987 resultados para 404
Offshore winter-spawned fishes dominate the nekton of south-eastern United States estuaries. Their juveniles reside for several months in shallow, soft bottom estuarine creeks and bays called primary nursery areas. Despite similarity in many nursery characteristics, there is, between and within species, variability in the occupation of these habitats. Whether all occupied habitats are equally valuable to individuals of the same species or whether most recruiting juveniles end up in the best habitats is not known. If nursery quality varies, then factors controlling variation in pre-settlement fish distribution are important to year-class success. If nursery areas have similar values, interannual variation in distribution across nursery creeks should have less effect on population sizes or production. I used early nursery period age-specific growth and mortality rates of spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus)—two dominant estuarine fishes—to assess relative habitat quality across a wide variety of nursery conditions, assuming that fish growth and mortality rates were direct reflections of overall physical and biological conditions in the nurseries. I tested the hypothesis that habitat quality varies for these fishes by comparing growth and mortality rates and distribution patterns across a wide range of typical nursery habitats at extreme ends of two systems. Juvenile spot and Atlantic croaker were collected from 10 creeks in the Cape Fear River estuary and from 18 creeks in the Pamlico Sound system, North Carolina, during the 1987 recruitment season (mid-March–mid-June). Sampled creeks were similar in size, depth, and substrates but varied in salinities, tidal regimes, and distances from inlets. Spot was widely distributed among all the estuarine creeks, but was least abundant in the creeks in middle reaches of both systems. Atlantic croaker occurred in the greatest abundance in oligohaline creeks of both systems. Instantaneous growth rates derived from daily otolith ages were generally similar for all creeks and for both species, except that spot exhibited a short-term growth depression in the upriver Pamlico system creeks—perhaps the result of the long migration distance of this species to this area. Spot and Atlantic croaker from upriver oligohaline creeks exhibited lower mortality rates than fish from downstream polyhaline creeks. These results indicated that even though growth was similar at the ends of the estuaries, the upstream habitats provided conditions that may optimize fitness through improved survival.
Light traps and channel nets are fixed-position devices that involve active and passive sampling, respectively, in the collection of settlement-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes. We compared the abundance, taxonomic composition, and size of such larvae caught by each device deployed simultaneously near two sites that differed substantially in current velocity. Light traps were more selective taxonomically, and the two sampling devices differed significantly in the abundance but not size of taxa caught. Most importantly, light traps and channel nets differed greatly in their catch efficiency between sites: light traps were ineffective in collecting larvae at the relatively high-current site, and channel nets were less efficient in collecting larvae at the low-current site. Use of only one of these sampling methods would clearly result in biased and inaccurate estimates of the spatial variation in larval abundance among locations that differ in current velocity. When selecting a larval sampling device, one must consider not only how well a particular taxon may be represented, but also the environmental conditions under which the device will be deployed.
