785 resultados para 19th Century Architecture Iron building
European accounts from the 17th century onwards have referred to the repute and manufacture of “wootz’, a traditional crucible steel made especially in parts of southern India in the former provinces of Golconda, Mysore and Salem. Pliny's Natural History mentions the import of iron and steel from the Seres which have been thought to refer to the ancient southern Indian kingdom of the Cheras. As yet the scale of excavations and surface surveys is too limited to link the literary accounts to archaeometallurgical evidence, although pioneering exploratory investigations have been made by scholars, especially on the pre-industrial production sites of Konasamudram and Gatihosahalli discussed in 18th-19th century European accounts. In 1991–2 during preliminary surveys of ancient base metal mining sites, Srinivasan came across unreported dumps with crucible fragments at Mel-Siruvalur in Tamil Nadu, and Tintini and Machnur in Karnataka and she collected surface specimens from these sites as well as from the known site of Gatihosahalli. She was also given crucible fragments by the Tamil University, Tanjavur, from an excavated megalithic site at Kodumanal, dated to ca 2nd c. Bc, mentioned in Tamil Sangam literature (ca 3rd c. BC-3rd c. AD), and very near Karur, the ancient capital of the Sangam Cheras. Analyses of crucible fragments from the surface collection at Mel-Siruvalur showed several iron prills with a uniform pearlitic structure of high-carbon hypereutectoid steel (∼1–1.5% C) suggesting that the end product was uniformly a high-carbon steel of a structure consistent with those of high-carbon steels used successfully to experimentally replicate the watered steel patterns on ‘Damascus’ swords. Investigations indicate that the process was of carburisation of molten low carbon iron (m.p. 1400° C) in crucibles packed with carbonaceous matter. The fabric of crucibles from all the above mentioned sites appears similar. Preliminary investigations on these crucibles are thus reported to establish their relationship to crucible production of carbon steel and to thereby extend the known horizons of this technology further.
[ES] A fin de garantizar el aprovechamiento deun recurso renovable como la madera, en un momento de retroceso forestal y escasez de materiales, los habitantes de la provincia de Guipúzcoa, ante lo exiguo de su territorio, arbitraron un sistema que permitió combinar las necesidades y demandas de actividades tan dispares como la ganadería, el consumo doméstico, la siderurgia o la construcción naval. El presente artículo pretende analizar el origen, desarrollo y desaparición de los trasmochos guiados y describir su técnica en el territorio guipuzcoano. A falta de mayores evidencias, parece que la técnica del trasmochado o desmochado guiado inició su andadura en la Baja Edad Media, aunque hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XVI no existen datos documentales de su utilización en territorio guipuzcoano. Su generalización en todo el territorio guipuzcoano no parece producirse definitivamente hasta finales del siglo XVII, aunque para entonces se venía aplicando en la costa y el sector oriental de la reclamaciones de las autoridades reales y territoriales, la obligación de dejar horca y pendón se encontró con la oposición de carboneros y ferrones, quienes trasmochaban los árboles pero sin guiarlos, perjudicando de ese modo a las autoridades e intereses de la Marina Real. Precisamente el incumplimiento de las ordenanzas fue lo que provocó la aparición de dos modelos, con usos diferenciados: trasmochos sin guiar y trasmochos guiados. A lo largo del siglo XIX dicha técnica se fue perdiendo, coincidiendo con la paulatina desaparición de la construcción naval en madera.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar, tendo como objeto a Comissão de Melhoramentos da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a construção do discurso da higiene e urbanização que se delineou no Rio de Janeiro a partir da epidemia de 1849 e construiu ao longo do século XIX um discurso de cidade civilizada e moderna a partir de planos de melhoramentos urbanos e sanitários, em um movimento liderado por engenheiros e sanitaristas, em sua maioria, ligados ao poder público, discurso este que irá se materializar, efetivamente, no início do século XX com o Prefeito Francisco Pereira Passos.
