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用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术分析了蜂猴(N. coucang)和倭蜂猴(N. pygmaeus) 的血红蛋白(Hb)、乳酸脱氢酶、酯酶、苹果酸脱氢酶同功酶。用醋酸薄膜电泳分 析了蜂猴和倭蜂猴的血清 蛋白成分, 并进行了比较。懒猴的LDH-B含量明显低 于高等灵长类。
<正>翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)在分类学上隶属于鲤科、鲌亚科、鲌属,广泛分布于我国黑龙江、辽河、黄河、长江、钱塘江、闽江、台湾、珠江等水系的干、支流及其附属湖泊中,是主要的优质经济鱼类之一。该鱼体长、侧扁、头背面平直,口上位、口裂几乎与身体垂直,以肉食性为主,生长速度快,肉质洁白细嫩,味
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology allows automatic data capture from tagged objects moving in a supply chain. This data can be very useful if it is used to answer traceability queries, however it is distributed across many different repositories, owned by different companies. © 2012 IEEE.
干扰素 (IFN)系统是脊椎动物抵抗病毒入侵的第一道防御系统 .除了哺乳类 ,有关低等脊椎动物的IFN系统基因知之甚少 .在鱼类 ,近 40年来能证明IFN系统存在的证据主要有两个 :一是检测经病毒诱导后的多种鱼类机体和细胞 ,证明能产生类似哺乳类IFN的抗病毒活性物质 ;二是近年来 ,已经证明在少数几种鱼类中存在与哺乳类IFN系统基因Mx同源的基因 .以前的研究结果表明 ,紫外线灭活的草鱼出血病病毒 (GCHV)能够诱导鲤科鱼类培养细胞 ,如鲫鱼囊胚细胞 (CAB)产生类IFN活性物质 ,并建立宿主细胞
国家自然科学基金课题 ( 3 0 2 710 2 8)
Temporal and spatial variations of the phytoplankton assemblage in Lake Chaohu, a large shallow eutrophic lake in China, were studied from September 2002 to August 2003. A total of 191 phytoplankton species was identified, among which Chlorophytes (101) ranked the first, followed by Cyanophytes (46) and Bacillariophytes (28). On average over the entire lake, the maximum total algal biomass appeared in June (19.70 mg/L) with a minimum (5.05 mg/ L) in November. In terms of annual mean biomass, cyanobacteria contributed 45.43% to total algal biomass, followed by Chlorophytes (27.14%), and Bacillariophytes (20.6%). When nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonium (NH4-N) concentrations dropped in spring, fixing-nitrogen cyanobacterium (Anabaena) developed quickly and ranked the first in terms of biomass in summer. It is likely that dominance of zooplanktivorous fish and small crustacean zooplankton favored the development of the inedible filamentous or colony forming cyanobacteria. The persistent dominance of cyanobacteria throughout all seasons may indicate a new tendency of the response of phytoplankton to eutrophication in Lake Chaohu.