东灵山地区年均降水量659.7mm,单次降水以雨量小、雨强低的降水为主。水汽压(年均17.7mb)、相对湿度(年均66%)的季节变化呈现生长季高、冬季低的趋势。年均蒸发量1019.5mm;气温、风速、日照时间和水压与月蒸发量和日蒸量相关显著;气温、日照时间和水压分别在11-6月、7-8月和9-10月为决定蒸发量的首要因子。枯枝落叶层、土壤层湿度主要受前十日降水量和坡向影响。 植物体含水量生长季节较高,冬季较低;含水量随径级的增大而降低。六个灌木树种的平均含水量大小顺序为:毛榛(48.62%)最高荆条(36.32%)最低;七个乔木树种水分含量为油松,56.14%;蒙椴,54.19%;华北落叶松,52.91%;五角枫,43.64%;辽东栎,41.87%;棘皮桦,41.13%;大叶白腊,37.79%。几种植被类型的储水量为:辽东栎林,82.08mm;华北落叶松林,47.35mm;混交林,34.60mm;油松林,31.33mm;灌丛,12.40mm。各树种叶片日最低水势的季节均值为:辽东栎,-16.1bar;五角枫,-15.8bar;大叶白腊,-15.1bar;糠椴,-13.4bar;棘皮桦,-12.3bar;蒙椴,-12.2bar。叶片水势的日间变化均呈一“V”形曲线;光照在叶片水势的日间变化中起着决定性作用。 96年各树种平均单株树干茎流量为辽东栎,30.3mm(4.19%);华北落叶松,16.1mm(2.22%);油松,8.9mm(1.23%);棘皮桦,2.9mm(0.40%)。两个生长季各林分冠层的水量平衡为:辽东栎林,树干流茎量101.87mm(9.18%),穿透降水量823.08mm(74.15%),截留量185.05mm(16.67%);华北落叶松林,树干径流量66.88mm(6.03%),穿透降水量836.92mm(75.40%),截留量206.20mm(18.58);混交林,树干径流量50.13(4.52%),穿透降水量846.78mm(76.29%),截留量212.20mm(19.12%);油松林,树干径流量33.90mm(3.05%),穿透降水量934.88mm(84.22%),截留量141.22mm(12.72%)。多元回归分析表明,树干流茎量S与降水量P和前24小时降水量P_1呈显著正相关关系;穿透降水量T与降水量P和最大雨强M正相关显著。附加截留量与降水时间成正比。 枯枝落叶层的生物量为:油松林,25.56t/hm~2;华北落叶松林20.01t/hm~2;辽东栎林,8.31t/hm~2;混交林,7.98t/hm~2。枯枝落叶层的平均实际持水量和有效持水量均以油松林最大,其次是华北落叶松林,而混交林和辽东栎林较低;枯枝落叶层的实际持水量和有效持水量的季节变化分别与前十日降水量P10成正相关和负相关关系。枯枝落叶层的截留量为油松林>华北落叶松林>辽东栎林>混交林;油松林(145.632mm和90.800mm)混交林(61.816mm和54.504mm)。油松林、辽东栎林、混交林和华北落叶松林去除枯枝落叶层后,土壤入渗量比对照平均降低100mm以上;表层土壤含水量分别比对照土壤下降了6.26、18.26、15.06和15.07个百分点。地表径流量分别增加了,辽东栎林34.299mm(603%)和15.816mm(525%);油松林14.593mm(732%)和10.584mm(1321%);混交林12.004mm(181%)和7.275mm(364%);华北落叶松林3.555mm(118%),3.275mm(229%)。96年生长季,各土壤流失量分别增加了:油松林172.751t/hm~2(124倍);辽东栎林836.500t/hm~2(119倍);混交林172.499t/hm~2(47倍);华北落叶松林11.557t/hm~2(11倍)。表层土壤容重分别增加了:油松林15.0%和20.6%,辽东栎林18.4%和28.2%,混交林11.5%和38.5%,华北落叶松林4.3%和17.1%。 0-60cm深度土壤容重平均值的大小顺序为:草地>灌丛>辽东栎林>油松林>混交林>华北落叶松林;而土壤孔隙度的大小顺序为华北落叶松林>混交林>油松林>辽东栎林>灌丛>草地。两个生长季为土壤实际储水量的均值:油松林,124.45mm,78.62mm;辽东栎林,131.23mm,87.72mm;混交林,180.41mm,113.90mm;华北落叶松林,165.53mm,127.95mm;灌丛,172.50mm,89.81mm;草地,152.92mm,89.59 mm分别比干旱年份97年高出45.83mm、43.51mm、51.63mm、37.58mm、82.69mm和63.33mm。两个生长季的地表径流量为草地,30.930mm(2.79%);灌丛,16.321mm(147%);油松林,2.911mm(0.26%);辽东栎林,8.703mm(0.78%);混交林,8.625mm(0.78%);华北落叶松林,4.447mm(0.40%)。油松林、混交林和华北落叶松林地表径流量与降水量P(mm)和最大雨强(mm/h)正相关显著;而辽东栎林、灌丛和草地的地表径流量则与降水量P(mm)、平均雨强Q(mm/hr)和最大雨强M(mm/hr)三者之间呈显著正相关关系。与草地相比(1220.093kg/hm~2,100%),灌丛、辽东栎林、混交林、油松林和华北落叶松林96年生长季的土壤流失量分别降低了85.05%、94.26%、96.99%、98.86和99.14%。 