884 resultados para ACUTE PHASE TREATMENT


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A esquistossomose acomete 207 milhões de pessoas, com mais de 200 mil mortes anuais. Seu principal agente etiológico é o helminto Schistosoma e o principal modelo experimental, o camundongo. Linhagens de camundongos selecionadas geneticamente para susceptibilidade (TS) e resistência (TR) a tolerância imunológica constituem bons modelos para o estudo da resposta imunológica específica e inespecífica nas infecções. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a infecção experimental por S. mansoni nestes camundongos, evidenciando a imunopatologia por diversos parâmetros na fase aguda da infecção. TR e TS não diferiram quanto a penetração de cercárias, recuperação de vermes adultos, fecundidade/produtividade de ovos das fêmeas de S. mansoni, mas predominaram ovos mortos em TS. Quanto maior o número de casais, maior a probabilidade de troca de casais e regressão sexual da fêmea, além de pequena redução da produtividade de ovos. Análise ultraestrutural dos parasitos machos recuperados de TS apresentaram tubérculos edemaciados, espinhos encurtados e em menor densidade que os parasitos dos TR. O tegumento dos parasitos recuperados de TS apresentou-se desorganizado, intensamente vacuolizado e com tendência a se desprender da superfície e espinhos internalizados e células vitelínicas desorganizadas. TS desenvolveram granulomas hepáticos grandes, com fibras radiais e predomínio do estágio exsudativo-produtivo com características de fase produtiva (EP/P), enquanto camundongos TR desenvolveram granulomas menores, com fibras concêntricas e predomínio de granulomas exsudativo-produtivos. TS desenvolveu hepatomegalia mais acentuada na fase aguda da infecção e exacerbada esplenomegalia na fase crônica. A aspartato aminotransferase mais elevada nos TR foi coerente com a acentuada histólise nos granulomas iniciais dos TR. É possível que a histólise menor em TS tenha contribuído para sua intensa hepatomegalia na fase aguda. Leucócitos totais séricos aumentaram em TS, nas fases aguda e crônica, mas não em TR. TS apresentaram anemia durante a fase crônica da infecção, possivelmente devido ao desvio na hematopoiese medular para a produção de leucócitos ou apoptose das hemácias. A mieloperoxidase neutrofílica hepática e no íleo foi maior em TS e a peroxidase de eosinófilos foi mais elevada no íleo do TS. Ambas as linhagens produziram IFN-γ, mas os níveis funcionais de IFN-γ foram diferentes nas duas linhagens em cultura de células. É possível que a imunopatologia hepática grave na linhagem TS possa estar relacionada aos altos títulos IFN-γ. TS produziu IL-10 em maior quantidade, entretanto esta citocina não foi capaz de regular o crescimento exacerbado dos granulomas hepáticos. Altos títulos de IL-4 na linhagem TS também são coerentes com a exacerbação dos granulomas, pois, como a IL-13, a IL-4 induz síntese de colágeno e está relacionada ao desenvolvimento da fibrose no granuloma esquistossomótico. Observamos redução do percentual relativo de células T CD4+ hepáticas de animais infectados em ambas as linhagens e redução percentual nas subpopulações de linfócitos B na medula óssea (precursores, linfócitos B imaturos, maduros e plasmócitos) mais acentuada em TS que em TR, possivelmente devido a extensa mobilização de B imaturos induzida pela inflamação ou desvio da hematopoiese para síntese de granulócitos em TS. Quantitativamente, TR não alterou suas subpopulações de linfócitos B. TS e TR são bons modelos para estudo da resposta imunológica na infecção esquistossomótica experimental. Novos estudos são necessários para confirmar nossas propostas e compreender os mecanismos envolvidos na diferença da resposta imunológica dessas linhagens na relação schistosoma-hospedeiro.