O presente trabalho se dedica a realizar uma incursão na história do pensamento criminológico a fim de contribuir para um mapeamento das justificativas do surgimento de certas normas penais, algumas ainda em vigor, e o mapeamento das razões da edificação de muitas instituições jurídicas e administrativas, algumas ainda em funcionamento. A análise tradicional da biografia da Criminologia costuma, todavia, omitir certas ideias que deveriam ser integradas ao percurso da sua vertente científica. Vários são os autores que apontam para a origem da trajetória cientificista criminológica na Europa do fim do século XIX. No entanto, quando se aprofunda na identificação das raízes das referências positivistas na implicação Medicina-Pessoa-Sociedade da era moderna e sua influência na seara criminológica, percebesse que uma tímida Criminologia já estava nascendo no início do século XIX com os estudos sobre a fisiologia cerebral. Em meio a um processo político amplo de fortalecimento do Estado e da burguesia, dá-se a formação de um aparato médico-jurídico, pelo qual se demonstra a tentativa de reconhecimento da autoridade médica para além dos limites legítimos da atividade. Preocupa-se, portanto, em chamar a atenção para o movimento de medicalização do criminoso por uma leitura histórica do impacto do cientificismo cerebral na esfera criminal. O material desenvolvido pela Frenologia e, depois, pela Antropologia Criminal, é emblemático dessa onda cientificista do século XIX, na qual as pesquisas cerebrais imprimem a visão sobre a etiologia do crime a partir de seus marcadores biológicos. Mais particularmente, atenta-se para a recepção das teorias de Franz Joseph Gall e de Cesare Lombroso sobre o cérebro (do) criminoso na criminologia do século XIX, através da discussão da noção de livre arbítrio, do debate sobre retribuição versus tratamento, bem como das propostas de medidas preventivas em caso de tendências à violência e das políticas públicas voltadas para o cerceamento de direitos em nome de uma suposta defesa social.
The 19th century commercial ship-based fishery for gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, in the eastern North Pacific began in 1846 and continued until the mid 1870’s in southern areas and the 1880’s in the north. Henderson identified three periods in the southern part of the fishery: Initial, 1846–1854; Bonanza, 1855–1865; and Declining, 1866–1874. The largest catches were made by “lagoon whaling” in or immediately outside the whale population’s main wintering areas in Mexico—Magdalena Bay, Scammon’s Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon. Large catches were also made by “coastal” or “alongshore” whaling where the whalers attacked animals as they migrated along the coast. Gray whales were also hunted to a limited extent on their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in summer. Using all available sources, we identified 657 visits by whaling vessels to the Mexican whaling grounds during the gray whale breeding and calving seasons between 1846 and 1874. We then estimated the total number of such visits in which the whalers engaged in gray whaling. We also read logbooks from a sample of known visits to estimate catch per visit and the rate at which struck animals were lost. This resulted in an overall estimate of 5,269 gray whales (SE = 223.4) landed by the ship-based fleet (including both American and foreign vessels) in the Mexican whaling grounds from 1846 to 1874. Our “best” estimate of the number of gray whales removed from the eastern North Pacific (i.e. catch plus hunting loss) lies somewhere between 6,124 and 8,021, depending on assumptions about survival of struck-but-lost whales. Our estimates can be compared to those by Henderson (1984), who estimated that 5,542–5,507 gray whales were secured and processed by ship-based whalers between 1846 and 1874; Scammon (1874), who believed the total kill over the same period (of eastern gray whales by all whalers in all areas) did not exceed 10,800; and Best (1987), who estimated the total landed catch of gray whales (eastern and western) by American ship-based whalers at 2,665 or 3,013 (method-dependent) from 1850 to 1879. Our new estimates are not high enough to resolve apparent inconsistencies between the catch history and estimates of historical abundance based on genetic variability. We suggest several lines of further research that may help resolve these inconsistencies.
The sonata began to lose its position of predominance among compositions in the middle of the 19th century. Having been the platform for harmonic and thematic development of music since the late baroque period the sonata entered a process of reevaluation and experimentation with form. As a result fewer sonatas were being composed with some composers dropping the genre completely. This dissertation looks at the different approaches taken by the German, French and Russian schools of composition and compares the solo and chamber music applications of the sonata form. In the German tradition Franz Liszt's Sonata in b minor sets the standard for the revolutionary approach to form while the Berg Sonata is a very conservative application of form to an innovative use of extended chromaticism. Both composers chose to write one movement through composed pieces with Liszt working with a very expansive use of form and Berg being extremely compact and efficient. Among the Russian composers, Prokofieff's third sonata is also a one movement sonata, but he falls between Liszt and Berg in terms of the length of the piece and the use of innovative musical language. Scriabin uses a two movement approach, but keeps the element of a through composed piece with the same important material spanning both movements. Stravinsky is the most conservative of these with a three movement sonata that uses a mix of chromaticism and baroque and classical style influences. The French almost stopped composing true sonatas except for chamber music where Franck and Fauré write late romantic sonatas, while Debussy is very innovative within a three movement sonata. Estampes, by Debussy, are taken in almost as an afterthought to illustrate the direction Debussy takes in his piano solo music. While Estampes is by definition a set of character pieces they function like a sonata with three movements.
