788 resultados para 893


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La determinación de un objetivo en la educación de los hijos, es fundamental para que los padres puedan desarrollar un proceso educativo adecuado con ellos. Por ello se parte de la determinación de estos objetivos educativos por parte de los padres. A continuación se definen las necesidades básicas que deben cubrirse: la necesidad de amar, de sentirse amado y de crear un apego seguro; la necesidad de ser y de sentirse útil; y la necesidad de comprender el sentido de uno mismo, de los acontecimientos y del mundo. Seguidamente se trata de explicar la razón de los comportamientos negativos de los hijos, y las actitudes y estilos más adecuados para tratarlos. Finalmente se explica cuál es la forma más adecuada de relación entre padres e hijos y se ofrece un apéndice con unas pautas para trabajar con el modelo 'Cambio de Actitudes y Relaciones Valorativas' CARV en el que se basa toda la obra.


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Estudiar las necesidades de formación permanente del profesorado del CEP de Fuenlabrada y la influencia de la Reforma en el aumento de estas necesidades. Analizar las tareas y funciones de las instituciones que gestionan la formación del profesorado.. 25 coordinadores de grupos de trabajo, 60 representantes de formación y 1143 profesores del área del CEP de Fuenlabrada: Humanes de Madrid, Griñon y Fuenlabrada.. Se realiza un estudio teórico de la formación permanente del profesorado y su relación con la Reforma Educativa, analizando el papel de los CEPs en este proceso. Se procede al planteamiento de las hipótesis de partida y se consulta el archivo de las actividades del CEP de Fuenlabrada, elaborando un resumen estadístico de los datos obtenidos. Se aplica el cuestionario sobre la muestra y se realizan las entrevistas. Se realiza la tabulación de los resultados del cuestionario y se obtienen las variables estadísticas. Para conocer la participación y el grado de satisfacción del profesorado, se emplean técnicas de estadística inferencial, especialmente el análisis bivariable.. La totalidad de la muestra es representativa en Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Ciclo Superior de EGB y ESO. Más del 70 por ciento de la muestra lleva tres o más años en las localidades del ámbito del CEP de Fuenlabrada. El 99 por ciento del profesorado considera necesaria o imprescindible la formación permanente, y el 69.5 por ciento ha participado en actividades de formación durante el curso 1994-95. Sólo el 29 por ciento considera que está aceptablemente formado en aspectos generales de la LOGSE y la Reforma, y las mayores carencias formativas se reconocen en este área, especialmente en temas transversales. El profesorado percibe que los CEPs son las instituciones de formación que ofrecen mayor facilidad de acceso a las actividades organizadas y se siente partícipe en la elaboración y desarrollo del Plan de Formación del CEP de Fuenlabrada.. Se observa que existe un desfase entre los conceptos necesidad de formación, demandas de formación y ofertas de formación..


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Este proyecto es continuación de otro presentado en convocatoria anterior titulado 'Aventura histórica en la Región de Murcia'