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Estudos em animais experimentais evidenciaram associações significativas entre esquistossomose mansoni e hipercolesterolemia. Estudos in vitro e in vivo já demonstraram que o colesterol é essencial para Schistosoma mansoni, embora este não tenha capacidade de sintetizá-lo. A captação é realizada a partir do ambiente (cultivo ou hospedeiro) através do tegumento. O colesterol está envolvido nos mecanismos de evasão do helminto contra a resposta imunológica, além de poder participar na modulação da sinalização celular e reprodução, estimulando os órgãos reprodutores dos helmintos adultos como observado na fase aguda da infecção experimental. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar se o mesmo fenômeno ocorre na fase crônica. Os helmintos foram recuperados de dez camundongos submetidos à dieta hiperlipídica ou padrão (controle) foram corados pelo carmin cloridrico e montados, individualmente, em lâmina histológica com bálsamo do Canadá. A preparação foi analisada por microscopia de campo claro nos seguintes caracteres: tegumento e o sistema reprodutor nos vermes machos (lobos testiculares, vesícula seminal, lobos testiculares supranumerários e canal ginecóforo) e, nas fêmeas (ovário, oótipo, útero, ovo, glândulas vitelínicas e espermateca). Posteriormente, algumas lâminas foram separadas para visualização pela microscopia confocal dos órgãos do sistema reprodutores acima descritos. Apesar de ter sido observado uma maior quantidade de espermatozoides, uma maior quantidade de oócitos sendo liberados no grupo da dieta, não houve diferença estatística significativa (p>0,05) entre os grupos analisados. Houve um aumento na oogênese como observado na fase aguda. Dessa forma, o colesterol pode estar relacionado com a estimulação na atividade dos órgãos reprodutores dos helmintos adultos na fase crônica da infecção.


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Apesar de significativos avanços obtidos no estudo da esquistossomose mansônica, as relações existentes entre esquistossomose e má-nutrição ainda não se acham completamente esclarecidas. Sendo a fase de lactação um período de vida de extrema importância para o indivíduo, alterações metabólicas na gestante podem afetar diretamente o desenvolvimento do feto sugerindo uma programação (imprinting) no metabolismo deste indivíduo em resposta adaptativa aos fatores ambientais encontrados em períodos iniciais de desenvolvimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características do baço na fase aguda da infecção esquistossomótica de camundongos programados metabolicamente por restrição calórica e restrição protéica. Os baços dos animais eutanasiados na 9 semana de infecção foram submetidos a cortes histológicos (5m) e corados com hematoxilina-eosina. Foi realizada avaliação histopatológica, análise morfométrica e estereologia. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se o programa Graph Pad Instat. Foi observada desorganização estrutural da polpa branca e da polpa vermelha nos grupos programados, independente da presença de infecção. Animais infectados apresentaram hiperplasia e hipertrofia da polpa branca e maior quantidade de pigmentos dispersos no tecido esplênico, bem como a presença de eosinófilos no interior de estruturas vasculares. A polpa branca dos grupos infectados tanto de restrição calórica quanto de restrição protéica apresentaram medidas morfométricas maiores quando comparados aos grupos não infectados. Os resultados estereológicos mostraram que o grupo de restrição calórica infectado apresentou menor densidade de volume de polpa vermelha, enquanto não houve diferenças significativas na densidade de volume de polpa branca. Megacariócitos foram vistos em maior quantidade nos grupos infectados, com ênfase no grupo de restrição protéica. Estes dados sugerem que a programação pela desnutrição materna na lactação e a infecção esquistossomótica provocam desorganização do tecido esplênico.


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The parasitic copepod Sinergasilus major is an important pathogen of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. To understand the immune response of grass carp to the copepod infection, suppression subtractive hybridization method was employed to characterize genes up-regulation during the copepod infection in liver and gills of the fish. One hundred and twenty-two dot blot positive clones from infected subtracted library were sequenced. Searching available databases by using these nucleotide sequences revealed that 23 genes are immune-related, including known acute-phase reactants, and four novel genes encoding proteins such as source of immunodominant MHC-associated peptides (SIMP), TNF receptor-associated factor 2 binding protein (T2BP), poliovirus receptor-related protein 1 precursor, glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP). The differential expression of seven immune genes, i.e. GARP, alpha-2-macroglobulin, MHC class I, C3, SIMP, T2BP, transferrin, as a result of infection was further confirmed by RT-PCR, with the up-regulation of alpha-2-macroglobulin, MHC class I, C3, SIMP and T2BP in the liver of infected fish, and down-regulation of SIMP in the gills of infected fish. The present study provides foundation for understanding grass carp immune response and candidate genes for further analysis.