Stocks of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, have been declining in Chesapeake Bay since the late 19th century, and current strategies involve restoring culture of Crassostrea virginica on-bottom and in devices suspended within the water column. Sub-tidal suspension culture of Crassostrea virginica in Chesapeake Bay occurs mostly in sheltered inlets and tidal creeks and, thereby, has the potential to influence shallow water biogeochemical processes. To assess the influence of Crassostrea virginica biodeposits and benthic microalgae on sediment nitrogen and phosphorus exchange, field studies with Crassostrea virginica held in aquaculture floats and laboratory experiments were conducted. Enhanced organic nitrogen deposition from Crassostrea virginica biodeposits led to gradual increases in surface sediment nitrogen and pore water ammonium concentrations; however, modifications to pore water concentrations were not always expressed at the sediment-water interface. Benthic microalgae often modulated the influence of biodeposits on sediment nitrogen exchange but, as observed in laboratory experiments, the supply of nitrogen from Crassostrea virginica biodeposits may exceed their biological demand. Organic carbon from biodeposits had varying influences on aerobic respiration but consistently stimulated anaerobic metabolism. Shifts in net phosphorus exchange were driven by this anaerobic remineralization and concentrations of iron and manganese oxy(hydr)oxides, with transitions in fluxes coinciding with changes in benthic photosynthesis and oxidation of surface sediments. Manganese and iron oxy(hydr)oxides from biodeposits supported incorporation of added phosphorus and prevented exchange at the sediment-water interface in the absence of iron-sulfide mineral formation. Differences in the response of shallow water sediments to Crassostrea virginica biodeposits were due to the quality and quantity of biodeposits supplied, as well as the spatial and temporal variability within these sediments. Initial conditions and corresponding reference sediments illustrated the potential for sediment biogeochemistry and nutrient exchange from tidal creek sediments to vary spatially and temporally on relatively small scales. Factors influencing variability within tidal creek sediments were related to shifts in riverine freshwater inputs, macroalgal blooms, nutrient concentrations in overlying waters, and bioirrigation from the clam, Macoma balthica.
*This extract is from Gay P. Crowther's description of the Randall Court pathway (Cowther 1985).
This report details the archaeology completed at Reynolds Tavern in the years 1982,1983, and 1984. It was completed in 2013, nearly 30 years after the excavation took place, using archival materials such as the draft interim reports, unit summary forms, original notes and photographs which are currently stored in the University Archives at Hornbake Library, at the University of Maryland, College Park. This report has been a collaboration across time and space, drawing from preliminary reports written by Anne Yenstch and Susan Mira in 1982 and Joe Dent and Beth Ford in 1983, as well as original notes from students of the field schools held there during those years, various analyses by scholars from many universities (including the University of Maryland, University of Georgia, and the College of William and Mary), and historical research by Nancy Baker. Thomas Cuddy began the writing of this report in 2002, completing the first three chapters in addition to the artifact analysis that led to the postexcavation identification of the African bundles in the Reynolds Tavern basement. This remarkable discovery was made along with Mark Leone of the University of Maryland, founder and director of Archaeology in Annapolis, who also served as the Principle Investigator during all three years of the Reynolds Tavern excavations. Dr. Leone contributed the fifth and final chapter to this report, the Conclusions and Recommendations, during its final compilation in 2013. The final report, including the fourth chapter on the archaeology itself, was written in part and compiled by Patricia Markert of the University of Maryland in the spring of 2013. Reynolds Tavern has been part of the landscape of Annapolis for two-hundred and fifty five years (at the time of the publication of this report). It sits on Church Circle facing St. Anne’s Church, and is a beautiful example of 18th century Georgian architecture as well one of the defining features of Historic Annapolis today. It currently operates as a popular restaurant and pub, but has served variously as a hat shop, a tavern, an inn, a library and a bank over time, among other things. Its long history contributes to its significance as an archaeological site, and also as a historic marker in present day Annapolis. The archaeology conducted at Reynolds Tavern shed light on life in 18th and 19th century Annapolis, illuminating details of the occupants’ lives through the material traces they left behind. These include an 18th century cobblestone road that ran diagonally through the Tavern’s yard, telling of the movement through early Annapolis; a large and intact well, which was found ii to contain a 19 foot wooden pipe; a large, ovular privy containing many of the objects used on a day to day basis at the Tavern or the structures around it; a subterranean brick storage feature in the basement of the Tavern, which may have been used by Reynolds during his days operating a hat shop; and also in the basement, two African caches of objects, providing a glimpse into West African spiritual practices alive in historic Annapolis and the presence of African American individuals at the Tavern in the 18th and 19th centuries. The purpose of this report is to detail these archaeological investigations and their findings, so that a public record will be available and the archaeology completed at Reynolds Tavern can continue to contribute to the history of Annapolis.
