995 resultados para 88-PCM-3
"Testament de monsieur de Voltaire ...": 34 p. at end.
The latter part of the twentieth century saw the Chinese economy moving towards a socialist market economy rather than a planned system. Despite growing interest in Chinese business ethics, little work has examined ethical issues concerning the Chinese sales force. This study draws from existing work on Chinese and Western business and sales ethics to develop hypotheses regarding the perceptions of unethical selling behaviour of modern Chinese salespeople. A survey of Chinese sales executives is conducted and statistically analysed. Results are compared with those reported in previous US-based research with regard to differences in perceptions of unethical selling behaviour. The results indicate that contemporary Chinese salespeople were more favourably disposed than expected towards unethical selling behaviour, and also more favourably disposed than previously studied US salespeople. Younger Chinese salespeople evaluated unethical behaviours more favourably than older ones. The results are discussed, along with implications for theory, practice and future work.
Boron and Li are light, incompatible elements that preferentially partition into the liquid phase, whether melt or aqueous fluid, and thus are useful for tracking fluid-related processes in rocks. Most of the Li isotopic data presently available on subduction-related rocks are from whole-rock analyses; and the B isotopic analyses of subduction material have been carried out either on whole-rocks or in-situ on an accessory phase, such as tourmaline. The new method presented here couples an ESI New Wave UP-193-FX ArF* (193 nm) excimer laser-ablation microscope with a Neptune Plus (Thermo Scientific) MC-ICP-MS aiming to measure both Li and B isotopes in situ with good spatial resolution (metamorphic minerals are commonly chemically zoned, and whole-rock analyses lose this detail). The data thus obtained are compared with SIMS analyses on the same mineral samples for B, and with MC-ICP-MS analyses on whole-rock or mineral separates from the same sample for Li. Additionally, data acquired on tourmaline standards were compared to SIMS values. The results show that for B concentrations above 5 μg/g, the data obtained by LA-MC-ICP-MS and by SIMS are identical within error, for mica (phengitic muscovite), pyroxene (jadeite), serpentine (antigorite), and tourmaline. For Li concentrations above 10 μg/g, the data obtained by LA-MC-ICP-MS and by MC-ICP-MS are also identical, within error, for mica (phengitic muscovite), and pyroxene (jadeite). However, analyses of tourmaline standards have shown significant differences with reference values, so LA-MC-ICP-MS does not yet appear to be an appropriate method to analyze Li isotopes in tourmalines. Thus, LA-MC-ICP-MS is a suitable method to measure Li and B isotopes with good spatial resolution in major rock-forming silicates from subduction-related rocks where concentrations exceed 10 μg/g and 5 μg/g, respectively, with an error on individual measurements equal to or less than previously used methods, but obtainable in a significantly shorter amount of time. The external reproducibility is ± 2.88 to 3.31 ‰ for B and ± 1.50 to 1.75 for Li, which is lower than or equal to the variations encountered within a given chemically zoned sample (up to 10 ‰ of variation within a given natural sample).
Nesta tese foi demonstrado o potencial de produção de carboidratos por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli cultivada no efluente oriundo de uma indústria de laticínios. Para tanto, o trabalho é composto de quatro artigos que objetivaram avaliar a produção de carboidratos em função da temperatura, inóculo e razões C/N e N/P do elfluente, bem como a possibilidade de reúso da água residuária. Foram utilizadas temperaturas de (10, 20 e 30ºC) e inóculo (100, 200 e 300 mg.L-1). A melhor condição indicada foi quando utilizou-se a temperatura de 30°C e 200 mg.L-1 de inóculo. Na sequência, considerando a temperatura e a concentração celular selecionada, foi estudada a influência das razões C/N e N/P na produção de carboidratos. Para tal, C/N (20, 40 e 60) e N/P (5, 10 e 15) na produção de carboidratos extracelulares foram avaliadas em cultivos a 30°C, tendo como inóculo 200 mg.L-1. Os melhores resultados obtidos, foram quando foi utilizado C/N 60 e N/P 10. Uma vez definidas as melhores condições de produção de carboidratos, foi estudado o processo de separação de biomassa do meio de cultivo, a partir dos coagulantes FeCl3, Al2(SO4)3 e tanino. O efeito dos coagulantes na separação da biomassa foram estudados, quanto ao pH (6,0, 7,0 e 8,0) e concentração de coagulantes (50, 300 e 550 mg.L-1), utilizando como parâmetro de medida, a eficiência de remoção de DQO, turbidez e sólidos suspensos (SS). Os resultados demonstraram que as concentrações de coagulantes influenciaram significativamente ao nível de significância de 5 %, na separação da biomassa, com eficiência significativa na remoção da DQO, turbidez e SS. A melhor condição avaliada foi a que utilizou tanino na concentração de 300 mg.L-1 e pH 7,0, o que resultou em uma água residuária com remoção média de 96 % da turbidez, com potencial de ser reutilizada. Por fim, foi realizada a identificação de carboidratos gerados por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli. Os resultados evidenciaram uma biomassa com até 33,5 % de carboidratos totais, perfazendo uma fração de carboidratos extracelulares, na fase estacionária de crescimento celular, de aproximadamente 25 % e 8 % os carboidratos da parede celular. Ficou demonstrado ainda que a composição dos carboidratos extracelulares do microorganismo em estudo é constituído por mono e dissacarídeos perfazendo concentrações na ordem de 12,88 % de glicose, 3,54 % de rafinose, 3,43 % sacarose, 2,13 % de frutose e 2,45 % de ribose. Ficou demonstrado o potencial de produção de carboidratos por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli quando cultivada no efluente da indústria de laticínios.