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Peroxiredoxin V (PRX V) is known as an atypical 2-cysteine peroxiredoxin that protects the organisms against various oxidative stresses and functions in signal transduction. The cDNA of a PRX V gene (designated as CfPRX) was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri. The full-length sequence of CfPRX cDNA was of 2,179 bp with a 564 bp open reading frame encoding a peptide of 187 amino acids. Sequence comparison showed that CfPRX shared higher identities with PRX Vs than that with other isoforms of PRX, indicating CfPRX was a member of the PRX V family. Fluorescent real-time quantitative PCR analysis revealed the presence of CfPRX transcripts in gill filaments, adductor muscle, heart, gonad, kidney and hemocytes, and the stimulation of Listonella anguillarum significantly (P < 0.01) enhanced the mRNA expression of CfPRX in hemocyte. These results indicated that CfPRX was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein which was involved in the immune resistance to L. anguillarum stimulation.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) are a superfamily of proteins characterized by the unique cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and their important roles in diverse physiological and pathological events such as inflammation, apoptosis, autoimmunity and organogenesis. The first member of the molluscan TNFR family, designated as CfTNFR, was identified from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTNFR was of 1334 bp, consisting of a 5' UTR of 17 bp, a 3'UTR of 69 by with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORE) of 1248 by encoding a polypeptide of 415 amino acids with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.33 and predicted molecular weight of 47.07 kDa. There were a signal peptide, a CRD, a transmembrane region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of CfTNFR, suggesting that it was a typical type 1 membrane protein. The high identities (22-40%) of CfTNFR with other TNFR superfamily members indicated that CfTNFR should be a member of TNFR superfamily, and moreover, it should be the first death domain-containing TNFR found in invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTNFR was closely related to TNFR-like proteins from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Drosophila melanogaster and Ciona intestinalis, and they formed a separate branch apart from vertebrate TNFRs. The spatial expression of CfTNFR transcripts in healthy and bacteria challenged scallops was examined by quantitative real-time PCR. CfTNFR transcripts could be detected in all tested tissues, including haemocytes, gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas, and significantly up-regulated in the tissues of gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas after Listonella anguillarum challenge, indicating that CfTNFR was constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defence. The present results suggested the existence of the TNFR-like molecules and TNF-TNFR system in low invertebrates, and provided new insights into the role of CfTNFR in scallop innate immune responses to invading microorganisms. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-type lectins are Ca2+ dependent carbohydrate-recognition proteins that play crucial roles in the invertebrate innate immunity, such as nonself recognition, activation of proPO system, antibacterial activity, promotion of phagocytosis and nodule formation. In this study, a novel C-type lectin of bay scallops Argopecten irradians (Ai Lec) was identified using expressed sequence tag (EST) and RACE techniques. The Ai Lec cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 171 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 21 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 150 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of Ai Lec was highly similar to those of the C-type lectins from other animals and contained a typical carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) of 131 residues, which has four conserved disulfide-bonded cysteine residues that define the CRD and two additional cysteine residues at the amino terminus. The expression of Ai Lec transcript was dominantly detected in the hepatopancreas and slightly detected in the haemocytes of normal scallops. 6 h after Vibrio anguillarum-challenge and 8 h after Micrococcus luteus-challenge, the temporal expression of Ai Lec mRNA in hemocytes was increased by 4.4- and 3.6-folds, respectively. The results suggested that Ai Lec was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein and might be involved in immune response to Gram-negative and Gram-positive microbial infection in bay scallop A. irradians.


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Lipopolysaccharide and beta-1,3-glucan-binding protein (LGBP) play a crucial role in the innate immune response of invertebrates as a pattern recognition protein (PRP). The scallop LGBP gene was obtained from Chlamys farreri challenged by Vibrio anguillarum by randomly sequencing cDNA clones from a whole body cDNA library, and by fully sequencing a clone with homology to known LGBP genes. The scallop LGBP consisted of 1876 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail, encoding a polypeptide of 440 amino acids with the estimated molecular mass of 47.16 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 5.095. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high similarity to that of invertebrate recognition proteins from blue shrimp, black tiger shrimp, mosquito, freshwater crayfish, earthworms, and sea urchins, with conserved features including a potential polysaccharide-binding motif, a glucanase motif, and N-glycosylation sites. The temporal expression of LGBP genes in healthy and V. anguillarum-challenged C farreri scallop, measured by real-time semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR), showed that expression was up-regulated initially, followed by recovery as the stimulation cleared. Results indicated that scallop LGBP was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein that could play a critical role in scallop-pathogen interaction. