728 resultados para 882


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Se adjunta el programa de actos que tendrán lugar durante la celebración del III Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, que se desarrollará desde el 28 de marzo de 1966 y el 1 de abril en Madrid. Participarán numerosos eruditos en la materia de Filología Clásica que desarrollarán diversas comunicaciones y ponencias al respecto.


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Conocer las aspiraciones e inquietudes universitarias de los alumnos de COU de Málaga del curso 1980-81, con el fin de anticipar volúmenes de matriculación en los centros universitarios, a efecto de la consiguiente política educativa. 4.482 alumnos de COU de la provincia de Málaga, matriculados durante el curso académico 1979-80, en los 40 centros que imparten este nivel de enseñanza, de los que 23 son estatales y 17 privados. Se elaboró el cuestionario ICEMA 3 y se envió a los directores de los 40 centros en función del número de matrículas de cada centro con el fin de que lo pasaran a los alumnos. El cuestionario consta de los apartados: a) Datos de identificación del alumno; b) Denominación del centro y lugar en que se ubica. Tres grupos de preguntas: 1. Carrera que ha elegido; 2. Distrito universitario; 3. Discrepancia entre los estudios elegidos y los que les gustaría; 4. Preferencias por sexo; 4. Elección de distrito universitario. Tras la recogida de información se llevó a cabo el análisis de los datos mediante la instrumentación propia de la estadística descriptiva y se sacaron las conclusiones pertinentes. ICEMA 3. Estadística descriptiva. En la predicción de matrículas en el primer curso de los centros universitarios malagueños en 1980-81 se puede destacar el volumen de alumnos que se estima se matricularán en las Escuelas Universitarias del Profesorado de EGB (1.120 del total de 2.757 alumnos), seguido de Enfermería (443), Derecho (272) y Medicina (230). La mayoría de los encuestados (882) alegan motivos económicos para no elegir la carrera que desearían, seguido por la dificultad de la carrera en cuestión. La mayoría de las mujeres se inclinan por carreras de Letras, Docencia o Sanitarias y los varones por las Técnicas. Existe un crecimiento en el número de alumnos que se matricularán en el distrito universitario de Málaga. Es necesario analizar el fenómeno de las Escuelas Universitarias de Profesorado y plantear alguna solución que evite la proliferación de maestros frustrados por no haber podido acceder a la Universidad. Hay que considerar la escasez existente en algunos estudios (carreras Técnicas) en toda Andalucía y la abundancia de otros (Derecho).


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Indagar el grado de conciencia y sensibilización política de los alumnos de EGB, Bachillerato y FP, a la vez que la relación escuela-educación política y escuela-participación. 2147 alumnos de EGB, BUP y FP. La investigación está dividida en tres partes: 1) de una forma breve y esquemática, se realiza un repaso de la evolución y mal sentido de la expresión democratización de la enseñanza y de la relación entre educación y política. A continuación se acomete la caracterización del modelo democrático-político y se presentan los problemas, tensiones y conflictos que presenta en la sociedad actual, para terminar con las determinaciones de las tesis que se defienden; 2) la constituye la investigación propiamente dicha, en ella se recogen los datos técnicos del trabajo, el marco geográfico en el que se ha llevado a cabo, la descripción de la muestra y el análisis de resultados; 3) se presentan las conclusiones de la investigación junto con algunas recomendaciones en materia de educación política. Variables: sexo, nivel académico y grado, sector de la enseñanza y áreas. Proceso de socialización de los adolescentes: mantienen una actitud distante y falta de interés ante lo político. El aprendizaje político está vinculado principalmente a la familia y a los medios de comunicación. Su actitud, interés y competencia política están enmarcados por factores de clase, sexos, nivel de urbanización y tipos de estudios que siguen. Educación política y participación en la escuela: algunos alumnos partidarios de que se imparta educación política en la escuela, pero no bajo la forma de asignatura. Los alumnos piensan que es poca o nula la participación que se les permite en la gestión de sus centros. La valoración menos negativa se da en EGB. En la mujer el rechazo no es tan radical como en los varones. El rechazo es mayor en el sector privado que en el público. Desde la escuela se trataría de romper esa imagen que lleva a reproducir una actitud desvalorizada de la vida social y política. Para conseguirlo se necesita crear una auténtica cultura participativa entre todos los estamentos que componen la comunidad educativa; introducir la vida participativa desde el comienzo de la vida escolar y en el contexto más próximo, el aula; buscar los mecanismos adecuados para integrar las distintas unidades que componen un centro de enseñanza en ese proyecto común; darles responsabilidades y enseñarles a asumirlas.


