997 resultados para A. bifilosa c6 f


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O mercúrio é um metal que se destaca dos demais por se apresentar líquido em temperatura e pressão normais. Este xenobiótico se apresenta como a maior fonte de poluição em várias partes do mundo e tem como característica ser altamente tóxico ao Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). O despejo é na forma líquida diretamente no solo e leito dos rios. Este metal pesado é complexado com vários elementos presentes no solo ou sedimentos sendo convertido à metilmercúrio (MeHg) pela microbiota aquática. O MeHg apresenta a capacidade de se acumular ao longo da cadeia trófica, um evento conhecido como biomagnificaão, o qual afeta diretamente a vida humana. Nesse sentido, a Região Amazônica se destaca por possuir todos os componentes necessários para a manutenção do ciclo biogeoquímico do mercúrio, além de populaões cronicamente expostas a este metal pesado, sendo este fato considerado um problema de sade pública. Tem-se conhecimento que este xenobiótico após a exposição aguda a altas doses promove desordens relacionadas ao surgimento de processos degenerativos no SNC, entretanto, os efeitos a baixas concentraões ainda não são totalmente conhecidos. Nesse sentido, se destacam as células gliais que atuam como mediadores no processo de neurotoxicidade desse metal, principalmente em baixas concentraões. Apesar de este tipo celular exibir um importante papel no processo de intoxicaão mercurial, a aão deste metal sobre as células glias é pouco conhecida, principalmente sobre o genoma e a proliferaão celular. Desta forma, este trabalho se propõe a avaliar o efeito da exposição a este xenobiótico em baixa concentraão sobre o material genético e a proliferaão celular em células da linhagem glial C6. As avaliaões bioquímica (atividade mitocondrial – medida pelo ensaio de MTT –) e morfofuncional (integridade da membrana avaliada pelo ensaio com os corantes BE e AA –) confirmaram a ausência de morte celular após a exposição ao metal pesado na concentraão de 3 μM por um intervalo de 24 horas. Mesmo sem promover processos de morte celular, o tratamento com esta concentraão subletal de MeHg foi capaz de aumentar significativamente os níveis dos marcadores de genotoxicidade (fragmentaão do DNA, formaão de micronúcleos, pontes nucleoplásmica e brotos nucleares). Ao mesmo tempo, foi possível observar uma alteraão no ciclo celular através do aumento do índice mitótico e uma mudança no perfil do ciclo celular com aumento da populaão celular nas fases S e G2/M, sugerindo um aprisionamento nessa etapa. Esta mudança no ciclo celular, provocada por 24h de exposição ao MeHg, foi seguida de uma redução no número de células viáveis e confluência celular 24h após a retirada do MeHg e substituição do meio de cultura, além do aumento no tempo de duplicaão da cultura do mesmo. Este estudo demonstrou pela primeira vez que a exposição ao metilmercúrio em concentraão baixa e subletal é capaz de promover eventos genotóxicos e distúrbios na proliferaão celular em células de origem glial.


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Coordenaão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Cerdocyon thous is a canid that has a wide distribution in South America and, besides some general aspects, its morphology is little known in the literature, especially regarding the nervous system. With the aim of elucidating the anatomical composition of brachial plexus, we studied three male specimens from Paragominas-PA, donated to the Morphological Laboratory of Animal Research (LaPMA), Federal Rural University of Amazonia (UFRA), after death by trampling. The animals were fixed in an aqueous solution of 10% formaldehyde for bilateral dissection of the origin of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus of C. thous is derived from the last three cervical nerves and the first thoracic nerve (C6-T1). The main nerves that compose it, with their respective origins were the suprascapular nerve, subscapular nerve and musculocutaneous nerve (C6-C7), axillary nerve (C7-C8), radial nerve (C7-T1 and C7-C8), median nerve, ulnar nerve, thoracodorsal and thoracic lateral nerve (C8-T1). We conclude that the brachial plexus of C. thous is similar to that described for the domestic dogs, showing small differences in the composition of some nerves.


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Flavonoides são constituintes fenólicos de plantas que possuem diversas atividades terapêuticas, dentre elas, a atividade antimutagênica. Eles são caracterizados por um esqueleto carbônico C6-C3-C6, em que os componentes C6 são anéis aromáticos e o C3 um anel heterocíclico. Diferenças nessa estrutura podem alterar a atividade e o seu potencial antimutagênico. Para melhor compreensão da atividade antimutagênica exercida pelos flavonoides, neste estudo, os compostos quercetina, kaempferol, luteolina, fisetina, galangina, crisina, flavona, 3-hidroxiflavona, 5-hidroxiflavona e 7-hidroxiflavona, flavonoides que apresentam diferenças no padrão de hidroxilaão, foram analisados pelo teste de Ames. Para realizaão dos ensaios foram utilizadas as cepas TA98, TA100 e TA102 de Salmonella typhimurium em testes com e sem ativaão metabólica. Os mutágenos utilizados para comparaão do efeito protetor dos flavonoides foram 4-nitro-o-fenilenodiamina (NPD), azida sódica (AZS), mitomicina C (MMC), benzo[a]pireno (B[a]P), aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) e 2-aminoantraceno (2-AA). No ensaio contra o NPD sem ativaão metabólica, todos os flavonoides apresentaram efeito antimutagênico, com exceção da fisetina. No ensaio com ativaão metabólica contra o B[a]P, todos os flavonoides demonstraram forte efeito antimutagênico, com exceção da quercetina que potencializou o efeito mutagênico do mutágeno. No ensaio contra a AZS sem ativaão metabólica, os flavonoides luteolina, crisina, 3-hidroxiflavona e 7-hidroxiflavona reduziram a resposta mutagênica do mutágeno. No ensaio contra a AFB1 com ativaão metabólica, os flavonoides kaempferol, luteolina, crisina e galangina (em concentraões mais elevadas) exibiram efeito antimutagênico ...