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (ALF) represents one kind of basic proteins, which binds and neutralizes LPS and exhibits strong antibacterial activity against Gram-negative R-type bacteria. The ALF gene of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (Milne Edwards, 1853) (denoted as EsALF) was identified from haemocytes by expressed sequence tag (EST) and PCR approaches. The full-length cDNA of EsALF consisted of 700 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal-sequence AATAAA, a polyA tail, and an open-reading frame of 363 bp encoding 120 amino acids. The high similarity of EsALF-deduced amino acid sequence shared with the ALFs from other species indicated that EsALF should be a member of ALF family. The mRNA expression of EsALF in the tissues of heart, gonad, gill, haemocytes, eyestalk and muscle was examined by Northern blot analysis and mRNA transcripts of EsALF were mainly detected in haemocytes, heart and gonad. The temporal expression of EsALF in haemocytes after Vibrio anguillarum challenge was recorded by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The relative expression level of EsALF was up-regulated rapidly at 2 h post-injection and reached 3-fold to that in blank group. After a drastic decrease to the original level from 4 to 8h, the expression level increased again and reached 4-fold to that in the blank group at 12 h post-injection. The genomic DNA sequence of EsALF gene consists of 1174bp containing three exons and two introns. The coding sequence of the EsALF mature peptide was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pLysS to further elucidate its biological functions. The purified recombinant product showed bactericidal activity against both Gram-positive (G(+)) and Gram-negative (G(-)) bacteria, which demonstrated that the rEsALF was a broad-spectrum antibacterial peptide. All these results indicated that EsALF was an acute-phase protein involved in the immune responses of Chinese mitten crab, and provided a potential therapeutic agent for disease control in aquaculture. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cu, Zn superoxide dismutases (SODs) are rnetalloenzymes that represent one important line of defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS). A cytoplasmic Cu. Zn SOD cDNA sequence was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri by the homology-based cloning technique. The full-length cDNA of scallop cytoplasmic Cu, Zn SOD (designated CfSOD) was 1022 bp with a 459 bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 153 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of CfSOD shared high identity with cytoplasmic Cu. Zn SOD in molluscs, insects, mammals and other animals, such as cytoplasmic Cu, Zn SOD in oyster Crassostrea sostrea gigas (CAD42722), mosquito Aedes aegypti (ABF18094), and cow Bos taurus (XP_584414). A quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was developed to assess the mRNA expression of CfSOD in different tissues and the temporal expression of CfSOD in scallop challenged with Listonella anguillarum, Micrococcus luteus and Candida lipolytica respectively. Higher-level mRNA expression of CfSOD was detected in the tissues of haemocytes, gill filaments and kidney. The expression of CfSOD dropped in the first 8-16 h and then recovered after challenge with L. anguillarum and M. litteus, but no change was induced by the C. lipolytica challenge. The results indicated that CfSOD was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein, and could play an important role in the immune responses against L. anguillarum and M. luteus infection. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) specifically binds to peptidoglycan and plays a crucial role in the innate immune responses as a pattern recognition receptor (PRR). The cDNA of a short type PGRP was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri (named CfPGRP-SI) by homology cloning with degenerate primers, and confirmed by virtual Northern blots. The full length of CfPGRP-SI cDNA was 1073 bp in length, including a 5 ' untranslated region (UTR) of 59 bp, a 3 ' UTR of 255 bp, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 bp encoding a polypeptide of 252 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 27.88 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.69. BLAST analysis revealed that CfPGRP-S1 shared high identities with other known PGRPs. A conserved PGRP domain and three zinc-binding sites were present at its C-terminus. The temporal expression of QPGRP-S1 gene in healthy, Vibrio anguillarum-challenged and Micrococcus lysodeikticus-challenged scallops was measured by RT-PCR analysis. The expression of CfPGRP-S1 was upregulated initially in the first 12 h or 24 h either by M. lysodeikticus or V. anguillarum challenge and reached the maximum level at 24 h or 36 h, then dropped progressively, and recovered to the original level as the stimulation decreased at 72 h. There was no significant difference between V. anguillarum and M. lysodeikticus challenge. The results indicated that the CfPGRP-S1 was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein which was involved in the immune response against bacterial infection. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thioester-containing proteins are a family of proteins characterized by the unique intrachain beta-cysteinyl-gamma-glutamyl thioester, which play important roles in innate immune responses. The cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri thioester-containing protein (designated as CfTEP) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTEP was of 4616 bp, consisting of a 5 '-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 30 bp and a 3 ' UTR of 140 bp with a polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail. The CfTEP cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 1481 amino acids with the theoretical isoelectric point of 5.98 and the predicted molecular weight of 161.4 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of CfTEP contained the canonical thioester motif GCGEQ, nine potential N-glycosylation sites and a C-terminal distinctive cysteine signature. It also contained a presumed catalytic histidine and proteolytic cleavage sites that were similar to C3 molecules. The high similarity of CfTEP with the thioester-containing proteins in other organisms, such as the TEPs from insects, the complement component C3, C4, C5 and the protease inhibitor alpha(2)-macroglobulin indicated that CfTEP should be a member of TEP family. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTEP was closely related to TEPs from mollusc, nematodes and insects, and they formed a separate branch apart from the branches of complements factors and alpha(2)-macroglobulins. The spatial expression of CfTEP transcripts in healthy and bacterial challenged scallops was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The CfTEP transcripts were mainly detected in the tissues of hepatopancreas and gonad, and remarkably up-regulated by Microbial challenge, which suggested that CfTEP was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defense. These results provided new insights into the role of CfTEP in scallop immune responses, as well as the evolutionary origin of this important, widespread and functionally diversified family of proteins. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) is one of the abundant and ubiquitously expressed proteins in metazoans In the present study, the first molluscan TCTP (denoted as VpTCTP) was identified from Venerupis philippinarum haemocytes by EST and RACE approaches The full-length cDNA of VpTCTP consisted of 1148 nucleotides with an open-reading frame of 555 bp encoding 184 amino acids The deduced amino acid sequence of VpTCTP shared high similarity with TCTPs from other species, indicating that VpTCTP should be a new member of TCTP family Several highly conserved motifs, including 5'terminal ologopyrimidine (5'TOP) starting sequence and rich AU and AUUT elements in 3'UTR, were also identified in VpTCTP The tissue and temporal expression of VpTCTP after Vi boo anguillarum challenge was recorded by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. VpTCTP transcript could be detected in all examined tissues with the highest expression level in haemocytes and the lowest in hepatopancreas Concerning the time-course expression in haemocytes, the relative expression of VpTCTP mRNA was down-regulated sharply from 6 h to 12 h post-infection. Then, the expression level was obviously up-regulated and reached 3.4-fold to that in the control group at 48 h post challenge As time progressed, the expression of VpTCTP recovered to the original level at 96 h. All these results indicated that VpTCTP was an acute-phase protein involved in the Immune response of V philippinarum (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-reactive protein (CRP) is the prototypic human acute-phase protein and is found at increased levels in the blood during episodes of inflammation. CRP was generally thought to be produced only by hepatocytes; however, several studies have shown extrahepatic synthesis of CRP. A previous study showed that PM10 and ultrafine carbon black (ufCB) were able to induce CRP expression in A549 cells. This study aims to examine the factors that lead to the production of CRP in A549 cells. A549 human lung epithelial cells were treated with cytokines (interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor , interferon , or interleukin 1) or carbon particles (CB and ufCB) for 18 h. It was found that CRP could be expressed within the cells and that CRP was secreted from the cells particularly with tumor necrosis factor , CB and ufCB treatments. It was also found that this expression of CRP with CB and ufCB treatments was dependent on nuclear factor kappa B (NFB). The expression of CRP in A549 cells may indicate an important role for CRP expression and secretion from lung epithelial cells in response to inflammatory stimuli.


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BACKGROUND: RA and CVD both have inflammation as part of the underlying biology. Our objective was to explore the relationships of GlycA, a measure of glycosylated acute phase proteins, with inflammation and cardiometabolic risk in RA, and explore whether these relationships were similar to those for persons without RA. METHODS: Plasma GlycA was determined for 50 individuals with mild-moderate RA disease activity and 39 controls matched for age, gender, and body mass index (BMI). Regression analyses were performed to assess relationships between GlycA and important markers of traditional inflammation and cardio-metabolic health: inflammatory cytokines, disease activity, measures of adiposity and insulin resistance. RESULTS: On average, RA activity was low (DAS-28 = 3.0 ± 1.4). Traditional inflammatory markers, ESR, hsCRP, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-18 and TNF-α were greater in RA versus controls (P < 0.05 for all). GlycA concentrations were significantly elevated in RA versus controls (P = 0.036). In RA, greater GlycA associated with disease activity (DAS-28; RDAS-28 = 0.5) and inflammation (RESR = 0.7, RhsCRP = 0.7, RIL-6 = 0.3: P < 0.05 for all); in BMI-matched controls, these inflammatory associations were absent or weaker (hsCRP), but GlycA was related to IL-18 (RhsCRP = 0.3, RIL-18 = 0.4: P < 0.05). In RA, greater GlycA associated with more total abdominal adiposity and less muscle density (Rabdominal-adiposity = 0.3, Rmuscle-density = -0.3, P < 0.05 for both). In BMI-matched controls, GlycA associated with more cardio-metabolic markers: BMI, waist circumference, adiposity measures and insulin resistance (R = 0.3-0.6, P < 0.05 for all). CONCLUSIONS: GlycA provides an integrated measure of inflammation with contributions from traditional inflammatory markers and cardio-metabolic sources, dominated by inflammatory markers in persons with RA and cardio-metabolic factors in those without.