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Determinar el perfil-tipo de alumno que tiene éxito en la Universidad de Cantabria. Orientar a los alumnos de BUP y COU en función de este perfil. Diseñar un sistema experto para este fin.. 939 alumnos que han cursado el bachillerato en Cantabria, matriculados en los últimos cursos de licenciatura y diplomatura en la Universidad de Cantabria y que no han repetido más de un curso.. Se realiza una revisión teórica de la bibliografía existente para la selección provisional de las variables. Se recogen los datos a través de un cuestionario y se procede a su análisis, estableciendo definitivamente las siguientes variables independientes: 1. Sexo. 2. Domicilio. 3. Regularidad académica. 4. Centro. Con los resultados se crea un sistema experto en versión Macintosh y PC Windows para la orientación en la elección de estudios universitarios.. Porcentajes, Pearson, test de Mantel-Haenszel, tablas, factores, técnica de Scheffé, proporciones, RSPS, manual informático de usuario.. El análisis de los datos muestra que existe un mejor nivel preuniversitario en los centros de ciencias, y que el rendimiento académico es mejor en las mujeres que en los hombres. El sistema experto posibilita la orientación de alumnos de BUP y COU, pues compara los datos del alumno con el perfil de cada carrera.. Cualquier investigador de otra universidad puede elaborar su base de conocimiento e implementarla en el programa experto para orientar a los alumnos de BUP y COU según los perfiles tipo de su universidad..


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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1. La dobel conquista: debilitamiento del indigenado. 2. Resistencia pasiva y fácil sincretismo. 3. Una nueva y tardía forma de amortiguamiento. 4. La 'pobreza' de la cultura material indígena. 5. La no 'influencia' indígena y la producción de un arte colonial 'conservador'. 6. Una hipótesis: la fusión idígena-oriental. 7. Otra clave: las artes aplicadas. 8. El Arte Barroco Quiteño: el mestizo mirando al exótico indio.


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A climatology of almost 700 extratropical cyclones is compiled by applying an automated feature tracking algorithm to a database of objectively identified cyclonic features. Cyclones are classified according to the relative contributions to the midlevel vertical motion of the forcing from upper and lower levels averaged over the cyclone intensification period (average U/L ratio) and also by the horizontal separation between their upper-level trough and low-level cyclone (tilt). The frequency distribution of the average U/L ratio of the cyclones contains two significant peaks and a long tail at high U/L ratio. Although discrete categories of cyclones have not been identified, the cyclones comprising the peaks and tail have characteristics that have been shown to be consistent with the type A, B, and C cyclones of the threefold classification scheme. Using the thresholds in average U/L ratio determined from the frequency distribution, type A, B, and C cyclones account for 30\%, 38\%, and 32\% of the total number of cyclones respectively. Cyclones with small average U/L ratio are more likely to be developing cyclones (attain a relative vorticity $\ge 1.2 \times 10^{-4} \mbox{s}^{-1}$) whereas cyclones with large average U/L ratio are more likely to be nondeveloping cyclones (60\% of type A cyclones develop whereas 31\% of type C cyclones develop). Type A cyclogenesis dominates in the development region East of the Rockies and over the gulf stream, type B cyclogenesis dominates in the region off the East coast of the USA, and type C cyclogenesis is more common over the oceans in regions of weaker low-level baroclinicity.


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Flooding is a major hazard in both rural and urban areas worldwide, but it is in urban areas that the impacts are most severe. An investigation of the ability of high resolution TerraSAR-X Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to detect flooded regions in urban areas is described. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1 in 150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK, in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SAR End-To-End simulator (SETES) was used in conjunction with airborne scanning laser altimetry (LiDAR) data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and taller vegetation. A semi-automatic algorithm for the detection of floodwater in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs. 76% of the urban water pixels visible to TerraSAR-X were correctly detected, with an associated false positive rate of 25%. If all urban water pixels were considered, including those in shadow and layover regions, these figures fell to 58% and 19% respectively. The algorithm is aimed at producing urban flood extents with which to calibrate and validate urban flood inundation models, and these findings indicate that TerraSAR-X is capable of providing useful data for this purpose.


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In the Eady model, where the meridional potential vorticity (PV) gradient is zero, perturbation energy growth can be partitioned cleanly into three mechanisms: (i) shear instability, (ii) resonance, and (iii) the Orr mechanism. Shear instability involves two-way interaction between Rossby edge waves on the ground and lid, resonance occurs as interior PV anomalies excite the edge waves, and the Orr mechanism involves only interior PV anomalies. These mechanisms have distinct implications for the structural and temporal linear evolution of perturbations. Here, a new framework is developed in which the same mechanisms can be distinguished for growth on basic states with nonzero interior PV gradients. It is further shown that the evolution from quite general initial conditions can be accurately described (peak error in perturbation total energy typically less than 10%) by a reduced system that involves only three Rossby wave components. Two of these are counterpropagating Rossby waves—that is, generalizations of the Rossby edge waves when the interior PV gradient is nonzero—whereas the other component depends on the structure of the initial condition and its PV is advected passively with the shear flow. In the cases considered, the three-component model outperforms approximate solutions based on truncating a modal or singular vector basis.


