950 resultados para 3D Video Telecommunication Multimedia


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The literature reports research efforts allowing the editing of interactive TV multimedia documents by end-users. In this article we propose complementary contributions relative to end-user generated interactive video, video tagging, and collaboration. In earlier work we proposed the watch-and-comment (WaC) paradigm as the seamless capture of an individual`s comments so that corresponding annotated interactive videos be automatically generated. As a proof of concept, we implemented a prototype application, the WACTOOL, that supports the capture of digital ink and voice comments over individual frames and segments of the video, producing a declarative document that specifies both: different media stream structure and synchronization. In this article, we extend the WaC paradigm in two ways. First, user-video interactions are associated with edit commands and digital ink operations. Second, focusing on collaboration and distribution issues, we employ annotations as simple containers for context information by using them as tags in order to organize, store and distribute information in a P2P-based multimedia capture platform. We highlight the design principles of the watch-and-comment paradigm, and demonstrate related results including the current version of the WACTOOL and its architecture. We also illustrate how an interactive video produced by the WACTOOL can be rendered in an interactive video environment, the Ginga-NCL player, and include results from a preliminary evaluation.


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O telefone celular teve uma grande evolução nos últimos anos, o que antes era utilizado exclusivamente para transmissão de voz, hoje tem características avançadíssimas incluindo várias evoluções tecnológicas. Dentro deste aspecto, a inovação que o LTE (Long Term Evolution) vem demonstrando em suas características realmente se destacam em relação as tecnologias que a antecederam e representa grande evolução se comparada com as outras. Foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto 3GPP e (3rd Generation Partners Project) promovido pelo Instituto Europeu de Normalização na área de Telecomunicações ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute). As operadoras que demonstram interesse em disponibilizar esta tecnologia buscam introduzir a flexibilidade do LTE para ir ao encontro dos objetivos de suas redes existentes, espectro e negócios para banda larga móvel e serviços multimídia. O LTE promete taxas de download de 326,4Mbps, taxas de upload de 86,4Mbps, RTT ( ROUND TRIP TIME ) menos de 10 mile segundos e raio das células podendo atingir até 100km. O sistema 4G (LTE) é um sistema integrado completamente baseado em IP, que é resultado de tecnologias conectadas por fios e sem fios disponibilizando um custo acessível, atendendo as exigências de uma rede de comunicação (Wireless), serviços de transferência de mensagens multimídias, conversa com vídeo, televisão móvel de alta definição, serviços mínimos como voz e dados entre outras vantagens. Desta forma, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar quais são as oportunidades e os desafios no mercado de telefonia móvel de Telecomunicações ao implantar o sistema de tecnologia LTE demonstrando o benefício dos fabricantes e operadoras no sentido econômico e tecnológico.


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Image stitching is the process of joining several images to obtain a bigger view of a scene. It is used, for example, in tourism to transmit to the viewer the sensation of being in another place. I am presenting an inexpensive solution for automatic real time video and image stitching with two web cameras as the video/image sources. The proposed solution relies on the usage of several markers in the scene as reference points for the stitching algorithm. The implemented algorithm is divided in four main steps, the marker detection, camera pose determination (in reference to the markers), video/image size and 3d transformation, and image translation. Wii remote controllers are used to support several steps in the process. The built‐in IR camera provides clean marker detection, which facilitates the camera pose determination. The only restriction in the algorithm is that markers have to be in the field of view when capturing the scene. Several tests where made to evaluate the final algorithm. The algorithm is able to perform video stitching with a frame rate between 8 and 13 fps. The joining of the two videos/images is good with minor misalignments in objects at the same depth of the marker,misalignments in the background and foreground are bigger. The capture process is simple enough so anyone can perform a stitching with a very short explanation. Although real‐time video stitching can be achieved by this affordable approach, there are few shortcomings in current version. For example, contrast inconsistency along the stitching line could be reduced by applying a color correction algorithm to every source videos. In addition, the misalignments in stitched images due to camera lens distortion could be eased by optical correction algorithm. The work was developed in Apple’s Quartz Composer, a visual programming environment. A library of extended functions was developed using Xcode tools also from Apple.