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To determine if apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and lowest oxygen saturation (LSAT) improve following isolated supraglottoplasty for laryngomalacia with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS: Nine databases, including PubMed/MEDLINE, were searched through September 30, 2015. RESULTS: A total of 517 studies were screened; 57 were reviewed; and 13 met criteria. One hundred thirty-eight patients were included (age range: 1 month-12.6 years). Sixty-four patients had sleep exclusive laryngomalacia, and in these patients: 1) AHI decreased from a mean (M) ± standard deviation (SD) of 14.0 ± 16.5 (95% confidence interval [CI] 10.0, 18.0) to 3.3 ± 4.0 (95% CI 2.4, 4.4) events/hour (relative reduction: 76.4% [95% CI 53.6, 106.4]); 2) LSAT improved from a M ± SD of 84.8 ± 8.4% (95% CI 82.8, 86.8) to 87.6 ± 4.4% (95% CI 86.6, 88.8); 3) standardized mean differences (SMD) demonstrated a small effect for LSAT and a large effect for AHI; and 4) cure (AHI < 1 event/hour) was 10.5% (19 patients with individual data). Seventy-four patients had congenital laryngomalacia, and in these patients: 1) AHI decreased from a M ± SD of 20.4 ± 23.9 (95% CI 12.8, 28.0) to 4.0 ± 4.5 (95% CI 2.6, 5.4) events/hour (relative reduction: 80.4% [95% CI 46.6, 107.4]); 2) LSAT improved from a M ± SD of 74.5 ± 11.9% (95% CI 70.9, 78.1) to 88.4 ± 6.6% (95% CI 86.4, 90.4); 3) SMD demonstrated a large effect for both AHI and LSAT; and 4) cure was 26.5% (38 patients with individual data). CONCLUSION: Supraglottoplasty has improved AHI and LSAT in children with OSA and either sleep exclusive laryngomalacia or congenital laryngomalacia; however, the majority of them are not cured.
Background and aims: Advances in modern medicine have led to improved outcomes after stroke, yet an increased treatment burden has been placed on patients. Treatment burden is the workload of health care for people with chronic illness and the impact that this has on functioning and well-being. Those with comorbidities are likely to be particularly burdened. Excessive treatment burden can negatively affect outcomes. Individuals are likely to differ in their ability to manage health problems and follow treatments, defined as patient capacity. The aim of this thesis was to explore the experience of treatment burden for people who have had a stroke and the factors that influence patient capacity. Methods: There were four phases of research. 1) A systematic review of the qualitative literature that explored the experience of treatment burden for those with stroke. Data were analysed using framework synthesis, underpinned by Normalisation Process Theory (NPT). 2) A cross-sectional study of 1,424,378 participants >18 years, demographically representative of the Scottish population. Binary logistic regression was used to analyse the relationship between stroke and the presence of comorbidities and prescribed medications. 3) Interviews with twenty-nine individuals with stroke, fifteen analysed by framework analysis underpinned by NPT and fourteen by thematic analysis. The experience of treatment burden was explored in depth along with factors that influence patient capacity. 4) Integration of findings in order to create a conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke. Results: Phase 1) A taxonomy of treatment burden in stroke was created. The following broad areas of treatment burden were identified: making sense of stroke management and planning care; interacting with others including health professionals, family and other stroke patients; enacting management strategies; and reflecting on management. Phase 2) 35,690 people (2.5%) had a diagnosis of stroke and of the 39 co-morbidities examined, 35 were significantly more common in those with stroke. The proportion of those with stroke that had >1 additional morbidities present (94.2%) was almost twice that of controls (48%) (odds ratio (OR) adjusted for age, gender and socioeconomic deprivation; 95% confidence interval: 5.18; 4.95-5.43) and 34.5% had 4-6 comorbidities compared to 7.2% of controls (8.59; 8.17-9.04). In the stroke group, 12.6% of people had a record of >11 repeat prescriptions compared to only 1.5% of the control group (OR adjusted for age, gender, deprivation and morbidity count: 15.84; 14.86-16.88). Phase 3) The taxonomy of treatment burden from Phase 1 was verified and expanded. Additionally, treatment burdens were identified as arising from either: the workload of healthcare; or the endurance of care deficiencies. A taxonomy of patient capacity was created. Six factors were identified that influence patient capacity: personal attributes and skills; physical and cognitive abilities; support network; financial status; life workload, and environment. A conceptual model of treatment burden was created. Healthcare workload and the presence of care deficiencies can influence and be influenced by patient capacity. The quality and configuration of health and social care services influences healthcare workload, care deficiencies and patient capacity. Conclusions: This thesis provides important insights into the considerable treatment burden experienced by people who have had a stroke and the factors that affect their capacity to manage health. Multimorbidity and polypharmacy are common in those with stroke and levels of these are high. Findings have important implications for the design of clinical guidelines and healthcare delivery, for example co-ordination of care should be improved, shared decision-making enhanced, and patients better supported following discharge from hospital.