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This paper examines the life cycle GHG emissions from existing UK pulverized coal power plants. The life cycle of the electricity Generation plant includes construction, operation and decommissioning. The operation phase is extended to upstream and downstream processes. Upstream processes include the mining and transport of coal including methane leakage and the production and transport of limestone and ammonia, which are necessary for flue gas clean up. Downstream processes, on the other hand, include waste disposal and the recovery of land used for surface mining. The methodology used is material based process analysis that allows calculation of the total emissions for each process involved. A simple model for predicting the energy and material requirements of the power plant is developed. Preliminary calculations reveal that for a typical UK coal fired plant, the life cycle emissions amount to 990 g CO2-e/kWh of electricity generated, which compares well with previous UK studies. The majority of these emissions result from direct fuel combustion (882 g/kWh 89%) with methane leakage from mining operations accounting for 60% of indirect emissions. In total, mining operations (including methane leakage) account for 67.4% of indirect emissions, while limestone and other material production and transport account for 31.5%. The methodology developed is also applied to a typical IGCC power plant. It is found that IGCC life cycle emissions are 15% less than those from PC power plants. Furthermore, upon investigating the influence of power plant parameters on life cycle emissions, it is determined that, while the effect of changing the load factor is negligible, increasing efficiency from 35% to 38% can reduce emissions by 7.6%. The current study is funded by the UK National Environment Research Council (NERC) and is undertaken as part of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium (UKCCSC). Future work will investigate the life cycle emissions from other power generation technologies with and without carbon capture and storage. The current paper reveals that it might be possible that, when CCS is employed. the emissions during generation decrease to a level where the emissions from upstream processes (i.e. coal production and transport) become dominant, and so, the life cycle efficiency of the CCS system can be significantly reduced. The location of coal, coal composition and mining method are important in determining the overall impacts. In addition to studying the net emissions from CCS systems, future work will also investigate the feasibility and technoeconomics of these systems as a means of carbon abatement.


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Background: The paper reports the findings from a follow-up study of the factors that contribute to whether young people dropout or continue once-weekly psychotherapy at a voluntary sector psychotherapy service for young people aged 12 to 21 years. Method: The study uses data from an ongoing audit of the psychotherapy service that started in 1993; 882 young people were included in the study. Premature termination of treatment was defined as dropping out before the 21st session. Continuation in treatment was defined as remaining in therapy after 20 sessions. Measures and areas of interest used in the study include diagnostic measures, the Youth Self Report Form and Young Adult Self Report Form, demographic characteristics and treatment related information. Results: Young people who continued in treatment were more likely to be older, have anxieties about sexual and relationship issues and have higher scores on self-reported anxiety-depression. Young people who dropped out of treatment were more likely to be younger, have higher self-reported delinquency scores, have a diagnosis of hyperactivity-conduct disorder and be homeless. Conclusions: The study of treatment termination has demonstrated the value of service audit and has led to a significant change in clinical practice.


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In this paper we present experimental results for the dual robot transport of an extended payload. Two robotic rovers that were designed specifically for the extended payload transport task are described. Each rover incorporates a 4-DOF robot arm incorporating three active joints (one of which is a gripper), a passive wrist, and a mobile base which employs a rocker-bogie design. A set of behaviours has been developed to support the performance of the task, integrating simple sensing with controls. We describe the behaviours and their integration within the overall task structure. The experimental results presented focus on the manipulation elements of the task, but incorporate a complete cycle of pick-up, traversal, and putdown.


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This paper presents an enhanced hypothesis verification strategy for 3D object recognition. A new learning methodology is presented which integrates the traditional dichotomic object-centred and appearance-based representations in computer vision giving improved hypothesis verification under iconic matching. The "appearance" of a 3D object is learnt using an eigenspace representation obtained as it is tracked through a scene. The feature representation implicitly models the background and the objects observed enabling the segmentation of the objects from the background. The method is shown to enhance model-based tracking, particularly in the presence of clutter and occlusion, and to provide a basis for identification. The unified approach is discussed in the context of the traffic surveillance domain. The approach is demonstrated on real-world image sequences and compared to previous (edge-based) iconic evaluation techniques.