224 resultados para 2155


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q35, 37K10.


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Colleges base their admission decisions on a number of factors to determine which applicants have the potential to succeed. This study utilized data for students that graduated from Florida International University between 2006 and 2012. Two models were developed (one using SAT as the principal explanatory variable and the other using ACT as the principal explanatory variable) to predict college success, measured using the student’s college grade point average at graduation. Some of the other factors that were used to make these predictions were high school performance, socioeconomic status, major, gender, and ethnicity. The model using ACT had a higher R^2 but the model using SAT had a lower mean square error. African Americans had a significantly lower college grade point average than graduates of other ethnicities. Females had a significantly higher college grade point average than males.


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions and collected plankton (viruses, bacteria, protists and metazoans) for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter that were measured from discrete water samples collected with Niskin bottles during the 2009-2013 Tara Oceans expedition. Properties include pigment concentrations from HPLC analysis (10 depths per vertical profile, 25 pigments per depth), the carbonate system (Surface and 400m; pH (total scale), CO2, pCO2, fCO2, HCO3, CO3, Total alkalinity, Total carbon, OmegaAragonite, OmegaCalcite, and dosage Flags), nutrients (10 depths per vertical profile; NO2, PO4, N02/NO3, SI, quality Flags), DOC, CDOM, and dissolved oxygen isotopes. The Service National d'Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2, at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, determined CT and AT potentiometrically. More than 200 vertical profiles of these properties were made across the world ocean. DOC, CDOM and dissolved oxygen isotopes are available only for the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013).


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In this study we review a global set of alkenone- and foraminiferal Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperatures (SST) records from the Holocene and compare them with a suite of published Eemian SST records based on the same approach. For the Holocene, the alkenone SST records belong to the actualized GHOST database (Kim, J.-H., Schneider R.R., 2004). The actualized GHOST database not only confirms the SST changes previously described but also documents the Holocene temperature evolution in new oceanic regions such as the Northwestern Atlantic, the eastern equatorial Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. A comparison of Holocene SST records stemming from the two commonly applied paleothermometry methods reveals contrasting - sometimes divergent - SST evolution, particularly at low latitudes where SST records are abundant enough to infer systematic discrepancies at a regional scale. Opposite SST trends at particular locations could be explained by out-of-phase trends in seasonal insolation during the Holocene. This hypothesis assumes that a strong contrast in the ecological responses of coccolithophores and planktonic foraminifera to winter and summer oceanographic conditions is the ultimate reason for seasonal differences in the origin of the temperature signal provided by these organisms. As a simple test for this hypothesis, Eemian SST records are considered because the Holocene and Eemian time periods experienced comparable changes in orbital configurations, but had a higher magnitude in insolation variance during the Eemian. For several regions, SST changes during both interglacials were of a similar sign, but with higher magnitudes during the Eemian as compared to the Holocene. This observation suggests that the ecological mechanism shaping SST trends during the Holocene was comparable during the penultimate interglacial period. Although this "ecology hypothesis" fails to explain all of the available results, we argue that any other mechanism would fail to satisfactorily explain the observed SST discrepancies among proxies.