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This paper aims at describing an educational system for teaching and learning robotic systems. Multimedia resources were used to construct a virtual laboratory where users are able to use functionalities of a virtual robotic arm, by moving and clicking the mouse without caring about the detailed internal robot operation. Moreover through the multimedia system the user can interact with a real robot arm. The engineering students are the target public of the developed system. With its contents and interactive capabilities, it has been used as a support to the traditional face-to-face classes on the subject of robotics.. In the paper it is first introduced the metaphor of Virtual Laboratory used in the system. Next, it is described the Graphical and Multimedia Environment approach: an interactive graphic user interface with a 3D environment for simulation. Design and implementation issues of the real-time interactive multimedia learning system, which supports the W3C SMIL standard for presenting the real-time multimedia teaching material, are described. Finally, some preliminary conclusions and possible future works from this research are presented.


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In the last years there was an exponential growth in the offering of Web-enabled distance courses and in the number of enrolments in corporate and higher education using this modality. However, the lack of efficient mechanisms that assures user authentication in this sort of environment, in the system login as well as throughout his session, has been pointed out as a serious deficiency. Some studies have been led about possible biometric applications for web authentication. However, password based authentication still prevails. With the popularization of biometric enabled devices and resultant fall of prices for the collection of biometric traits, biometrics is reconsidered as a secure remote authentication form for web applications. In this work, the face recognition accuracy, captured on-line by a webcam in Internet environment, is investigated, simulating the natural interaction of a person in the context of a distance course environment. Partial results show that this technique can be successfully applied to confirm the presence of users throughout the course attendance in an educational distance course. An efficient client/server architecture is also proposed. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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This paper explores the benefits of using immersive and interactive virtual reality environments to teach Dentistry. We present a tool for educators to manipulate and edit virtual models. One of the main contributions is that multimedia information can be semantically associated with parts of the model, through an ontology, enriching the experience; for example, videos can be linked to each tooth demonstrating how to extract them. The use of semantic information gives a greater flexibility to the models, since filters can be applied to create temporary models that show subsets of the original data in a human friendly way. We also explain how the software was written to run in arbitrary multi-projection environments. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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This paper proposes a rank aggregation framework for video multimodal geocoding. Textual and visual descriptions associated with videos are used to define ranked lists. These ranked lists are later combined, and the resulting ranked list is used to define appropriate locations for videos. An architecture that implements the proposed framework is designed. In this architecture, there are specific modules for each modality (e.g, textual and visual) that can be developed and evolved independently. Another component is a data fusion module responsible for combining seamlessly the ranked lists defined for each modality. We have validated the proposed framework in the context of the MediaEval 2012 Placing Task, whose objective is to automatically assign geographical coordinates to videos. Obtained results show how our multimodal approach improves the geocoding results when compared to methods that rely on a single modality (either textual or visual descriptors). We also show that the proposed multimodal approach yields comparable results to the best submissions to the Placing Task in 2012 using no extra information besides the available development/training data. Another contribution of this work is related to the proposal of a new effectiveness evaluation measure. The proposed measure is based on distance scores that summarize how effective a designed/tested approach is, considering its overall result for a test dataset. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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A crescente utilização dos serviços de telecomunicações principalmente sem fio tem exigido a adoção de novos padrões de redes que ofereçam altas taxas de transmissão e que alcance um número maior de usuários. Neste sentido o padrão IEEE 802.16, no qual é baseado o WiMAX, surge como uma tecnologia em potencial para o fornecimento de banda larga na próxima geração de redes sem fio, principalmente porque oferece Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) nativamente para fluxos de voz, dados e vídeo. A respeito das aplicações baseadas vídeo, tem ocorrido um grande crescimento nos últimos anos. Em 2011 a previsão é que esse tipo de conteúdo ultrapasse 50% de todo tráfego proveniente de dispositivos móveis. Aplicações do tipo vídeo têm um forte apelo ao usuário final que é quem de fato deve ser o avaliador do nível de qualidade recebida. Diante disso, são necessárias novas formas de avaliação de desempenho que levem em consideração a percepção do usuário, complementando assim as técnicas tradicionais que se baseiam apenas em aspectos de rede (QoS). Nesse sentido, surgiu a avaliação de desempenho baseada Qualidade de Experiência (QoE) onde a avaliação do usuário final em detrimento a aplicação é o principal parâmetro mensurado. Os resultados das investigações em QoE podem ser usados como uma extensão em detrimento aos tradicionais métodos de QoS, e ao mesmo tempo fornecer informações a respeito da entrega de serviços multimídias do ponto de vista do usuário. Exemplos de mecanismos de controle que poderão ser incluídos em redes com suporte a QoE são novas abordagens de roteamento, processo de seleção de estação base e tráfego condicionado. Ambas as metodologias de avaliação são complementares, e se usadas de forma combinada podem gerar uma avaliação mais robusta. Porém, a grande quantidade de informações dificulta essa combinação. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal criar uma metodologia de predição de qualidade de vídeo em redes WiMAX com uso combinado de simulações e técnicas de Inteligência Computacional (IC). A partir de parâmetros de QoS e QoE obtidos através das simulações será realizado a predição do comportamento futuro do vídeo com uso de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Se por um lado o uso de simulações permite uma gama de opções como extrapolação de cenários de modo a imitar as mesmas situações do mundo real, as técnicas de IC permitem agilizar a análise dos resultados de modo que sejam feitos previsões de um comportamento futuro, correlações e outros. No caso deste trabalho, optou-se pelo uso de RNAs uma vez que é a técnica mais utilizada para previsão do comportamento, como está sendo proposto nesta dissertação.


