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1 Telegramm von Leo Löwenthal an Frederick Pollock, 12.10.1953; 2 Briefe von Frederick Pollock an Frederick J. Hacker (Arzt), Oktober 1953; 1 Brief von Frederick J. Hacker (Arzt), an Theodor W. Adorno, 06.12.1950; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Frederick Wild, 28.09.1953; 1 Brief von Frederick Wild an Max Horkheimer, 15.08.1953; 1 Brief von der Frankfurter Bücherstube an Frederick Pollock, 08.04.1953; 1 Brief von der Frankfurter Bücherstube an den Kurator W. Rau, 08.04.1953; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an die Guaranty Trust Company, 20.03.1953; 1 Brief von Germaine Krull-Ivens an Frederick Pollock, 14.01.1953;
2 Briefe von Frederick Pollock an Theodor W. Adorno, Juni 1954; 1 Brief von Frederick Pollock an Rosenberg, 27.10.1954; 1 Brief von Lotte Steinberger an Frederick Pollock, 23.05.1954; 1 Brief von dem British Consulate General (Los Angeles) an Frederick Pollock, 27.03.1954; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an das British Consulate General (Los Angeles), 26.01.1954;
Vorbesitzer: Johannes Matthaeus Valentini
Vorbesitzer: Johannes Matthaeus Valentini
The hypermodified, hydrophobic 2-methylthio-N$\sp6$-(dimethylallyl)-adenosine (ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A) residue occurs $3\sp\prime$ to the anticodon in tRNA species that read codons beginning with U. The first step (i$\sp6$A37 formation) of this modification is catalyzed by dimethylallyl diphosphate:tRNA dimethyallyltransferase (EC, which is the product of the miaA gene. Subsequent steps were proposed to be catalyzed by MiaB and MiaC enzymes to complete the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification. The study of functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 is very important because this modified base is one of the best candidates for a role in global control in response to environmental stress. This dissertation describes the further delineation of functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification in E. coli K-12 cells. This work provides significant information on functions of tRNA modifications in E. coli cells to adapt to stressful environmental conditions. Three hypotheses were tested in this work.^ The first hypothesis tested was that non-optimal translation processes cause increased spontaneous mutagenesis by the induction of SOS response in starving cells. To test this hypothesis, I measured spontaneous mutation rates of wild type cells and various mutant strains which are defective in tRNA modification, SOS response, or oxidative damage repair. I found that the miaA mutation acts as a mutator that increased Lac$\sp+$ reversion rates and Trp$\sp+$ reversion frequencies of the wild-type cells in starving conditions. However, the lexA3(Ind)(which abolishes the induction of SOS response) mutation abolished the mutator phenotype of the miaA mutant. The recA430 mutation, not other identified SOS genes, decreased the Lac$\sp+$ reversion to a less extent than that of the lexA3(Ind) mutation. These results suggest that RecA together with another unidentified SOS gene product are responsible for the process.^ The second hypothesis tested was that MiaA protein binds to full-length tRNA$\sp{\rm Phe}$ molecules in form of a protein dimer. To test this hypothesis, three versions of the MiaA protein and seven species of tRNA substrates were purified. Binding studies by gel mobility shift assays, filter binding assays and gel filtration shift assays support the hypothesis that MiaA protein binds to full-length tRNA$\sp{\rm Phe}$ as a protein dimer but as a monomer to the anticodon stem-and-loop. These results were further supported by using steady state enzyme kinetic studies.^ The third hypothesis tested in this work was that the miaB gene in E. coli exists and is clonable. The miaB::Tn10dCm insertion mutation of Salmonella typhimurium was transduced to E. coli K-12 cells by using P$\sb1$ and P$\sb{22}$ bacteriophages. The insertion was confirmed by HPLC analyses of nucleotide profiles of miaB mutants of E. coli. The insertion mutation was cloned and DNA sequences adjacent to the transposon were sequenced. These DNA sequences were 86% identical to the f474 gene at 14.97 min chromosome of E. coli. The f474 gene was then cloned by PCR from the wild-type chromosome of E. coli. The recombinant plasmid complemented the mutant phenotype of the miaB mutant of E. coli. These results support the hypothesis that the miaB gene of E. coli exists and is clonable. In summary, functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification in E. coli cells are further delineated in this work in perspectives of adaptation to stressful environmental conditions and protein:tRNA interaction. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
In the present paper ground truth and remotely sensed datasets were used for the investigation and quantification of the impact of Saharan dust on microwave propagation, the verification of theoretical results, and the validation of wind speeds determined by satellite microwave sensors. The influence of atmospheric dust was verified in two different study areas by investigations of single dust storms, wind statistics, wind speed scatter plots divided by the strength of Saharan dust storms, and wind speed differences in dependence of microwave frequencies and dust component of aerosol optical depth. An increase of the deviations of satellite wind speeds to ground truth wind speeds with higher microwave frequencies, with stronger dust storms, and with higher amount of coarse dust aerosols in coastal regions was obtained. Strong Saharan dust storms in coastal areas caused mean relative errors in the determination of wind speed by satellite microwave sensors of 16.3% at 10.7 GHz and of 20.3% at 37 GHz. The mean relative errors were smaller in the open sea area with 3.7% at 10.7 GHz and with 11.9% at 37 GHz.
Recent studies of abyssal peridotites (Johnson et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/JB095iB03p02661), mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs) (McKenzie, 1985, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(85)90001-9) and their entrained melt inclusions (Sobolev and Shimizu, 1993, doi:10.1038/363151a0; Humler and Whitechurch, 1988, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90055-6) have shown that fractional melting of the upwelling sub-oceanic mantle produces magmas with a much wider range of compositions than erupted MORBs. In particular, it seems that strongly depleted primary magmas are routinely produced by melting beneath ridges (Johnson et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/JB095iB03p02661). The absence of strongly depleted melts as erupted lavas prompts the question of how long such magmas survive beneath ridges, before their distinctive compositions are concealed by mixing with more enriched magmas. Here we report mineral compositions from a unique suite of oceanic cumulates recovered from DSDP Site 334 (Aumento et al., doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.37.1977), which indicate that the rocks crystallized from basaltic liquids that were strongly depleted in Na, Ti, Zr, Y, Sr and rare-earth elements relative to any erupted MORB. It thus appears that the magmatic plumbing system beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge permitted strongly depleted magmas to accumulate in a magma chamber and remain sufficiently isolated to produce cumulate rocks. Even so, spatial heterogeneity in the compositions of high-calcium pyroxenes suggests that in the later stages of solidification these rocks reacted with infiltrating enriched basaltic liquids.