This paper describes the use of a blackboard architecture for building a hybrid case based reasoning (CBR) system. The Smartfire fire field modelling package has been built using this architecture and includes a CBR component. It allows the integration into the system of qualitative spatial reasoning knowledge from domain experts. The system can be used for the automatic set-up of fire field models. This enables fire safety practitioners who are not expert in modelling techniques to use a fire modelling tool. The paper discusses the integrating powers of the architecture, which is based on a common knowledge representation comprising a metric diagram and place vocabulary and mechanisms for adaptation and conflict resolution built on the Blackboard.
In the early 19th century the London Missionary Society’s activities in South Africa were the subject of great scandal and a source of disrepute. The behaviour and attitudes of the first wave of LMS missionaries had challenged, and caused outrage, to both the political and moral norms of the colony. The radical attitudes and unconventional private lives of many of the early missionaries had also clearly shocked the Directors in Europe. In these controversies, and in the manner that the Society dealt with them, there can be read a contestation about not only the character, but also the purpose of mission activity. Was the Missionary task to work for political stability, to spread European values and help prepare a compliant and educated workforce? Or was it to save ‘lost souls’ and turn people away from idolatry and sin? Or, again, was it to fight for the oppressed, to liberate slaves and oppose tyranny? These debates were framed in complex and contradictory ways by a larger discussion that was informed by the new ideas and agendas that had emerged in the 18th century, commonly referred to as ‘The Enlightenment’. This paper traces the contours of an engagement between ‘Evangelical’ values and ‘Enlightenment’ principles through an exploration of the issues of the day such as: abolitionism, women’s rights, civilization and savagery. [From the Author]
This article investigates intersections between legal and literary discourse in Ireland in the early 19th century, and explores how judicial tropes, in particular that of an “alternative judiciary”, shape perceptions of Irish identity as well as cultural expression. Whilst Ireland and the Irish were typically characterized as lawless, this article examines the ubiquitous presence of alternative legal systems, focusing on the writings of Thomas Moore (1779–1852) and William Carleton (1794–1869). These representations, and the questions of authority and legitimacy that they provoke, are considered within critical debates about the development of literary forms in Ireland, and the inherent relationship that legal alterity evokes between textual and judicial authority.
The project comprises of the re-ordering and extension of a 19th century country house in the extreme south west of Ireland. The original house is what can be termed an Irish house of the middle size. A common typology in 19th century Ireland the classical house of the middle size is characterised by a highly ordered plan containing a variety of rooms within a square or rectangular form. A strategy of elaborating the threshold between the reception rooms of the house and the garden was adopted by wrapping the house in a notional forest of columns creating deep verandas to the south and west
of the main living spaces. The grid of structural columns derived its proportions directly from the house. The columns became analogous with the mature oak and pine trees in the garden beyond while the floor and ceiling were considered as landscapes in their own right, with the black floor forming hearth stone, kitchen island and basement cellar and the concrete roof inflected to hold roof lights, a chimney and a landscape of pleasure on the roof above.
Aims / Objectives / Questions
1To restore and extend a “house of the middle size”, a historic Irish typology, in a sympathetic manner.
2To address the new build accommodation in a sustainable manner through strategies associated with orientation, micro climates, materiality and engineering both mechanical and structural.
3To explore and develop an understanding for two spatial orders, the enfilade room and non directional space of the grid.
4The creation of deep threshold space.
5Marbling as a finish in fair faced concrete
6Concrete as a sustainable building material
The concept of space entered architectural history as late as 1893. Studies in art opened up the discussion, and it has been studied in various ways in architecture ever since. This article aims to instigate an additional reading to architectural history, one that is not supported by "isms" but based on space theories in the 20th century. Objectives of the article are to bring the concept of space and its changing paradigms to the attention of architectural researchers, to introduce a conceptual framework to classify and clarify theories of space, and to enrich the discussions on the 20th century architecture through theories that are beyond styles. The introduction of space in architecture will revolve around subject-object relationships, three-dimensionality and senses. Modern space will be discussed through concepts such as empathy, perception, abstraction, and geometry. A scientific approach will follow to study the concept of place through environment, event, behavior, and design methods. Finally, the research will look at contemporary approaches related to digitally supported space via concepts like reality-virtuality, mediated experience, and relationship with machines.