降水量是影响小流域径流量时间变化的主要因素;南沟和马牙石沟96年的径流量分别是97年的8.19倍和7.87倍,而径流深(46.25mm,52.75mm)分别比97年(5.65mm,6.70mm)高出40.60mm和46.05mm。两个小流域由于面积的差异而使南沟两年的径流量分别比马牙石沟高出2773.136m~3(13.15%)和235.434m~3(8.79%)。96年和97年马牙石沟径流深比南沟高出6.5mm(14.05%)和1.05mm(18.58%)。在地处大陆性季风气候区的东灵山地区,用0.010m~3/min/km~2/hr能较好地分割小流域的洪峰和基流。在五次暴雨水文曲线中,马牙石沟的快速径流量分别比南沟高出25.00%到143.33%。五次洪水水文响应R的平均值南沟为0.218%,马牙石沟为0.404%;与海洋性气候地区相比,东灵山地区小流域的R值要低一到两个数量级。马牙石沟洪峰流量Qp的平均值为418.772L/min要比南沟(281.191L/min)大48.9%。东灵山地区小流域的洪水径流过程可分为三种类型。
甲烷(CH4)是增温效应仅次于二氧化碳(CO2)的重要温室气体。内蒙古草原是欧亚温带草原的重要类型,具有典型的生态地域代表性。如何理解该区域CH4 交换的时空格局与环境控制、不同土地利用类型的源汇特征以及CH4 通量对气候变化的响应、对于我们进一步理解全球变化与陆地生态系统关系具有十分重要的意义。本研究以内蒙古草原锡林河流域为对象,首次在国内应用DNDC 生物地球化学模型模拟干草原和河漫滩湿地的CH4 通量,预测CH4 循环对未来气候变化的响应,并对该区域干草原的CH4 吸收进行了区域模拟估算。结果表明: 1.在模型中添加植被生长节律与土壤CH4 吸收的关系函数后,DNDC 模型能够准确地模拟锡林河流域干草原CH4 吸收的大小及其年变化。土壤温度、土壤水分和植被生长状况是影响干草原大气CH4 吸收的主要因素。 2.水位,土壤温度,质地和植被生长节律是控制河漫滩湿地CH4 通量的主要因子。根据有限水位测定值估算模拟周期内全部水位数据的方法能够应用于模拟水位相对比较稳定区域的未知时期水位。经过该修正的DNDC 模型能够较为准确的捕获锡林河流域河边湿地的CH4 排放通量的大小及年变化。 3.干草原和湿地年CH4 通量对温度变化敏感,而对降水量变化不敏感,其中湿地比干草原对温度变化的响应更加敏感。 4.温度升高可显著地促进干草原和湿地的日CH4 吸收和排放能力,其CH4 通量的增加均表现出明显的季节性差异。干草原日CH4 通量对降水量增加20% 的响应并不显著,而河漫滩湿地的响应虽显著,变幅却很小且增减程度不同。 5.与2005 年相比,2050 年干草原河漫滩湿地的CH4 吸收和排放量将分别增加10%和77%。锡林河流域CH4 通量对未来气候变化产生正反馈作用,并且湿地CH4 排放对未来气候变化的响应大于干草原CH4 吸收的响应。未来气候变化将增加锡林河流域CH4 源强度。 6. 锡林河流域干草原CH4 吸收量达2.42Gg C•yr-1。干草原CH4 吸收量的空间异质性较大,各栅格单元(0.01 ×0.01 度)的CH4 吸收量变化为0-404.6 kg C,其中大部分区域CH4 吸收量变化在150-250 kg C•yr-1 之间。草甸草原的大气CH4 吸收能力显著高于典型草原。干草原CH4 吸收率平均为2.59 kg C• ha-1 •yr-1。干草原CH4 吸收量的空间异质性是土壤有机质含量、土壤质地、土壤温度湿度,植被类型等因素共同作用的结果,与单一变量的关系并不明显。
Based on the data collected from the year 1987-1991 the growth, mortality and recruitment pattern of eighteen species of fish, two species of cephalopods and four species of penaeid prawns have been presented in the present communication. The total mortality coefficient, (Z) varied from lowest of 1.20 for O. cuvieri to a highest of 10.78 for P. stylifera. The natural mortality coefficient, (M) varied from 0.52 for T. thalassinus to 3.44 for S. crassicornis. The average annual yield of eighteen species of fish, four species of prawns and two species of cephalopods are 65.083, 38.404 and 11.373 tons as against the MSY of 83.023, 72.460 and 10.475 tons respectively. The MSY estimated for the total fish stock is 1.77.753 tons whereas the present yield is 1.14.859 tons. This indicates that higher yield can be obtained by increasing the effort.