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n. Resumen en ingl??s


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RESUMO: Actualmente as práticas de exclusão evoluíram para uma perspectiva de inclusão, assim como para a consciencialização dos direitos e deveres de cada um, como forma de dar resposta à sociedade heterogénea existente. A visão baseada nos sistemas de identificação e classificação dos sujeitos em várias categorias de deficiências era algo muito usual, mas que foi abolida, dando assim lugar ao conceito de Necessidades Educativas Especiais, com uma óptica mais abrangente, tendo em conta o contexto em que o sujeito está envolvido (Nunes, 2000). As atitudes dos professores face aos alunos com deficiência têm melhorado significativamente (Ribeiro, 1999), no entanto o processo de inclusão destas crianças no ensino regular não está isento de problemas. Neste sentido, e para que este desafio seja ultrapassado com sucesso, torna-se essencial que os professores modifiquem as suas atitudes e passem a desempenhar um papel mais activo nas suas funções, devendo para isso, começar por adaptar o currículo, e posteriormente repensar as suas estratégias e métodos de trabalho, como forma a responder às necessidades de todos os alunos (Ainscow, 1997). O objectivo principal deste estudo é verificar se o contacto com a deficiência (a nível da experiência no ensino, formação inicial e contacto na infância/juventude), por parte dos professores, influencia as suas atitudes em relação à formação necessária para a inclusão de alunos com deficiência, bem como às vantagens que esta representa para esses mesmos alunos. A amostra foi constituída por 672 professores do ensino regular, todos estão actualmente no activo e leccionam níveis de ensino do Pré-Escolar ao Ensino Secundário, de Norte a Sul do país. (N = 482 do género feminino e N =190 do género masculino). O instrumento de avaliação aplicado foi o questionário APIAD – Atitude dos Professores face à Inclusão de Alunos com Deficiência (Leitão, 2011). Concluiu-se que a experiência no ensino de alunos com deficiência influencia significativamente a atitude dos professores face à formação necessária (deficiência motora: p<0,001; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p=0,004) e face às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (deficiência motora: p=0,005; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p=0,022). No que se refere ao contacto com pessoas com deficiência durante a formação inicial, concluiu-se que existem diferenças significativas na atitude dos professores face às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência (deficiência motora: p<0,001; deficiência auditiva: p<0,001; deficiência visual: p<0,001; deficiência mental: p<0,001). No entanto, no que respeita à formação, a atitude dos professores não difere, independentemente de terem tido esse contacto (deficiência motora: p=0,393; deficiência auditiva: p=0,456; deficiência visual: p=0,055; deficiência mental: p=0,342). Relativamente ao contacto com pessoas com deficiência durante a infância/juventude conclui-se que não existem diferenças na atitude dos professores em relação à formação necessária (deficiência motora: p=0,893; deficiência auditiva: p=0,667; deficiência visual: p=0,459; deficiência mental: p=0,918). Por sua vez, no que respeita às vantagens da inclusão para os alunos com deficiência, esta variável só influencia significativamente a atitude dos professores no caso da deficiência visual (deficiência motora: p=0,154; deficiência auditiva: p=0,100; deficiência visual: p=0,045; deficiência mental: p=0,149). ABSTRACT: Currently the exclusionary practices evolved to an inclusion perspective, as well as the awareness of rights and duties of each one as a way to reply to the existing heterogeneous society. The vision-based systems for identification and classification of subjects into various categories of disabilities was very unusual, but it was abolished, giving way to the concept of Special Educational Needs, with a broader perspective, considering the context in which the subject is involved (Nunes, 2000). The teachers attitude face to the students with disabilities have improved significantly (Ribeiro, 1999), however the process of inclusion of these children in regular education isn't exempt of problems. In this direction and so this challenge is exceeded successfully, it is essential that teachers change their attitudes and start to perform a more active role in their functions, and to do so, start by adapting the curriculum and then rethink their strategies and working methods, in order to meet the needs of all students (Ainscow, 1997). The main purpose of this study is to verify that the contact with the disability (educational level of experience, initial formation and contact in childhood/youth), among teachers, influences their attitudes towards the needed formation for the inclusion of students with disabilities as well as the benefits that this represents for them. The sample consisted by 672 regular educational teachers, all currently in employment and teaching from Preschool to High school, from North to South. (N = 482 females and N = 190 males). The evaluation instrument used was the survey APIAD - Teachers attitude towards the inclusion of students with disabilities (Leitão, 2011). It was concluded that the experience in teaching students with disabilities influences significantly the teachers attitude faced to the necessary formation (motor disability: p<0,001; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p=0,004) and faced to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities (motor disability: p=0,005; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p=0,022).Concerning to the contact with people with disabilities during the initial formation, it was concluded that there are significant differences in the teachers attitude face to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities (motor disability: p<0,001; hearing impairment: p<0,001; visual impairment: p<0,001; mental disability: p<0,001). In relation to the formation, the teachers attitude is the same, regardless of whether or not they have had such contact (motor disability: p=0,393; hearing impairment: p=0,456; visual impairment: p=0,055; mental disability: p=0,342). Regarding to the contact with people with disabilities during childhood/youth, it was concluded that there is no difference in the teachers attitude in relation to the formation needed (motor disability: p=0,893; hearing impairment: p=0,667; visual impairment: p=0,459; mental disability: p=0,918). On the other way, regarding to the inclusion benefits for students with disabilities, this influences significantly the teachers attitude just in the visual impairment. (motor disability: p=0,154; hearing impairment: p=0,100; visual impairment: p=0,045; mental disability: p=0,149).


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Caricaturizada por años con la figura de un campesino pobre sentado sobre un voluminoso bulto de fique que contenía gran cantidad de metales preciosos, Bolivia por estos días ha dejado de representarse bajo esta sarcástica imagen, efigie sin lugar a dudas, de gran parte de la historia de esta nación. Ahora caracterizada con la figura de un poblador originario, quien detenta en sus manos gran cantidad de recursos mineros escasos en el mundo, mientras se le observa meditabundo reflexionando en la necesidad de replantear nuevas reglas de juego con las cuales poder afrontar aquella etapa crítica en la que esta nación andina se sumió en la absoluta pobreza durante más de la mitad del siglo XX, Bolivia se erige como una nación que además de estar dispuesta a dar la lucha contra la crisis e inestabilidad política, social y económica que tanto la ha caracterizado, se apresta a convertir su proceso legislativo en lo que podría considerarse la fase inicial en la proposición de una nueva generación de constituyentes latinoamericanas a puertas de la segunda década del siglo XXI; constituyentes donde se recalcará en la importancia de planificar una política nacional a partir no sólo de aspectos económicos, políticos y socioculturales que caracterizan los proyectos constitucionales recientes, sino también resaltando dos tópicos centrales, que sin lugar a dudas la experiencia boliviana ha impulsado, y que será parte fundamental de los proceso legislativos subsiguientes en América Latina: la cuestión de la reconfiguración territorial y la necesidad de impulsar la autonomía local y regional, donde además, se incluirá temas espinosos como la explotación y acceso a los recursos naturales, así como la permanente corresponsabilidad del Estado y de la sociedad civil en general, en lo que concierne a la preservación del contexto medioambiental de una localidad, región e incluso, de toda una nación.