A relação entre consciência fonológica e consciência morfológica e a contribuição independente de cada uma para a aprendizagem da leitura não reúnem ainda consenso na literatura. Alguns autores argumentam que a consciência morfológica não contribui de forma independente da consciência fonológica para a aprendizagem da leitura. No entanto, outros encontraram dados que indicam que a consciência morfológica tem um papel específi co na progressão da aprendizagem da leitura. Todavia, para além da variedade de tarefas usadas não permitir a comparação de resultados, a ausência de estudos prévios sobre a validade e a fi delidade das mesmas conduz a resultados cuja confi abilidade pode ser posta em causa. Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma análise das qualidades psicométricas da PCM - Prova de Consciência Morfológica. A amostra é constituída por 243 crianças do 2.º (n = 79), 3.º (n = 83) e 4.º (n = 81) anos frequentando escolas públicas, urbanas, do distrito do Porto (norte de Portugal). Os resultados revelaram que a PCM possui uma elevada consistência interna (α = .95). Na análise em componentes principais, foi extraído um único fator, com valor próprio igual a 10.88, que explica 54.42% da variância total dos resultados. Os itens são todos saturados no fator, variando as saturações fatoriais entre um mínimo de .42 e o máximo de .91
The analysis of the infrared (IR) carbonyl band of some 3-(4'-substituted phenylsulfonyl)-1-methyl-2-piperidones 1-5 bearing as substituents: OMe 1, Me 2, H 3, Cl 4 and NO2 5, supported by B3LY13/6-31G(d,p) calculations along with NBO analysis (for 1, 3 and 5) and X-ray diffraction (for 5), indicated the existence of three stable conformations i.e. quasi-axial (q-ax), syn-clinal (s-cl) and quasi-equatorial (q-eq). In the gas phase, the q-ax conformer is calculated as the most stable (ca. 88%) and the least polar, the s-cl conformer is less stable (ca. 12%) but more polar, and the q-eq conformer is the least stable (ca. 1%) and the most polar of the three conformers evaluated. The sum of the most important orbital interactions from NBO analysis and the trend of the electrostatic interactions accounts for the relative populations as well as for the v(CO) frequencies of the q-ax. s-cl and q-eq conformers calculated in the gas phase. The unique IR v(CO) band in CCl4 may be ascribed to the most stable q-ax conformer. The more intense (60%) high frequency doublet component in CHCl3 may be assigned to the summing up of the least stable q-eq and the less stable s-cl conformers, as their frequencies are almost coincident. The occurrence of only a single v(CO) band in both CH2Cl2 and CH3CN supports the fact that the v(CO) band of the two more polar conformers appear as a single band. Additional support to this rationalization is given by the single point PCM method, which showed a progressive increase of the q-eq + s-cl/q-ax population ratio going from the gas phase to CCl4, to CHCl3, to CH2Cl2 and to CN3CN. X-ray single crystal analysis of 5 indicates that this compound displays a quasi-axial geometry with respect to the [O=C-CH-S] moiety, and that the 2-piperidone ring assumes a slightly distorted half-chair conformation. In the crystal packing, molecules of 5 are arranged into supramolecular layers linked through C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions along with it pi center dot center dot center dot pi interactions between adjacent benzene rings. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) is unique within the Reoviridae family in having a turreted single-layer capsid contained within polyhedrin inclusion bodies, yet being fully capable of cell entry and endogenous RNA transcription. Biochemical data have shown that the amino-terminal 79 residues of the CPV turret protein (TP) is sufficient to bring CPV or engineered proteins into the polyhedrin matrix for micro-encapsulation. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of CPV at 3.88 A resolution using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Our map clearly shows the turns and deep grooves of alpha-helices, the strand separation in beta-sheets, and densities for loops and many bulky side chains; thus permitting atomic model-building effort from cryo-electron microscopy maps. We observed a helix-to-beta-hairpin conformational change between the two conformational states of the capsid shell protein in the region directly interacting with genomic RNA. We have also discovered a messenger RNA release hole coupled with the mRNA capping machinery unique to CPV. Furthermore, we have identified the polyhedrin-binding domain, a structure that has potential in nanobiotechnology applications.
Bittbrief, Persönliche Nachrichten, Johann Albrecht Vogtherr, Seydewitz, Prüning, Leopold Sonnemann, Carl Holthof, Oppel, Miquel