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The proliferation of multimedia content and the demand for new audio or video services have fostered the development of a new era based on multimedia information, which allowed the evolution of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) and also Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs). In this way, live multimedia services require realtime video transmissions with a low frame loss rate, tolerable end-to-end delay, and jitter to support video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support. Hence, a key principle in a QoE-aware approach is the transmission of high priority frames (protect them) with a minimum packet loss ratio, as well as network overhead. Moreover, multimedia content must be transmitted from a given source to the destination via intermediate nodes with high reliability in a large scale scenario. The routing service must cope with dynamic topologies caused by node failure or mobility, as well as wireless channel changes, in order to continue to operate despite dynamic topologies during multimedia transmission. Finally, understanding user satisfaction on watching a video sequence is becoming a key requirement for delivery of multimedia content with QoE support. With this goal in mind, solutions involving multimedia transmissions must take into account the video characteristics to improve video quality delivery. The main research contributions of this thesis are driven by the research question how to provide multimedia distribution with high energy-efficiency, reliability, robustness, scalability, and QoE support over wireless ad hoc networks. The thesis addresses several problem domains with contributions on different layers of the communication stack. At the application layer, we introduce a QoE-aware packet redundancy mechanism to reduce the impact of the unreliable and lossy nature of wireless environment to disseminate live multimedia content. At the network layer, we introduce two routing protocols, namely video-aware Multi-hop and multi-path hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo transmission for static WMSN scenarios (MEVI), and cross-layer link quality and geographical-aware beaconless OR protocol for multimedia FANET scenarios (XLinGO). Both protocols enable multimedia dissemination with energy-efficiency, reliability and QoE support. This is achieved by combining multiple cross-layer metrics for routing decision in order to establish reliable routes.


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Advances in wireless networking and content delivery systems are enabling new challenging provisioning scenarios where a growing number of users access multimedia services, e.g., audio/video streaming, while moving among different points of attachment to the Internet, possibly with different connectivity technologies, e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular 3G. That calls for novel middlewares capable of dynamically personalizing service provisioning to the characteristics of client environments, in particular to discontinuities in wireless resource availability due to handoffs. This dissertation proposes a novel middleware solution, called MUM, that performs effective and context-aware handoff management to transparently avoid service interruptions during both horizontal and vertical handoffs. To achieve the goal, MUM exploits the full visibility of wireless connections available in client localities and their handoff implementations (handoff awareness), of service quality requirements and handoff-related quality degradations (QoS awareness), and of network topology and resources available in current/future localities (location awareness). The design and implementation of the all main MUM components along with extensive on the field trials of the realized middleware architecture confirmed the validity of the proposed full context-aware handoff management approach. In particular, the reported experimental results demonstrate that MUM can effectively maintain service continuity for a wide range of different multimedia services by exploiting handoff prediction mechanisms, adaptive buffering and pre-fetching techniques, and proactive re-addressing/re-binding.


