999 resultados para Aço para altas temperaturas


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The air-assisted ground spray is fairly widespread. However, due to the unpredictable weather conditions, the operational efficiency is impaired by stops on grounds of low humidity and high temperatures. The aim of this work was to assess an air humidification method and evaluate its impact on temperature and air humidity for the air curtain of the air-assisted sprayer. With respect to relative air humidity, it has increased in 6.59%, being the maximum change when inserting 1.92 L min-1. So, it is concluded that the pipeline humidification might significantly reduce temperature and enhance air humidity. The treatments performed in this study consisted of a varied flow of a humidity device, related to weather conditions. Temperature and relative air humidity were measured at 1.0 m height from right to left of middle point of the machine, corresponding to the end of the spray boom, in the middle and end of right spray boom. The readings were also performed at three different distances from the end of the pipeline and at 0.25 and 0.50 m from that to the soil. The results show that 0.48 L min-1 in the humidification system has promoted a better efficiency in reducing air-temperature, on average 2.52 ºC when compared to the non-humidified one.


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Since the Seventies, there has been a growing degradation of concrete structures in Brazil. For that reason, much research has been made on the durability of those structures, aiming at contributing towards quality improvement and reduction of maintenance and repair costs. This study evaluates the behavior of the durability of high-performance concrete with additions, replacing part of the cement and aggregates with rice husk ash and tire rubber, respectively. Durability tests were carried out in which concrete was subjected to several degradation processes, such as the action of water, temperature, salts and acid solution. The results indicated that the addition of active silica or rice husk ash, both with tire rubber did not worsen the durability of concrete. In fact, rubber proved to be very effective in preventing the action of chemical agents, high temperatures and the penetration of water. Rice husk ash, despite the larger diameter of particles, had similar results to that of the active silica.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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O mexilhão-dourado (Limnoperna fortunei) é um bivalve de água doce pertencente à família Mytilidae. Originário de rios e arroios da China e do sudeste asiático, foi introduzido acidentalmente na América do Sul em 1991, no estuário do rio da Prata, provavelmente através de água de lastro. Como encontrou condições propícias para o seu desenvolvimento, se expandiu através dos rios Uruguai, Paraná e Paraguai, sendo atualmente o principal responsável pelo macrofouling em ecossistemas de água doce do continente. O presente estudo compreende uma área de grande extensão na bacia do Rio da Prata, onde foram amostrados pontos estratégicos nos rios Paraná (e seus principais afluentes), Uruguai e Paraguai. A partir de coletas de organismos do plâncton, realizadas por arrasto vertical, foram quantificadas as densidades de larvas de L. fortunei em cada local de amostragem. Assim, obteve-se um panorama atual da ocorrência do mexilhão, registrando-se, inclusive, alguns limites de sua distribuição. As densidades mostraram-se, no geral, elevadas, provavelmente em decorrência do período de amostragem (verão 2010), onde a atividade reprodutiva da espécie é maior devido às altas temperaturas. Porém, grandes variações ao longo da bacia foram registradas, o que pode estar relacionado ao grau de antropização, disponibilidade de substratos, velocidade da corrente, tempo de introdução, entre outras variáveis


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The nickel superalloys are known as being a material with poor machinability, they have some properties like high hardness, good resistance at high temperature, tendency to weld with the tool material at high temperature, etc. In the aerospace, biomedical and petrochemical industry, are increasing the need to use materials that resist to aggressive process and environment. In these uses, it has increased the use of nickel-based superalloys like Inconel 718 and consequently the need to research new techniques and tools to improve the machinability of this material. For the superalloys and resistant alloys at high temperatures is considered that the difficulty in the machining regards to the combination of the relatively high cutting forces and high temperatures that grow during the machine process, causing deformation or breakage of the cutting tool. This work purpose is to develop the study of the machining of external cylindrical turning of the nickel based alloy Inconel 718, using ceramic tools, seeking the optimization of machining this alloy, looking to provide real productive increases without the need of investments in new production means. The machining test were accomplished using commercials hard metal tools and the results were compared each other to find the best tool and the best parameter. The conclusion is that the tool TNMG160408-23 -class 1005- was the better one, when used with the parameter 60_15_08


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The determination of the remaining life of equipment operating at high temperatures has been a great challenge for their owners. The use of safety factors, often conservative, makes the replacement of equipment or of its components at the end of the life of design gets financially unviable. This study aimed to estimate the remaining life of the serpentine of the secondary superheater of one of REVAP’s boilers (Henrique Lage Refinery), through accelerated creep tests and comparison of the results with the techniques based on microstructure and hardness. When conducting a proper assessment it’s possible to increase the equipment reliability, ensuring operational continuity and physical integrity. The tests showed a minimal residual life of 12.7 years (111,252 hours), longer than the design life (100,000 hours), even after a period of operation of approximately 250,000 hours, confirming the conservatism of the project. The techniques based on microstructure and hardness did not show good correlation with the creep test, decreasing the reliability of these techniques in determining the residual life