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O cancro é um problema de saúde crescente no mundo e é a segunda causa de morte depois das doenças cardíacas. De acordo com a Agência Internacional de Investigação em Cancro (IARC) existem atualmente mais de 10 milhões de casos de cancro por ano no mundo. Os produtos naturais oferecem oportunidades de inovação na descoberta de novos fármacos. Neste sentido, os compostos naturais isolados a partir de plantas medicinais, como potenciais fontes de novas drogas anticancerígenas, têm tido um interesse crescente. Os Óleos Essenciais (OEs) são sintetizados pelas plantas e têm sido estudados pelas suas inúmeras atividades biológicas, incluindo anticancerígena, anti-inflamatória, antimicrobiana, antiviral, antioxidante e repelente de insetos. Este estudo tem como objetivos determinar a eficácia de OEs de seis espécies de plantas das dunas de Peniche (Portugal), como potenciais agentes terapêuticos anticancerígenos em linhas celulares de cancro da mama (MCF7) e do colo-rectal (RKO), assim como perceber o mecanismo de ação destes OEs. Neste estudo, partes aéreas de Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima, Crithmum maritimum, Eryngium maritimum, Juniperus turbinata subsp. turbinata, Otanthus maritimus e Seseli tortuosum foram colhidas na praia da Consolação, em Peniche (Portugal), e os seus OEs isolados através de hidrodestilação. A composição química dos OEs foi investigada por cromatografia gasosa (GC) e por cromatografia gasosa com espetrofotometria de massa (GC-MS) e os compostos maioritários foram descritos para cada óleo. Para avaliar a atividade anticancerígena nas linhas celulares MCF7 e RKO, o método MTS (3- (4, 5-dimethyl- 2 -thiazolyl) - 2, 5-dyphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) foi usado e a viabilidade celular avaliada, através de diluições sucessivas, a concentrações iniciais de 5 μL/mL e 1 μL/mL, com diluição de 1:2 e 1:10, respetivamente, comparando com o controlo (DMSO). De todos os OEs testados, a atividade anticancerígena foi descrita, em ambas as linhas celulares, como observado pela diminuição da viabilidade/proliferação celular – exceto o OE Eryngium maritimum a uma concentração inicial de 5 μL/mL.Com o objetivo de avaliar o mecanismo biológico de ação dos OEs, foi realizado um western blot para marcadores relativos ao bloqueio do ciclo celular e apoptose (p53, p21 e caspase 3 clivada), para Seseli tortuosum e Otanthus maritimus. Foi observado um aumento do nível proteína p53 nas células tratadas com estes OEs, sugerindo a indução de stress celular nas células cancerígenas testadas. No entanto, não foi observada caspase 3 clivada, sugerindo que a apoptose não terá sido a causa para a diminuição da viabilidade/proliferação celular observada. Foi ainda observado o aumento da expressão da p21 com os OEs selecionados, sugerindo que o tratamento com OE está associado ao bloqueio do ciclo celular. Para validar estas observações, a análise realizada por FACS, depois do tratamento indica um possível bloqueio do ciclo celular na fase G1. Concluindo, a concentração inicial de 5 μL/mL revelou ser muito tóxica para as linhas celulares testadas. No entanto, a uma concentração final de 1 μL/mL foi demonstrada uma diminuição da viabilidade/proliferação celular para todos os OEs. No estudo preliminar do mecanismo de ação dos OEs, foi demonstrado, face à presença da p21, que os óleos de Seseli tortuosum e Otanthus maritimus atuam bloqueando o ciclo celular. Para comprovar estes resultados, o FACS realizado (apenas no OE de Seseli tortuosum) revelou que este bloqueio pode ocorrer, pelo aumento da percentagem de células observadas, na fase G1. Estes resultados demonstram o interesse destes OEs de Peniche na procura de novos agentes quimo preventivos contra a progressão do cancro da mama e colo-rectal.


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Las Tutelas contra las providencias judiciales como cualquier entidad Jurídica significativa de relevancia en la sociedad no se dio en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, a contrario sensu tuvo un proceso largo y tedioso pero que generó resultados maravillosos desde el punto de vista positivo. Uno de sus principal orígenes se da aproximadamente hace ya 200 años desde lo sucedido en el famoso caso “Marbury vs. Madison” , pues todavía podemos palpar los grandes precedentes dejados con las consideraciones de la corte en su momento, precedentes que afortunadamente hicieron eco en nuestro país permitiendo que hoy los jueces en sus providencias de una forma directa o indirecta se retracten de sus decisiones, que en muchos casos son desfavorables a los ciudadanos.


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The percentage of elderly population is increasing and it is estimated that by 2050 30% of the population in developed countries will be over 65. Elderly often have multiple chronic diseases that require multiple medications.