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In recent years, due to the rapid convergence of multimedia services, Internet and wireless communications, there has been a growing trend of heterogeneity (in terms of channel bandwidths, mobility levels of terminals, end-user quality-of-service (QoS) requirements) for emerging integrated wired/wireless networks. Moreover, in nowadays systems, a multitude of users coexists within the same network, each of them with his own QoS requirement and bandwidth availability. In this framework, embedded source coding allowing partial decoding at various resolution is an appealing technique for multimedia transmissions. This dissertation includes my PhD research, mainly devoted to the study of embedded multimedia bitstreams in heterogenous networks, developed at the University of Bologna, advised by Prof. O. Andrisano and Prof. A. Conti, and at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I spent eighteen months as a visiting scholar, advised by Prof. L. B. Milstein and Prof. P. C. Cosman. In order to improve the multimedia transmission quality over wireless channels, joint source and channel coding optimization is investigated in a 2D time-frequency resource block for an OFDM system. We show that knowing the order of diversity in time and/or frequency domain can assist image (video) coding in selecting optimal channel code rates (source and channel code rates). Then, adaptive modulation techniques, aimed at maximizing the spectral efficiency, are investigated as another possible solution for improving multimedia transmissions. For both slow and fast adaptive modulations, the effects of imperfect channel estimation errors are evaluated, showing that the fast technique, optimal in ideal systems, might be outperformed by the slow adaptive modulation, when a real test case is considered. Finally, the effects of co-channel interference and approximated bit error probability (BEP) are evaluated in adaptive modulation techniques, providing new decision regions concepts, and showing how the widely used BEP approximations lead to a substantial loss in the overall performance.


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This work has been realized by the author in his PhD course in Electrical, Computer Science and Telecommunication at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Italy. All the documentation here reported is a summary of years of work, under the supervision of Prof. Oreste Andrisano, coordinator of Wireless Communication Laboratory - WiLab, in Bologna. The subject of this thesis is the transmission of video in a context of heterogeneous network, and in particular, using a wireless channel. All the instrumentation that has been used for the characterization of the telecommunication systems belongs to CNR (National Research Council), CNIT (Italian Inter- University Center), and DEIS (Dept. of Electrical, Computer Science, and Systems). From November 2009 to July 2010, the author spent his time abroad, working in collaboration with DLR - German Aerospace Center in Munich, Germany, on channel coding area, developing a general purpose decoder machine to decode a huge family of iterative codes. A patent concerning Doubly Generalized-Low Density Parity Check codes has been produced by the author as well as some important scientic papers, published on IEEE journals and conferences.


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This work has been realized by the author in his PhD course in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunication at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Italy. The subject of this thesis regards important channel estimation aspects in wideband wireless communication systems, such as echo cancellation in digital video broadcasting systems and pilot aided channel estimation through an innovative pilot design in Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO-OFDM network. All the documentation here reported is a summary of years of work, under the supervision of Prof. Oreste Andrisano, coordinator of Wireless Communication Laboratory - WiLab, in Bologna. All the instrumentation that has been used for the characterization of the telecommunication systems belongs to CNR (National Research Council), CNIT (Italian Inter-University Center), and DEIS (Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science, and Systems). From November 2009 to May 2010, the author spent his time abroad, working in collaboration with DOCOMO - Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH (DOCOMO Euro-Labs) in Munich, Germany, in the Wireless Technologies Research Group. Some important scientific papers, submitted and/or published on IEEE journals and conferences have been produced by the author.