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Delivering to the customers a product or service with the expected quality associated to the huge competitiveness that exists in the market nowadays, has been making organizations increasingly focus on quality planning using techniques which are directed towards the continuous improvement process and production optimization. Thus, this paper aims to improve a machining process using the techniques of experimental design to the optimization and this also includes the analysis of the measurement system. For this purpose, the alloy Nimonic 80A, a nickel base superalloy, was used in the process due to its widespread use for high temperatures, applying this study the robust method proposed by Genichi Taguchi, determining the influence of the factors considered input variables, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, type of tool, lubrication, and material hardness, in the output or response variable, surface roughness, concluding with the use of Taguchi orthogonal array L16 and by analysis of ANOVA that the factor feed rate is significant and offers greater effect on the response variable studied, should be set to 0,12mm/rev. Moreover, the factor type of tool has more influence on the process when compared to other factors, being CP250 the one more suitable to the process. Lastly, the interaction feed rate x cutting speed provides greater significance in the process regarding to surface roughness variable, being the best match between them 0,12mm/rev to the feed rate and 90m/min to the cutting speed. In order to evaluate the measurement system, it was applied the repeatability and reproducibility method (R&R), through which we saw that the system needs improvement (R & R = 88.04% >>> 30%) as the value found in the study was well above compared to the one that classifies the system as inappropriate


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The machining of super alloys resistant to high temperatures such as nickel alloys, inconel 718 specifically, is a very difficult job to obtain improvements in the process, due to the difficulty of machining at high cutting speeds, the use of these alloys in industries showed great developments in recent years, its application in aeronautical industry spread being used in vane turbo, compressor parts, props and set elements. The automotive, chemical, medical and others also took advantage of the great features of inconel 718 and has used the material. The high temperature resistant alloys have high machining difficulty, a fact that is associated with high cutting forces generated during machining which result in high temperatures. High levels of temperatures can cause deterioration of the cutting edge, with subsequent deformation or breakage, wear most common obtained in machining such materials are flank wear the formation of built-up edge for cutting and notch wear. The experimental part of the work consists in machining of nickel-based alloy Inconel 718 heat treated for hardness, using a tool based ceramic silicon nitride Sandvik (Si3N4) in order to compare the best results obtained in the master's thesis of SANTOS (2010) who used a tool ceramics also the basis of silicon nitride which was developed in the doctoral thesis of SOUZA (2005). Assays were performed on a CNC lathe and was noted for each cutting edge results obtained. Tests were made starting from an initial condition of the tool with cutting speed of 200 m/min, feed 0.5 mm and 0.5 mm depth of cut was reduced cutting speed for the subsequent tests with the same conditions of feed and depth of cut. The tool presented wear instant under two 200 m/min and 100 m/min, premature rupture of 50 m/min and finally cut provided with difficulty... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Atualmente, atender as necessidades dos consumidores é uma das metas mais importantes, os consumidores estão em busca de produtos com qualidade e preços mais acessíveis, para isso, é indispensável que as empresas se atualizem para melhorar seus produtos e serviços. Com este cenário, as superligas estão cada vez mais ganhando mercado, pois possuem ótimas propriedades, principalmente em relação a operar em temperaturas elevadas, podendo proporcionar maior eficiência para motores que necessitam trabalhar em altas temperaturas. Em contra partida a essa vantagem, as superligas possuem uma baixa usinabilidade, sendo importante a análise do processo de usinagem para se tornarem mais aplicáveis. Este trabalho visa à otimização do processo de torneamento cilíndrico da superliga Nimonic 80A, com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade do produto, utilizando o Método de Taguchi, com o arranjo ortogonal L16, sendo o comprimento de corte definido como variável resposta e analisados seis fatores que poderiam influenciar na sua variação, tais fatores são: velocidade de corte, avanço, profundidade de corte, tipo de pastilha, lubrificação e dureza do material. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os fatores avanço, tipo de pastilha e lubrificação são significativos e exercem influencia no processo, sendo que o avanço deve ser ajustado no nível de 0,12 mm/rev, a pastilha a ser utilizada deve ser CP250 e a lubrificação deve ser feita de maneira abundante, para a otimização do processo. Com a análise dos resultados, também podemos observar a eficiência e confiabilidade do método utilizado, mostrando resultados coerentes


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In recent years, increasing demand for energy has led to studies to increase the amount of electricity produced. Due to this fact, more and more boilers are becoming important sources of electricity generation. To raise the efficiency of energy generated in the boilers is necessary to raise the steam pressure and temperature to values previously unimaginable. The use of more resistant materials and maintenance practices and most appropriate operation made it possible. The objective of this study is to test the main types of failure in a chemical recovery boiler, in particular due to fatigue in the superheater, because it is a component subjected to high temperatures and thus more subject to different failures. In this manner this study aims to reduce the incidence of unscheduled maintenance shutdowns, increasing the operation time under appropriate conditions. Modeling performed in this study, the failure did not occur, because we considered only the mechanical stress. Under normal conditions, mechanical stress in combination with thermal stresses can cause cracks in the tubes due to cyclical stresses, leading to fatigue failure


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)