989 resultados para 485
Der Beitrag aus der französischen Schweiz gibt Einblick in ein allgemein wenig bekanntes bzw. nicht überall praktiziertes Gebiet der modernen Forensik. Interessant sind die Ausführungen nicht nur aus fachlicher Sicht; sie zeigen auf, wie mit einem kleinen Team an Fachspezialisten ein regional genutztes Kompetenz-Zentrum für forensische Entomologie zwecks Unterstützung der kriminalpolizeilichen Praxis entstanden ist.
OBJECTIVE: To assess nutrition trends of the Geneva population for the period 1999-2009. DESIGN: Bus Santé Geneva study, which conducts annual health surveys in random samples of the Geneva population. Dietary intake was assessed using a validated FFQ and trends were assessed by linear regression. SETTING: Population-based survey. SUBJECTS: Data from 9283 participants (50% women, mean age 51·5 (sd 10·8) years) were analysed. RESULTS: In both genders total energy intake decreased from 1999 to 2009, by 2·9% in men and by 6·3% in women (both trends P < 0·005). Vegetable protein and total carbohydrate intakes, expressed as a percentage of total energy intake, increased in women. MUFA intake increased while SFA, PUFA and alcohol intakes decreased in both genders. Intakes of Ca, Fe and carotene decreased in both genders. No changes in fibre, vitamin D and vitamin A intakes were found. Similar findings were obtained after excluding participants with extreme dietary intakes, except that the decreases in SFA, vegetable protein and carbohydrate were no longer significant in women. CONCLUSIONS: Between 1999 and 2009, a small decrease in total energy intake was noted in the Geneva population. Although the decrease in alcohol and SFA intakes is of interest, the decrease in Ca and Fe intakes may have adverse health effects in the future.
F. 1 et 11v Constitutiones synodales Gerardi de Malemort et Petri de Roncevaux, archiep. Burdigalensium. F. 16, 21 et 23 Conciles de Compiègne, 1238 (Mansi, XXIII, 485-496), Ruffec, 1258 (ibid., 983-988) et Cognac, 1262 (ibid., 1105-1110). F. 23v NICOLAS III, Bulle du 13 déc. 1279 ; cf. Potthast, Regesta, n° 21665. F. 24v Concile de Bourges, 1276 (Mansi, XXIV, 165-180). F. 32v Constitutiones Arnaldi de Chanteloup, archiep. Burdegalensis, 1326 et 1329. F. 34 Concile d'Angoulême, 1343, et constitutions synodales de Pierre de Luce, archev. de Bordeaux, 1343-1345. F. 36v Constitutions de 1356. F. 37v Constitutio Petri la Colre, vicarii gen. Burdegalensis. F. 40 Constitutiones Amanei de la Mothe, archiep. Burdegalensis, 1358. F. 56 Constitutiones. Gerardi de Malemort. F. 57 et 58 Constitutiones « domini Petri » et « domini A. ». F. 62 Concile de Périgueux, 1365.
BACKGROUND: Several European HIV observational data bases have, over the last decade, accumulated a substantial number of resistance test results and developed large sample repositories, There is a need to link these efforts together, We here describe the development of such a novel tool that allows to bind these data bases together in a distributed fashion for which the control and data remains with the cohorts rather than classic data mergers.METHODS: As proof-of-concept we entered two basic queries into the tool: available resistance tests and available samples. We asked for patients still alive after 1998-01-01, and between 180 and 195 cm of height, and how many samples or resistance tests there would be available for these patients, The queries were uploaded with the tool to a central web server from which each participating cohort downloaded the queries with the tool and ran them against their database, The numbers gathered were then submitted back to the server and we could accumulate the number of available samples and resistance tests.RESULTS: We obtained the following results from the cohorts on available samples/resistance test: EuResist: not availableI11,194; EuroSIDA: 20,71611,992; ICONA: 3,751/500; Rega: 302/302; SHCS: 53,78311,485, In total, 78,552 samples and 15,473 resistance tests were available amongst these five cohorts. Once these data items have been identified, it is trivial to generate lists of relevant samples that would be usefuI for ultra deep sequencing in addition to the already available resistance tests, Saon the tool will include small analysis packages that allow each cohort to pull a report on their cohort profile and also survey emerging resistance trends in their own cohort,CONCLUSIONS: We plan on providing this tool to all cohorts within the Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network (CHAIN) and will provide the tool free of charge to others for any non-commercial use, The potential of this tool is to ease collaborations, that is, in projects requiring data to speed up identification of novel resistance mutations by increasing the number of observations across multiple cohorts instead of awaiting single cohorts or studies to reach the critical number needed to address such issues.
OBJECTIVE: To define therapeutic strategy for management of patients with ischemic stroke due to a high probability of paradoxical embolism through a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). METHODS: Since 1988 all consecutive patients with cerebrovascular events and PFO from the Stroke Registry of our population-based primary-care center are prospectively studied and followed. Since 1992, among 118 patients with cryptogenic embolic brain infarct or transient ischemic attack (TIA) and PFO, 32 consecutive patients younger than 60 years who presented at least two of the following criteria were admitted for surgery: history of Valsalva strain before stroke (11); multiple clinical events (13); multiple infarcts on brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (15); atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) (16); large right-to-left shunt (> 50 microbubbles) (12). RESULTS: Operative time 135' +/- 33'. CPB time 34' +/- 14'. Aortic crossclamping time 16' +/- 6'. Post-operative bleeding 485 +/- 170 ml. No homologous blood transfusion required. No neurological, cardiac or renal complications. All patients were followed-up corresponding to a cumulative time of 601 patient-months. This revealed no recurrent vascular events nor silent new brain lesions on brain MRI. Systematic simultaneous contrast Trans Esophageal Echocardiography (TEE)-Trans Cranial Doppler showed a small residual interatrial shunt in two patients. CONCLUSION: Surgical closure of a patent foramen ovale can be accomplished with very low morbidity and reduce efficiently the risk of stroke recurrence. It seems to be the option of choice in selected patients with a higher (> 1.5%/year) risk of stroke recurrence.
