eggs and subsequently fed on dry fish food grew larger than those fed only on dry fish food, and this suggests that the ingestion of trophic eggs is an adaptation to improve tadpole growth. The ingestion of trophic eggs also seems to be important for the maintenance of tadpoles in environments with unpredictable rainfall, as they were able to survive for about 70 days feeding only on these trophic eggs and one tadpole managed to complete metamorphosis feeding on trophic eggs only. Details of the spawning behaviour observed in the field, occurrence of multiple mating, and predation on eggs by terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates are also reported.


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We analysed spatial and acoustic partitioning among four species of Hyla belonging to two species-groups: nana (H. nana and H. sanborni) and rubicundula (H. elianeae and H. jimi). Field activities were conducted at three permanent ponds, from 1998 through 2001. Four attributes of the calling sites were analysed: perch height, distance of the perch from the edge of the pond, type of perch (vegetation) and the individual's position on the perch. There was extensive overlap in the four calling-site variables analysed. However, we found spatial segregation did occur in calling site height and the distance of perches from pond edges. Bioacoustic analyses revealed behavioural differences among species in calling activity, both time of onset and peak calling in chorus. There was acoustic partitioning among species the fundamental frequency of the advertisement calls, principally as a function of the temporal structure (e.g. note duration, rate of note repetition, duration and rate of repetition of the calling pulses). We propose that differences in physical attributes of calling site and in characteristics of calls allow these species to exist in sympatry.


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The frog species Ceratophrys joazeirensis Mercadal, 1986 is only known from the Caatinga (semi-arid savanna) and, until recently, from the type locality of Juazeiro, State of Bahia, Brazil. It has now also been found in the States of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, in environments of hypoxerophylic Caatinga. Cytogenetic and comparative analysis of the cranial morphology of C. joazeirensis and C. aurita (Raddi, 1823) were undertaken. The karyotype of the species is also shown for the first time. The results show important differences in the cranial morphology between C. joazeirensis (8n) and C. aurita (8n), species whose areas of distribution (Caatinga and Northeast Atlantic forest, respectively) are contiguous. The chromosomes of C. joazeirensis show similar size and morphology to the ones of C. aurita (C. dorsata), C. ornata Bell, 1843 (8n) and C. cranwelli Barrio, 1980 (2n). Such data would be in agreement with the opinion of some authors who consider these species to constitute a monophyletic group. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.


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We describe a new species of hylid frog, Scinax peixotoi, from Queimada Grande Island, southeastern Brazil. The new species belongs to the Scinax perpusillus species group, in which all known forms inhabit bromeliads, and is diagnosed by the following set of characters: moderate-size (males 18.8-20.7 mm SVL, females 22.4-25.1 mm SVL); canthus rostralis distinct; dorsal skin slightly rugose; and a distinct advertisement call with relatively low dominant frequency. The new species is known from a single population on Queimada Grande, an island of 43 ha, approximately 33 km distant from the coast of São Paulo State, where it inhabits scattered patches of bromeliads. The highly specialized and patchy habitat of S. peixotoi, associated with its small range size, make this species highly susceptible to stochastic or anthropogenic habitat disturbances, which could lead it to extinction. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.


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Visual communication seems to be widespread among nocturnal anurans, however, reports of these behaviors in many Neotropical species are lacking. Therefore, we gathered information collected during several sporadic field expeditions in central and southern Brazil with three nocturnal tree frogs: Aplastodiscus perviridis, Hypsiboas albopunctatus and H. bischoffi. These species displayed various aggressive behaviors, both visual and acoustic, towards other males. For A. perviridis we described arm lifting and leg kicking; for H. albopunctatus we described the advertisement and territorial calls, visual signalizations, including a previously unreported behavior (short leg kicking), and male-male combat; and for H. bischoffi we described the advertisement and fighting calls, toes and fingers trembling, leg lifting, and leg kicking. We speculate about the evolution of some behaviors and concluded that the use of visual signals among Neotropical anurans may be much more common than suggested by the current knowledge. © 2007 Departamento de Ciências Biológicas.