We demonstrate the use of resonant bandfilling nonlinearity in an InGaAsP/InGaAsP Multiple Quantum Well (MQW) waveguide due to photogenerated carriers to obtain switching at pulse powers, which can readily be obtained from an erbium amplified diode laser source. In order to produce gating a polarisation rotation gate was used, which relies on an asymmetry in the nonlinear refraction on the principle axes of the waveguide.
Domestic cats and dogs are important companion animals and model animals in biomedical research. The cat has a highly conserved karyotype, closely resembling the ancestral karyotype of mammals, while the dog has one of the most extensively rearranged mammalian karyotypes investigated so far. We have constructed the first detailed comparative chromosome map of the domestic dog and cat by reciprocal chromosome painting. Dog paints specific for the 38 autosomes and the X chromosomes delineated 68 conserved chromosomal segments in the cat, while reverse painting of cat probes onto red fox and dog chromosomes revealed 65 conserved segments. Most conserved segments on cat chromosomes also show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns compared with their canine counterparts. At least 47 chromosomal fissions (breaks), 25 fusions and one inversion are needed to convert the cat karyotype to that of the dog, confirming that extensive chromosome rearrangements differentiate the karyotypes of the cat and dog. Comparative analysis of the distribution patterns of conserved segments defined by dog paints on cat and human chromosomes has refined the human/cat comparative genome map and, most importantly, has revealed 15 cryptic inversions in seven large chromosomal regions of conserved synteny between humans and cats.
通过阴离子交换、凝胶过滤和阳离子交换层析, 从大蹼铃蟾皮肤中纯化到一个表观分子量为33 kDa 的单链蛋白。N - 末端序列比较分析显示, 该蛋白与来自非洲爪蟾、红色原鸡和人膜联蛋白Ⅱ的N - 末端序列 相同的氨基酸分别占70 %、64 %和56 %。该蛋白具有以钙依赖的方式抑制专一性血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅵ受体激动剂 ———Stejnulxin 诱导洗涤人血小板聚集的生物学功能, 最大抑制率达48 %。结合其N - 末端序列BLAST 搜索结 果及其活性的钙依赖性, 推测该蛋白是与膜联蛋白Ⅱ相关的一类蛋白质。
本发明涉及大蹼铃蟾神经营养肽及其制备方法和其基因,属于生物医学领域。其神经营养肽为从中国两栖类动物大蹼铃蟾(Bombina maxima)皮肤分泌物中分离得到的由77个氨基酸组成的一种单链多肽,分子量8044.7,等电点8.4,多肽氨基酸全序列一级结构为:AVITGVCDRDAQCGSGTCCAASAFSRNIRFCVPLGNNGEECHPASHKVPYNGKRLSSLCPCNTGLTCSKSGEKFQCS。制备方法是收集大蹼铃蟾皮肤分泌物,离心去除沉淀、冷冻干燥后,经凝胶过滤、高压液相反相柱层析分离纯化后即得到。编码神经营养肽的基因由404个核苷酸组成,其中编码成熟神经营养肽为第102-332位核苷酸。其基因作为基因工程制备神经营养肽的应用。