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The sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL-a) were analysed in the Gulf of Tadjourah from two set of 8-day composite satellite data, respectively from 2008 to 2012 and from 2005 to 2011. A singular spectrum analysis (SSA) shows that the annual cycle of SST is strong (74.3% of variance) and consists of warming (April-October) and cooling (November-March) of about 2.5C than the long-term average. The semi-annual cycle captures only 14.6% of temperature variance and emphasises the drop of SST during July-August. Similarly, the annual cycle of CHL-a (29.7% of variance) depicts high CHL-a from June to October and low concentration from November to May. In addition, the first spatial empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of SST (93% of variance) shows that the seasonal warming/cooling is in phase across the whole study area but the southeastern part always remaining warmer or cooler. In contrast to the SST, the first EOF of CHL-a (54.1% of variance) indicates the continental shelf in phase opposition with the offshore area in winter during which the CHL-a remains sequestrated in the coastal area particularly in the south-east and in the Ghoubet Al-Kharab Bay. Inversely during summer, higher CHL-a quantities appear in the offshore waters. In order to investigate processes generating these patterns, a multichannel spectrum analysis was applied to a set of oceanic (SST, CHL-a) and atmospheric parameters (wind speed, air temperature and air specific humidity). This analysis shows that the SST is well correlated to the atmospheric parameters at an annual scale. The windowed cross correlation indicates that this correlation is significant only from October to May. During this period, the warming was related to the solar heating of the surface water when the wind is low (April-May and October) while the cooling (November-March) was linked to the strong and cold North-East winds and to convective mixing. The summer drop in SST followed by a peak of CHL-a, seems strongly correlated to the upwelling. The second EOF modes of SST and CHL-a explain respectively 1.3% and 5% of the variance and show an east-west gradient during winter that is reversed during summer. This work showed that the seasonal signals have a wide spatial influence and dominate the variability of the SST and CHL-a while the east-west gradient are specific for the Gulf of Tadjourah and seem induced by the local wind modulated by the topography.


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Inhibitors are the main complication in the treatment of haemophilia. A high percentage of adult patients were infected in past decades by HIV and HCV through factor concentrates. This study compared the quality of life of patients with hemophilia (QoL) and illness behavior in adult patients with haemophilia according to the development of inhibitors and HIV or HCV co-infection. This is an observational clinical study. 69 adult patients with haemophilia participated. We used A36 Hemophilia-QoL and IBQ questionnaires to measure the QoL and illness behavior, respectively. The dependent variables were type and severity of haemophilia, type of treatment, development of inhibitors, HIV and HCV infection, or both. We observed significant differences in the perception of QoL and illness behavior in patients according to the development of inhibitor and coinfection with HIV-HCV. We obtained four groups: the first and second group, which comprise 67% of the sample, exhibit behavior patterns indicating good adaptation to the disease and good QoL. The other two groups, which comprise 33% of the sample show behavior that is not well adapted to the disease, and poor quality of life. The development of inhibitors itself does not influence the quality of life and illness behavior in patients with haemophilia. Patients infected with HIV or HCV do not have a worse illness behavior compared to those uninfected. The development of inhibitors and HIV-HCV co-infection has a negative impact on quality of life and illness behavior in patients with haemophilia.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma realidade comum nos grandes centros urbanos no mundo, e que acontece hoje de forma intensa e acelerada na cidade de Salvador, Bahia – Brasil: ocupações regularizadas das áreas de Florestas Tropicais (Mata Atlântica), neste caso, na Avenida Paralela, um dos lugares que vem passando por transformações na sua paisagem natural, com construções de condomínios residenciais para as classes média e alta, shoppings centers, lojas, abertura de ruas e avenidas e, principalmente, a expulsão dos moradores de áreas de “invasão” (favelas) que existem há décadas, como o Bairro da Paz, com a intensificação da especulação imobiliária e, como mecanismo de redução da violência urbana nesta localidade. Para o poder público, o desmatamento e a ocupação informal dessa mesma área há anos atrás era inaceitável, hoje, com a implementação de políticas “publicas”, como o gestado no Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano – PDDU, acontece não somente a devastação da Mata Atlântica, bem como o incentivo à ocupação formal e à segregação social dos grupos menos favorecidos.