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The Caudal Cervical Spondylomyelopathy, also known as “Wobbler syndrome” is a neurological disorder that affects mainly breeds of large and giant size, especially Doberman pinsher and Great danes. Its aetiology is multifactorial and leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal by morphological and positional caudal cervical vertebrae (C5, C6 and C7), causing compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. The clinical signs presented by the affected animals are progressive ataxia of hindlimbs and, later, the forelimbs, sometimes progressing to tetraparesis. Neck pain may be present. The diagnosis is made through the association of clinical signs and diagnostic imaging such as radiography, myelography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. According to the classification of the lesion obtained by imaging examinations, the conservative or surgical treatment is established and the prognosis is variable in accordance with the degree of affection of the spinal cord


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The soybean crop is considered a high expression around the world. In plant breeding programs, knowledge of genetic diversity is extremely important and in this context, are frequently used multivariate analyzes. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic divergence between soybean crosses through multivariate techniques. In total, 16 crosses were evaluated, which were in the F2 generation of inbreeding. The evaluated characteristics were plant height at maturity, height of the first pod, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of nodes per plant, hundred seed weight, grain yield and oil content. For the analyzes was used Euclidean distance, methods of hierarchical clustering UPGMA and Ward and principal component analysis. Genetic distances estimated using Euclidean distance ranged from 1.24 to 8.13, with the smallest distance observed between crosses C1 and C4, and the greatest distance between the C2 crosses and C6. The methods UPGMA clustering and Ward met crossings in five different groups. The principal component analysis explained 86.2% of the variance contained in the original eight variables with three main components. The APM characters, NV, NR, NN, PG% and oil were the main contributors to genetic divergence among traits. Multivariate techniques were crucial to the analysis of genetic diversity, and the methods of Ward and UPGMA clustering and principal components have consistent results in this way, the simultaneous use of these tools in genetic analysis of crosses is indicated


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Fundaão de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Profile enhancement most frequently involves mentoplasty. For this purpose, the author performs conchal grafts to the chin. A total of 28 women aged 15 to 76 years (mean age, 38.11 ± 15.11 years) requested mentoplasty by itself or combined with rhinoplasty, rhytidoplasty, or submental lipoplasty. The conchal cartilage was harvested subperichondrally through a posterior 3-cm incision. The specimen measured 3 x 1 cm, which was sufficient to project the chin 2 to 3 mm. For 4 to 5 mm of projection, both cartilages were used. The graft was positioned under the periosteum and held with two 5-0 nylon sutures. In these cases, the conchal cartilage graft was a suitable option for chin augmentations up to 5 mm.


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Fundaão de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenaão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Culex flavivirus (CxFV) was first isolated in 2007 from Culex pipiens in Japan and then identified in several other countries. Characterization of the CxFV showed that all strains are related to the cell fusing agent virus. In this manuscript we report the first identification of CxFV in South America. Material and Methods: We have collected Culex sp. mosquitoes using BG-Sentinel traps and manual aspirators. They were pooled according to genus, species, sex and location. Viral RNA was extracted and multiplex nested PCR was performed to test the presence of Flavivirus. The positive samples were isolated in C6/36 cells and sequenced for phylogenetic analyses. Results: 265 female Culex mosquitoes pooled in 83 pools were tested with specific CxFV, Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) and West Nile virus (WNV) primers. Our sequence data indicated maximum sequence similarity of 97% with CxFV. Discussion: In this study we report the circulation of CxFV in an urban setting where SLEV had previously caused an outbreak. In terms of public health, this is an important finding due to the assumption that the previous exposition of mosquitoes to CxFV might lessen the susceptibility of these mosquitoes to other flaviviruses. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of absent thumb pain sensation in newborns and young infants with birth brachial plexopathy. Methods: We evaluated 131 patients with birth brachial plexopathy with less than two months of age. Pain sensation was evoked by thumb nail bed compression to evaluate sensory fibers of the upper trunk (C6). The patients were followed-up monthly. Patients with less than antigravity elbow flexion at six months of age were considered to have a poor outcome. Results: Thirty patients had absent thumb pain sensation, from which 26 showed a poor outcome. Sensitivity of the test was 65% and specificity was 96%. Conclusion: Evaluation of thumb pain sensation should be included in the clinical assessment of infants with birth brachial plexopathy.