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El derecho a la participación social en el procedimiento legislativo es una expresión de la democracia participativa y deliberativa y contribuye al cumplimiento de la responsabilidad estatal de adecuar materialmente todo proyecto de ley a la Constitución y a los estándares de protección de los derechos humanos contemplados en los instrumentos internacionales. A partir de un diálogo interepistémico entre los conocimientos y las prácticas de la democracia de la comunidad indígena, con los conocimientos occidentales del derecho, de la teoría política y de la perspectiva decolonial, se evidencia el origen y evolución histórica de este derecho, así como los mecanismos para alcanzar su pleno ejercicio ante las limitaciones del contexto planteadas por el modelo económico capitalista y el patrón de poder colonial. Luego del abordaje de los alcances y limitaciones del marco constitucional, legal y reglamentario del derecho a la participación en el procedimiento legislativo, se evalúa su aplicación en la génesis legislativa de la Ley de Minería, evidenciando las razones que de terminaron su impugnación por inconstitucionalidad y el rol de la Corte Constitucional al actuar sobre el tema. Ante la ausencia del respeto al derecho a la participación en el procedimiento legislativo, se propone institucionalizar el mecanismo de control previo de constitucionalidad de proyectos de ley por parte de la justicia constitucional.


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A regional study of the prediction of extratropical cyclones by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) has been performed. An objective feature-tracking method has been used to identify and track the cyclones along the forecast trajectories. Forecast error statistics have then been produced for the position, intensity, and propagation speed of the storms. In previous work, data limitations meant it was only possible to present the diagnostics for the entire Northern Hemisphere (NH) or Southern Hemisphere. A larger data sample has allowed the diagnostics to be computed separately for smaller regions around the globe and has made it possible to explore the regional differences in the prediction of storms by the EPS. Results show that in the NH there is a larger ensemble mean error in the position of storms over the Atlantic Ocean. Further analysis revealed that this is mainly due to errors in the prediction of storm propagation speed rather than in direction. Forecast storms propagate too slowly in all regions, but the bias is about 2 times as large in the NH Atlantic region. The results show that storm intensity is generally overpredicted over the ocean and underpredicted over the land and that the absolute error in intensity is larger over the ocean than over the land. In the NH, large errors occur in the prediction of the intensity of storms that originate as tropical cyclones but then move into the extratropics. The ensemble is underdispersive for the intensity of cyclones (i.e., the spread is smaller than the mean error) in all regions. The spatial patterns of the ensemble mean error and ensemble spread are very different for the intensity of cyclones. Spatial distributions of the ensemble mean error suggest that large errors occur during the growth phase of storm development, but this is not indicated by the spatial distributions of the ensemble spread. In the NH there are further differences. First, the large errors in the prediction of the intensity of cyclones that originate in the tropics are not indicated by the spread. Second, the ensemble mean error is larger over the Pacific Ocean than over the Atlantic, whereas the opposite is true for the spread. The use of a storm-tracking approach, to both weather forecasters and developers of forecast systems, is also discussed.


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The morphology of Acheulean handaxes continues to be a subject of debate amongst Lower Palaeolithic archaeologists, with some arguing that many handaxes are over-engineered for a subsistence function alone. This study aims to provide an empirical foundation for these debates by testing the relationship between a range of morphological variables, including symmetry, and the effectiveness of handaxes for butchery. Sixty handaxes were used to butcher 30 fallow deer by both a professional and a non-professional butcher. Regression analysis on the resultant data set indicates that while frontal symmetry may explain a small amount of variance in the effectiveness of handaxes for butchery, a large percentage of variance remains unexplained by symmetry or any of the other morphological variables under consideration.


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This paper concerns the prospective implementation of the proposed 'corporate killing' offence. These proposals suggested that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)-the body currently responsible for regulating work-related health and safety issues-should handle cases in which a 'corporate killing' charge is a possibility. Relatively little attention has been paid to this issue of implementation. An empirical investigation was undertaken to assess the compatibility of the HSE's methodology and enforcement philosophy with the new offence. It was found that inspectors categorize themselves as enforcers of criminal law, see enforcement action as valuable and support the new offence, but disagree over its use. They also broadly supported the HSE taking responsibility for the new offence. This suggests that 'corporate killing' may not necessarily be incompatible with the HSE's modus operandi, and there may be positive reasons forgiving the HSE this responsibility.


