996 resultados para 29Si MAS NMR


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The orientational order of nematic 4-alkyl-N-(4-cyanophenyl) piperidines (I) has been determined from H-2 and C-13 NMR spectra. Molecular-order parameters are derived from the carbon-13 chemical shift of the cyano carbon atom in the nematic and the isotropic phases; the sign of the diamagnetic anisotropy is positive. Deuterium quadrupolar splittings from the partially deuterated piperidine ring of I are then related to various C-D bonds.


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Multidimensional NMR studies of o-vanillin salicyloylhydrazone at various temperatures have been undertaken in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide and its cryoprotective mixture in H2O and D2O, acetone and acetonitrile. The molecule is found to exist in two conformers in dimethyl sulfoxide and the cryoprotective mixture. The exchange between the two conformers has been detected from the two-dimensional experiments - information which is not easily obtainable from the normal one-dimensional spectra. Results in the different solvents are interpreted in terms of solvent-solute interactions.


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The spinning sidebands observed in the C-13 MAS NMR spectra of cis,cis-mucononitrile oriented in liquid-crystalline media and of the neat sample in the solid state are studied. There are differences in the sideband intensity patterns in the two cases. These differences arise because the order parameters which characterize the orientation of the solute in the liquid-crystalline media differ for different axes. It is shown that, in general, the relative intensities of the sidebands contain information on the sign and magnitude of an effective chemical-shift parameter which is a function of the sum of the products of the principal components of the chemical-shift tensor and the corresponding order parameters with respect to the director. A method for obtaining the orientation of the carbon chemical-shift tensor is proposed. The carbon chemical-shift tensors obtained from gauge-including atomic orbital calculations are also presented for comparison. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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Films of (PEG)(x)NH4ClO4 (x = 5 to 1000) were prepared and characterized. The physical properties are observed to be a sensitive function of concentration. Hygroscopicity increases as salt content increases. Conductivity peaks (sigma = 2.7 x 10(-6) S/cm) at x = 46. The H-1 NMR line width has a minimum at x = 46, while that of Cl-35 monotonically increases with salt concentration, indicating that the complex is essentially a protonic conductor.


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H-1 Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR of layered HNbWO6 . xH(2)O (x = 1.5, 0.5) is carried out at room temperature and at various spinning speeds (1-12 kHz). Results on the fully hydrated sample (x = 1.5) are consistent with the model of diffusion of H3O+ ions within the layers. In the partially dehydrated sample (x = 0.5) an exchange between the distinctly present cage protons and H3O+ protons leads to protonic conduction.


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We have carried out H-1 Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR measurements at various spinning speeds (1-12 kHz) on HNbWO(6)xH(2)O (x = 0 and 1) defect pyrochlore systems. The variation of the line width with the spinning speed in the two systems points towards the presence of motions with different time scales. We conclude that the mechanism of conduction in both the compounds are similar except that the proton hopping in hydrated form is assisted by the water of hydration.


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The results of an NMR study of the interaction of quinazoline with iodine in the nematic phase indicate the formation of at least two different types of charge-transfer complexes. Significant changes in the molecular geometry of the quinazoline moiety were observed as a result of complexation with iodine. Detailed information on the formation of the charge-transfer complexes was derived from the changes in the molecular structure, order parameters and chemical shifts as functions of iodine concentration. The observed changes in the order parameters are interpreted in terms of bond interaction tensors.


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GMP synthetase, a class I amidotransferase, catalyzes the last step of the purine biosynthetic pathway, where ammonia from glutamine is incorporated into xanthosine 5'-monophospate to yield guanosine 5'-monnophosphate as the main product. Combined biochemical, structural, and computational studies of glutamine amidotransferases have revealed the existence of physically separate active sites connected by molecular tunnels that efficiently transfer ammonia from the glutaminase site to the synthetase site. Here, we have investigated aspects of ammonia channeling in P. falciparum GMP synthetase using biochemical assays in conjunction with N-15-edited proton NMR spectroscopy. Our results suggest that (1) ammonia released from glutamine is not equilibrated with the external medium (2) saturating concentrations of glutamine do not obliterate the incorporation of external ammonia into GMP, and (3) ammonia in the external medium can access the thioester intermediate when the ATPPase domain is bound to substrates. Further, mutation of Cys-102 to alanine confirmed its identity as the catalytic residue in the glutaminase domain, and ammonia-dependent assays on the mutant indicated glutamine to be a partial uncompetitive inhibitor of the enzyme.