RFID on 2000-luvulla yleisesti saatavilla tullut tekniikka erilaisten kohteiden tunnistamiseen. RFID-tekniikassa tunnistamiseen käytetään pienikokoisia tunnisteita, joiden tietosisältö pystytään lukemaan langattomasti ilman näköyhteyttä tarkoitukseen soveltuvalla lukulaitteella. Tunnisteet ovat halpoja ja yksinkertaisia. Yleensä ne eivät sisällä omaa virtalähdettä, vaan ne toimivat ainoastaan lukulaitteen luoman kentän voimalla. Tässä työssä tutkitaan RFID-tekniikan soveltuvuutta betonista valmistettujen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Ympäristön vaikutukset tekniikan käyttöön tutkitaan ja selvitetään, mitkä ovat parhaat toimintatavat elementtien tunnistamiseen nämä vaikutukset huomioon ottaen. Työssä esitellään ensin RFID-tekniikan toimintaperiaatteet sekä tunnisteiden ja lukulaitteiden rakenne. Tunnisteiden jaottelu erilaisten ominasisuuksien perusteella käydään läpi ja sovellusalan kannalta tärkeimmät standardit esitellään. Käytännön osuudessa esitellään RFID-tekniikan soveltamista betonista valmistettujen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Työssä esitellään saavutetut mittaustulokset sekä betonielementtien tunnistamiseen ja tietojen hallintaan toteutetun järjestelmän rakenne.
Unless effective preventive strategies are implemented, aging of the population will result in a significant worsening of the heart failure (HF) epidemic. Few data exist on whether baseline electrocardiographic (ECG) abnormalities can refine risk prediction for HF. METHODS: We examined a prospective cohort of 2,915 participants aged 70 to 79 years without preexisting HF, enrolled between April 1997 and June 1998 in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) study. Minnesota Code was used to define major and minor ECG abnormalities at baseline and at year 4 follow-up. Using Cox models, we assessed (1) the association between ECG abnormalities and incident HF and (2) the incremental value of adding ECG to the Health ABC HF Risk Score using the net reclassification index. RESULTS: At baseline, 380 participants (13.0%) had minor, and 620 (21.3%) had major ECG abnormalities. During a median follow-up of 11.4 years, 485 participants (16.6%) developed incident HF. After adjusting for the Health ABC HF Risk Score variables, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.27 (95% CI 0.96-1.68) for minor and 1.99 (95% CI 1.61-2.44) for major ECG abnormalities. At year 4, 263 participants developed new and 549 had persistent abnormalities; both were associated with increased subsequent HF risk (HR 1.94, 95% CI 1.38-2.72 for new and HR 2.35, 95% CI 1.82-3.02 for persistent ECG abnormalities). Baseline ECG correctly reclassified 10.5% of patients with HF events, 0.8% of those without HF events, and 1.4% of the overall population. The net reclassification index across the Health ABC HF risk categories was 0.11 (95% CI 0.03-0.19). CONCLUSIONS: Among older adults, baseline and new ECG abnormalities are independently associated with increased risk of HF. The contribution of ECG screening for targeted prevention of HF should be evaluated in clinical trials.
The association of increased PA-inhibitor (PAI) activity and of PAI-1 and PAI-2 antigen levels with different pathological conditions was studied in a collective of over 300 patients. PAI-1 and PAI-2 levels were measured by specific radioimmunoassays. A good correlation was observed of PAI activity with PAI-1 antigen (r = 0.718; p less than 0.0001) but not with PAI-2 (r = 0.070; n.s.). Both in the controls and in the patients, PAI activity and PAI-1 antigen showed an extremely large range of values. PAI activity ranged from 0.5 to 68 U/ml and PAI-1 antigen from 6 to 600 ng/ml. Increased PAI activity and PAI-1 antigen was observed in patients with malignant tumors, cardiovascular or thromboembolic disease, in the postoperative phase, with hepatic insufficiency, after trauma and after extracorporeal circulation. The large spectrum of disease states with increased PAI activity and PAI-1 antigen reinforces previous suggestions that PAI-1 is an acute phase reactant. After extracorporeal circulation, PAI activity and PAI-1 concentrations strongly increased within one hour, remained elevated for at least one week and returned to preoperation values within 7 days. PAI-2 values ranged from below detection limit (15 ng/ml), observed in half of the plasmas, to 485 ng/ml in a pregnant woman. High values of PAI-2 were only observed in pregnancy.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: T follicular helper (Tfh) cells play a critical role as providers of B-cell help and dysfunction in Tfh/B-cell interactions can lead to autoimmunity or immunodeficiency. These observations have generated a great deal of interest in understanding how these cells are affected during HIV infection and how their functional changes might affect antibody responses. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent studies have shown that HIV/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection affects both Tfh-cell frequency and function and suggest that Tfh-cell perturbations might contribute to the relative inefficiency of HIV-infected individuals to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). SUMMARY: The present review will highlight these recent findings addressing the role of Tfh cells in HIV infection as well as the impact HIV infection has on Tfh and circulating memory Tfh (cTfh) cell frequency and function.