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The dynamics of a polar low are examined using a piecewise potential vorticity (PV) inversion method. In previous studies of this and other polar lows, structural evolution has been described in terms of regions of anomalous PV. In this study the relative importance of different PV anomalies and the interactions between them have been quantified using PV diagnostics. The intensification of the polar low occurred in three stages (in contrast to previous studies of polar lows that have only identified two stages). The dynamical characteristics of stages one and two are consistent with the proposed type C cyclogenesis mechanism. A diabatically-generated lower-tropospheric PV anomaly dominated intensification after initial triggering by a positive upper-level PV anomaly. A phase tilt between the upper and lower levels was maintained through retardation of the positive upper-level anomaly by the effects of latent heat release. Stage three was a period of growth dominated by wind-induced surface heat exchange (WISHE), which contributed at least 18% to the amplitude of the mature surface polar low.


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1 Plant species differ in their capacity to influence soil organic matter, soil nutrient availability and the composition of soil microbial communities. Their influences on soil properties result in net positive or negative feedback effects, which influence plant performance and plant community composition. 2 For two grassland systems, one on a sandy soil in the Netherlands and one on a chalk soil in the United Kingdom, we investigated how individual plant species grown in monocultures changed abiotic and biotic soil conditions. Then, we determined feedback effects of these soils to plants of the same or different species. Feedback effects were analysed at the level of plant species and plant taxonomic groups (grasses vs. forbs). 3 In the sandy soils, plant species differed in their effects on soil chemical properties, in particular potassium levels, but PLFA (phospholipid fatty acid) signatures of the soil microbial community did not differ between plant species. The effects of soil chemical properties were even greater when grasses and forbs were compared, especially because potassium levels were lower in grass monocultures. 4 In the chalk soil, there were no effects of plant species on soil chemical properties, but PLFA profiles differed significantly between soils from different monocultures. PLFA profiles differed between species, rather than between grasses and forbs. 5 In the feedback experiment, all plant species in sandy soils grew less vigorously in soils conditioned by grasses than in soils conditioned by forbs. These effects correlated significantly with soil chemical properties. None of the seven plant species showed significant differences between performance in soil conditioned by the same vs. other plant species. 6 In the chalk soil, Sanguisorba minor and in particular Briza media performed best in soil collected from conspecifics, while Bromus erectus performed best in soil from heterospecifics. There was no distinctive pattern between soils collected from forb and grass monocultures, and plant performance could not be related to soil chemical properties or PLFA signatures. 7 Our study shows that mechanisms of plant-soil feedback can depend on plant species, plant taxonomic (or functional) groups and site-specific differences in abiotic and biotic soil properties. Understanding how plant species can influence their rhizosphere, and how other plant species respond to these changes, will greatly enhance our understanding of the functioning and stability of ecosystems.


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Background: The objective was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of donepezil (5 and 10 mg/day) compared with placebo in alleviating manifestations of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). Method: A systematic review of individual patient data from Phase II and III double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled studies of up to 24 weeks and completed by 20 December 1999. The main outcome measures were the ADAS-cog, the CIBIC-plus, and reports of adverse events. Results: A total of 2376 patients from ten trials were randomised to either donepezil 5 mg/day (n = 821), 10 mg/day (n = 662) or placebo (n = 893). Cognitive performance was better in patients receiving donepezil than in patients receiving placebo. At 12 weeks the differences in ADAS-cog scores were 5 mg/day-placebo: - 2.1 [95% confidence interval (CI), - 2.6 to - 1.6; p < 0.001], 10 mg/day-placebo: - 2.5 ( - 3.1 to - 2.0; p < 0.001). The corresponding results at 24 weeks were - 2.0 ( - 2.7 to - 1.3; p < 0.001) and - 3.1 ( - 3.9 to - 2.4; p < 0.001). The difference between the 5 and 10 mg/day doses was significant at 24 weeks (p = 0.005). The odds ratios (OR) of improvement on the CIBIC-plus at 12 weeks were: 5 mg/day-placebo 1.8 (1.5 to 2.1; p < 0.001), 10 mg/day-placebo 1.9 (1.5 to 2.4; p < 0.001). The corresponding values at 24 weeks were 1.9 (1.5 to 2.4; p = 0.001) and 2.1 (1.6 to 2.8; p < 0.001). Donepezil was well tolerated; adverse events were cholinergic in nature and generally of mild severity and brief in duration. Conclusion: Donepezil (5 and 10 mg/day) provides meaningful benefits in alleviating deficits in cognitive and clinician-rated global function in AD patients relative to placebo. Increased improvements in cognition were indicated for the higher dose. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.