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Multiple quantum-single quantum correlation experiments are employed for spectral simplification and determination of the relative signs of the couplings. In this study, we have demonstrated the excitation of three nuclei, triple quantum coherences and discussed the information obtainable from such experiments. The experiments have been carried out on doubly labeled acetonitrile and fluoroacetonitrile aligned in liquid crystalline media. The experiment is advantageous in providing many spectral parameters from a single experiment. The coherence pathways involved in the pulse sequence are described using product operators. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The higher substrate and chiral auxiliary concentration is a pre-requisite to obtain efficient separation of H-1 NMR signals of enantiomers. The higher concentration of chiral lanthanide shift reagents provides broadened spectral lines resulting in a severe loss of resolution between the enantiomer resonances. In order to circumvent such difficulties, herein we present the application and the usefulness of a selective F-1 decoupled correlation (COSY) experiment which yields proton decoupled proton spectra in the indirect dimension. The potentiality of the experiment is demonstrated on several chiral compounds possessing different functional groups, employing either a lanthanide shift reagent or a solvating reagent as chiral auxiliaries. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Weak molecular interactions such as those in pyridine-iodine, benzene-iodine and benzene-chloroform systems oriented in thermotropic liquid crystals have been studied from the changes of the order parameters as a result of complex formation. The results indicate the formation of at least two types of charge transfer complexes in pyridine-iodine solutions. The pi-complexes in benzene-chloroform and benzene-iodine mixtures have also been detected. No detectable changes in the inter-proton distances in these systems were observed.


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The two low-temperature phase transitions in dicalcium barium propionate have been investigated by H-1 NMR relaxation (T-1,T-2,T-1 rho) studies carried out at a Larmor frequency of 300 MHz. The T-1 and T-1 rho results indicate the presence of C2H5 dynamics near these two transitions. We infer from the T-1 rho results that the slow motions of the C2H5 groups are responsible for the II-III transition.


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The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of N-(2-pyridinyl)-, N-(4-methyl2-pyridinyl)-, and N-(6-methyl-2-pyridinyl)-3-pyridine-carboxamides (1�3, respectively) and 3-pyridinecarboxamide (4) in different solvents have been analysed using COSY, HETCOR, chemical shift and coupling constant correlations. The conformations of 1�4 have been obtained by utilizing the NMR spectra, NOE experiments and MINDO/3 calculations. In dilute solutions, the 2-pyridyl ring is coplanar with the amide group while the 3-pyridyl ring is apparently not. Compounds 1�3 dimerize through cooperative hydrogen bonding in concentrated CDCl3 solution (approximately 0.1 M) and the structure of the dimer resembles some of the DNA base-pairs. Hydrogen bonding between N---H and the solvent molecules hinders dimerization in (CD3)2CO and CD3CN.


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Ion transport across phospholipid vesicles was studied by 7Li and 23Na-NMR using an aqueous anionic paramagnetic shift reagent, dysprosium nitrilotriacetate [Dy(NTA)2]3?, mediated by ionophores, lasalocid A and A23187. The intra- and extracellular 7Li and 23Na-NMR signals were well separated (20?Hz) at mM concentration of the shift reagent. The observed data on the rate constant for lithium transport across DPPC vesicles at various concentrations of the ionophores indicated that lasalocid A is a more efficient carrier for lithium ion compared with the sodium ion transport by this ionophore, while A23187 was not specific to either of the ions (Li or Na). ©1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The H-1 NMR spectra of N-(4-methylphenyl)-2-pyridinecarboxamide and N-(4-methyl-phenyl)-3-pyridine carboxamide in CDCl3 and (CD3)(2)CO have been analysed with the help of the COSY spectra. Accurate H-1 chemical shifts and coupling constants have been obtained from the simulated spectra. From H-1 NMR and Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) measurements the molecular conformations are inferred. The pyridyl ring is apparently coplanar with the amide group while the 3-pyridyl ring is nearly perpendicular to the amide plane so that the amide proton is nearer to the 2-pyridyl proton H2 than to H4. The orientation of the 4-methylphenyl group could not be determined.